
383 lines
13 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
* Functionality for (single finger) action chains.
this.ActionChain = function (utils, checkForInterrupted) {
// For assigning unique ids to all touches
this.nextTouchId = 1000;
// Keep track of active Touches
this.touchIds = {};
// last touch for each fingerId
this.lastCoordinates = null;
this.isTap = false;
this.scrolling = false;
// whether to send mouse event
this.mouseEventsOnly = false;
this.checkTimer = Components.classes[";1"]
// Callbacks for command completion.
this.onSuccess = null;
this.onError = null;
if (typeof checkForInterrupted == "function") {
this.checkForInterrupted = checkForInterrupted;
} else {
this.checkForInterrupted = () => {};
// Determines if we create touch events.
this.inputSource = null;
// Test utilities providing some event synthesis code.
this.utils = utils;
ActionChain.prototype = {
dispatchActions: function (args, touchId, frame, elementManager, callbacks,
touchProvider) {
// Some touch events code in the listener needs to do ipc, so we can't
// share this code across chrome/content.
if (touchProvider) {
this.touchProvider = touchProvider;
this.elementManager = elementManager;
let commandArray = elementManager.convertWrappedArguments(args, frame);
let {onSuccess, onError} = callbacks;
this.onSuccess = onSuccess;
this.onError = onError;
this.frame = frame;
if (touchId == null) {
touchId = this.nextTouchId++;
if (!frame.document.createTouch) {
this.mouseEventsOnly = true;
let keyModifiers = {
shiftKey: false,
ctrlKey: false,
altKey: false,
metaKey: false
try {
this.actions(commandArray, touchId, 0, keyModifiers);
} catch (e) {
this.onError(e.message, e.code, e.stack);
* This function emit mouse event
* @param: doc is the current document
* type is the type of event to dispatch
* clickCount is the number of clicks, button notes the mouse button
* elClientX and elClientY are the coordinates of the mouse relative to the viewport
* modifiers is an object of modifier keys present
emitMouseEvent: function (doc, type, elClientX, elClientY, button, clickCount, modifiers) {
if (!this.checkForInterrupted()) {
let loggingInfo = "emitting Mouse event of type " + type +
" at coordinates (" + elClientX + ", " + elClientY +
") relative to the viewport\n" +
" button: " + button + "\n" +
" clickCount: " + clickCount + "\n";
dump( + " Marionette: " + loggingInfo);
let win = doc.defaultView;
let domUtils = win.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
let mods;
if (typeof modifiers != "undefined") {
mods = this.utils._parseModifiers(modifiers);
} else {
mods = 0;
domUtils.sendMouseEvent(type, elClientX, elClientY, button || 0, clickCount || 1,
mods, false, 0, this.inputSource);
* Reset any persisted values after a command completes.
resetValues: function () {
this.onSuccess = null;
this.onError = null;
this.frame = null;
this.elementManager = null;
this.touchProvider = null;
this.mouseEventsOnly = false;
* Function to emit touch events for each finger. e.g. finger=[['press', id], ['wait', 5], ['release']]
* touchId represents the finger id, i keeps track of the current action of the chain
* keyModifiers is an object keeping track keyDown/keyUp pairs through an action chain.
actions: function (chain, touchId, i, keyModifiers) {
if (i == chain.length) {
this.onSuccess({value: touchId});
let pack = chain[i];
let command = pack[0];
let el;
let c;
if (['press', 'wait', 'keyDown', 'keyUp', 'click'].indexOf(command) == -1) {
// if mouseEventsOnly, then touchIds isn't used
if (!(touchId in this.touchIds) && !this.mouseEventsOnly) {
this.onError("Element has not been pressed", 500, null);
switch(command) {
case 'keyDown':
this.utils.sendKeyDown(pack[1], keyModifiers, this.frame);
this.actions(chain, touchId, i, keyModifiers);
case 'keyUp':
this.utils.sendKeyUp(pack[1], keyModifiers, this.frame);
this.actions(chain, touchId, i, keyModifiers);
case 'click':
el = this.elementManager.getKnownElement(pack[1], this.frame);
let button = pack[2];
let clickCount = pack[3];
c = this.coordinates(el, null, null);
this.mouseTap(el.ownerDocument, c.x, c.y, button, clickCount,
if (button == 2) {
this.emitMouseEvent(el.ownerDocument, 'contextmenu', c.x, c.y,
button, clickCount, keyModifiers);
this.actions(chain, touchId, i, keyModifiers);
case 'press':
if (this.lastCoordinates) {
this.generateEvents('cancel', this.lastCoordinates[0], this.lastCoordinates[1],
touchId, null, keyModifiers);
this.onError("Invalid Command: press cannot follow an active touch event", 500, null);
// look ahead to check if we're scrolling. Needed for APZ touch dispatching.
if ((i != chain.length) && (chain[i][0].indexOf('move') !== -1)) {
this.scrolling = true;
el = this.elementManager.getKnownElement(pack[1], this.frame);
c = this.coordinates(el, pack[2], pack[3]);
touchId = this.generateEvents('press', c.x, c.y, null, el, keyModifiers);
this.actions(chain, touchId, i, keyModifiers);
case 'release':
this.generateEvents('release', this.lastCoordinates[0], this.lastCoordinates[1],
touchId, null, keyModifiers);
this.actions(chain, null, i, keyModifiers);
this.scrolling = false;
case 'move':
el = this.elementManager.getKnownElement(pack[1], this.frame);
c = this.coordinates(el);
this.generateEvents('move', c.x, c.y, touchId, null, keyModifiers);
this.actions(chain, touchId, i, keyModifiers);
case 'moveByOffset':
this.generateEvents('move', this.lastCoordinates[0] + pack[1],
this.lastCoordinates[1] + pack[2],
touchId, null, keyModifiers);
this.actions(chain, touchId, i, keyModifiers);
case 'wait':
if (pack[1] != null ) {
let time = pack[1]*1000;
// standard waiting time to fire contextmenu
let standard = 750;
try {
standard = Services.prefs.getIntPref("ui.click_hold_context_menus.delay");
catch (e){}
if (time >= standard && this.isTap) {
chain.splice(i, 0, ['longPress'], ['wait', (time-standard)/1000]);
time = standard;
this.checkTimer.initWithCallback(() => {
this.actions(chain, touchId, i, keyModifiers);
}, time, Components.interfaces.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
else {
this.actions(chain, touchId, i, keyModifiers);
case 'cancel':
this.generateEvents('cancel', this.lastCoordinates[0], this.lastCoordinates[1],
touchId, null, keyModifiers);
this.actions(chain, touchId, i, keyModifiers);
this.scrolling = false;
case 'longPress':
this.generateEvents('contextmenu', this.lastCoordinates[0], this.lastCoordinates[1],
touchId, null, keyModifiers);
this.actions(chain, touchId, i, keyModifiers);
* This function generates a pair of coordinates relative to the viewport given a
* target element and coordinates relative to that element's top-left corner.
* @param 'x', and 'y' are the relative to the target.
* If they are not specified, then the center of the target is used.
coordinates: function (target, x, y) {
let box = target.getBoundingClientRect();
if (x == null) {
x = box.width / 2;
if (y == null) {
y = box.height / 2;
let coords = {};
coords.x = box.left + x;
coords.y = + y;
return coords;
* Given an element and a pair of coordinates, returns an array of the form
* [ clientX, clientY, pageX, pageY, screenX, screenY ]
getCoordinateInfo: function (el, corx, cory) {
let win = el.ownerDocument.defaultView;
return [ corx, // clientX
cory, // clientY
corx + win.pageXOffset, // pageX
cory + win.pageYOffset, // pageY
corx + win.mozInnerScreenX, // screenX
cory + win.mozInnerScreenY // screenY
//x and y are coordinates relative to the viewport
generateEvents: function (type, x, y, touchId, target, keyModifiers) {
this.lastCoordinates = [x, y];
let doc = this.frame.document;
switch (type) {
case 'tap':
if (this.mouseEventsOnly) {
this.mouseTap(, touch.clientX, touch.clientY,
null, null, keyModifiers);
} else {
touchId = this.nextTouchId++;
let touch = this.touchProvider.createATouch(target, x, y, touchId);
this.touchProvider.emitTouchEvent('touchstart', touch);
this.touchProvider.emitTouchEvent('touchend', touch);
this.mouseTap(, touch.clientX, touch.clientY,
null, null, keyModifiers);
this.lastCoordinates = null;
case 'press':
this.isTap = true;
if (this.mouseEventsOnly) {
this.emitMouseEvent(doc, 'mousemove', x, y, null, null, keyModifiers);
this.emitMouseEvent(doc, 'mousedown', x, y, null, null, keyModifiers);
else {
touchId = this.nextTouchId++;
let touch = this.touchProvider.createATouch(target, x, y, touchId);
this.touchProvider.emitTouchEvent('touchstart', touch);
this.touchIds[touchId] = touch;
return touchId;
case 'release':
if (this.mouseEventsOnly) {
let [x, y] = this.lastCoordinates;
this.emitMouseEvent(doc, 'mouseup', x, y,
null, null, keyModifiers);
else {
let touch = this.touchIds[touchId];
let [x, y] = this.lastCoordinates;
touch = this.touchProvider.createATouch(, x, y, touchId);
this.touchProvider.emitTouchEvent('touchend', touch);
if (this.isTap) {
this.mouseTap(, touch.clientX, touch.clientY,
null, null, keyModifiers);
delete this.touchIds[touchId];
this.isTap = false;
this.lastCoordinates = null;
case 'cancel':
this.isTap = false;
if (this.mouseEventsOnly) {
let [x, y] = this.lastCoordinates;
this.emitMouseEvent(doc, 'mouseup', x, y,
null, null, keyModifiers);
else {
this.touchProvider.emitTouchEvent('touchcancel', this.touchIds[touchId]);
delete this.touchIds[touchId];
this.lastCoordinates = null;
case 'move':
this.isTap = false;
if (this.mouseEventsOnly) {
this.emitMouseEvent(doc, 'mousemove', x, y, null, null, keyModifiers);
else {
let touch = this.touchProvider.createATouch(this.touchIds[touchId].target,
x, y, touchId);
this.touchIds[touchId] = touch;
this.touchProvider.emitTouchEvent('touchmove', touch);
case 'contextmenu':
this.isTap = false;
let event = this.frame.document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
if (this.mouseEventsOnly) {
target = doc.elementFromPoint(this.lastCoordinates[0], this.lastCoordinates[1]);
else {
target = this.touchIds[touchId].target;
let [ clientX, clientY,
pageX, pageY,
screenX, screenY ] = this.getCoordinateInfo(target, x, y);
event.initMouseEvent('contextmenu', true, true,
target.ownerDocument.defaultView, 1,
screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY,
false, false, false, false, 0, null);
throw {message:"Unknown event type: " + type, code: 500, stack:null};
mouseTap: function (doc, x, y, button, clickCount, keyModifiers) {
this.emitMouseEvent(doc, 'mousemove', x, y, button, clickCount, keyModifiers);
this.emitMouseEvent(doc, 'mousedown', x, y, button, clickCount, keyModifiers);
this.emitMouseEvent(doc, 'mouseup', x, y, button, clickCount, keyModifiers);