
208 lines
6.5 KiB

/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
const TEST_URI = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<p>test for bug 577721";
const POSITION_PREF = "devtools.webconsole.position";
const TOP_PREF = "";
const LEFT_PREF = "devtools.webconsole.left";
const WIDTH_PREF = "devtools.webconsole.width";
const HEIGHT_PREF = "devtools.hud.height";
let hudRef, boxHeight, panelWidth;
function test() {
browser.addEventListener("load", function onLoad() {
browser.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, true);
openConsole(null, consoleOpened);
}, true);
function testEnd() {
hudRef = null;
function waitForPosition(aPosition, aCallback) {
name: "web console position changed to '" + aPosition + "'",
validatorFn: function()
return hudRef._currentUIPosition == aPosition;
successFn: executeSoon.bind(null, aCallback),
failureFn: finishTest,
function consoleOpened(aHudRef) {
hudRef = aHudRef;
let hudBox = hudRef.iframe;
is(hudBox.parentNode.childNodes[2].getAttribute("id"), hudRef.hudId,
"initial console position is correct");
is(hudRef.ui.positionMenuitems.below.getAttribute("checked"), "true",
"position menu checkbox is below");
is(Services.prefs.getCharPref(POSITION_PREF), "below", "pref is below");
executeSoon(function() {
waitForPosition("above", onPositionAbove);
function onPositionAbove() {
let hudBox = hudRef.iframe;
let id = hudBox.parentNode.childNodes[0].getAttribute("id");
is(id, hudRef.hudId, "above position is correct");
is(hudRef.ui.positionMenuitems.above.getAttribute("checked"), "true",
"position menu checkbox is above");
is(Services.prefs.getCharPref(POSITION_PREF), "above", "pref is above");
boxHeight = content.innerHeight * 0.5;
panelWidth = content.innerWidth * 0.5; = boxHeight + "px";
boxHeight = hudBox.clientHeight;
Services.prefs.setIntPref(WIDTH_PREF, panelWidth);
Services.prefs.setIntPref(TOP_PREF, 50);
Services.prefs.setIntPref(LEFT_PREF, 51);
executeSoon(function() {
waitForPosition("window", onPositionWindow);
function onPositionWindow() {
let hudBox = hudRef.iframe;
let id = hudBox.parentNode.getAttribute("id");
is(id, "console_window_" + hudRef.hudId, "window position is correct");
is(Services.prefs.getCharPref(POSITION_PREF), "window", "pref is window");
let diffHeight = Math.abs(hudBox.clientHeight - boxHeight);
ok(diffHeight < 8, "hudBox height is correct");
let consolePanel = hudRef.consolePanel;
is(consolePanel.getAttribute("width"), panelWidth, "panel width is correct");
is(consolePanel.getAttribute("top"), 50, "panel top position is correct");
is(consolePanel.getAttribute("left"), 51, "panel left position is correct");
let panelHeight = parseInt(consolePanel.getAttribute("height"));
let boxWidth = hudBox.clientWidth;
boxHeight = hudBox.clientHeight;
hudRef.consolePanel.sizeTo(panelWidth - 15, panelHeight - 13);
let popupBoxObject = consolePanel.popupBoxObject;
let screenX = popupBoxObject.screenX;
let screenY = popupBoxObject.screenY;
consolePanel.moveTo(screenX - 11, screenY - 13);
isnot(hudBox.clientWidth, boxWidth, "hudBox width was updated");
isnot(hudBox.clientHeight, boxHeight, "hudBox height was updated");
isnot(popupBoxObject.screenX, screenX, "panel screenX was updated");
isnot(popupBoxObject.screenY, screenY, "panel screenY was updated");
panelWidth = consolePanel.clientWidth;
boxHeight = hudBox.clientHeight;
executeSoon(function() {
waitForPosition("below", onPositionBelow);
function onPositionBelow() {
let hudBox = hudRef.iframe;
let id = hudBox.parentNode.childNodes[2].getAttribute("id");
is(id, hudRef.hudId, "below position is correct after reopen");
let diffHeight = Math.abs(hudBox.clientHeight - boxHeight);
// dump("Diffheight: " + diffHeight + " clientHeight: " + hudBox.clientHeight + " boxHeight: " + boxHeight + "\n");
// XXX TODO bug 702707
ok(diffHeight < 8, "hudBox height is still correct");
is(Services.prefs.getCharPref(POSITION_PREF), "below", "pref is below");
// following three disabled due to bug 674562
// is(Services.prefs.getIntPref(WIDTH_PREF), panelWidth, "width pref updated - bug 674562");
// isnot(Services.prefs.getIntPref(TOP_PREF), 50, "top location pref updated - bug 674562");
// isnot(Services.prefs.getIntPref(LEFT_PREF), 51, "left location pref updated - bug 674562");
Services.obs.addObserver(onConsoleClose, "web-console-destroyed", false);
// Close the window console via the toolbar button
let btn = hudRef.ui.closeButton;
executeSoon(function() {
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(btn, 2, 2, {}, hudRef.iframeWindow);
function onConsoleClose()
Services.obs.removeObserver(onConsoleClose, "web-console-destroyed");
executeSoon(function() {
hudRef = null;
openConsole(null, onConsoleReopen);
function onConsoleReopen(aHudRef) {
let hudBox = aHudRef.iframe;
let id = hudBox.parentNode.childNodes[2].getAttribute("id");
is(id, aHudRef.hudId, "below position is correct after another reopen");
is(aHudRef.ui.positionMenuitems.below.getAttribute("checked"), "true",
"position menu checkbox is below");
function testMenuitems() {
let positionConsole = hudRef.positionConsole;
is(typeof positionConsole, "function", "positionConsole() is available");
let param = null;
hudRef.positionConsole = function(aPosition) {
param = aPosition;
// Make sure the menuitems call the correct method.
is(param, "above", "menuitem for above positioning calls positionConsole() correctly");
is(param, "below", "menuitem for below positioning calls positionConsole() correctly");
is(param, "window", "menuitem for window positioning calls positionConsole() correctly");
hudRef.positionConsole = positionConsole;