
157 lines
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* EventUtils provides some utility methods for creating and sending DOM events.
* Current methods:
* sendMouseEvent
* sendChar
* sendString
* sendKey
* Send a mouse event to the node with id aTarget. The "event" passed in to
* aEvent is just a JavaScript object with the properties set that the real
* mouse event object should have. This includes the type of the mouse event.
* E.g. to send an click event to the node with id 'node' you might do this:
* sendMouseEvent({type:'click'}, 'node');
function sendMouseEvent(aEvent, aTarget) {
if (['click', 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'mouseover', 'mouseout'].indexOf(aEvent.type) == -1) {
throw new Error("sendMouseEvent doesn't know about event type '"+aEvent.type+"'");
// For events to trigger the UA's default actions they need to be "trusted"'UniversalBrowserWrite');
var event = document.createEvent('MouseEvent');
var typeArg = aEvent.type;
var canBubbleArg = true;
var cancelableArg = true;
var viewArg = window;
var detailArg = aEvent.detail || (aEvent.type == 'click' ||
aEvent.type == 'mousedown' ||
aEvent.type == 'mouseup' ? 1 : 0);
var screenXArg = aEvent.screenX || 0;
var screenYArg = aEvent.screenY || 0;
var clientXArg = aEvent.clientX || 0;
var clientYArg = aEvent.clientY || 0;
var ctrlKeyArg = aEvent.ctrlKey || false;
var altKeyArg = aEvent.altKey || false;
var shiftKeyArg = aEvent.shiftKey || false;
var metaKeyArg = aEvent.metaKey || false;
var buttonArg = aEvent.button || 0;
var relatedTargetArg = aEvent.relatedTarget || null;
event.initMouseEvent(typeArg, canBubbleArg, cancelableArg, viewArg, detailArg,
screenXArg, screenYArg, clientXArg, clientYArg,
ctrlKeyArg, altKeyArg, shiftKeyArg, metaKeyArg,
buttonArg, relatedTargetArg);
* Send the char aChar to the node with id aTarget. If aTarget is not
* provided, use "target". This method handles casing of chars (sends the
* right charcode, and sends a shift key for uppercase chars). No other
* modifiers are handled at this point.
* For now this method only works for English letters (lower and upper case)
* and the digits 0-9.
* Returns true if the keypress event was accepted (no calls to preventDefault
* or anything like that), false otherwise.
function sendChar(aChar, aTarget) {
// DOM event charcodes match ASCII (JS charcodes) for a-zA-Z0-9.
var hasShift = (aChar == aChar.toUpperCase());
var charCode = aChar.charCodeAt(0);
var keyCode = charCode;
if (!hasShift) {
// For lowercase letters, the keyCode is actually 32 less than the charCode
keyCode -= 0x20;
return __doEventDispatch(aTarget, charCode, keyCode, hasShift);
* Send the string aStr to the node with id aTarget. If aTarget is not
* provided, use "target".
* For now this method only works for English letters (lower and upper case)
* and the digits 0-9.
function sendString(aStr, aTarget) {
for (var i = 0; i < aStr.length; ++i) {
sendChar(aStr.charAt(i), aTarget);
* Send the non-character key aKey to the node with id aTarget. If aTarget is
* not provided, use "target". The name of the key should be a lowercase
* version of the part that comes after "DOM_VK_" in the KeyEvent constant
* name for this key. No modifiers are handled at this point.
* Returns true if the keypress event was accepted (no calls to preventDefault
* or anything like that), false otherwise.
function sendKey(aKey, aTarget) {
keyName = "DOM_VK_" + aKey.toUpperCase();
if (!KeyEvent[keyName]) {
throw "Unknown key: " + keyName;
return __doEventDispatch(aTarget, 0, KeyEvent[keyName], false);
* Actually perform event dispatch given a charCode, keyCode, and boolean for
* whether "shift" was pressed. Send the event to the node with id aTarget. If
* aTarget is not provided, use "target".
* Returns true if the keypress event was accepted (no calls to preventDefault
* or anything like that), false otherwise.
function __doEventDispatch(aTarget, aCharCode, aKeyCode, aHasShift) {
if (aTarget === undefined) {
aTarget = "target";
// Make our events trusted"UniversalXPConnect");
var event = document.createEvent("KeyEvents");
event.initKeyEvent("keydown", true, true, document.defaultView,
false, false, aHasShift, false,
aKeyCode, 0);
var accepted = $(aTarget).dispatchEvent(event);
// Cancelling keydown cancels keypress too
if (accepted) {
event = document.createEvent("KeyEvents");
if (aCharCode) {
event.initKeyEvent("keypress", true, true, document.defaultView,
false, false, aHasShift, false,
0, aCharCode);
} else {
event.initKeyEvent("keypress", true, true, document.defaultView,
false, false, aHasShift, false,
aKeyCode, 0);
accepted = $(aTarget).dispatchEvent(event);
// Always send keyup
var event = document.createEvent("KeyEvents");
event.initKeyEvent("keyup", true, true, document.defaultView,
false, false, aHasShift, false,
aKeyCode, 0);
return accepted;