Kartikaya Gupta 55c123d4d6 Bug 885023 - Convert mFrameMetrics.mZoom to a CSSToScreenScale. r=BenWa,k17e
The mFrameMetrics.mZoom was previously a "resolution-independent" zoom,
which meant it had to always be multiplied by the CalculateIntrinsicScale()
value to be useful. This patch converts it to a "resolution-dependent" zoom,
and includes the intrinsic scale multiplier already. This means it needs
to be updated if either the viewport or composition bounds (which determine
the intrinsic scale) change, but there are only a few places where this
happens and it makes the rest of the code cleaner.
2013-08-26 09:50:30 -04:00

377 lines
11 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set sw=4 ts=8 et tw=80 : */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "Axis.h"
#include <math.h> // for fabsf, pow, powf
#include <algorithm> // for max
#include "AsyncPanZoomController.h" // for AsyncPanZoomController
#include "FrameMetrics.h" // for FrameMetrics
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h" // for MOZ_FINAL
#include "mozilla/Preferences.h" // for Preferences
#include "mozilla/gfx/Rect.h" // for RoundedIn
#include "mozilla/mozalloc.h" // for operator new
#include "nsMathUtils.h" // for NS_lround
#include "nsThreadUtils.h" // for NS_DispatchToMainThread, etc
#include "nscore.h" // for NS_IMETHOD
namespace mozilla {
namespace layers {
static const float EPSILON = 0.0001f;
* Maximum acceleration that can happen between two frames. Velocity is
* throttled if it's above this. This may happen if a time delta is very low,
* or we get a touch point very far away from the previous position for some
* reason.
static float gMaxEventAcceleration = 999.0f;
* Amount of friction applied during flings.
static float gFlingFriction = 0.006f;
* Threshold for velocity beneath which we turn off any acceleration we had
* during repeated flings.
static float gVelocityThreshold = 0.14f;
* Amount of acceleration we multiply in each time the user flings in one
* direction. Every time they let go of the screen, we increase the acceleration
* by this amount raised to the power of the amount of times they have let go,
* times two (to make the curve steeper). This stops if the user lets go and we
* slow down enough, or if they put their finger down without moving it for a
* moment (or in the opposite direction).
static float gAccelerationMultiplier = 1.125f;
* When flinging, if the velocity goes below this number, we just stop the
* animation completely. This is to prevent asymptotically approaching 0
* velocity and rerendering unnecessarily.
static float gFlingStoppedThreshold = 0.01f;
* Maximum size of velocity queue. The queue contains last N velocity records.
* On touch end we calculate the average velocity in order to compensate
* touch/mouse drivers misbehaviour.
static int gMaxVelocityQueueSize = 5;
static void ReadAxisPrefs()
Preferences::AddFloatVarCache(&gMaxEventAcceleration, "gfx.axis.max_event_acceleration", gMaxEventAcceleration);
Preferences::AddFloatVarCache(&gFlingFriction, "gfx.axis.fling_friction", gFlingFriction);
Preferences::AddFloatVarCache(&gVelocityThreshold, "gfx.axis.velocity_threshold", gVelocityThreshold);
Preferences::AddFloatVarCache(&gAccelerationMultiplier, "gfx.axis.acceleration_multiplier", gAccelerationMultiplier);
Preferences::AddFloatVarCache(&gFlingStoppedThreshold, "gfx.axis.fling_stopped_threshold", gFlingStoppedThreshold);
Preferences::AddIntVarCache(&gMaxVelocityQueueSize, "gfx.axis.max_velocity_queue_size", gMaxVelocityQueueSize);
class ReadAxisPref MOZ_FINAL : public nsRunnable {
return NS_OK;
static void InitAxisPrefs()
static bool sInitialized = false;
if (sInitialized)
sInitialized = true;
if (NS_IsMainThread()) {
} else {
// We have to dispatch an event to the main thread to read the pref.
NS_DispatchToMainThread(new ReadAxisPref());
Axis::Axis(AsyncPanZoomController* aAsyncPanZoomController)
: mPos(0),
void Axis::UpdateWithTouchAtDevicePoint(int32_t aPos, const TimeDuration& aTimeDelta) {
float newVelocity = (mPos - aPos) / aTimeDelta.ToMilliseconds();
bool curVelocityBelowThreshold = fabsf(newVelocity) < gVelocityThreshold;
bool directionChange = (mVelocity > 0) != (newVelocity > 0);
// If we've changed directions, or the current velocity threshold, stop any
// acceleration we've accumulated.
if (directionChange || curVelocityBelowThreshold) {
mAcceleration = 0;
mVelocity = newVelocity;
mPos = aPos;
// Keep last gMaxVelocityQueueSize or less velocities in the queue.
if (mVelocityQueue.Length() > gMaxVelocityQueueSize) {
void Axis::StartTouch(int32_t aPos) {
mStartPos = aPos;
mPos = aPos;
float Axis::GetDisplacementForDuration(float aScale, const TimeDuration& aDelta) {
if (fabsf(mVelocity) < gVelocityThreshold) {
mAcceleration = 0;
float accelerationFactor = GetAccelerationFactor();
float displacement = mVelocity * aScale * aDelta.ToMilliseconds() * accelerationFactor;
// If this displacement will cause an overscroll, throttle it. Can potentially
// bring it to 0 even if the velocity is high.
if (DisplacementWillOverscroll(displacement) != OVERSCROLL_NONE) {
// No need to have a velocity along this axis anymore; it won't take us
// anywhere, so we're just spinning needlessly.
mVelocity = 0.0f;
mAcceleration = 0;
displacement -= DisplacementWillOverscrollAmount(displacement);
return displacement;
float Axis::PanDistance() {
return fabsf(mPos - mStartPos);
void Axis::EndTouch() {
// Calculate the mean velocity and empty the queue.
int count = mVelocityQueue.Length();
if (count) {
mVelocity = 0;
while (!mVelocityQueue.IsEmpty()) {
mVelocity += mVelocityQueue[0];
mVelocity /= count;
void Axis::CancelTouch() {
mVelocity = 0.0f;
mAcceleration = 0;
while (!mVelocityQueue.IsEmpty()) {
bool Axis::FlingApplyFrictionOrCancel(const TimeDuration& aDelta) {
if (fabsf(mVelocity) <= gFlingStoppedThreshold) {
// If the velocity is very low, just set it to 0 and stop the fling,
// otherwise we'll just asymptotically approach 0 and the user won't
// actually see any changes.
mVelocity = 0.0f;
return false;
} else {
mVelocity *= pow(1.0f - gFlingFriction, float(aDelta.ToMilliseconds()));
return true;
Axis::Overscroll Axis::GetOverscroll() {
// If the current pan takes the window to the left of or above the current
// page rect.
bool minus = GetOrigin() < GetPageStart();
// If the current pan takes the window to the right of or below the current
// page rect.
bool plus = GetCompositionEnd() > GetPageEnd();
if (minus && plus) {
if (minus) {
if (plus) {
float Axis::GetExcess() {
switch (GetOverscroll()) {
case OVERSCROLL_MINUS: return GetOrigin() - GetPageStart();
case OVERSCROLL_PLUS: return GetCompositionEnd() - GetPageEnd();
case OVERSCROLL_BOTH: return (GetCompositionEnd() - GetPageEnd()) +
(GetPageStart() - GetOrigin());
default: return 0;
Axis::Overscroll Axis::DisplacementWillOverscroll(float aDisplacement) {
// If the current pan plus a displacement takes the window to the left of or
// above the current page rect.
bool minus = GetOrigin() + aDisplacement < GetPageStart();
// If the current pan plus a displacement takes the window to the right of or
// below the current page rect.
bool plus = GetCompositionEnd() + aDisplacement > GetPageEnd();
if (minus && plus) {
if (minus) {
if (plus) {
float Axis::DisplacementWillOverscrollAmount(float aDisplacement) {
switch (DisplacementWillOverscroll(aDisplacement)) {
case OVERSCROLL_MINUS: return (GetOrigin() + aDisplacement) - GetPageStart();
case OVERSCROLL_PLUS: return (GetCompositionEnd() + aDisplacement) - GetPageEnd();
// Don't handle overscrolled in both directions; a displacement can't cause
// this, it must have already been zoomed out too far.
default: return 0;
Axis::Overscroll Axis::ScaleWillOverscroll(ScreenToScreenScale aScale, float aFocus) {
float originAfterScale = (GetOrigin() + aFocus) * aScale.scale - aFocus;
bool both = ScaleWillOverscrollBothSides(aScale);
bool minus = originAfterScale < GetPageStart() * aScale.scale;
bool plus = (originAfterScale + GetCompositionLength()) > GetPageEnd() * aScale.scale;
if ((minus && plus) || both) {
if (minus) {
if (plus) {
float Axis::ScaleWillOverscrollAmount(ScreenToScreenScale aScale, float aFocus) {
float originAfterScale = (GetOrigin() + aFocus) * aScale.scale - aFocus;
switch (ScaleWillOverscroll(aScale, aFocus)) {
case OVERSCROLL_MINUS: return originAfterScale - GetPageStart() * aScale.scale;
case OVERSCROLL_PLUS: return (originAfterScale + GetCompositionLength()) -
NS_lround(GetPageEnd() * aScale.scale);
// Don't handle OVERSCROLL_BOTH. Client code is expected to deal with it.
default: return 0;
float Axis::GetVelocity() {
return mVelocity;
float Axis::GetAccelerationFactor() {
return powf(gAccelerationMultiplier, std::max(0, (mAcceleration - 4) * 3));
float Axis::GetCompositionEnd() {
return GetOrigin() + GetCompositionLength();
float Axis::GetPageEnd() {
return GetPageStart() + GetPageLength();
float Axis::GetOrigin() {
CSSPoint origin = mAsyncPanZoomController->GetFrameMetrics().mScrollOffset;
return GetPointOffset(origin);
float Axis::GetCompositionLength() {
const FrameMetrics& metrics = mAsyncPanZoomController->GetFrameMetrics();
CSSRect cssCompositedRect = metrics.CalculateCompositedRectInCssPixels();
return GetRectLength(cssCompositedRect);
float Axis::GetPageStart() {
CSSRect pageRect = mAsyncPanZoomController->GetFrameMetrics().mScrollableRect;
return GetRectOffset(pageRect);
float Axis::GetPageLength() {
CSSRect pageRect = mAsyncPanZoomController->GetFrameMetrics().mScrollableRect;
return GetRectLength(pageRect);
bool Axis::ScaleWillOverscrollBothSides(ScreenToScreenScale aScale) {
const FrameMetrics& metrics = mAsyncPanZoomController->GetFrameMetrics();
CSSRect cssContentRect = metrics.mScrollableRect;
CSSToScreenScale scale = metrics.mZoom * aScale;
CSSIntRect cssCompositionBounds = RoundedIn(metrics.mCompositionBounds / scale);
return GetRectLength(cssContentRect) < GetRectLength(CSSRect(cssCompositionBounds));
AxisX::AxisX(AsyncPanZoomController* aAsyncPanZoomController)
: Axis(aAsyncPanZoomController)
float AxisX::GetPointOffset(const CSSPoint& aPoint)
return aPoint.x;
float AxisX::GetRectLength(const CSSRect& aRect)
return aRect.width;
float AxisX::GetRectOffset(const CSSRect& aRect)
return aRect.x;
AxisY::AxisY(AsyncPanZoomController* aAsyncPanZoomController)
: Axis(aAsyncPanZoomController)
float AxisY::GetPointOffset(const CSSPoint& aPoint)
return aPoint.y;
float AxisY::GetRectLength(const CSSRect& aRect)
return aRect.height;
float AxisY::GetRectOffset(const CSSRect& aRect)
return aRect.y;