
203 lines
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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
function test() {
let instance, deletedPresetA, deletedPresetB, oldPrompt;
let mgr = ResponsiveUI.ResponsiveUIManager;
gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab();
gBrowser.selectedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function onload() {
gBrowser.selectedBrowser.removeEventListener("load", onload, true);
waitForFocus(startTest, content);
}, true);
content.location = "data:text/html;charset=utf8,test custom presets in responsive mode";
// This test uses executeSoon() when responsive mode is initialized and when
// it is destroyed such that we get out of the init/destroy loops. If we try
// to init/destroy immediately, without waiting for the next loop, we get
// intermittent test failures.
function startTest() {
// Mocking prompt
oldPrompt = Services.prompt;
Services.prompt = {
value: "",
returnBool: true,
prompt: function(aParent, aDialogTitle, aText, aValue, aCheckMsg, aCheckState) {
aValue.value = this.value;
return this.returnBool;
registerCleanupFunction(() => Services.prompt = oldPrompt);
info("test started, waiting for responsive mode to activate");
mgr.once("on", onUIOpen);
function onUIOpen() {
// Is it open?
let container = gBrowser.getBrowserContainer();
is(container.getAttribute("responsivemode"), "true", "In responsive mode.");
instance = gBrowser.selectedTab.__responsiveUI;
ok(instance, "instance of the module is attached to the tab.");
instance.transitionsEnabled = false;
function testAddCustomPreset() {
// Tries to add a custom preset and cancel the prompt
let idx = instance.menulist.selectedIndex;
let presetCount = instance.presets.length;
Services.prompt.value = "";
Services.prompt.returnBool = false;
is(idx, instance.menulist.selectedIndex, "selected item didn't change after add preset and cancel");
is(presetCount, instance.presets.length, "number of presets didn't change after add preset and cancel");
let customHeight = 123, customWidth = 456;
instance.setSize(customWidth, customHeight);
// Adds the custom preset with "Testing preset"
Services.prompt.value = "Testing preset";
Services.prompt.returnBool = true;
instance.menulist.selectedIndex = 1;
info("waiting for responsive mode to turn off");
mgr.once("off", restart);
// Force document reflow to avoid intermittent failures.
info("document height " + document.height);
// We're still in the loop of initializing the responsive mode.
// Let's wait next loop to stop it.
executeSoon(function() {
function restart() {
info("Restarting Responsive Mode");
mgr.once("on", function() {
let container = gBrowser.getBrowserContainer();
is(container.getAttribute("responsivemode"), "true", "In responsive mode.");
instance = gBrowser.selectedTab.__responsiveUI;
// We're still in the loop of destroying the responsive mode.
// Let's wait next loop to start it.
executeSoon(function() {
function testCustomPresetInList() {
let customPresetIndex = getPresetIndex("456x123 (Testing preset)");
ok(customPresetIndex >= 0, "is the previously added preset (idx = " + customPresetIndex + ") in the list of items");
instance.menulist.selectedIndex = customPresetIndex;
is(content.innerWidth, 456, "add preset, and selected in the list, dimension valid (width)");
is(content.innerHeight, 123, "add preset, and selected in the list, dimension valid (height)");
function testDeleteCustomPresets() {
instance.menulist.selectedIndex = 2;
deletedPresetA = instance.menulist.selectedItem.getAttribute("label");
instance.menulist.selectedIndex = 2;
deletedPresetB = instance.menulist.selectedItem.getAttribute("label");
info("waiting for responsive mode to turn off");
mgr.once("off", restartAgain);
// We're still in the loop of initializing the responsive mode.
// Let's wait next loop to stop it.
executeSoon(() => instance.close());
function restartAgain() {
info("waiting for responsive mode to turn on");
mgr.once("on", () => {
instance = gBrowser.selectedTab.__responsiveUI;
// We're still in the loop of destroying the responsive mode.
// Let's wait next loop to start it.
executeSoon(() => synthesizeKeyFromKeyTag("key_responsiveUI"));
function testCustomPresetsNotInListAnymore() {
let customPresetIndex = getPresetIndex(deletedPresetA);
is(customPresetIndex, -1, "deleted preset " + deletedPresetA + " is not in the list anymore");
customPresetIndex = getPresetIndex(deletedPresetB);
is(customPresetIndex, -1, "deleted preset " + deletedPresetB + " is not in the list anymore");
function finishUp() {
delete instance;
function getPresetIndex(presetLabel) {
function testOnePreset(c) {
if (c == 0) {
return -1;
instance.menulist.selectedIndex = c;
let item = instance.menulist.firstChild.childNodes[c];
if (item.getAttribute("label") === presetLabel) {
return c;
} else {
return testOnePreset(c - 1);
return testOnePreset(instance.menulist.firstChild.childNodes.length - 4);
function synthesizeKeyFromKeyTag(aKeyId) {
let key = document.getElementById(aKeyId);
isnot(key, null, "Successfully retrieved the <key> node");
let name = null;
if (key.getAttribute("keycode"))
name = key.getAttribute("keycode");
else if (key.getAttribute("key"))
name = key.getAttribute("key");
isnot(name, null, "Successfully retrieved keycode/key");