2013-10-22 13:53:53 -07:00

191 lines
5.7 KiB

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
* Make sure that switching the displayed source in the UI works as advertised.
const TAB_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "doc_script-switching-01.html";
let gTab, gDebuggee, gPanel, gDebugger;
let gEditor, gSources;
function test() {
initDebugger(TAB_URL).then(([aTab, aDebuggee, aPanel]) => {
gTab = aTab;
gDebuggee = aDebuggee;
gPanel = aPanel;
gDebugger = gPanel.panelWin;
gEditor = gDebugger.DebuggerView.editor;
gSources = gDebugger.DebuggerView.Sources;
ok(gDebugger.document.title.endsWith(EXAMPLE_URL + gLabel1),
"Title with first source is correct.");
waitForSourceAndCaretAndScopes(gPanel, "-02.js", 6)
.then(() => resumeDebuggerThenCloseAndFinish(gPanel))
.then(null, aError => {
ok(false, "Got an error: " + aError.message + "\n" + aError.stack);
let gLabel1 = "code_script-switching-01.js";
let gLabel2 = "code_script-switching-02.js";
function testSourcesDisplay() {
let deferred = promise.defer();
is(gSources.itemCount, 2,
"Found the expected number of sources.");
ok(gSources.containsValue(EXAMPLE_URL + gLabel1),
"First source url is incorrect.");
ok(gSources.containsValue(EXAMPLE_URL + gLabel2),
"Second source url is incorrect.");
"First source label is incorrect.");
"Second source label is incorrect.");
"There should be a selected item in the sources pane.");
is(gSources.selectedLabel, gLabel2,
"The selected label is the sources pane is incorrect.");
is(gSources.selectedValue, EXAMPLE_URL + gLabel2,
"The selected value is the sources pane is incorrect.");
is(gEditor.getText().search(/firstCall/), -1,
"The first source is not displayed.");
is(gEditor.getText().search(/debugger/), 172,
"The second source is displayed.");
ok(gDebugger.document.title.endsWith(EXAMPLE_URL + gLabel2),
"Title with second source is correct.");
ok(isCaretPos(gPanel, 6),
"Editor caret location is correct.");
// The editor's debug location takes a tick to update.
executeSoon(() => {
is(gEditor.getDebugLocation(), 5,
"Editor debugger location is correct.");
waitForDebuggerEvents(gPanel, gDebugger.EVENTS.SOURCE_SHOWN).then(deferred.resolve);
gSources.selectedIndex = 0;
return deferred.promise;
function testSwitchPaused1() {
let deferred = promise.defer();
"There should be a selected item in the sources pane.");
is(gSources.selectedLabel, gLabel1,
"The selected label is the sources pane is incorrect.");
is(gSources.selectedValue, EXAMPLE_URL + gLabel1,
"The selected value is the sources pane is incorrect.");
is(gEditor.getText().search(/firstCall/), 118,
"The first source is displayed.");
is(gEditor.getText().search(/debugger/), -1,
"The second source is not displayed.");
// The editor's debug location takes a tick to update.
executeSoon(() => {
ok(isCaretPos(gPanel, 1),
"Editor caret location is correct.");
is(gEditor.getDebugLocation(), null,
"Editor debugger location is correct.");
waitForDebuggerEvents(gPanel, gDebugger.EVENTS.SOURCE_SHOWN).then(deferred.resolve);
gSources.selectedIndex = 1;
return deferred.promise;
function testSwitchPaused2() {
let deferred = promise.defer();
"There should be a selected item in the sources pane.");
is(gSources.selectedLabel, gLabel2,
"The selected label is the sources pane is incorrect.");
is(gSources.selectedValue, EXAMPLE_URL + gLabel2,
"The selected value is the sources pane is incorrect.");
is(gEditor.getText().search(/firstCall/), -1,
"The first source is not displayed.");
is(gEditor.getText().search(/debugger/), 172,
"The second source is displayed.");
// The editor's debug location takes a tick to update.
executeSoon(() => {
ok(isCaretPos(gPanel, 6),
"Editor caret location is correct.");
is(gEditor.getDebugLocation(), 5,
"Editor debugger location is correct.");
// Step out three times.
waitForThreadEvents(gPanel, "paused").then(() => {
waitForThreadEvents(gPanel, "paused").then(() => {
waitForDebuggerEvents(gPanel, gDebugger.EVENTS.SOURCE_SHOWN).then(deferred.resolve);
return deferred.promise;
function testSwitchRunning() {
let deferred = promise.defer();
"There should be a selected item in the sources pane.");
is(gSources.selectedLabel, gLabel1,
"The selected label is the sources pane is incorrect.");
is(gSources.selectedValue, EXAMPLE_URL + gLabel1,
"The selected value is the sources pane is incorrect.");
is(gEditor.getText().search(/firstCall/), 118,
"The first source is displayed.");
is(gEditor.getText().search(/debugger/), -1,
"The second source is not displayed.");
// The editor's debug location takes a tick to update.
executeSoon(() => {
ok(isCaretPos(gPanel, 5),
"Editor caret location is correct.");
is(gEditor.getDebugLocation(), 4,
"Editor debugger location is correct.");
return deferred.promise;
registerCleanupFunction(function() {
gTab = null;
gDebuggee = null;
gPanel = null;
gDebugger = null;
gEditor = null;
gSources = null;
gLabel1 = null;
gLabel2 = null;