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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
package org.mozilla.gecko.fxa.sync;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import org.mozilla.gecko.background.common.log.Logger;
import org.mozilla.gecko.background.fxa.FxAccountClient;
import org.mozilla.gecko.background.fxa.FxAccountClient20;
import org.mozilla.gecko.background.fxa.SkewHandler;
import org.mozilla.gecko.browserid.BrowserIDKeyPair;
import org.mozilla.gecko.browserid.JSONWebTokenUtils;
import org.mozilla.gecko.browserid.RSACryptoImplementation;
import org.mozilla.gecko.browserid.verifier.BrowserIDRemoteVerifierClient;
import org.mozilla.gecko.browserid.verifier.BrowserIDVerifierDelegate;
import org.mozilla.gecko.fxa.FxAccountConstants;
import org.mozilla.gecko.fxa.authenticator.AndroidFxAccount;
import org.mozilla.gecko.fxa.authenticator.FxAccountAuthenticator;
import org.mozilla.gecko.fxa.login.FxAccountLoginStateMachine;
import org.mozilla.gecko.fxa.login.FxAccountLoginStateMachine.LoginStateMachineDelegate;
import org.mozilla.gecko.fxa.login.FxAccountLoginTransition.Transition;
import org.mozilla.gecko.fxa.login.Married;
import org.mozilla.gecko.fxa.login.State;
import org.mozilla.gecko.fxa.login.State.StateLabel;
import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.BackoffHandler;
import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.ExtendedJSONObject;
import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.GlobalSession;
import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.PrefsBackoffHandler;
import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.SharedPreferencesClientsDataDelegate;
import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.SyncConfiguration;
import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.Utils;
import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.crypto.KeyBundle;
import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.delegates.BaseGlobalSessionCallback;
import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.delegates.ClientsDataDelegate;
import org.mozilla.gecko.sync.stage.GlobalSyncStage.Stage;
import org.mozilla.gecko.tokenserver.TokenServerClient;
import org.mozilla.gecko.tokenserver.TokenServerClientDelegate;
import org.mozilla.gecko.tokenserver.TokenServerException;
import org.mozilla.gecko.tokenserver.TokenServerToken;
import android.accounts.Account;
import android.content.AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter;
import android.content.ContentProviderClient;
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.content.SyncResult;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.SystemClock;
public class FxAccountSyncAdapter extends AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter {
private static final String LOG_TAG = FxAccountSyncAdapter.class.getSimpleName();
public static final int NOTIFICATION_ID = LOG_TAG.hashCode();
// Tracks the last seen storage hostname for backoff purposes.
private static final String PREF_BACKOFF_STORAGE_HOST = "backoffStorageHost";
// Used to do cheap in-memory rate limiting.
private static final int MINIMUM_SYNC_DELAY_MILLIS = 5000;
private volatile long lastSyncRealtimeMillis = 0L;
protected final ExecutorService executor;
protected final FxAccountNotificationManager notificationManager;
public FxAccountSyncAdapter(Context context, boolean autoInitialize) {
super(context, autoInitialize);
this.executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
this.notificationManager = new FxAccountNotificationManager(NOTIFICATION_ID);
protected static class SyncDelegate {
protected final Context context;
protected final CountDownLatch latch;
protected final SyncResult syncResult;
protected final AndroidFxAccount fxAccount;
protected final FxAccountNotificationManager notificationManager;
public SyncDelegate(Context context, CountDownLatch latch, SyncResult syncResult, AndroidFxAccount fxAccount,
FxAccountNotificationManager notificationManager) {
if (context == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("context must not be null");
if (latch == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("latch must not be null");
if (syncResult == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("syncResult must not be null");
if (fxAccount == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("fxAccount must not be null");
if (notificationManager == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("notificationManager must not be null");
this.context = context;
this.latch = latch;
this.syncResult = syncResult;
this.fxAccount = fxAccount;
this.notificationManager = notificationManager;
* No error! Say that we made progress.
protected void setSyncResultSuccess() {
syncResult.stats.numUpdates += 1;
* Soft error. Say that we made progress, so that Android will sync us again
* after exponential backoff.
protected void setSyncResultSoftError() {
syncResult.stats.numUpdates += 1;
syncResult.stats.numIoExceptions += 1;
* Hard error. We don't want Android to sync us again, even if we make
* progress, until the user intervenes.
protected void setSyncResultHardError() {
syncResult.stats.numAuthExceptions += 1;
public void handleSuccess() {, "Sync succeeded.");
public void handleError(Exception e) {
Logger.error(LOG_TAG, "Got exception syncing.", e);
// This is awful, but we need to propagate bad assertions back up the
// chain somehow, and this will do for now.
if (e instanceof TokenServerException) {
// We should only get here *after* we're locked into the married state.
State state = fxAccount.getState();
if (state.getStateLabel() == StateLabel.Married) {
Married married = (Married) state;
* When the login machine terminates, we might not be in the
* <code>Married</code> state, and therefore we can't sync. This method
* messages as much to the user.
* <p>
* To avoid stopping us syncing altogether, we set a soft error rather than
* a hard error. In future, we would like to set a hard error if we are in,
* for example, the <code>Separated</code> state, and then have some user
* initiated activity mark the Android account as ready to sync again. This
* is tricky, though, so we play it safe for now.
* @param finalState
* that login machine ended in.
public void handleCannotSync(State finalState) {
Logger.warn(LOG_TAG, "Cannot sync from state: " + finalState.getStateLabel());
public void postponeSync(long millis) {
if (millis <= 0) {
Logger.debug(LOG_TAG, "Asked to postpone sync, but zero delay. Short-circuiting.");
} else {
// delayUntil is broken:
// So we don't bother doing this. Instead, we rely on the periodic sync
// we schedule, and the backoff handler for the rest.
Logger.warn(LOG_TAG, "Postponing sync by " + millis + "ms.");
syncResult.delayUntil = millis / 1000;
protected static class SessionCallback implements BaseGlobalSessionCallback {
protected final SyncDelegate syncDelegate;
protected final SchedulePolicy schedulePolicy;
protected volatile BackoffHandler storageBackoffHandler;
public SessionCallback(SyncDelegate syncDelegate, SchedulePolicy schedulePolicy) {
this.syncDelegate = syncDelegate;
this.schedulePolicy = schedulePolicy;
public void setBackoffHandler(BackoffHandler backoffHandler) {
this.storageBackoffHandler = backoffHandler;
public boolean shouldBackOffStorage() {
return storageBackoffHandler.delayMilliseconds() > 0;
public void requestBackoff(long backoffMillis) {
final boolean onlyExtend = true; // Because we trust what the storage server says.
schedulePolicy.configureBackoffMillisOnBackoff(storageBackoffHandler, backoffMillis, onlyExtend);
public void informUpgradeRequiredResponse(GlobalSession session) {
public void informUnauthorizedResponse(GlobalSession globalSession, URI oldClusterURL) {
public void handleStageCompleted(Stage currentState, GlobalSession globalSession) {
public void handleSuccess(GlobalSession globalSession) {, "Global session succeeded.");
// Get the number of clients, so we can schedule the sync interval accordingly.
try {
int otherClientsCount = globalSession.getClientsDelegate().getClientsCount();
Logger.debug(LOG_TAG, "" + otherClientsCount + " other client(s).");
} finally {
// Continue with the usual success flow.
public void handleError(GlobalSession globalSession, Exception e) {
Logger.warn(LOG_TAG, "Global session failed."); // Exception will be dumped by delegate below.
// TODO: should we reduce the periodic sync interval?
public void handleAborted(GlobalSession globalSession, String reason) {
Logger.warn(LOG_TAG, "Global session aborted: " + reason);
// TODO: should we reduce the periodic sync interval?
* Return true if the provided {@link BackoffHandler} isn't reporting that we're in
* a backoff state, or the provided {@link Bundle} contains flags that indicate
* we should force a sync.
private boolean shouldPerformSync(final BackoffHandler backoffHandler, final String kind, final Bundle extras) {
final long delay = backoffHandler.delayMilliseconds();
if (delay <= 0) {
return true;
if (extras == null) {
return false;
final boolean forced = extras.getBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_MANUAL, false);
if (forced) {, "Forced sync (" + kind + "): overruling remaining backoff of " + delay + "ms.");
} else {, "Not syncing (" + kind + "): must wait another " + delay + "ms.");
return forced;
protected void syncWithAssertion(final String audience,
final String assertion,
final URI tokenServerEndpointURI,
final BackoffHandler tokenBackoffHandler,
final SharedPreferences sharedPrefs,
final KeyBundle syncKeyBundle,
final String clientState,
final SessionCallback callback,
final Bundle extras) {
final TokenServerClientDelegate delegate = new TokenServerClientDelegate() {
private boolean didReceiveBackoff = false;
public void handleSuccess(final TokenServerToken token) {
FxAccountConstants.pii(LOG_TAG, "Got token! uid is " + token.uid + " and endpoint is " + token.endpoint + ".");
if (!didReceiveBackoff) {
// We must be OK to touch this token server.
final URI storageServerURI;
try {
storageServerURI = new URI(token.endpoint);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
final String storageHostname = storageServerURI.getHost();
// We back off on a per-host basis. When we have an endpoint URI from a token, we
// can check on the backoff status for that host.
// If we're supposed to be backing off, we abort the not-yet-started session.
final BackoffHandler storageBackoffHandler = new PrefsBackoffHandler(sharedPrefs, "");
String lastStorageHost = sharedPrefs.getString(PREF_BACKOFF_STORAGE_HOST, null);
final boolean storageHostIsUnchanged = lastStorageHost != null &&
if (storageHostIsUnchanged) {
Logger.debug(LOG_TAG, "Storage host is unchanged.");
if (!shouldPerformSync(storageBackoffHandler, "storage", extras)) {, "Not syncing: storage server requested backoff.");
callback.handleAborted(null, "Storage backoff");
} else {
Logger.debug(LOG_TAG, "Received new storage host.");
// Invalidate the previous backoff, because our storage host has changed,
// or we never had one at all, or we're OK to sync.
FxAccountGlobalSession globalSession = null;
try {
ClientsDataDelegate clientsDataDelegate = new SharedPreferencesClientsDataDelegate(sharedPrefs);
// We compute skew over time using SkewHandler. This yields an unchanging
// skew adjustment that the HawkAuthHeaderProvider uses to adjust its
// timestamps. Eventually we might want this to adapt within the scope of a
// global session.
final SkewHandler tokenServerSkewHandler = SkewHandler.getSkewHandlerForHostname(storageHostname);
final long tokenServerSkew = tokenServerSkewHandler.getSkewInSeconds();
final AuthHeaderProvider authHeaderProvider = new HawkAuthHeaderProvider(, token.key.getBytes("UTF-8"), false, tokenServerSkew);
final Context context = getContext();
final SyncConfiguration syncConfig = new SyncConfiguration(token.uid, authHeaderProvider, sharedPrefs, syncKeyBundle);
globalSession = new FxAccountGlobalSession(token.endpoint, syncConfig, callback, context, extras, clientsDataDelegate);
} catch (Exception e) {
callback.handleError(globalSession, e);
public void handleFailure(TokenServerException e) {
debugAssertion(audience, assertion);
public void handleError(Exception e) {
Logger.error(LOG_TAG, "Failed to get token.", e);
callback.handleError(null, e);
public void handleBackoff(int backoffSeconds) {
// This is the token server telling us to back off., "Token server requesting backoff of " + backoffSeconds + "s. Backoff handler: " + tokenBackoffHandler);
didReceiveBackoff = true;
// If we've already stored a backoff, overrule it: we only use the server
// value for token server scheduling.
tokenBackoffHandler.setEarliestNextRequest(delay(backoffSeconds * 1000));
private long delay(long delay) {
return System.currentTimeMillis() + delay;
TokenServerClient tokenServerclient = new TokenServerClient(tokenServerEndpointURI, executor);
tokenServerclient.getTokenFromBrowserIDAssertion(assertion, true, clientState, delegate);
* A trivial Sync implementation that does not cache client keys,
* certificates, or tokens.
* This should be replaced with a full {@link FxAccountAuthenticator}-based
* token implementation.
public void onPerformSync(final Account account, final Bundle extras, final String authority, ContentProviderClient provider, final SyncResult syncResult) {
if (this.lastSyncRealtimeMillis > 0L &&
(this.lastSyncRealtimeMillis + MINIMUM_SYNC_DELAY_MILLIS) > SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()) {, "Not syncing FxAccount " + Utils.obfuscateEmail( +
": minimum interval not met.");
}, "Syncing FxAccount" +
" account named like " + Utils.obfuscateEmail( +
" for authority " + authority +
" with instance " + this + ".");
final Context context = getContext();
final AndroidFxAccount fxAccount = new AndroidFxAccount(context, account);
if (FxAccountConstants.LOG_PERSONAL_INFORMATION) {
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
final SyncDelegate syncDelegate = new SyncDelegate(context, latch, syncResult, fxAccount, notificationManager);
try {
final State state;
try {
state = fxAccount.getState();
} catch (Exception e) {
// This will be the same chunk of SharedPreferences that we pass through to GlobalSession/SyncConfiguration.
final SharedPreferences sharedPrefs = fxAccount.getSyncPrefs();
// Check for a backoff right here.
final BackoffHandler schedulerBackoffHandler = new PrefsBackoffHandler(sharedPrefs, "scheduler");
if (!shouldPerformSync(schedulerBackoffHandler, "scheduler", extras)) {, "Not syncing (scheduler).");
final SchedulePolicy schedulePolicy = new FxAccountSchedulePolicy(context, fxAccount);
// Set a small scheduled 'backoff' to rate-limit the next sync.
final String audience = fxAccount.getAudience();
final String authServerEndpoint = fxAccount.getAccountServerURI();
final String tokenServerEndpoint = fxAccount.getTokenServerURI();
final URI tokenServerEndpointURI = new URI(tokenServerEndpoint);
// TODO: why doesn't the loginPolicy extract the audience from the account?
final FxAccountClient client = new FxAccountClient20(authServerEndpoint, executor);
final FxAccountLoginStateMachine stateMachine = new FxAccountLoginStateMachine();
stateMachine.advance(state, StateLabel.Married, new LoginStateMachineDelegate() {
public FxAccountClient getClient() {
return client;
public long getCertificateDurationInMilliseconds() {
return 12 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
public long getAssertionDurationInMilliseconds() {
return 15 * 60 * 1000;
public BrowserIDKeyPair generateKeyPair() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
return RSACryptoImplementation.generateKeyPair(1024);
public void handleTransition(Transition transition, State state) {, "handleTransition: " + transition + " to " + state.getStateLabel());
private boolean shouldRequestToken(final BackoffHandler tokenBackoffHandler, final Bundle extras) {
return shouldPerformSync(tokenBackoffHandler, "token", extras);
public void handleFinal(State state) {, "handleFinal: in " + state.getStateLabel());
notificationManager.update(context, fxAccount);
try {
if (state.getStateLabel() != StateLabel.Married) {
final Married married = (Married) state;
SkewHandler skewHandler = SkewHandler.getSkewHandlerFromEndpointString(tokenServerEndpoint);
final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
final long issuedAtMillis = now + skewHandler.getSkewInMillis();
final long assertionDurationMillis = this.getAssertionDurationInMilliseconds();
final String assertion = married.generateAssertion(audience, JSONWebTokenUtils.DEFAULT_ASSERTION_ISSUER, issuedAtMillis, assertionDurationMillis);
* At this point we're in the correct state to sync, and we're ready to fetch
* a token and do some work.
* But first we need to do two things:
* 1. Check to see whether we're in a backoff situation for the token server.
* If we are, but we're not forcing a sync, then we go no further.
* 2. Clear an existing backoff (if we're syncing it doesn't matter, and if
* we're forcing we'll get a new backoff if things are still bad).
* Note that we don't check the storage backoff before the token dance: the token
* server tells us which server we're syncing to!
* That logic lives in the TokenServerClientDelegate elsewhere in this file.
// Strictly speaking this backoff check could be done prior to walking through
// the login state machine, allowing us to short-circuit sooner.
// We don't expect many token server backoffs, and most users will be sitting
// in the Married state, so instead we simply do this here, once.
final BackoffHandler tokenBackoffHandler = new PrefsBackoffHandler(sharedPrefs, "token");
if (!shouldRequestToken(tokenBackoffHandler, extras)) {, "Not syncing (token server).");
final SessionCallback sessionCallback = new SessionCallback(syncDelegate, schedulePolicy);
final KeyBundle syncKeyBundle = married.getSyncKeyBundle();
final String clientState = married.getClientState();
syncWithAssertion(audience, assertion, tokenServerEndpointURI, tokenBackoffHandler, sharedPrefs, syncKeyBundle, clientState, sessionCallback, extras);
} catch (Exception e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.error(LOG_TAG, "Got error syncing.", e);
}, "Syncing done.");
lastSyncRealtimeMillis = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
protected void debugAssertion(String audience, String assertion) {
final CountDownLatch verifierLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
BrowserIDRemoteVerifierClient client = new BrowserIDRemoteVerifierClient(URI.create(BrowserIDRemoteVerifierClient.DEFAULT_VERIFIER_URL));
client.verify(audience, assertion, new BrowserIDVerifierDelegate() {
public void handleSuccess(ExtendedJSONObject response) {, "Remote verifier returned success: " + response.toJSONString());
public void handleFailure(ExtendedJSONObject response) {
Logger.warn(LOG_TAG, "Remote verifier returned failure: " + response.toJSONString());
public void handleError(Exception e) {
Logger.error(LOG_TAG, "Remote verifier returned error.", e);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Logger.error(LOG_TAG, "Got error.", e);