2012-05-21 12:12:37 +01:00

112 lines
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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
# Create a mapping from symbolic component name to directory name(s).
# Tue Oct 16 16:48:36 PDT 2001
# <>
use strict;
# For --option1, --option2, ...
use Getopt::Long;
# Globals
my $list_only_mode = 0;
my $opt_list_only;
my $mapfile = "";
my %map;
sub PrintUsage {
Prints out directories needed for a given list of components.
usage: [--list-only] [--mapfile mapfile] <component-name1> <component-name2> ...
sub parse_map_file($) {
my ($mapfile) = @_;
my (%mod_map, $tmp, $dir, $mod, @mod_list);
undef %mod_map;
open (MAPFILE, "$mapfile") || die ("$mapfile: $!\n");
while ($tmp=<MAPFILE>) {
chomp ($tmp);
($dir, $mod, @mod_list) = split(/:/, $tmp, 3);
$mod =~ s/[\s]*(\S+)[\s]*/$1/;
$mod_map{$mod} .= "$dir ";
foreach $mod (sort(keys %mod_map)) {
my (@dirlist, @trimlist, $found, $tdir);
@dirlist = split(/\s+/, $mod_map{$mod});
$mod_map{$mod} = "";
foreach $dir (@dirlist) {
$found = 0;
foreach $tdir (@trimlist) {
$found++, last if ($dir =~ m/^$tdir\// || $dir eq $tdir);
push @trimlist, $dir if (!$found);
$map{$mod} = join(" ", @trimlist);
#print "$mod: $map{$mod}\n";
sub dir_for_required_component {
my ($component) = @_;
my $rv;
my $dir;
$dir = $map{$component};
if($dir) {
# prepend "mozilla/" in front of directory names.
$rv = "mozilla/$dir";
$rv =~ s/\s+/ mozilla\//g; # Hack for 2 or more directories.
} else {
$rv = 0;
return $rv;
# Add stdin to the commandline. This makes commandline-only mode hang,
# call it a bug. Not sure how to get around this.
push (@ARGV, split(' ',<STDIN>));
PrintUsage() if !GetOptions('list-only' => \$opt_list_only,
'mapfile=s' => \$mapfile);
# Pick up arguments, if any.
if($opt_list_only) {
$list_only_mode = 1;
my $arg;
my $dir;
while ($arg = shift @ARGV) {
$dir = dir_for_required_component($arg);
if($dir) {
if($list_only_mode) {
print $dir, " ";
} else {
print "$arg: ", $dir, "\n";
} else {
# do nothing
if($dir && $list_only_mode) {
print "\n";