Benjamin Smedberg d19c5bb416 Bug 771251 - OOP crash reporting accesses the directory service off the main thread. In addition, the first design of the crash injector callback meant that we're dropping some set of Flash crashes which happen during an RPC call. r=ted
* Fix the directory service usage by saving the pending directory path from OOPInit.
* Force clients to call OOPInit on the main thread.
* Make injected crashes available via TakeMinidumpForChild and give each crash a sequence number so that we can pick the earliest crash from the three possibilities; delete the other two to avoid polluting about:crashes
2012-07-10 22:20:05 -04:00

334 lines
11 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* vim: sw=4 ts=4 et :
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef dom_plugins_PluginModuleParent_h
#define dom_plugins_PluginModuleParent_h 1
#include <cstring>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "prlink.h"
#include "npapi.h"
#include "npfunctions.h"
#include "base/string_util.h"
#include "mozilla/FileUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/PluginLibrary.h"
#include "mozilla/plugins/PPluginModuleParent.h"
#include "mozilla/plugins/PluginInstanceParent.h"
#include "mozilla/plugins/PluginProcessParent.h"
#include "mozilla/plugins/PluginIdentifierParent.h"
#include "nsAutoPtr.h"
#include "nsDataHashtable.h"
#include "nsHashKeys.h"
#include "nsIFileStreams.h"
#include "nsExceptionHandler.h"
namespace mozilla {
namespace dom {
class PCrashReporterParent;
class CrashReporterParent;
namespace plugins {
class BrowserStreamParent;
* PluginModuleParent
* This class implements the NPP API from the perspective of the rest
* of Gecko, forwarding NPP calls along to the child process that is
* actually running the plugin.
* This class /also/ implements a version of the NPN API, because the
* child process needs to make these calls back into Gecko proper.
* This class is responsible for "actually" making those function calls.
class PluginModuleParent
: public PPluginModuleParent
, public PluginLibrary
, public CrashReporter::InjectorCrashCallback
typedef mozilla::PluginLibrary PluginLibrary;
typedef mozilla::dom::PCrashReporterParent PCrashReporterParent;
typedef mozilla::dom::CrashReporterParent CrashReporterParent;
virtual PPluginIdentifierParent*
AllocPPluginIdentifier(const nsCString& aString,
const int32_t& aInt,
const bool& aTemporary);
virtual bool
DeallocPPluginIdentifier(PPluginIdentifierParent* aActor);
AllocPPluginInstance(const nsCString& aMimeType,
const uint16_t& aMode,
const InfallibleTArray<nsCString>& aNames,
const InfallibleTArray<nsCString>& aValues,
NPError* rv);
virtual bool
DeallocPPluginInstance(PPluginInstanceParent* aActor);
// aFilePath is UTF8, not native!
PluginModuleParent(const char* aFilePath);
virtual ~PluginModuleParent();
NS_OVERRIDE virtual void SetPlugin(nsNPAPIPlugin* plugin)
mPlugin = plugin;
NS_OVERRIDE virtual void ActorDestroy(ActorDestroyReason why);
* LoadModule
* This may or may not launch a plugin child process,
* and may or may not be very expensive.
static PluginLibrary* LoadModule(const char* aFilePath);
const NPNetscapeFuncs* GetNetscapeFuncs() {
return mNPNIface;
PluginProcessParent* Process() const { return mSubprocess; }
base::ProcessHandle ChildProcessHandle() { return mSubprocess->GetChildProcessHandle(); }
bool OkToCleanup() const {
return !IsOnCxxStack();
* Get an identifier actor for this NPIdentifier. If this is a temporary
* identifier, the temporary refcount is increased by one. This method
* is intended only for use by StackIdentifier and the scriptable
* Enumerate hook.
GetIdentifierForNPIdentifier(NPP npp, NPIdentifier aIdentifier);
void ProcessRemoteNativeEventsInRPCCall();
virtual mozilla::ipc::RPCChannel::RacyRPCPolicy
MediateRPCRace(const Message& parent, const Message& child)
return MediateRace(parent, child);
virtual bool RecvXXX_HACK_FIXME_cjones(Shmem& mem) { NS_RUNTIMEABORT("not reached"); return false; }
virtual bool ShouldContinueFromReplyTimeout();
virtual bool
RecvBackUpXResources(const FileDescriptor& aXSocketFd);
virtual bool
AnswerNPN_UserAgent(nsCString* userAgent);
virtual bool
AnswerNPN_GetValue_WithBoolReturn(const NPNVariable& aVariable,
NPError* aError,
bool* aBoolVal);
virtual bool AnswerProcessSomeEvents();
NS_OVERRIDE virtual bool
NS_OVERRIDE virtual bool
RecvPluginShowWindow(const uint32_t& aWindowId, const bool& aModal,
const int32_t& aX, const int32_t& aY,
const size_t& aWidth, const size_t& aHeight);
NS_OVERRIDE virtual bool
RecvPluginHideWindow(const uint32_t& aWindowId);
NS_OVERRIDE virtual PCrashReporterParent*
AllocPCrashReporter(mozilla::dom::NativeThreadId* id,
PRUint32* processType);
NS_OVERRIDE virtual bool
DeallocPCrashReporter(PCrashReporterParent* actor);
NS_OVERRIDE virtual bool
RecvSetCursor(const NSCursorInfo& aCursorInfo);
NS_OVERRIDE virtual bool
RecvShowCursor(const bool& aShow);
NS_OVERRIDE virtual bool
RecvPushCursor(const NSCursorInfo& aCursorInfo);
NS_OVERRIDE virtual bool
NS_OVERRIDE virtual bool
RecvGetNativeCursorsSupported(bool* supported);
NS_OVERRIDE virtual bool
RecvNPN_SetException(PPluginScriptableObjectParent* aActor,
const nsCString& aMessage);
NS_OVERRIDE virtual bool
RecvNPN_ReloadPlugins(const bool& aReloadPages);
static PluginInstanceParent* InstCast(NPP instance);
static BrowserStreamParent* StreamCast(NPP instance, NPStream* s);
void SetPluginFuncs(NPPluginFuncs* aFuncs);
// Implement the module-level functions from NPAPI; these are
// normally resolved directly from the DSO.
#ifdef OS_LINUX
NPError NP_Initialize(const NPNetscapeFuncs* npnIface,
NPPluginFuncs* nppIface);
NPError NP_Initialize(const NPNetscapeFuncs* npnIface);
NPError NP_GetEntryPoints(NPPluginFuncs* nppIface);
// NPP-like API that Gecko calls are trampolined into. These
// messages then get forwarded along to the plugin instance,
// and then eventually the child process.
static NPError NPP_Destroy(NPP instance, NPSavedData** save);
static NPError NPP_SetWindow(NPP instance, NPWindow* window);
static NPError NPP_NewStream(NPP instance, NPMIMEType type, NPStream* stream,
NPBool seekable, uint16_t* stype);
static NPError NPP_DestroyStream(NPP instance,
NPStream* stream, NPReason reason);
static int32_t NPP_WriteReady(NPP instance, NPStream* stream);
static int32_t NPP_Write(NPP instance, NPStream* stream,
int32_t offset, int32_t len, void* buffer);
static void NPP_StreamAsFile(NPP instance,
NPStream* stream, const char* fname);
static void NPP_Print(NPP instance, NPPrint* platformPrint);
static int16_t NPP_HandleEvent(NPP instance, void* event);
static void NPP_URLNotify(NPP instance, const char* url,
NPReason reason, void* notifyData);
static NPError NPP_GetValue(NPP instance,
NPPVariable variable, void *ret_value);
static NPError NPP_SetValue(NPP instance, NPNVariable variable,
void *value);
static void NPP_URLRedirectNotify(NPP instance, const char* url,
int32_t status, void* notifyData);
virtual bool HasRequiredFunctions();
virtual nsresult AsyncSetWindow(NPP instance, NPWindow* window);
virtual nsresult GetImageContainer(NPP instance, mozilla::layers::ImageContainer** aContainer);
virtual nsresult GetImageSize(NPP instance, nsIntSize* aSize);
NS_OVERRIDE virtual bool UseAsyncPainting() { return true; }
virtual nsresult SetBackgroundUnknown(NPP instance);
virtual nsresult BeginUpdateBackground(NPP instance,
const nsIntRect& aRect,
gfxContext** aCtx);
virtual nsresult EndUpdateBackground(NPP instance,
gfxContext* aCtx,
const nsIntRect& aRect);
#if defined(XP_UNIX) && !defined(XP_MACOSX) && !defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GONK)
virtual nsresult NP_Initialize(NPNetscapeFuncs* bFuncs, NPPluginFuncs* pFuncs, NPError* error);
virtual nsresult NP_Initialize(NPNetscapeFuncs* bFuncs, NPError* error);
virtual nsresult NP_Shutdown(NPError* error);
virtual nsresult NP_GetMIMEDescription(const char** mimeDesc);
virtual nsresult NP_GetValue(void *future, NPPVariable aVariable,
void *aValue, NPError* error);
#if defined(XP_WIN) || defined(XP_MACOSX) || defined(XP_OS2)
virtual nsresult NP_GetEntryPoints(NPPluginFuncs* pFuncs, NPError* error);
virtual nsresult NPP_New(NPMIMEType pluginType, NPP instance,
uint16_t mode, int16_t argc, char* argn[],
char* argv[], NPSavedData* saved,
NPError* error);
virtual nsresult NPP_ClearSiteData(const char* site, uint64_t flags,
uint64_t maxAge);
virtual nsresult NPP_GetSitesWithData(InfallibleTArray<nsCString>& result);
#if defined(XP_MACOSX)
virtual nsresult IsRemoteDrawingCoreAnimation(NPP instance, bool *aDrawing);
#if defined(MOZ_WIDGET_QT) && (MOZ_PLATFORM_MAEMO == 6)
virtual nsresult HandleGUIEvent(NPP instance, const nsGUIEvent& anEvent,
bool* handled);
CrashReporterParent* CrashReporter();
void ProcessFirstMinidump();
void WriteExtraDataForMinidump(CrashReporter::AnnotationTable& notes);
void CleanupFromTimeout();
static int TimeoutChanged(const char* aPref, void* aModule);
void NotifyPluginCrashed();
PluginProcessParent* mSubprocess;
// the plugin thread in mSubprocess
NativeThreadId mPluginThread;
bool mShutdown;
bool mClearSiteDataSupported;
bool mGetSitesWithDataSupported;
const NPNetscapeFuncs* mNPNIface;
nsDataHashtable<nsPtrHashKey<void>, PluginIdentifierParent*> mIdentifiers;
nsNPAPIPlugin* mPlugin;
ScopedRunnableMethodFactory<PluginModuleParent> mTaskFactory;
nsString mPluginDumpID;
nsString mBrowserDumpID;
nsString mHangID;
#ifdef MOZ_X11
// Dup of plugin's X socket, used to scope its resources to this
// object instead of the plugin process's lifetime
ScopedClose mPluginXSocketFdDup;
friend class mozilla::dom::CrashReporterParent;
void InitializeInjector();
NS_OVERRIDE void OnCrash(DWORD processID);
DWORD mFlashProcess1;
DWORD mFlashProcess2;
} // namespace plugins
} // namespace mozilla
#endif // ifndef dom_plugins_PluginModuleParent_h