
236 lines
7.5 KiB

/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
let gTab1, gTab2, gTab3, gTab4;
let gPane1, gPane2;
let gNbox;
* Tests that a debugger instance can't be opened in multiple tabs at once,
* and that on such an attempt a notification is shown, which can either switch
* to the old debugger instance, or close the old instance to open a new one.
function test() {
gNbox = gBrowser.getNotificationBox(gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
testTab1(function() {
testTab2(function() {
testTab3(function() {
testTab4(function() {
lastTest(function() {
cleanup(function() {
function testTab1(callback) {
gTab1 = addTab(TAB1_URL, function() {
gBrowser.selectedTab = gTab1;
gNbox = gBrowser.getNotificationBox(gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
is(gNbox.getNotificationWithValue("debugger-tab-switch"), null,
"Shouldn't have a tab switch notification.");
"Shouldn't have a debugger pane for this tab yet.");
info("Toggling a debugger (1).");
gPane1 = DebuggerUI.toggleDebugger();
ok(gPane1, "toggleDebugger() should return a pane.");
is(gPane1.ownerTab, gTab1, "Incorrect tab owner.");
is(DebuggerUI.getDebugger(), gPane1,
"getDebugger() should return the same pane as toggleDebugger().");
wait_for_connect_and_resume(function dbgLoaded() {
info("First debugger has finished loading correctly.");
executeSoon(function() {
function testTab2(callback) {
gTab2 = addTab(TAB1_URL, function() {
gBrowser.selectedTab = gTab2;
gNbox = gBrowser.getNotificationBox(gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
is(gNbox.getNotificationWithValue("debugger-tab-switch"), null,
"Shouldn't have a tab switch notification yet.");
"Should already have a debugger pane for another tab.");
gNbox.addEventListener("AlertActive", function active() {
gNbox.removeEventListener("AlertActive", active, true);
executeSoon(function() {
ok(gPane2, "toggleDebugger() should always return a pane.");
is(gPane2.ownerTab, gTab1, "Incorrect tab owner.");
is(DebuggerUI.getDebugger(), gPane1,
"getDebugger() should return the same pane as the first call to toggleDebugger().");
is(DebuggerUI.getDebugger(), gPane2,
"getDebugger() should return the same pane as the second call to toggleDebugger().");
info("Second debugger has not loaded.");
let notification = gNbox.getNotificationWithValue("debugger-tab-switch");
ok(gNbox.currentNotification, "Should have a tab switch notification.");
is(gNbox.currentNotification, notification, "Incorrect current notification.");
info("Notification will be simply closed.");
executeSoon(function() {
}, true);
info("Toggling a debugger (2).");
gPane2 = DebuggerUI.toggleDebugger();
function testTab3(callback) {
gTab3 = addTab(TAB1_URL, function() {
gBrowser.selectedTab = gTab3;
gNbox = gBrowser.getNotificationBox(gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
is(gNbox.getNotificationWithValue("debugger-tab-switch"), null,
"Shouldn't have a tab switch notification.");
"Should already have a debugger pane for another tab.");
gNbox.addEventListener("AlertActive", function active() {
gNbox.removeEventListener("AlertActive", active, true);
executeSoon(function() {
ok(gPane2, "toggleDebugger() should always return a pane.");
is(gPane2.ownerTab, gTab1, "Incorrect tab owner.");
is(DebuggerUI.getDebugger(), gPane1,
"getDebugger() should return the same pane as the first call to toggleDebugger().");
is(DebuggerUI.getDebugger(), gPane2,
"getDebugger() should return the same pane as the second call to toggleDebugger().");
info("Second debugger has not loaded.");
let notification = gNbox.getNotificationWithValue("debugger-tab-switch");
ok(gNbox.currentNotification, "Should have a tab switch notification.");
is(gNbox.currentNotification, notification, "Incorrect current notification.");
gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("TabSelect", function tabSelect() {
gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener("TabSelect", tabSelect, true);
executeSoon(function() {
}, true);
let buttonSwitch = notification.querySelectorAll("button")[0];
info("The switch button on the notification was pressed.");
}, true);
info("Toggling a debugger (3).");
gPane2 = DebuggerUI.toggleDebugger();
function testTab4(callback) {
is(gBrowser.selectedTab, gTab1,
"Should've switched to the first debugged tab.");
gTab4 = addTab(TAB1_URL, function() {
gBrowser.selectedTab = gTab4;
gNbox = gBrowser.getNotificationBox(gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
is(gNbox.getNotificationWithValue("debugger-tab-switch"), null,
"Shouldn't have a tab switch notification.");
"Should already have a debugger pane for another tab.");
gNbox.addEventListener("AlertActive", function active() {
gNbox.removeEventListener("AlertActive", active, true);
executeSoon(function() {
ok(gPane2, "toggleDebugger() should always return a pane.");
is(gPane2.ownerTab, gTab1, "Incorrect tab owner.");
is(DebuggerUI.getDebugger(), gPane1,
"getDebugger() should return the same pane as the first call to toggleDebugger().");
is(DebuggerUI.getDebugger(), gPane2,
"getDebugger() should return the same pane as the second call to toggleDebugger().");
info("Second debugger has not loaded.");
let notification = gNbox.getNotificationWithValue("debugger-tab-switch");
ok(gNbox.currentNotification, "Should have a tab switch notification.");
is(gNbox.currentNotification, notification, "Incorrect current notification.");
let buttonOpen = notification.querySelectorAll("button")[1];
info("The open button on the notification was pressed.");
wait_for_connect_and_resume(function() {
}, true);
info("Toggling a debugger (4).");
gPane2 = DebuggerUI.toggleDebugger();
function lastTest(callback) {
isnot(gBrowser.selectedTab, gTab1,
"Shouldn't have switched to the first debugged tab.");
is(gBrowser.selectedTab, gTab4,
"Should currently be in the fourth tab.");
is(DebuggerUI.getDebugger().ownerTab, gTab4,
"The debugger should be open for the fourth tab.");
is(gNbox.getNotificationWithValue("debugger-tab-switch"), null,
"Shouldn't have a tab switch notification.");
info("Second debugger has loaded.");
executeSoon(function() {
function cleanup(callback)
gPane1 = null;
gPane2 = null;
gNbox = null;
closeDebuggerAndFinish(false, function() {
gTab1 = null;
gTab2 = null;
gTab3 = null;
gTab4 = null;