
76 lines
2.2 KiB

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
* Make sure that prettifying HTML sources doesn't do anything.
const TAB_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "doc_included-script.html";
let gTab, gPanel, gDebugger;
let gEditor, gSources, gControllerSources;
function test() {
initDebugger(TAB_URL).then(([aTab,, aPanel]) => {
gTab = aTab;
gPanel = aPanel;
gDebugger = gPanel.panelWin;
gEditor = gDebugger.DebuggerView.editor;
gSources = gDebugger.DebuggerView.Sources;
gControllerSources = gDebugger.DebuggerController.SourceScripts;
Task.spawn(function() {
yield waitForSourceShown(gPanel, TAB_URL);
// From this point onward, the source editor's text should never change.
gEditor.once("change", () => {
ok(false, "The source editor text shouldn't have changed.");
is(gSources.selectedValue, TAB_URL,
"The correct source is currently selected.");
"The source shouldn't be pretty printed yet.");
let { source } = gSources.selectedItem.attachment;
try {
yield gControllerSources.togglePrettyPrint(source);
ok(false, "The promise for a prettified source should be rejected!");
} catch ([source, error]) {
is(error, "Can't prettify non-javascript files.",
"The promise was correctly rejected with a meaningful message.");
let text;
[source, text] = yield gControllerSources.getText(source);
is(gSources.selectedValue, TAB_URL,
"The correct source is still selected.");
"The displayed source hasn't changed.");
"The cached source text wasn't altered in any way.");
yield closeDebuggerAndFinish(gPanel);
function clickPrettyPrintButton() {
function prepareDebugger(aPanel) {
aPanel._view.Sources.preferredSource = TAB_URL;
registerCleanupFunction(function() {
gTab = null;
gPanel = null;
gDebugger = null;
gEditor = null;
gSources = null;
gControllerSources = null;