
875 lines
28 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "console",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "LoopStorage",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "CardDavImporter",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "eventEmitter", function() {
const {EventEmitter} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/devtools/event-emitter.js", {});
return new EventEmitter();
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["LoopContacts"];
const kObjectStoreName = "contacts";
* The table used to store contacts information contains two identifiers,
* both of which can be used to look up entries in the table. The table
* key path (primary index, which must be unique) is "_guid", and is
* automatically generated by IndexedDB when an entry is first inserted.
* The other identifier, "id", is the supposedly unique key assigned to this
* entry by whatever service generated it (e.g., Google Contacts). While
* this key should, in theory, be completely unique, we don't use it
* as the key path to avoid generating errors when an external database
* violates this constraint. This second ID is referred to as the "serviceId".
const kKeyPath = "_guid";
const kServiceIdIndex = "id";
* Contacts validation.
* To allow for future integration with the Contacts API and/ or potential
* integration with contact synchronization across devices (including Firefox OS
* devices), we are using objects with properties having the same names and
* structure as those used by mozContact.
* See for more
* information.
const kFieldTypeString = "string";
const kFieldTypeNumber = "number";
const kFieldTypeNumberOrString = "number|string";
const kFieldTypeArray = "array";
const kFieldTypeBool = "boolean";
const kContactFields = {
"id": {
// Because "id" is externally generated, it might be numeric
type: kFieldTypeNumberOrString
"published": {
// mozContact, from which we are derived, defines dates as
// "a Date object, which will eventually be converted to a
// long long" -- to be forwards compatible, we allow both
// formats for now.
type: kFieldTypeNumberOrString
"updated": {
// mozContact, from which we are derived, defines dates as
// "a Date object, which will eventually be converted to a
// long long" -- to be forwards compatible, we allow both
// formats for now.
type: kFieldTypeNumberOrString
"bday": {
// mozContact, from which we are derived, defines dates as
// "a Date object, which will eventually be converted to a
// long long" -- to be forwards compatible, we allow both
// formats for now.
type: kFieldTypeNumberOrString
"blocked": {
type: kFieldTypeBool
"adr": {
type: kFieldTypeArray,
contains: {
"countryName": {
type: kFieldTypeString
"locality": {
type: kFieldTypeString
"postalCode": {
// In some (but not all) locations, postal codes can be strictly numeric
type: kFieldTypeNumberOrString
"pref": {
type: kFieldTypeBool
"region": {
type: kFieldTypeString
"streetAddress": {
type: kFieldTypeString
"type": {
type: kFieldTypeArray,
contains: kFieldTypeString
"email": {
type: kFieldTypeArray,
contains: {
"pref": {
type: kFieldTypeBool
"type": {
type: kFieldTypeArray,
contains: kFieldTypeString
"value": {
type: kFieldTypeString
"tel": {
type: kFieldTypeArray,
contains: {
"pref": {
type: kFieldTypeBool
"type": {
type: kFieldTypeArray,
contains: kFieldTypeString
"value": {
type: kFieldTypeString
"name": {
type: kFieldTypeArray,
contains: kFieldTypeString
"honorificPrefix": {
type: kFieldTypeArray,
contains: kFieldTypeString
"givenName": {
type: kFieldTypeArray,
contains: kFieldTypeString
"additionalName": {
type: kFieldTypeArray,
contains: kFieldTypeString
"familyName": {
type: kFieldTypeArray,
contains: kFieldTypeString
"honorificSuffix": {
type: kFieldTypeArray,
contains: kFieldTypeString
"category": {
type: kFieldTypeArray,
contains: kFieldTypeString
"org": {
type: kFieldTypeArray,
contains: kFieldTypeString
"jobTitle": {
type: kFieldTypeArray,
contains: kFieldTypeString
"note": {
type: kFieldTypeArray,
contains: kFieldTypeString
* Compares the properties contained in an object to the definition as defined in
* `kContactFields`.
* If a property is encountered that is not found in the spec, an Error is thrown.
* If a property is encountered with an invalid value, an Error is thrown.
* Please read the spec at
* for more information.
* @param {Object} obj The contact object, or part of it when called recursively
* @param {Object} def The definition of properties to validate against. Defaults
* to `kContactFields`
const validateContact = function(obj, def = kContactFields) {
for (let propName of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj)) {
// Ignore internal properties.
if (propName.startsWith("_")) {
let propDef = def[propName];
if (!propDef) {
throw new Error("Field '" + propName + "' is not supported for contacts");
let val = obj[propName];
switch (propDef.type) {
case kFieldTypeString:
if (typeof val != kFieldTypeString) {
throw new Error("Field '" + propName + "' must be of type String");
case kFieldTypeNumberOrString:
let type = typeof val;
if (type != kFieldTypeNumber && type != kFieldTypeString) {
throw new Error("Field '" + propName + "' must be of type Number or String");
case kFieldTypeBool:
if (typeof val != kFieldTypeBool) {
throw new Error("Field '" + propName + "' must be of type Boolean");
case kFieldTypeArray:
if (!Array.isArray(val)) {
throw new Error("Field '" + propName + "' must be an Array");
let contains = propDef.contains;
// If the type of `contains` is a scalar value, it means that the array
// consists of items of only that type.
let isScalarCheck = (typeof contains == kFieldTypeString);
for (let arrayValue of val) {
if (isScalarCheck) {
if (typeof arrayValue != contains) {
throw new Error("Field '" + propName + "' must be of type " + contains);
} else {
validateContact(arrayValue, contains);
* Provides a method to perform multiple operations in a single transaction on the
* contacts store.
* @param {String} operation Name of an operation supported by `IDBObjectStore`
* @param {Array} data List of objects that will be passed to the object
* store operation
* @param {Function} callback Function that will be invoked once the operations
* have finished. The first argument passed will be
* an `Error` object or `null`. The second argument
* will be the `data` Array, if all operations finished
* successfully.
const batch = function(operation, data, callback) {
let processed = [];
if (!LoopContactsInternal.hasOwnProperty(operation) ||
typeof LoopContactsInternal[operation] != 'function') {
callback(new Error ("LoopContactsInternal does not contain a '" +
operation + "' method"));
LoopStorage.asyncForEach(data, (item, next) => {
LoopContactsInternal[operation](item, (err, result) => {
if (err) {
}, err => {
if (err) {
callback(err, processed);
callback(null, processed);
* Extend a `target` object with the properties defined in `source`.
* @param {Object} target The target object to receive properties defined in `source`
* @param {Object} source The source object to copy properties from
const extend = function(target, source) {
for (let key of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source)) {
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
LoopStorage.on("upgrade", function(e, db) {
if (db.objectStoreNames.contains(kObjectStoreName)) {
// Create the 'contacts' store as it doesn't exist yet.
let store = db.createObjectStore(kObjectStoreName, {
keyPath: kKeyPath,
autoIncrement: true
store.createIndex(kServiceIdIndex, kServiceIdIndex, {unique: false});
* The Contacts class.
* Each method that is a member of this class requires the last argument to be a
* callback Function. MozLoopAPI will cause things to break if this invariant is
* violated. You'll notice this as well in the documentation for each method.
let LoopContactsInternal = Object.freeze({
* Map of contact importer names to instances
_importServices: {
"carddav": new CardDavImporter()
* Add a contact to the data store.
* @param {Object} details An object that will be added to the data store
* as-is. Please read
* for more information of this objects' structure
* @param {Function} callback Function that will be invoked once the operation
* finished. The first argument passed will be an
* `Error` object or `null`. The second argument will
* be the contact object, if it was stored successfully.
add: function(details, callback) {
if (!(kServiceIdIndex in details)) {
callback(new Error("No '" + kServiceIdIndex + "' field present"));
try {
} catch (ex) {
LoopStorage.getStore(kObjectStoreName, (err, store) => {
if (err) {
let contact = extend({}, details);
let now =;
// The data source should have included "published" and "updated" values
// for any imported records, and we need to keep track of those dated for
// sync purposes (i.e., when we add functionality to push local changes to
// a remote server from which we originally got a contact). We also need
// to track the time at which *we* added and most recently changed the
// contact, so as to determine whether the local or the remote store has
// fresher data.
// For clarity: the fields "published" and "updated" indicate when the
// *remote* data source published and updated the contact. The fields
// "_date_add" and "_date_lch" track when the *local* data source
// created and updated the contact.
contact.published = contact.published ? new Date(contact.published).getTime() : now;
contact.updated = contact.updated ? new Date(contact.updated).getTime() : now;
contact._date_add = contact._date_lch = now;
let request;
try {
request = store.add(contact);
} catch (ex) {
request.onsuccess = event => {
contact[kKeyPath] =;
eventEmitter.emit("add", contact);
callback(null, contact);
request.onerror = event => callback(;
}, "readwrite");
* Add a batch of contacts to the data store.
* @param {Array} contacts A list of contact objects to be added
* @param {Function} callback Function that will be invoked once the operation
* finished. The first argument passed will be an
* `Error` object or `null`. The second argument will
* be the list of added contacts.
addMany: function(contacts, callback) {
batch("add", contacts, callback);
* Remove a contact from the data store.
* @param {String} guid String identifier of the contact to remove
* @param {Function} callback Function that will be invoked once the operation
* finished. The first argument passed will be an
* `Error` object or `null`. The second argument will
* be the result of the operation.
remove: function(guid, callback) {
this.get(guid, (err, contact) => {
if (err) {
LoopStorage.getStore(kObjectStoreName, (err, store) => {
if (err) {
let request;
try {
request = store.delete(guid);
} catch (ex) {
request.onsuccess = event => {
if (contact) {
eventEmitter.emit("remove", contact);
request.onerror = event => callback(;
}, "readwrite");
* Remove a batch of contacts from the data store.
* @param {Array} guids A list of IDs of the contacts to remove
* @param {Function} callback Function that will be invoked once the operation
* finished. The first argument passed will be an
* `Error` object or `null`. The second argument will
* be the list of IDs, if successfull.
removeMany: function(guids, callback) {
batch("remove", guids, callback);
* Remove _all_ contacts from the data store.
* CAUTION: this method will clear the whole data store - you won't have any
* contacts left!
* @param {Function} callback Function that will be invoked once the operation
* finished. The first argument passed will be an
* `Error` object or `null`. The second argument will
* be the result of the operation, if successfull.
removeAll: function(callback) {
LoopStorage.getStore(kObjectStoreName, (err, store) => {
if (err) {
let request;
try {
request = store.clear();
} catch (ex) {
request.onsuccess = event => {
request.onerror = event => callback(;
}, "readwrite");
* Retrieve a specific contact from the data store.
* @param {String} guid String identifier of the contact to retrieve
* @param {Function} callback Function that will be invoked once the operation
* finished. The first argument passed will be an
* `Error` object or `null`. The second argument will
* be the contact object, if successful.
* If no object matching guid could be found,
* then the callback is called with both arguments
* set to `null`.
get: function(guid, callback) {
LoopStorage.getStore(kObjectStoreName, (err, store) => {
if (err) {
let request;
try {
request = store.get(guid);
} catch (ex) {
request.onsuccess = event => {
if (! {
callback(null, null);
let contact = extend({},;
contact[kKeyPath] = guid;
callback(null, contact);
request.onerror = event => callback(;
* Retrieve a specific contact from the data store using the kServiceIdIndex
* property.
* @param {String} serviceId String identifier of the contact to retrieve
* @param {Function} callback Function that will be invoked once the operation
* finished. The first argument passed will be an
* `Error` object or `null`. The second argument will
* be the contact object, if successfull.
* If no object matching serviceId could be found,
* then the callback is called with both arguments
* set to `null`.
getByServiceId: function(serviceId, callback) {
LoopStorage.getStore(kObjectStoreName, (err, store) => {
if (err) {
let index = store.index(kServiceIdIndex);
let request;
try {
request = index.get(serviceId);
} catch (ex) {
request.onsuccess = event => {
if (! {
callback(null, null);
let contact = extend({},;
callback(null, contact);
request.onerror = event => callback(;
* Retrieve _all_ contacts from the data store.
* CAUTION: If the amount of contacts is very large (say > 100000), this method
* may slow down your application!
* @param {Function} callback Function that will be invoked once the operation
* finished. The first argument passed will be an
* `Error` object or `null`. The second argument will
* be an `Array` of contact objects, if successfull.
getAll: function(callback) {
LoopStorage.getStore(kObjectStoreName, (err, store) => {
if (err) {
let cursorRequest = store.openCursor();
let contactsList = [];
cursorRequest.onsuccess = event => {
let cursor =;
// No more results, return the list.
if (!cursor) {
callback(null, contactsList);
let contact = extend({}, cursor.value);
contact[kKeyPath] = cursor.key;
cursorRequest.onerror = event => callback(;
* Retrieve an arbitrary amount of contacts from the data store.
* CAUTION: If the amount of contacts is very large (say > 1000), this method
* may slow down your application!
* @param {Array} guids List of contact IDs to retrieve contact objects of
* @param {Function} callback Function that will be invoked once the operation
* finished. The first argument passed will be an
* `Error` object or `null`. The second argument will
* be an `Array` of contact objects, if successfull.
getMany: function(guids, callback) {
let contacts = [];
LoopStorage.asyncParallel(guids, (guid, next) => {
this.get(guid, (err, contact) => {
if (err) {
}, err => {
callback(err, !err ? contacts : null);
* Update a specific contact in the data store.
* The contact object is modified by replacing the fields passed in the `details`
* param and any fields not passed in are left unchanged.
* @param {Object} details An object that will be updated in the data store
* as-is. Please read
* for more information of this objects' structure
* @param {Function} callback Function that will be invoked once the operation
* finished. The first argument passed will be an
* `Error` object or `null`. The second argument will
* be the contact object, if successfull.
update: function(details, callback) {
if (!(kKeyPath in details)) {
callback(new Error("No '" + kKeyPath + "' field present"));
try {
} catch (ex) {
let guid = details[kKeyPath];
this.get(guid, (err, contact) => {
if (err) {
if (!contact) {
callback(new Error("Contact with " + kKeyPath + " '" +
guid + "' could not be found"));
LoopStorage.getStore(kObjectStoreName, (err, store) => {
if (err) {
let previous = extend({}, contact);
// Update the contact with properties provided by `details`.
extend(contact, details);
details._date_lch =;
let request;
try {
request = store.put(contact);
} catch (ex) {
request.onsuccess = event => {
eventEmitter.emit("update", contact, previous);
request.onerror = event => callback(;
}, "readwrite");
* Block a specific contact in the data store.
* @param {String} guid String identifier of the contact to block
* @param {Function} callback Function that will be invoked once the operation
* finished. The first argument passed will be an
* `Error` object or `null`. The second argument will
* be the contact object, if successfull.
block: function(guid, callback) {
this.get(guid, (err, contact) => {
if (err) {
if (!contact) {
callback(new Error("Contact with " + kKeyPath + " '" +
guid + "' could not be found"));
contact.blocked = true;
this.update(contact, callback);
* Un-block a specific contact in the data store.
* @param {String} guid String identifier of the contact to unblock
* @param {Function} callback Function that will be invoked once the operation
* finished. The first argument passed will be an
* `Error` object or `null`. The second argument will
* be the contact object, if successfull.
unblock: function(guid, callback) {
this.get(guid, (err, contact) => {
if (err) {
if (!contact) {
callback(new Error("Contact with " + kKeyPath + " '" +
guid + "' could not be found"));
contact.blocked = false;
this.update(contact, callback);
* Import a list of (new) contacts from an external data source.
* @param {Object} options Property bag of options for the importer
* @param {Function} callback Function that will be invoked once the operation
* finished. The first argument passed will be an
* `Error` object or `null`. The second argument will
* be the result of the operation, if successfull.
startImport: function(options, callback) {
if (!("service" in options)) {
callback(new Error("No import service specified in options"));
if (!(options.service in this._importServices)) {
callback(new Error("Unknown import service specified: " + options.service));
this._importServices[options.service].startImport(options, callback, this);
* Search through the data store for contacts that match a certain (sub-)string.
* @param {String} query Needle to search for in our haystack of contacts
* @param {Function} callback Function that will be invoked once the operation
* finished. The first argument passed will be an
* `Error` object or `null`. The second argument will
* be an `Array` of contact objects, if successfull.
search: function(query, callback) {
//TODO in bug 1037114.
callback(new Error("Not implemented yet!"));
* Public Loop Contacts API.
* LoopContacts implements the EventEmitter interface by exposing three methods -
* `on`, `once` and `off` - to subscribe to events.
* At this point the following events may be subscribed to:
* - 'add': A new contact object was successfully added to the data store.
* - 'remove': A contact was successfully removed from the data store.
* - 'removeAll': All contacts were successfully removed from the data store.
* - 'update': A contact object was successfully updated with changed
* properties in the data store.
this.LoopContacts = Object.freeze({
add: function(details, callback) {
return LoopContactsInternal.add(details, callback);
addMany: function(contacts, callback) {
return LoopContactsInternal.addMany(contacts, callback);
remove: function(guid, callback) {
return LoopContactsInternal.remove(guid, callback);
removeMany: function(guids, callback) {
return LoopContactsInternal.removeMany(guids, callback);
removeAll: function(callback) {
return LoopContactsInternal.removeAll(callback);
get: function(guid, callback) {
return LoopContactsInternal.get(guid, callback);
getByServiceId: function(serviceId, callback) {
return LoopContactsInternal.getByServiceId(serviceId, callback);
getAll: function(callback) {
return LoopContactsInternal.getAll(callback);
getMany: function(guids, callback) {
return LoopContactsInternal.getMany(guids, callback);
update: function(details, callback) {
return LoopContactsInternal.update(details, callback);
block: function(guid, callback) {
return LoopContactsInternal.block(guid, callback);
unblock: function(guid, callback) {
return LoopContactsInternal.unblock(guid, callback);
startImport: function(options, callback) {
return LoopContactsInternal.startImport(options, callback);
search: function(query, callback) {
return, callback);
on: (...params) => eventEmitter.on(...params),
once: (...params) => eventEmitter.once(...params),
off: (...params) =>