
614 lines
18 KiB

/* Any copyright", " is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
* Tests that various editors work as expected. Also checks
* that the various changes are properly undoable and redoable.
* For each step in the test, we:
* - Run the setup for that test (if any)
* - Check that the node we're editing is as we expect
* - Make the change, check that the change was made as we expect
* - Undo the change, check that the node is back in its original state
* - Redo the change, check that the node change was made again correctly.
* This test mostly tries to verify that the editor makes changes to the
* underlying DOM, not that the UI updates - UI updates are based on
* underlying DOM changes, and the mutation tests should cover those cases.
function test() {
let inspector;
let {
getInplaceEditorForSpan: inplaceEditor
} = devtools.require("devtools/shared/inplace-editor");
// Will hold the doc we're viewing
let doc;
// Holds the MarkupTool object we're testing.
let markup;
* Edit a given editableField
function editField(aField, aValue)
EventUtils.sendKey("return", inspector.panelWin);
let input = inplaceEditor(aField).input;
input.value = aValue;
EventUtils.sendKey("return", inspector.panelWin);
* Check that the appropriate attributes are assigned to a node.
* @param {HTMLNode} aElement
* The node to check.
* @param {Object} aAttributes
* An object containing the arguments to check.
* e.g. {id="id1",class="someclass"}
* NOTE: When checking attribute values bare in mind that node.getAttribute()
* returns attribute values provided by the HTML parser. The parser only
* provides unescaped entities so & will return &.
function assertAttributes(aElement, aAttributes)
let attrs = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(aAttributes);
is(aElement.attributes.length, attrs.length,
"Node has the correct number of attributes");
for (let attr of attrs) {
is(aElement.getAttribute(attr), aAttributes[attr],
"Node has the correct " + attr + " attribute.");
// All the mutation types we want to test.
let edits = [
desc: "Change an attribute",
before: function() {
assertAttributes(doc.querySelector("#node1"), {
id: "node1",
class: "node1"
execute: function(after) {
inspector.once("markupmutation", after);
let editor = getContainerForRawNode(markup, doc.querySelector("#node1")).editor;
let attr = editor.attrs["class"].querySelector(".editable");
editField(attr, 'class="changednode1"');
after: function() {
assertAttributes(doc.querySelector("#node1"), {
id: "node1",
class: "changednode1"
desc: 'Try changing an attribute to a quote (") - this should result ' +
'in it being set to an empty string',
before: function() {
assertAttributes(doc.querySelector("#node22"), {
id: "node22",
class: "unchanged"
execute: function(after) {
let editor = getContainerForRawNode(markup, doc.querySelector("#node22")).editor;
let attr = editor.attrs["class"].querySelector(".editable");
editField(attr, 'class="""');
inspector.once("markupmutation", after);
after: function() {
assertAttributes(doc.querySelector("#node22"), {
id: "node22",
class: ""
desc: "Remove an attribute",
before: function() {
assertAttributes(doc.querySelector("#node4"), {
id: "node4",
class: "node4"
execute: function(after) {
inspector.once("markupmutation", after);
let editor = getContainerForRawNode(markup, doc.querySelector("#node4")).editor;
let attr = editor.attrs["class"].querySelector(".editable");
editField(attr, '');
after: function() {
assertAttributes(doc.querySelector("#node4"), {
id: "node4",
desc: "Add an attribute by clicking the empty space after a node",
before: function() {
assertAttributes(doc.querySelector("#node14"), {
id: "node14",
execute: function(after) {
inspector.once("markupmutation", after);
let editor = getContainerForRawNode(markup, doc.querySelector("#node14")).editor;
let attr = editor.newAttr;
editField(attr, 'class="newclass" style="color:green"');
after: function() {
assertAttributes(doc.querySelector("#node14"), {
id: "node14",
class: "newclass",
style: "color:green"
desc: 'Try add an attribute containing a quote (") attribute by ' +
'clicking the empty space after a node - this should result ' +
'in it being set to an empty string',
before: function() {
assertAttributes(doc.querySelector("#node23"), {
id: "node23",
execute: function(after) {
let editor = getContainerForRawNode(markup, doc.querySelector("#node23")).editor;
let attr = editor.newAttr;
editField(attr, 'class="newclass" style="""');
inspector.once("markupmutation", after);
after: function() {
assertAttributes(doc.querySelector("#node23"), {
id: "node23",
class: "newclass",
style: ""
desc: "Try add attributes by adding to an existing attribute's entry",
before: function() {
assertAttributes(doc.querySelector("#node24"), {
id: "node24",
execute: function(after) {
let editor = getContainerForRawNode(markup, doc.querySelector("#node24")).editor;
let attr = editor.attrs["id"].querySelector(".editable");
editField(attr, attr.textContent + ' class="""');
inspector.once("markupmutation", after);
after: function() {
assertAttributes(doc.querySelector("#node24"), {
id: "node24",
class: ""
desc: "Edit text",
before: function() {
let node = doc.querySelector('.node6').firstChild;
is(node.nodeValue, "line6", "Text should be unchanged");
execute: function(after) {
inspector.once("markupmutation", after);
let node = doc.querySelector('.node6').firstChild;
let editor = getContainerForRawNode(markup, node).editor;
let field = editor.elt.querySelector("pre");
editField(field, "New text");
after: function() {
let node = doc.querySelector('.node6').firstChild;
is(node.nodeValue, "New text", "Text should be changed.");
desc: "Add an attribute value containing < > &uuml; \" & '",
before: function() {
assertAttributes(doc.querySelector("#node25"), {
id: "node25",
execute: function(after) {
inspector.once("markupmutation", after);
let editor = getContainerForRawNode(markup, doc.querySelector("#node25")).editor;
let attr = editor.newAttr;
editField(attr, 'src="somefile.html?param1=<a>&param2=&uuml;&param3=\'&quot;\'"');
after: function() {
assertAttributes(doc.querySelector("#node25"), {
id: "node25",
src: "somefile.html?param1=<a>&param2=\xfc&param3='\"'"
desc: "Add an attribute value without closing \"",
enteredText: 'style="display: block;',
expectedAttributes: {
style: "display: block;"
desc: "Add an attribute value without closing '",
enteredText: "style='display: inline;",
expectedAttributes: {
style: "display: inline;"
desc: "Add an attribute wrapped with with double quotes double quote in it",
enteredText: 'style="display: "inline',
expectedAttributes: {
style: "display: ",
inline: ""
desc: "Add an attribute wrapped with single quotes with single quote in it",
enteredText: "style='display: 'inline",
expectedAttributes: {
style: "display: ",
inline: ""
desc: "Add an attribute with no value",
enteredText: "disabled",
expectedAttributes: {
disabled: ""
desc: "Add multiple attributes with no value",
enteredText: "disabled autofocus",
expectedAttributes: {
disabled: "",
autofocus: ""
desc: "Add multiple attributes with no value, and some with value",
enteredText: "disabled name='name' data-test='test' autofocus",
expectedAttributes: {
disabled: "",
autofocus: "",
name: "name",
'data-test': "test"
desc: "Add attribute with xmlns",
enteredText: "xmlns:edi=''",
expectedAttributes: {
'xmlns:edi': ""
desc: "Mixed single and double quotes",
enteredText: "name=\"hi\" maxlength='not a number'",
expectedAttributes: {
maxlength: "not a number",
name: "hi"
desc: "Invalid attribute name",
enteredText: "x='y' <why-would-you-do-this>=\"???\"",
expectedAttributes: {
x: "y"
desc: "Double quote wrapped in single quotes",
enteredText: "x='h\"i'",
expectedAttributes: {
x: "h\"i"
desc: "Single quote wrapped in double quotes",
enteredText: "x=\"h'i\"",
expectedAttributes: {
x: "h'i"
desc: "No quote wrapping",
enteredText: "a=b x=y data-test=Some spaced data",
expectedAttributes: {
a: "b",
x: "y",
"data-test": "Some",
spaced: "",
data: ""
desc: "Duplicate Attributes",
enteredText: "a=b a='c' a=\"d\"",
expectedAttributes: {
a: "b"
desc: "Inline styles",
enteredText: "style=\"font-family: 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif; font-size: 75%;\"",
expectedAttributes: {
style: "font-family: 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif; font-size: 75%;"
desc: "Object attribute names",
enteredText: "toString=\"true\" hasOwnProperty=\"false\"",
expectedAttributes: {
toString: "true",
hasOwnProperty: "false"
desc: "Add event handlers",
enteredText: "onclick=\"javascript: throw new Error('wont fire');\" onload=\"alert('here');\"",
expectedAttributes: {
onclick: "javascript: throw new Error('wont fire');",
onload: "alert('here');"
// Create the helper tab for parsing...
gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab();
gBrowser.selectedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function onload() {
gBrowser.selectedBrowser.removeEventListener("load", onload, true);
doc = content.document;
waitForFocus(setupTest, content);
}, true);
content.location = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/browser/devtools/markupview/test/browser_inspector_markup_edit.html";
function setupTest() {
var target = TargetFactory.forTab(gBrowser.selectedTab);
gDevTools.showToolbox(target, "inspector").then(function(toolbox) {
inspector = toolbox.getCurrentPanel();
function startTests() {
markup = inspector.markup;
// expectedAttributes - Shortcut to provide a more decalarative test when you only
// want to check the outcome of setting an attribute to a string.
edits.forEach((edit, i) => {
if (edit.expectedAttributes) {
let id = "expectedAttributes" + i;
let div = doc.createElement("div"); = id;
// Attach the ID onto the object that will assert attributes = id;
edit.before = () => {
assertAttributes(doc.querySelector("#" + id), {
id: id,
edit.execute = (after) =>{
inspector.once("markupmutation", after);
let editor = getContainerForRawNode(markup, doc.querySelector("#" + id)).editor;
editField(editor.newAttr, edit.enteredText);
edit.after = () => {
assertAttributes(doc.querySelector("#" + id), edit.expectedAttributes);
markup.expandAll().then(() => {
let cursor = 0;
function nextEditTest() {
executeSoon(function() {
if (cursor >= edits.length) {
} else {
let step = edits[cursor++];
info("START " + step.desc);
if (step.setup) {
info("before execute");
step.execute(function() {
info("after execute");
ok(markup.undo.canUndo(), "Should be able to undo.");
inspector.once("markupmutation", () => {
ok(markup.undo.canRedo(), "Should be able to redo.");
inspector.once("markupmutation", () => {
info("END " + step.desc);
function addAttributes() {
let test = {
desc: "Add attributes by adding to an existing attribute's entry",
setup: function() {
before: function() {
assertAttributes(doc.querySelector("#node18"), {
id: "node18",
is(inspector.highlighter.nodeInfo.classesBox.textContent, "",
"No classes in the infobar before edit.");
execute: function(after) {
inspector.once("markupmutation", function() {
// needed because we need to make sure the infobar is updated
// not just the markupview (which happens in this event loop)
let editor = getContainerForRawNode(markup, doc.querySelector("#node18")).editor;
let attr = editor.attrs["id"].querySelector(".editable");
editField(attr, attr.textContent + ' class="newclass" style="color:green"');
after: function() {
assertAttributes(doc.querySelector("#node18"), {
id: "node18",
class: "newclass",
style: "color:green"
is(inspector.highlighter.nodeInfo.classesBox.textContent, ".newclass",
"Correct classes in the infobar after edit.");
testAsyncSetup(test, editTagName);
function editTagName() {
let test = {
desc: "Edit the tag name",
setup: function() {
before: function() {
let node = doc.querySelector("#retag-me");
let container = getContainerForRawNode(markup, node);
is(node.tagName, "DIV", "retag-me should be a div.");
ok(container.selected, "retag-me should be selected.");
ok(container.expanded, "retag-me should be expanded.");
is(doc.querySelector("#retag-me-2").parentNode, node,
"retag-me-2 should be a child of the old element.");
execute: function(after) {
inspector.once("markupmutation", after);
let node = doc.querySelector("#retag-me");
let editor = getContainerForRawNode(markup, node).editor;
let field = editor.tag;
editField(field, "p");
after: function() {
let node = doc.querySelector("#retag-me");
let container = getContainerForRawNode(markup, node);
is(node.tagName, "P", "retag-me should be a p.");
ok(container.selected, "retag-me should be selected.");
ok(container.expanded, "retag-me should be expanded.");
is(doc.querySelector("#retag-me-2").parentNode, node,
"retag-me-2 should be a child of the new element.");
testAsyncSetup(test, removeElementWithDelete);
function removeElementWithDelete() {
let test = {
desc: "Remove an element with the delete key",
before: function() {
ok(!!doc.querySelector("#node18"), "Node 18 should exist.");
execute: function() {
executeCont: function() {
EventUtils.sendKey("delete", inspector.panelWin);
after: function() {
ok(!doc.querySelector("#node18"), "Node 18 should not exist.")
testAsyncExecute(test, finishUp);
function testAsyncExecute(test, callback) {
info("START " + test.desc);
inspector.once("inspector-updated", function BIMET_testAsyncExecNewNode() {
inspector.once("markupmutation", () => {
undoRedo(test, callback);
executeSoon(function BIMET_setNode1() {
function testAsyncSetup(test, callback) {
info("START " + test.desc);
inspector.once("inspector-updated", function BIMET_testAsyncSetupNewNode() {
test.execute(function() {
undoRedo(test, callback);
executeSoon(function BIMET_setNode2() {
function undoRedo(test, callback) {
ok(markup.undo.canUndo(), "Should be able to undo.");
inspector.once("markupmutation", () => {
ok(markup.undo.canRedo(), "Should be able to redo.");
inspector.once("markupmutation", () => {
info("END " + test.desc);
function finishUp() {
while (markup.undo.canUndo()) {
doc = inspector = null;