Bobby Holley c8f55e8889 Bug 843231 - Alter the XBL scope test to make it compatible with reading the dom.xbl_scopes only once per global. r=bz
rename : content/xbl/test/test_bug821850.xhtml => content/xbl/test/file_bug821850.xhtml
2013-02-22 07:56:03 -08:00

213 lines
8.8 KiB

<html xmlns="">
<bindings xmlns="">
<binding id="testBinding">
// Store a property as an expando on the bound element.
this._prop = "propVal";
// Wait for both constructors to fire.
window.constructorCount = (window.constructorCount + 1) || 1;
if (window.constructorCount != 2)
// Grab some basic infrastructure off the content window.
var win = XPCNativeWrapper.unwrap(window);
SpecialPowers = win.SpecialPowers;
Cu = SpecialPowers.Cu;
is =;
ok = win.ok;
SimpleTest = win.SimpleTest;
// Stick some expandos on the content window.
window.xrayExpando = 3;
win.primitiveExpando = 11;
win.stringExpando = "stringExpando";
win.objectExpando = { foo: 12 };
win.globalExpando = SpecialPowers.unwrap(Cu.getGlobalForObject({}));
win.functionExpando = function() { return "called" };
win.functionExpando.prop = 2;
// Make sure we're Xraying.
ok(Cu.isXrayWrapper(window), "Window is Xrayed");
ok(Cu.isXrayWrapper(document), "Document is Xrayed");
var bound = document.getElementById('bound');
ok(bound, "bound is non-null");
is(bound.method('baz'), "method:baz", "Xray methods work");
is(bound.prop, "propVal", "Property Xrays work");
is(bound.primitiveField, 2, "Field Xrays work");
is(, 1, "Field Xrays work on objects");
is(, 10, "Field Xrays work on content objects");
var hole = bound.contentField.rabbit.hole;
is(, window, "We gain back Xray vision when hitting a native object");
ok(Cu.isXrayWrapper(, "Really is Xray");
// This gets invoked by an event handler.
window.finish = function() {
// Content messed with stuff. Make sure we still see the right thing.
is(bound.method('bay'), "method:bay", "Xray methods work");
is(bound.wrappedJSObject.method('bay'), "hah", "Xray waived methods work");
is(bound.prop, "set:someOtherVal", "Xray props work");
is(bound.wrappedJSObject.prop, "redefined", "Xray waived props work");
is(bound.primitiveField, 321, "Can't do anything about redefined fields");
// Hand things off to content. Content will call us back.
<field name="primitiveField">2</field>
<field name="objectField">({ foo: 2, bar: {a: 1} })</field>
<field name="contentField">XPCNativeWrapper.unwrap(window).contentVal</field>
<method name="method">
<parameter name="arg" />
return "method:" + arg;
<property name="prop">
<getter>return this._prop;</getter>
<setter>this._prop = "set:" + val;</setter>
<handler event="testevent" action="ok(true, 'called event handler'); finish();"/>
<script type="application/javascript">
ok = parent.ok;
is =;
SimpleTest = parent.SimpleTest;
SpecialPowers = parent.SpecialPowers;
// Test the Xray waiving behavior when accessing fields. We should be able to
// see sequential JS-implemented properties, but should regain Xrays when we
// hit a native property.
window.contentVal = { foo: 10, rabbit: { hole: { bar: 100, win: window} } };
ok(true, "Set contentVal");
function go() {
"use strict";
// Test what we can and cannot access in the XBL scope.
is(typeof window.xrayExpando, "undefined", "Xray expandos are private to the caller");
is(window.primitiveExpando, 11, "Can see waived expandos");
is(window.stringExpando, "stringExpando", "Can see waived expandos");
is(typeof window.objectExpando, "object", "object expando exists");
is(SpecialPowers.wrap(window.objectExpando).foo, 12, "SpecialPowers sees the right thing");
is(typeof window.globalExpando, "object", "Can see global object");
is(window.functionExpando(), "called", "XBL functions are callable");
checkThrows(function() window.functionExpando.prop);
// Inspect the bound element.
var bound = document.getElementById('bound');
is(bound.primitiveField, 2, "Can see primitive fields");
is(typeof bound.objectField, "object", "objectField exists");
is(bound.method("foo"), "method:foo", "Can invoke XBL method from content");
is(bound.prop, "propVal", "Can access properties from content");
bound.prop = "someOtherVal";
is(bound.prop, "set:someOtherVal", "Can set properties from content");
// Try sticking a bunch of stuff on the prototype object.
var proto = bound.__proto__;
proto.someExpando = 201;
is(bound.someExpando, 201, "Can stick non-XBL properties on the proto");
// Previously, this code checked that content couldn't tamper with its XBL
// prototype. But we decided to allow this to reduce regression risk, so for
// now just check that this works.
function checkMayTamper(obj, propName, desc) {
var accessor = !('value' in Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName));
if (!accessor)
checkAllowed(function() { obj[propName] = function() {} }, desc + ": assign");
checkAllowed(function() { Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {configurable: true, value: 3}) }, desc + ": define with value");
checkAllowed(function() { Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {configurable: true, writable: true}) }, desc + ": make writable");
checkAllowed(function() { Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {configurable: true}) }, desc + ": make configurable");
checkAllowed(function() { Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {configurable: true, get: function() {}}) }, desc + ": define with getter");
checkAllowed(function() { Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {configurable: true, set: function() {}}) }, desc + ": define with setter");
// Windows are implemented as proxies, and Proxy::delete_ doesn't currently
// pass strict around. Work around it in the window.binding case by just
// checking if delete returns false.
// manually.
checkAllowed(function() { delete obj[propName]; }, desc + ": delete");
if (!accessor)
checkAllowed(function() { obj[propName] = function() {} }, desc + ": assign (again)");
// Make sure content can do whatever it wants with the prototype.
checkMayTamper(proto, 'method', "XBL Proto Method");
checkMayTamper(proto, 'prop', "XBL Proto Prop");
checkMayTamper(proto, 'primitiveField', "XBL Field Accessor");
// As above, check that content can do what it wants with the prototype's
// property on the global.
var protoName, count = 0;
for (var k of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window)) {
if (!/testBinding/.exec(k))
protoName = k;
is(count, 1, "Should be exactly one prototype object");
checkMayTamper(window, protoName, "XBL prototype prop on window");
// Tamper with the derived object. This doesn't affect the XBL scope thanks
// to Xrays.
bound.method = function() { return "heh"; };
Object.defineProperty(bound, 'method', {value: function() { return "hah" }});
Object.defineProperty(bound, 'prop', {value: "redefined"});
bound.primitiveField = 321;
// Hand control back to the XBL scope by dispatching an event on the bound element.
bound.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('testevent'));
function checkThrows(fn) {
try { fn(); ok(false, "Should have thrown"); }
catch (e) { ok(!!/denied|insecure/.exec(e), "Should have thrown security exception: " + e); }
function checkAllowed(fn, desc) {
try { fn(); ok(true, desc + ": Didn't throw"); }
catch (e) { ok(false, desc + ": Threw: " + e); }
function setup() {
// When the bindings are applied, the constructor will be invoked and the
// test will continue.
document.getElementById('bound').style.MozBinding = 'url(#testBinding)';
document.getElementById('bound2').style.MozBinding = 'url(#testBinding)';
<body onload="setup()">
<a target="_blank" href="">Mozilla Bug 821850</a>
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content">
<div id="bound">Bound element</div>
<div id="bound2">Bound element</div>
<pre id="test">