2012-05-21 12:12:37 +01:00

582 lines
18 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["XPCOMUtils", "Services", "NetUtil", "PlacesUtils",
"FileUtils", "Utils", "Async", "Svc", "Str"];
const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, results: Cr, utils: Cu} = Components;
* Utility functions
let Utils = {
// Alias in functions from CommonUtils. These previously were defined here.
// In the ideal world, references to these would be removed.
nextTick: CommonUtils.nextTick,
namedTimer: CommonUtils.namedTimer,
exceptionStr: CommonUtils.exceptionStr,
stackTrace: CommonUtils.stackTrace,
makeURI: CommonUtils.makeURI,
encodeUTF8: CommonUtils.encodeUTF8,
decodeUTF8: CommonUtils.decodeUTF8,
safeAtoB: CommonUtils.safeAtoB,
byteArrayToString: CommonUtils.byteArrayToString,
bytesAsHex: CommonUtils.bytesAsHex,
encodeBase32: CommonUtils.encodeBase32,
decodeBase32: CommonUtils.decodeBase32,
// Aliases from CryptoUtils.
generateRandomBytes: CryptoUtils.generateRandomBytes,
computeHTTPMACSHA1: CryptoUtils.computeHTTPMACSHA1,
digestUTF8: CryptoUtils.digestUTF8,
digestBytes: CryptoUtils.digestBytes,
sha1: CryptoUtils.sha1,
sha1Base32: CryptoUtils.sha1Base32,
makeHMACKey: CryptoUtils.makeHMACKey,
makeHMACHasher: CryptoUtils.makeHMACHasher,
hkdfExpand: CryptoUtils.hkdfExpand,
pbkdf2Generate: CryptoUtils.pbkdf2Generate,
deriveKeyFromPassphrase: CryptoUtils.deriveKeyFromPassphrase,
getHTTPMACSHA1Header: CryptoUtils.getHTTPMACSHA1Header,
* Wrap a function to catch all exceptions and log them
* @usage MyObj._catch = Utils.catch;
* = function() { this._catch(func)(); }
* Optionally pass a function which will be called if an
* exception occurs.
catch: function Utils_catch(func, exceptionCallback) {
let thisArg = this;
return function WrappedCatch() {
try {
catch(ex) {
thisArg._log.debug("Exception: " + Utils.exceptionStr(ex));
if (exceptionCallback) {
return, ex);
return null;
* Wrap a function to call lock before calling the function then unlock.
* @usage MyObj._lock = Utils.lock;
* = function() { this._lock(func)(); }
lock: function lock(label, func) {
let thisArg = this;
return function WrappedLock() {
if (!thisArg.lock()) {
throw "Could not acquire lock. Label: \"" + label + "\".";
try {
finally {
isLockException: function isLockException(ex) {
return ex && ex.indexOf && ex.indexOf("Could not acquire lock.") == 0;
* Wrap functions to notify when it starts and finishes executing or if it
* threw an error.
* The message is a combination of a provided prefix, the local name, and
* the event. Possible events are: "start", "finish", "error". The subject
* is the function's return value on "finish" or the caught exception on
* "error". The data argument is the predefined data value.
* Example:
* @usage function MyObj(name) {
* = name;
* this._notify = Utils.notify("obj:");
* }
* MyObj.prototype = {
* foo: function() this._notify("func", "data-arg", function () {
* //...
* }(),
* };
notify: function Utils_notify(prefix) {
return function NotifyMaker(name, data, func) {
let thisArg = this;
let notify = function(state, subject) {
let mesg = prefix + name + ":" + state;
thisArg._log.trace("Event: " + mesg);
Observers.notify(mesg, subject, data);
return function WrappedNotify() {
try {
notify("start", null);
let ret =;
notify("finish", ret);
return ret;
catch(ex) {
notify("error", ex);
throw ex;
runInTransaction: function(db, callback, thisObj) {
let hasTransaction = false;
try {
hasTransaction = true;
} catch(e) { /* om nom nom exceptions */ }
try {
} finally {
if (hasTransaction) {
* GUIDs are 9 random bytes encoded with base64url (RFC 4648).
* That makes them 12 characters long with 72 bits of entropy.
makeGUID: function makeGUID() {
return CommonUtils.encodeBase64URL(Utils.generateRandomBytes(9));
_base64url_regex: /^[-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_]{12}$/i,
checkGUID: function checkGUID(guid) {
return !!guid && this._base64url_regex.test(guid);
* Add a simple getter/setter to an object that defers access of a property
* to an inner property.
* @param obj
* Object to add properties to defer in its prototype
* @param defer
* Property of obj to defer to
* @param prop
* Property name to defer (or an array of property names)
deferGetSet: function Utils_deferGetSet(obj, defer, prop) {
if (Array.isArray(prop))
return Utils.deferGetSet(obj, defer, prop));
let prot = obj.prototype;
// Create a getter if it doesn't exist yet
if (!prot.__lookupGetter__(prop)) {
prot.__defineGetter__(prop, function () {
return this[defer][prop];
// Create a setter if it doesn't exist yet
if (!prot.__lookupSetter__(prop)) {
prot.__defineSetter__(prop, function (val) {
this[defer][prop] = val;
lazyStrings: function Weave_lazyStrings(name) {
let bundle = "chrome://weave/locale/services/" + name + ".properties";
return function() new StringBundle(bundle);
deepEquals: function eq(a, b) {
// If they're triple equals, then it must be equals!
if (a === b)
return true;
// If they weren't equal, they must be objects to be different
if (typeof a != "object" || typeof b != "object")
return false;
// But null objects won't have properties to compare
if (a === null || b === null)
return false;
// Make sure all of a's keys have a matching value in b
for (let k in a)
if (!eq(a[k], b[k]))
return false;
// Do the same for b's keys but skip those that we already checked
for (let k in b)
if (!(k in a) && !eq(a[k], b[k]))
return false;
return true;
// Generator and discriminator for HMAC exceptions.
// Split these out in case we want to make them richer in future, and to
// avoid inevitable confusion if the message changes.
throwHMACMismatch: function throwHMACMismatch(shouldBe, is) {
throw "Record SHA256 HMAC mismatch: should be " + shouldBe + ", is " + is;
isHMACMismatch: function isHMACMismatch(ex) {
const hmacFail = "Record SHA256 HMAC mismatch: ";
return ex && ex.indexOf && (ex.indexOf(hmacFail) == 0);
* Turn RFC 4648 base32 into our own user-friendly version.
* becomes
* abcdefghijk8mn9pqrstuvwxyz234567
base32ToFriendly: function base32ToFriendly(input) {
return input.toLowerCase()
.replace("l", '8', "g")
.replace("o", '9', "g");
base32FromFriendly: function base32FromFriendly(input) {
return input.toUpperCase()
.replace("8", 'L', "g")
.replace("9", 'O', "g");
* Key manipulation.
// Return an octet string in friendly base32 *with no trailing =*.
encodeKeyBase32: function encodeKeyBase32(keyData) {
return Utils.base32ToFriendly(
decodeKeyBase32: function decodeKeyBase32(encoded) {
return Utils.decodeBase32(
base64Key: function base64Key(keyData) {
return btoa(keyData);
* N.B., salt should be base64 encoded, even though we have to decode
* it later!
derivePresentableKeyFromPassphrase : function derivePresentableKeyFromPassphrase(passphrase, salt, keyLength, forceJS) {
let k = CryptoUtils.deriveKeyFromPassphrase(passphrase, salt, keyLength,
return Utils.encodeKeyBase32(k);
* N.B., salt should be base64 encoded, even though we have to decode
* it later!
deriveEncodedKeyFromPassphrase : function deriveEncodedKeyFromPassphrase(passphrase, salt, keyLength, forceJS) {
let k = CryptoUtils.deriveKeyFromPassphrase(passphrase, salt, keyLength,
return Utils.base64Key(k);
* Take a base64-encoded 128-bit AES key, returning it as five groups of five
* uppercase alphanumeric characters, separated by hyphens.
* A.K.A. base64-to-base32 encoding.
presentEncodedKeyAsSyncKey : function presentEncodedKeyAsSyncKey(encodedKey) {
return Utils.encodeKeyBase32(atob(encodedKey));
jsonLoad: function jsonLoad(path, that, callback) {
CommonUtils.jsonLoad("weave/" + path, that, callback);
jsonSave: function jsonSave(path, that, obj, callback) {
CommonUtils.jsonSave("weave/" + path, that, obj, callback);
getIcon: function(iconUri, defaultIcon) {
try {
let iconURI = Utils.makeURI(iconUri);
return PlacesUtils.favicons.getFaviconLinkForIcon(iconURI).spec;
catch(ex) {}
// Just give the provided default icon or the system's default
return defaultIcon || PlacesUtils.favicons.defaultFavicon.spec;
getErrorString: function Utils_getErrorString(error, args) {
try {
return Str.errors.get(error, args || null);
} catch (e) {}
// basically returns "Unknown Error"
return Str.errors.get("error.reason.unknown");
* Generate 26 characters.
generatePassphrase: function generatePassphrase() {
// Note that this is a different base32 alphabet to the one we use for
// other tasks. It's lowercase, uses different letters, and needs to be
// decoded with decodeKeyBase32, not just decodeBase32.
return Utils.encodeKeyBase32(CryptoUtils.generateRandomBytes(16));
* The following are the methods supported for UI use:
* * isPassphrase:
* determines whether a string is either a normalized or presentable
* passphrase.
* * hyphenatePassphrase:
* present a normalized passphrase for display. This might actually
* perform work beyond just hyphenation; sorry.
* * hyphenatePartialPassphrase:
* present a fragment of a normalized passphrase for display.
* * normalizePassphrase:
* take a presentable passphrase and reduce it to a normalized
* representation for storage. normalizePassphrase can safely be called
* on normalized input.
* * normalizeAccount:
* take user input for account/username, cleaning up appropriately.
isPassphrase: function(s) {
if (s) {
return /^[abcdefghijkmnpqrstuvwxyz23456789]{26}$/.test(Utils.normalizePassphrase(s));
return false;
* Hyphenate a passphrase (26 characters) into groups.
* abbbbccccddddeeeeffffggggh
* =>
* a-bbbbc-cccdd-ddeee-effff-ggggh
hyphenatePassphrase: function hyphenatePassphrase(passphrase) {
// For now, these are the same.
return Utils.hyphenatePartialPassphrase(passphrase, true);
hyphenatePartialPassphrase: function hyphenatePartialPassphrase(passphrase, omitTrailingDash) {
if (!passphrase)
return null;
// Get the raw data input. Just base32.
let data = passphrase.toLowerCase().replace(/[^abcdefghijkmnpqrstuvwxyz23456789]/g, "");
// This is the neatest way to do this.
if ((data.length == 1) && !omitTrailingDash)
return data + "-";
// Hyphenate it.
let y = data.substr(0,1);
let z = data.substr(1).replace(/(.{1,5})/g, "-$1");
// Correct length? We're done.
if ((z.length == 30) || omitTrailingDash)
return y + z;
// Add a trailing dash if appropriate.
return (y + z.replace(/([^-]{5})$/, "$1-")).substr(0, SYNC_KEY_HYPHENATED_LENGTH);
normalizePassphrase: function normalizePassphrase(pp) {
// Short var name... have you seen the lines below?!
// Allow leading and trailing whitespace.
pp = pp.trim().toLowerCase();
// 20-char sync key.
if (pp.length == 23 &&
[5, 11, 17].every(function(i) pp[i] == '-')) {
return pp.slice(0, 5) + pp.slice(6, 11)
+ pp.slice(12, 17) + pp.slice(18, 23);
// "Modern" 26-char key.
if (pp.length == 31 &&
[1, 7, 13, 19, 25].every(function(i) pp[i] == '-')) {
return pp.slice(0, 1) + pp.slice(2, 7)
+ pp.slice(8, 13) + pp.slice(14, 19)
+ pp.slice(20, 25) + pp.slice(26, 31);
// Something else -- just return.
return pp;
normalizeAccount: function normalizeAccount(acc) {
return acc.trim();
* Create an array like the first but without elements of the second. Reuse
* arrays if possible.
arraySub: function arraySub(minuend, subtrahend) {
if (!minuend.length || !subtrahend.length)
return minuend;
return minuend.filter(function(i) subtrahend.indexOf(i) == -1);
* Build the union of two arrays. Reuse arrays if possible.
arrayUnion: function arrayUnion(foo, bar) {
if (!foo.length)
return bar;
if (!bar.length)
return foo;
return foo.concat(Utils.arraySub(bar, foo));
bind2: function Async_bind2(object, method) {
return function innerBind() { return method.apply(object, arguments); };
mpLocked: function mpLocked() {
let modules = Cc[";1"]
let sdrSlot = modules.findSlotByName("");
let status = sdrSlot.status;
let slots = Ci.nsIPKCS11Slot;
if (status == slots.SLOT_READY || status == slots.SLOT_LOGGED_IN
|| status == slots.SLOT_UNINITIALIZED)
return false;
if (status == slots.SLOT_NOT_LOGGED_IN)
return true;
// something wacky happened, pretend MP is locked
return true;
// If Master Password is enabled and locked, present a dialog to unlock it.
// Return whether the system is unlocked.
ensureMPUnlocked: function ensureMPUnlocked() {
if (!Utils.mpLocked()) {
return true;
let sdr = Cc[";1"]
try {
return true;
} catch(e) {}
return false;
* Return a value for a backoff interval. Maximum is eight hours, unless
* Status.backoffInterval is higher.
calculateBackoff: function calculateBackoff(attempts, baseInterval,
statusInterval) {
let backoffInterval = attempts *
(Math.floor(Math.random() * baseInterval) +
return Math.max(Math.min(backoffInterval, MAXIMUM_BACKOFF_INTERVAL),
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(Utils, "_utf8Converter", function() {
let converter = Cc[""]
converter.charset = "UTF-8";
return converter;
* Commonly-used services
let Svc = {};
Svc.Prefs = new Preferences(PREFS_BRANCH);
Svc.DefaultPrefs = new Preferences({branch: PREFS_BRANCH, defaultBranch: true});
Svc.Obs = Observers;
let _sessionCID = Services.appinfo.ID == SEAMONKEY_ID ?
";1" :
[["Form", ";1", "nsIFormHistory2"],
["Idle", ";1", "nsIIdleService"],
["Session", _sessionCID, "nsISessionStore"]
].forEach(function([name, contract, iface]) {
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(Svc, name, contract, iface);
// nsIPrivateBrowsingService is not implemented in mobile Firefox.
// Svc.Private should just return undefined in this case instead of throwing.
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(Svc, "Private", function() {
try {
return Cc[";1"].getService(Ci["nsIPrivateBrowsingService"]);
} catch (e) {
return undefined;
Svc.__defineGetter__("Crypto", function() {
let cryptoSvc;
let ns = {};
Cu.import("resource://services-crypto/WeaveCrypto.js", ns);
cryptoSvc = new ns.WeaveCrypto();
delete Svc.Crypto;
return Svc.Crypto = cryptoSvc;
let Str = {};
["errors", "sync"].forEach(function(lazy) {
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(Str, lazy, Utils.lazyStrings(lazy));
Svc.Obs.add("xpcom-shutdown", function () {
for (let name in Svc)
delete Svc[name];