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synced 2024-09-13 09:24:08 -07:00
This is a temporary measure. We have multiple resource directories that all need to be included into the GeckoView library. This patch stuffs the resources into a zip file which can be included in the GeckoView packaging step. These resources used to be copied into res/, which led to synchronization issues. This new zip file will now suffer the same synchronization problems. Android Archive (.aar) files make this synchronization step explicit, and tools such as gradle do the work to keep things in sync. We'll move to use a tool like this eventually, but for now...
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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
package-name.txt.in \
ifneq (,$(findstring -march=armv7,$(OS_CFLAGS)))
MOZ_APP_BUILDID=$(shell cat $(DEPTH)/config/buildid)
ifeq ($(CPU_ARCH),arm)
ifeq ($(MIN_CPU_VERSION),7)
ANDROID_VERSION_CODE=$(shell cat $(DEPTH)/config/buildid | cut -c1-10)
# decrement the version code by 1 for armv6 builds so armv7 builds will win any compatability ties
ANDROID_VERSION_CODE=$(shell echo $$((`cat $(DEPTH)/config/buildid | cut -c1-10` - 1)))
else #not arm, so x86
# increment the version code by 1 for x86 builds so they are offered to x86 phones that have arm emulators
ANDROID_VERSION_CODE=$(shell echo $$((`cat $(DEPTH)/config/buildid | cut -c1-10` + 1)))
UA_BUILDID=$(shell echo $(ANDROID_VERSION_CODE) | cut -c1-8)
MOZ_BUILD_TIMESTAMP=$(shell echo `$(PYTHON) $(topsrcdir)/toolkit/xre/make-platformini.py --print-timestamp`)
AndroidManifest.xml \
WebAppManifestFragment.xml.frag \
classes.dex \
gecko.ap_ \
res/values/strings.xml \
.aapt.deps \
fennec_ids.txt \
javah.out \
jni-stubs.inc \
GeneratedJNIWrappers.cpp \
GeneratedJNIWrappers.h \
GARBAGE_DIRS += classes db jars res sync services generated
gecko-browser.jar \
gecko-mozglue.jar \
gecko-util.jar \
sync-thirdparty.jar \
websockets.jar \
ALL_JARS += webrtc.jar
include $(topsrcdir)/config/config.mk
# Note that we're going to set up a dependency directly between embed_android.dex and the java files
# Instead of on the .class files, since more than one .class file might be produced per .java file
# Sync dependencies are provided in a single jar. Sync classes themselves are delivered as source,
# because Android resource classes must be compiled together in order to avoid overlapping resource
# indices.
classes.dex: proguard-jars
@echo 'DX classes.dex'
$(DX) --dex --output=classes.dex jars-proguarded $(ANDROID_COMPAT_LIB)
proguard-jars: $(ALL_JARS)
java -jar $(ANDROID_SDK_ROOT)/tools/proguard/lib/proguard.jar @$(topsrcdir)/mobile/android/config/proguard.cfg -optimizationpasses $(PROGUARD_PASSES) -injars $(subst ::,:,$(subst $(NULL) ,:,$(strip $(ALL_JARS)))) -outjars jars-proguarded -libraryjars $(ANDROID_SDK)/android.jar:$(ANDROID_COMPAT_LIB)
org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoAppShell \
org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoJavaSampler \
org.mozilla.gecko.gfx.NativePanZoomController \
org.mozilla.gecko.ANRReporter \
# Note: if you are building with MOZ_WEBSMS_BACKEND turned on, then
# you will get a build error because the generated jni-stubs.inc will
# be different than the one checked in (i.e. it will have the sms-related
# JNI stubs as well). Just copy the generated file to mozglue/android/
# like the error message says and rebuild. All should be well after that.
CLASSES_WITH_JNI += org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoSmsManager
jni-stubs.inc: gecko-browser.jar gecko-mozglue.jar gecko-util.jar sync-thirdparty.jar
$(JAVAH) -o javah.out -bootclasspath $(JAVA_BOOTCLASSPATH) -classpath $(subst $(NULL) $(NULL),:,$^) $(CLASSES_WITH_JNI)
$(PYTHON) $(topsrcdir)/mobile/android/base/jni-generator.py javah.out $@
ANNOTATION_PROCESSOR_JAR_FILES := $(DEPTH)/build/annotationProcessors/annotationProcessors.jar
GeneratedJNIWrappers.cpp: $(ALL_JARS)
$(JAVA) -classpath gecko-mozglue.jar:$(JAVA_BOOTCLASSPATH):$(ANNOTATION_PROCESSOR_JAR_FILES) org.mozilla.gecko.annotationProcessors.AnnotationProcessor $(ALL_JARS)
gecko_package_dir = generated/org/mozilla/gecko
# Like generated/org/mozilla/fennec_$USERID.
android_package_dir = $(addprefix generated/,$(subst .,/,$(ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME)))
# These _PP_JAVAFILES are specified in moz.build and defined in
# backend.mk, which is included by config.mk. Therefore this needs to
# be defined after config.mk is included.
PP_JAVAFILES := $(filter-out $(gecko_package_dir)/R.java,$(gecko-mozglue_PP_JAVAFILES) $(gecko-browser_PP_JAVAFILES))
manifest := \
AndroidManifest.xml.in \
WebAppManifestFragment.xml.frag.in \
PP_TARGETS += manifest
# Certain source files need to be preprocessed. This special rule
# generates these files into generated/org/mozilla/gecko for
# consumption by the build system and IDEs.
preprocessed := $(addsuffix .in,$(subst $(gecko_package_dir)/,,$(filter $(gecko_package_dir)/%,$(PP_JAVAFILES))))
preprocessed_PATH := $(gecko_package_dir)
preprocessed_KEEP_PATH := 1
PP_TARGETS += preprocessed
# Certain source files have Java package name @ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME@.
# We hate these files but they are necessary for backwards
# compatibility. These special rules generate these files into
# generated/org/mozilla/{firefox,firefox_beta,fennec,fennec_$USER} for
# consumption by the build system and IDEs.
preprocessed_package := $(addsuffix .in,$(subst $(android_package_dir)/,,$(filter $(android_package_dir)/%,$(PP_JAVAFILES))))
preprocessed_package_PATH := $(android_package_dir)
preprocessed_package_KEEP_PATH := 1
PP_TARGETS += preprocessed_package
include $(topsrcdir)/config/rules.mk
not_android_res_files := \
*.mkdir.done* \
*.DS_Store* \
# This uses the fact that Android resource directories list all
# resource files one subdirectory below the parent resource directory.
android_res_files := $(filter-out $(not_android_res_files),$(wildcard $(addsuffix /*,$(wildcard $(addsuffix /*,$(ANDROID_RES_DIRS))))))
# For GeckoView, we want a zip of an Android res/ directory that
# merges the contents of all the ANDROID_RES_DIRS. The inner res/
# directory must have the Android resource two-layer hierarchy.
# The following helper zips files in a directory into a zip file while
# maintaining the directory structure rooted below the directory.
# (adding or creating said file as appropriate). For example, if the
# dir contains dir/subdir/file, calling with directory dir would
# create a zip containing subdir/file. Note: the trailing newline is
# necessary.
# $(1): zip file to add to (or create).
# $(2): directory to zip contents of.
define zip_directory_with_relative_paths
cd $(2) && zip -q $(1) -r * -x $(not_android_res_files)
geckoview_resources.zip: $(android_res_files) $(GLOBAL_DEPS)
$(foreach dir,$(ANDROID_RES_DIRS),$(call zip_directory_with_relative_paths,$(CURDIR)/$@,$(dir)))
# [Comment 1/3] We don't have correct dependencies for strings.xml at
# this point, so we always recursively invoke the submake to check the
# dependencies. Sigh. And, with multilocale builds, there will be
# multiple strings.xml files, and we need to rebuild gecko.ap_ if any
# of them change. But! mobile/android/base/locales does not have
# enough information to actually build res/values/strings.xml during a
# language repack. So rather than adding rules into the main
# makefile, and trying to work around the lack of information, we
# force a rebuild of gecko.ap_ during packaging. See below.
res/values/strings.xml: FORCE
$(MAKE) -C locales
all_resources = \
$(CURDIR)/AndroidManifest.xml \
$(CURDIR)/WebAppManifestFragment.xml.frag \
$(android_res_files) \
# All of generated/org/mozilla/gecko/R.java, gecko.ap_, and R.txt are
# produced by aapt; this saves aapt invocations.
$(gecko_package_dir)/R.java: .aapt.deps
gecko.ap_: .aapt.deps
R.txt: .aapt.deps
# [Comment 2/3] This tom-foolery provides a target that forces a
# rebuild of gecko.ap_. This is used during packaging to ensure that
# resources are fresh. The alternative would be complicated; see
# [Comment 1/3].
gecko-nodeps/R.java: .aapt.nodeps
gecko-nodeps.ap_: .aapt.nodeps
gecko-nodeps/R.txt: .aapt.nodeps
# 1: target file.
# 2: dependencies.
# 3: name of ap_ file to write.
# 4: directory to write R.java into.
# 5: directory to write R.txt into.
define aapt_command
$(1): $$(call mkdir_deps,$(filter-out ./,$(dir $(3) $(4) $(5)))) $(2)
$$(AAPT) package -f -M AndroidManifest.xml -I $$(ANDROID_SDK)/android.jar \
--auto-add-overlay \
$$(addprefix -S ,$$(ANDROID_RES_DIRS)) \
--custom-package org.mozilla.gecko --non-constant-id \
-F $(3) \
-J $(4) \
--output-text-symbols $(5)
@$$(TOUCH) $$@
# [Comment 3/3] The first of these rules is used during regular
# builds. The second writes an ap_ file that is only used during
# packaging. It doesn't write the normal ap_, or R.java, since we
# don't want the packaging step to write anything that would make a
# further no-op build do work. See also
# toolkit/mozapps/installer/packager.mk.
# .aapt.deps: $(all_resources)
$(eval $(call aapt_command,.aapt.deps,$(all_resources),gecko.ap_,$(gecko_package_dir)/,./))
# .aapt.nodeps: $(CURDIR)/AndroidManifest.xml FORCE
$(eval $(call aapt_command,.aapt.nodeps,$(CURDIR)/AndroidManifest.xml FORCE,gecko-nodeps.ap_,gecko-nodeps/,gecko-nodeps/))
fennec_ids.txt: $(gecko_package_dir)/R.java fennec-ids-generator.py
$(PYTHON) $(topsrcdir)/mobile/android/base/fennec-ids-generator.py -i $< -o $@
# Override the Java settings with some specific android settings
include $(topsrcdir)/config/android-common.mk
libs:: geckoview_resources.zip classes.dex jni-stubs.inc GeneratedJNIWrappers.cpp fennec_ids.txt
$(INSTALL) geckoview_resources.zip $(FINAL_TARGET)
$(INSTALL) classes.dex $(FINAL_TARGET)
@(diff jni-stubs.inc $(topsrcdir)/mozglue/android/jni-stubs.inc >/dev/null && diff GeneratedJNIWrappers.cpp $(topsrcdir)/widget/android/GeneratedJNIWrappers.cpp >/dev/null) || \
(echo '*** Error: The generated JNI code has changed. Please run cp $(CURDIR)/jni-stubs.inc $(topsrcdir)/mozglue/android && cp $(CURDIR)/GeneratedJNIWrappers.* $(topsrcdir)/widget/android and repeat the build.' && exit 1)