
3129 lines
94 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
* Here's the server side of the remote inspector.
* The WalkerActor is the client's view of the debuggee's DOM. It's gives
* the client a tree of NodeActor objects.
* The walker presents the DOM tree mostly unmodified from the source DOM
* tree, but with a few key differences:
* - Empty text nodes are ignored. This is pretty typical of developer
* tools, but maybe we should reconsider that on the server side.
* - iframes with documents loaded have the loaded document as the child,
* the walker provides one big tree for the whole document tree.
* There are a few ways to get references to NodeActors:
* - When you first get a WalkerActor reference, it comes with a free
* reference to the root document's node.
* - Given a node, you can ask for children, siblings, and parents.
* - You can issue querySelector and querySelectorAll requests to find
* other elements.
* - Requests that return arbitrary nodes from the tree (like querySelector
* and querySelectorAll) will also return any nodes the client hasn't
* seen in order to have a complete set of parents.
* Once you have a NodeFront, you should be able to answer a few questions
* without further round trips, like the node's name, namespace/tagName,
* attributes, etc. Other questions (like a text node's full nodeValue)
* might require another round trip.
* The protocol guarantees that the client will always know the parent of
* any node that is returned by the server. This means that some requests
* (like querySelector) will include the extra nodes needed to satisfy this
* requirement. The client keeps track of this parent relationship, so the
* node fronts form a tree that is a subset of the actual DOM tree.
* We maintain this guarantee to support the ability to release subtrees on
* the client - when a node is disconnected from the DOM tree we want to be
* able to free the client objects for all the children nodes.
* So to be able to answer "all the children of a given node that we have
* seen on the client side", we guarantee that every time we've seen a node,
* we connect it up through its parents.
const {Cc, Ci, Cu, Cr} = require("chrome");
const Services = require("Services");
const protocol = require("devtools/server/protocol");
const {Arg, Option, method, RetVal, types} = protocol;
const {LongStringActor, ShortLongString} = require("devtools/server/actors/string");
const {Promise: promise} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm", {});
const object = require("sdk/util/object");
const events = require("sdk/event/core");
const {Unknown} = require("sdk/platform/xpcom");
const {Class} = require("sdk/core/heritage");
const {PageStyleActor} = require("devtools/server/actors/styles");
const {
} = require("devtools/server/actors/highlighter");
const {getLayoutChangesObserver, releaseLayoutChangesObserver} =
const FONT_FAMILY_PREVIEW_TEXT = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
const PSEUDO_CLASSES = [":hover", ":active", ":focus"];
const HIDDEN_CLASS = "__fx-devtools-hide-shortcut__";
const XHTML_NS = "";
// The possible completions to a ':' with added score to give certain values
// some preference.
[":active", 1],
[":hover", 1],
[":focus", 1],
[":visited", 0],
[":link", 0],
[":first-letter", 0],
[":first-child", 2],
[":before", 2],
[":after", 2],
[":lang(", 0],
[":not(", 3],
[":first-of-type", 0],
[":last-of-type", 0],
[":only-of-type", 0],
[":only-child", 2],
[":nth-child(", 3],
[":nth-last-child(", 0],
[":nth-of-type(", 0],
[":nth-last-of-type(", 0],
[":last-child", 2],
[":root", 0],
[":empty", 0],
[":target", 0],
[":enabled", 0],
[":disabled", 0],
[":checked", 1],
["::selection", 0]
let HELPER_SHEET = ".__fx-devtools-hide-shortcut__ { visibility: hidden !important } ";
HELPER_SHEET += ":-moz-devtools-highlighted { outline: 2px dashed #F06!important; outline-offset: -2px!important } ";
loader.lazyImporter(this, "gDevTools", "resource:///modules/devtools/gDevTools.jsm");
loader.lazyGetter(this, "DOMParser", function() {
return Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIDOMParser);
loader.lazyGetter(this, "eventListenerService", function() {
return Cc[";1"]
exports.register = function(handle) {
handle.addGlobalActor(InspectorActor, "inspectorActor");
handle.addTabActor(InspectorActor, "inspectorActor");
exports.unregister = function(handle) {
// XXX: A poor man's makeInfallible until we move it out of transport.js
// Which should be very soon.
function makeInfallible(handler) {
return function(...args) {
try {
return handler.apply(this, args);
} catch(ex) {
return undefined;
// A resolve that hits the main loop first.
function delayedResolve(value) {
let deferred = promise.defer(); delayedResolveHandler() {
}), 0);
return deferred.promise;
types.addDictType("imageData", {
// The image data
data: "nullable:longstring",
// The original image dimensions
size: "json"
* We only send nodeValue up to a certain size by default. This stuff
* controls that size.
var gValueSummaryLength = exports.DEFAULT_VALUE_SUMMARY_LENGTH;
exports.getValueSummaryLength = function() {
return gValueSummaryLength;
exports.setValueSummaryLength = function(val) {
gValueSummaryLength = val;
* Server side of the node actor.
var NodeActor = exports.NodeActor = protocol.ActorClass({
typeName: "domnode",
initialize: function(walker, node) {, null);
this.walker = walker;
this.rawNode = node;
// Storing the original display of the node, to track changes when reflows
// occur
this.wasDisplayed = this.isDisplayed;
toString: function() {
return "[NodeActor " + this.actorID + " for " + this.rawNode.toString() + "]";
* Instead of storing a connection object, the NodeActor gets its connection
* from its associated walker.
get conn() this.walker.conn,
isDocumentElement: function() {
return this.rawNode.ownerDocument &&
this.rawNode.ownerDocument.documentElement === this.rawNode;
// Returns the JSON representation of this object over the wire.
form: function(detail) {
if (detail === "actorid") {
return this.actorID;
let parentNode = this.walker.parentNode(this);
// Estimate the number of children.
let numChildren = this.rawNode.childNodes.length;
if (numChildren === 0 &&
(this.rawNode.contentDocument || this.rawNode.getSVGDocument)) {
// This might be an iframe with virtual children.
numChildren = 1;
let form = {
actor: this.actorID,
baseURI: this.rawNode.baseURI,
parent: parentNode ? parentNode.actorID : undefined,
nodeType: this.rawNode.nodeType,
namespaceURI: this.rawNode.namespaceURI,
nodeName: this.rawNode.nodeName,
numChildren: numChildren,
// doctype attributes
publicId: this.rawNode.publicId,
systemId: this.rawNode.systemId,
attrs: this.writeAttrs(),
pseudoClassLocks: this.writePseudoClassLocks(),
isDisplayed: this.isDisplayed,
hasEventListeners: this._hasEventListeners,
if (this.isDocumentElement()) {
form.isDocumentElement = true;
if (this.rawNode.nodeValue) {
// We only include a short version of the value if it's longer than
// gValueSummaryLength
if (this.rawNode.nodeValue.length > gValueSummaryLength) {
form.shortValue = this.rawNode.nodeValue.substring(0, gValueSummaryLength);
form.incompleteValue = true;
} else {
form.shortValue = this.rawNode.nodeValue;
return form;
get computedStyle() {
if (Cu.isDeadWrapper(this.rawNode) ||
this.rawNode.nodeType !== Ci.nsIDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE ||
!this.rawNode.ownerDocument ||
!this.rawNode.ownerDocument.defaultView) {
return null;
return this.rawNode.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(this.rawNode);
* Is the node's display computed style value other than "none"
get isDisplayed() {
let style = this.computedStyle;
if (!style) {
// Consider all non-element nodes as displayed
return true;
} else {
return style.display !== "none";
* Are event listeners that are listening on this node?
get _hasEventListeners() {
let listeners;
if (this.rawNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "html") {
listeners = eventListenerService.getListenerInfoFor(this.rawNode.ownerGlobal);
} else {
listeners = eventListenerService.getListenerInfoFor(this.rawNode) || [];
listeners = listeners.filter(listener => {
return listener.listenerObject && listener.type && listener.listenerObject;
let hasListeners = listeners.length > 0;
return hasListeners;
writeAttrs: function() {
if (!this.rawNode.attributes) {
return undefined;
return [{namespace: attr.namespace, name:, value: attr.value }
for (attr of this.rawNode.attributes)];
writePseudoClassLocks: function() {
if (this.rawNode.nodeType !== Ci.nsIDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
return undefined;
let ret = undefined;
for (let pseudo of PSEUDO_CLASSES) {
if (DOMUtils.hasPseudoClassLock(this.rawNode, pseudo)) {
ret = ret || [];
return ret;
* Get event listeners attached to a node.
* @param {Node} node
* Node for which we are to get listeners.
* @return {Array}
* An array of objects where a typical object looks like this:
* {
* type: "click",
* DOM0: true,
* capturing: true,
* handler: "function() { doSomething() }",
* origin: "",
* searchString: 'onclick="doSomething()"'
* }
getEventListeners: function(node) {
let dbg = this.parent().tabActor.makeDebugger();
let handlers = eventListenerService.getListenerInfoFor(node);
let events = [];
for (let handler of handlers) {
let listener = handler.listenerObject;
// If there is no JS event listener skip this.
if (!listener) {
let global = Cu.getGlobalForObject(listener);
let globalDO = dbg.addDebuggee(global);
let listenerDO = globalDO.makeDebuggeeValue(listener);
// If the listener is an object with a 'handleEvent' method, use that.
if (listenerDO.class === "Object" || listenerDO.class === "XULElement") {
let desc;
while (!desc && listenerDO) {
desc = listenerDO.getOwnPropertyDescriptor("handleEvent");
listenerDO = listenerDO.proto;
if (desc && desc.value) {
listenerDO = desc.value;
if (listenerDO.isBoundFunction) {
listenerDO = listenerDO.boundTargetFunction;
let script = listenerDO.script;
let scriptSource = script.source.text;
let functionSource =
scriptSource.substr(script.sourceStart, script.sourceLength);
The script returned is the whole script and
scriptSource.substr(script.sourceStart, script.sourceLength) returns
something like:
() { doSomething(); }
So we need to work back to the preceeding \n, ; or } so we can get the
appropriate function info e.g.:
() => { doSomething(); }
function doit() { doSomething(); }
doit: function() { doSomething(); }
let scriptBeforeFunc = scriptSource.substr(0, script.sourceStart);
let lastEnding = Math.max(
if (lastEnding !== -1) {
let functionPrefix = scriptBeforeFunc.substr(lastEnding + 1);
functionSource = functionPrefix + functionSource;
let type = handler.type;
let dom0 = false;
if (typeof node.hasAttribute !== "undefined") {
dom0 = !!node.hasAttribute("on" + type);
} else {
dom0 = !!node["on" + type];
let line = script.startLine;
let url = script.url;
let origin = url + (dom0 ? "" : ":" + line);
let searchString;
if (dom0) {
searchString = "on" + type + "=\"" + script.source.text + "\"";
} else {
scriptSource = " " + scriptSource;
type: type,
DOM0: dom0,
capturing: handler.capturing,
handler: functionSource.trim(),
origin: origin,
searchString: searchString
return events;
* Returns a LongStringActor with the node's value.
getNodeValue: method(function() {
return new LongStringActor(this.conn, this.rawNode.nodeValue || "");
}, {
request: {},
response: {
value: RetVal("longstring")
* Set the node's value to a given string.
setNodeValue: method(function(value) {
this.rawNode.nodeValue = value;
}, {
request: { value: Arg(0) },
response: {}
* Get the node's image data if any (for canvas and img nodes).
* Returns an imageData object with the actual data being a LongStringActor
* and a size json object.
* The image data is transmitted as a base64 encoded png data-uri.
* The method rejects if the node isn't an image or if the image is missing
* Accepts a maxDim request parameter to resize images that are larger. This
* is important as the resizing occurs server-side so that image-data being
* transfered in the longstring back to the client will be that much smaller
getImageData: method(function(maxDim) {
// imageToImageData may fail if the node isn't an image
try {
let imageData = imageToImageData(this.rawNode, maxDim);
return promise.resolve({
data: LongStringActor(this.conn,,
size: imageData.size
} catch(e) {
return promise.reject(new Error("Image not available"));
}, {
request: {maxDim: Arg(0, "nullable:number")},
response: RetVal("imageData")
* Get all event listeners that are listening on this node.
getEventListenerInfo: method(function() {
if (this.rawNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "html") {
return this.getEventListeners(this.rawNode.ownerGlobal);
return this.getEventListeners(this.rawNode);
}, {
request: {},
response: {
events: RetVal("json")
* Modify a node's attributes. Passed an array of modifications
* similar in format to "attributes" mutations.
* {
* attributeName: <string>
* attributeNamespace: <optional string>
* newValue: <optional string> - If null or undefined, the attribute
* will be removed.
* }
* Returns when the modifications have been made. Mutations will
* be queued for any changes made.
modifyAttributes: method(function(modifications) {
let rawNode = this.rawNode;
for (let change of modifications) {
if (change.newValue == null) {
if (change.attributeNamespace) {
rawNode.removeAttributeNS(change.attributeNamespace, change.attributeName);
} else {
} else {
if (change.attributeNamespace) {
rawNode.setAttributeNS(change.attributeNamespace, change.attributeName, change.newValue);
} else {
rawNode.setAttribute(change.attributeName, change.newValue);
}, {
request: {
modifications: Arg(0, "array:json")
response: {}
* Given the font and fill style, get the image data of a canvas with the
* preview text and font.
* Returns an imageData object with the actual data being a LongStringActor
* and the width of the text as a string.
* The image data is transmitted as a base64 encoded png data-uri.
getFontFamilyDataURL: method(function(font, fillStyle="black") {
let doc = this.rawNode.ownerDocument;
let canvas = doc.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "canvas");
let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
let fontValue = FONT_FAMILY_PREVIEW_TEXT_SIZE + "px " + font + ", serif";
// Get the correct preview text measurements and set the canvas dimensions
ctx.font = fontValue;
let textWidth = ctx.measureText(FONT_FAMILY_PREVIEW_TEXT).width;
canvas.width = textWidth * 2;
canvas.height = FONT_FAMILY_PREVIEW_TEXT_SIZE * 3;
ctx.font = fontValue;
ctx.fillStyle = fillStyle;
// Align the text to be vertically center in the tooltip and
// oversample the canvas for better text quality
ctx.textBaseline = "top";
ctx.scale(2, 2);
let dataURL = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
return { data: LongStringActor(this.conn, dataURL), size: textWidth };
}, {
request: {font: Arg(0, "string"), fillStyle: Arg(1, "nullable:string")},
response: RetVal("imageData")
* Client side of the node actor.
* Node fronts are strored in a tree that mirrors the DOM tree on the
* server, but with a few key differences:
* - Not all children will be necessary loaded for each node.
* - The order of children isn't guaranteed to be the same as the DOM.
* Children are stored in a doubly-linked list, to make addition/removal
* and traversal quick.
* Due to the order/incompleteness of the child list, it is safe to use
* the parent node from clients, but the `children` request should be used
* to traverse children.
let NodeFront = protocol.FrontClass(NodeActor, {
initialize: function(conn, form, detail, ctx) {
this._parent = null; // The parent node
this._child = null; // The first child of this node.
this._next = null; // The next sibling of this node.
this._prev = null; // The previous sibling of this node., conn, form, detail, ctx);
* Destroy a node front. The node must have been removed from the
* ownership tree before this is called, unless the whole walker front
* is being destroyed.
destroy: function() {
// If an observer was added on this node, shut it down.
if ( {; = null;
// Update the object given a form representation off the wire.
form: function(form, detail, ctx) {
if (detail === "actorid") {
this.actorID = form;
// Shallow copy of the form. We could just store a reference, but
// eventually we'll want to update some of the data.
this._form = object.merge(form);
this._form.attrs = this._form.attrs ? this._form.attrs.slice() : [];
if (form.parent) {
// Get the owner actor for this actor (the walker), and find the
// parent node of this actor from it, creating a standin node if
// necessary.
let parentNodeFront = ctx.marshallPool().ensureParentFront(form.parent);
* Returns the parent NodeFront for this NodeFront.
parentNode: function() {
return this._parent;
* Process a mutation entry as returned from the walker's `getMutations`
* request. Only tries to handle changes of the node's contents
* themselves (character data and attribute changes), the walker itself
* will keep the ownership tree up to date.
updateMutation: function(change) {
if (change.type === "attributes") {
// We'll need to lazily reparse the attributes after this change.
this._attrMap = undefined;
// Update any already-existing attributes.
let found = false;
for (let i = 0; i < this.attributes.length; i++) {
let attr = this.attributes[i];
if ( == change.attributeName &&
attr.namespace == change.attributeNamespace) {
if (change.newValue !== null) {
attr.value = change.newValue;
} else {
this.attributes.splice(i, 1);
found = true;
// This is a new attribute.
if (!found) {
name: change.attributeName,
namespace: change.attributeNamespace,
value: change.newValue
} else if (change.type === "characterData") {
this._form.shortValue = change.newValue;
this._form.incompleteValue = change.incompleteValue;
} else if (change.type === "pseudoClassLock") {
this._form.pseudoClassLocks = change.pseudoClassLocks;
// Some accessors to make NodeFront feel more like an nsIDOMNode
get id() this.getAttribute("id"),
get nodeType() this._form.nodeType,
get namespaceURI() this._form.namespaceURI,
get nodeName() this._form.nodeName,
get baseURI() this._form.baseURI,
get className() {
return this.getAttribute("class") || '';
get hasChildren() this._form.numChildren > 0,
get numChildren() this._form.numChildren,
get hasEventListeners() this._form.hasEventListeners,
get tagName() this.nodeType === Ci.nsIDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE ? this.nodeName : null,
get shortValue() this._form.shortValue,
get incompleteValue() !!this._form.incompleteValue,
get isDocumentElement() !!this._form.isDocumentElement,
// doctype properties
get name(),
get publicId() this._form.publicId,
get systemId() this._form.systemId,
getAttribute: function(name) {
let attr = this._getAttribute(name);
return attr ? attr.value : null;
hasAttribute: function(name) {
return (name in this._attrMap);
get hidden() {
let cls = this.getAttribute("class");
return cls && cls.indexOf(HIDDEN_CLASS) > -1;
get attributes() this._form.attrs,
get pseudoClassLocks() this._form.pseudoClassLocks || [],
hasPseudoClassLock: function(pseudo) {
return this.pseudoClassLocks.some(locked => locked === pseudo);
get isDisplayed() {
// The NodeActor's form contains the isDisplayed information as a boolean
// starting from FF32. Before that, the property is missing
return "isDisplayed" in this._form ? this._form.isDisplayed : true;
getNodeValue: protocol.custom(function() {
if (!this.incompleteValue) {
return delayedResolve(new ShortLongString(this.shortValue));
} else {
return this._getNodeValue();
}, {
impl: "_getNodeValue"
* Return a new AttributeModificationList for this node.
startModifyingAttributes: function() {
return AttributeModificationList(this);
_cacheAttributes: function() {
if (typeof(this._attrMap) != "undefined") {
this._attrMap = {};
for (let attr of this.attributes) {
this._attrMap[] = attr;
_getAttribute: function(name) {
return this._attrMap[name] || undefined;
* Set this node's parent. Note that the children saved in
* this tree are unordered and incomplete, so shouldn't be used
* instead of a `children` request.
reparent: function(parent) {
if (this._parent === parent) {
if (this._parent && this._parent._child === this) {
this._parent._child = this._next;
if (this._prev) {
this._prev._next = this._next;
if (this._next) {
this._next._prev = this._prev;
this._next = null;
this._prev = null;
this._parent = parent;
if (!parent) {
// Subtree is disconnected, we're done
this._next = parent._child;
if (this._next) {
this._next._prev = this;
parent._child = this;
* Return all the known children of this node.
treeChildren: function() {
let ret = [];
for (let child = this._child; child != null; child = child._next) {
return ret;
* Do we use a local target?
* Useful to know if a rawNode is available or not.
* This will, one day, be removed. External code should
* not need to know if the target is remote or not.
isLocal_toBeDeprecated: function() {
return !!this.conn._transport._serverConnection;
* Get an nsIDOMNode for the given node front. This only works locally,
* and is only intended as a stopgap during the transition to the remote
* protocol. If you depend on this you're likely to break soon.
rawNode: function(rawNode) {
if (!this.conn._transport._serverConnection) {
console.warn("Tried to use rawNode on a remote connection.");
return null;
let actor = this.conn._transport._serverConnection.getActor(this.actorID);
if (!actor) {
// Can happen if we try to get the raw node for an already-expired
// actor.
return null;
return actor.rawNode;
* Returned from any call that might return a node that isn't connected to root by
* nodes the child has seen, such as querySelector.
types.addDictType("disconnectedNode", {
// The actual node to return
node: "domnode",
// Nodes that are needed to connect the node to a node the client has already seen
newParents: "array:domnode"
types.addDictType("disconnectedNodeArray", {
// The actual node list to return
nodes: "array:domnode",
// Nodes that are needed to connect those nodes to the root.
newParents: "array:domnode"
types.addDictType("dommutation", {});
* Server side of a node list as returned by querySelectorAll()
var NodeListActor = exports.NodeListActor = protocol.ActorClass({
typeName: "domnodelist",
initialize: function(walker, nodeList) {;
this.walker = walker;
this.nodeList = nodeList || [];
destroy: function() {;
* Instead of storing a connection object, the NodeActor gets its connection
* from its associated walker.
get conn() {
return this.walker.conn;
* Items returned by this actor should belong to the parent walker.
marshallPool: function() {
return this.walker;
// Returns the JSON representation of this object over the wire.
form: function() {
return {
actor: this.actorID,
length: this.nodeList.length
* Get a single node from the node list.
item: method(function(index) {
return this.walker.attachElement(this.nodeList[index]);
}, {
request: { item: Arg(0) },
response: RetVal("disconnectedNode")
* Get a range of the items from the node list.
items: method(function(start=0, end=this.nodeList.length) {
let items = [this.walker._ref(item) for (item of, start, end))];
let newParents = new Set();
for (let item of items) {
this.walker.ensurePathToRoot(item, newParents);
return {
nodes: items,
newParents: [node for (node of newParents)]
}, {
request: {
start: Arg(0, "nullable:number"),
end: Arg(1, "nullable:number")
response: RetVal("disconnectedNodeArray")
release: method(function() {}, { release: true })
* Client side of a node list as returned by querySelectorAll()
var NodeListFront = exports.NodeListFront = protocol.FrontClass(NodeListActor, {
initialize: function(client, form) {, client, form);
destroy: function() {;
marshallPool: function() {
return this.parent();
// Update the object given a form representation off the wire.
form: function(json) {
this.length = json.length;
item: protocol.custom(function(index) {
return this._item(index).then(response => {
return response.node;
}, {
impl: "_item"
items: protocol.custom(function(start, end) {
return this._items(start, end).then(response => {
return response.nodes;
}, {
impl: "_items"
// Some common request/response templates for the dom walker
let nodeArrayMethod = {
request: {
node: Arg(0, "domnode"),
maxNodes: Option(1),
center: Option(1, "domnode"),
start: Option(1, "domnode"),
whatToShow: Option(1)
response: RetVal(types.addDictType("domtraversalarray", {
nodes: "array:domnode"
let traversalMethod = {
request: {
node: Arg(0, "domnode"),
whatToShow: Option(1)
response: {
node: RetVal("nullable:domnode")
* Server side of the DOM walker.
var WalkerActor = protocol.ActorClass({
typeName: "domwalker",
events: {
"new-mutations" : {
type: "newMutations"
"picker-node-picked" : {
type: "pickerNodePicked",
node: Arg(0, "disconnectedNode")
"picker-node-hovered" : {
type: "pickerNodeHovered",
node: Arg(0, "disconnectedNode")
"highlighter-ready" : {
type: "highlighter-ready"
"highlighter-hide" : {
type: "highlighter-hide"
"display-change" : {
type: "display-change",
nodes: Arg(0, "array:domnode")
* Create the WalkerActor
* @param DebuggerServerConnection conn
* The server connection.
initialize: function(conn, tabActor, options) {, conn);
this.tabActor = tabActor;
this.rootWin = tabActor.window;
this.rootDoc = this.rootWin.document;
this._refMap = new Map();
this._pendingMutations = [];
this._activePseudoClassLocks = new Set();
this.layoutHelpers = new LayoutHelpers(this.rootWin);
// Nodes which have been removed from the client's known
// ownership tree are considered "orphaned", and stored in
// this set.
this._orphaned = new Set();
// The client can tell the walker that it is interested in a node
// even when it is orphaned with the `retainNode` method. This
// list contains orphaned nodes that were so retained.
this._retainedOrphans = new Set();
this.onMutations = this.onMutations.bind(this);
this.onFrameLoad = this.onFrameLoad.bind(this);
this.onFrameUnload = this.onFrameUnload.bind(this);
events.on(tabActor, "will-navigate", this.onFrameUnload);
events.on(tabActor, "navigate", this.onFrameLoad);
// Ensure that the root document node actor is ready and
// managed.
this.rootNode = this.document();
this.reflowObserver = getLayoutChangesObserver(this.tabActor);
this._onReflows = this._onReflows.bind(this);
this.reflowObserver.on("reflows", this._onReflows);
// Returns the JSON representation of this object over the wire.
form: function() {
return {
actor: this.actorID,
root: this.rootNode.form()
toString: function() {
return "[WalkerActor " + this.actorID + "]";
destroy: function() {
this._destroyed = true;
this._activePseudoClassLocks = null;
this._hoveredNode = null;
this.rootDoc = null;"reflows", this._onReflows);
this.reflowObserver = null;
events.emit(this, "destroyed");;
release: method(function() {}, { release: true }),
unmanage: function(actor) {
if (actor instanceof NodeActor) {
if (this._activePseudoClassLocks &&
this._activePseudoClassLocks.has(actor)) {
}, actor);
_ref: function(node) {
let actor = this._refMap.get(node);
if (actor) return actor;
actor = new NodeActor(this, node);
// Add the node actor as a child of this walker actor, assigning
// it an actorID.
this._refMap.set(node, actor);
if (node.nodeType === Ci.nsIDOMNode.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
return actor;
_onReflows: function(reflows) {
// Going through the nodes the walker knows about, see which ones have
// had their display changed and send a display-change event if any
let changes = [];
for (let [node, actor] of this._refMap) {
if (Cu.isDeadWrapper(node)) {
let isDisplayed = actor.isDisplayed;
if (isDisplayed !== actor.wasDisplayed) {
// Updating the original value
actor.wasDisplayed = isDisplayed;
if (changes.length) {
events.emit(this, "display-change", changes);
* This is kept for backward-compatibility reasons with older remote targets.
* Targets prior to bug 916443.
* pick/cancelPick are used to pick a node on click on the content
* document. But in their implementation prior to bug 916443, they don't allow
* highlighting on hover.
* The client-side now uses the highlighter actor's pick and cancelPick
* methods instead. The client-side uses the the highlightable trait found in
* the root actor to determine which version of pick to use.
* As for highlight, the new highlighter actor is used instead of the walker's
* highlight method. Same here though, the client-side uses the highlightable
* trait to dertermine which to use.
* Keeping these actor methods for now allows newer client-side debuggers to
* inspect fxos 1.2 remote targets or older firefox desktop remote targets.
pick: method(function() {}, {request: {}, response: RetVal("disconnectedNode")}),
cancelPick: method(function() {}),
highlight: method(function(node) {}, {request: {node: Arg(0, "nullable:domnode")}}),
attachElement: function(node) {
node = this._ref(node);
let newParents = this.ensurePathToRoot(node);
return {
node: node,
newParents: [parent for (parent of newParents)]
* Watch the given document node for mutations using the DOM observer
* API.
_watchDocument: function(actor) {
let node = actor.rawNode;
// Create the observer on the node's actor. The node will make sure
// the observer is cleaned up when the actor is released. = new actor.rawNode.defaultView.MutationObserver(this.onMutations);, {
attributes: true,
characterData: true,
childList: true,
subtree: true
* Return the document node that contains the given node,
* or the root node if no node is specified.
* @param NodeActor node
* The node whose document is needed, or null to
* return the root.
document: method(function(node) {
let doc = node ? nodeDocument(node.rawNode) : this.rootDoc;
return this._ref(doc);
}, {
request: { node: Arg(0, "nullable:domnode") },
response: { node: RetVal("domnode") },
* Return the documentElement for the document containing the
* given node.
* @param NodeActor node
* The node whose documentElement is requested, or null
* to use the root document.
documentElement: method(function(node) {
let elt = node ? nodeDocument(node.rawNode).documentElement : this.rootDoc.documentElement;
return this._ref(elt);
}, {
request: { node: Arg(0, "nullable:domnode") },
response: { node: RetVal("domnode") },
* Return all parents of the given node, ordered from immediate parent
* to root.
* @param NodeActor node
* The node whose parents are requested.
* @param object options
* Named options, including:
* `sameDocument`: If true, parents will be restricted to the same
* document as the node.
parents: method(function(node, options={}) {
let walker = documentWalker(node.rawNode, this.rootWin);
let parents = [];
let cur;
while((cur = walker.parentNode())) {
if (options.sameDocument && cur.ownerDocument != node.rawNode.ownerDocument) {
return parents;
}, {
request: {
node: Arg(0, "domnode"),
sameDocument: Option(1)
response: {
nodes: RetVal("array:domnode")
parentNode: function(node) {
let walker = documentWalker(node.rawNode, this.rootWin);
let parent = walker.parentNode();
if (parent) {
return this._ref(parent);
return null;
* Mark a node as 'retained'.
* A retained node is not released when `releaseNode` is called on its
* parent, or when a parent is released with the `cleanup` option to
* `getMutations`.
* When a retained node's parent is released, a retained mode is added to
* the walker's "retained orphans" list.
* Retained nodes can be deleted by providing the `force` option to
* `releaseNode`. They will also be released when their document
* has been destroyed.
* Retaining a node makes no promise about its children; They can
* still be removed by normal means.
retainNode: method(function(node) {
node.retained = true;
}, {
request: { node: Arg(0, "domnode") },
response: {}
* Remove the 'retained' mark from a node. If the node was a
* retained orphan, release it.
unretainNode: method(function(node) {
node.retained = false;
if (this._retainedOrphans.has(node)) {
}, {
request: { node: Arg(0, "domnode") },
response: {},
* Release actors for a node and all child nodes.
releaseNode: method(function(node, options={}) {
if (node.retained && !options.force) {
if (node.retained) {
// Forcing a retained node to go away.
let walker = documentWalker(node.rawNode, this.rootWin);
let child = walker.firstChild();
while (child) {
let childActor = this._refMap.get(child);
if (childActor) {
this.releaseNode(childActor, options);
child = walker.nextSibling();
}, {
request: {
node: Arg(0, "domnode"),
force: Option(1)
* Add any nodes between `node` and the walker's root node that have not
* yet been seen by the client.
ensurePathToRoot: function(node, newParents=new Set()) {
if (!node) {
return newParents;
let walker = documentWalker(node.rawNode, this.rootWin);
let cur;
while ((cur = walker.parentNode())) {
let parent = this._refMap.get(cur);
if (!parent) {
// This parent didn't exist, so hasn't been seen by the client yet.
} else {
// This parent did exist, so the client knows about it.
return newParents;
return newParents;
* Return children of the given node. By default this method will return
* all children of the node, but there are options that can restrict this
* to a more manageable subset.
* @param NodeActor node
* The node whose children you're curious about.
* @param object options
* Named options:
* `maxNodes`: The set of nodes returned by the method will be no longer
* than maxNodes.
* `start`: If a node is specified, the list of nodes will start
* with the given child. Mutally exclusive with `center`.
* `center`: If a node is specified, the given node will be as centered
* as possible in the list, given how close to the ends of the child
* list it is. Mutually exclusive with `start`.
* `whatToShow`: A bitmask of node types that should be included. See
* @returns an object with three items:
* hasFirst: true if the first child of the node is included in the list.
* hasLast: true if the last child of the node is included in the list.
* nodes: Child nodes returned by the request.
children: method(function(node, options={}) {
if ( && options.start) {
throw Error("Can't specify both 'center' and 'start' options.");
let maxNodes = options.maxNodes || -1;
if (maxNodes == -1) {
maxNodes = Number.MAX_VALUE;
// We're going to create a few document walkers with the same filter,
// make it easier.
let filteredWalker = (node) => {
return documentWalker(node, this.rootWin, options.whatToShow);
// Need to know the first and last child.
let rawNode = node.rawNode;
let firstChild = filteredWalker(rawNode).firstChild();
let lastChild = filteredWalker(rawNode).lastChild();
if (!firstChild) {
// No children, we're done.
return { hasFirst: true, hasLast: true, nodes: [] };
let start;
if ( {
start =;
} else if (options.start) {
start = options.start.rawNode;
} else {
start = firstChild;
let nodes = [];
// Start by reading backward from the starting point if we're centering...
let backwardWalker = filteredWalker(start);
if (start != firstChild && {
let backwardCount = Math.floor(maxNodes / 2);
let backwardNodes = this._readBackward(backwardWalker, backwardCount);
nodes = backwardNodes;
// Then read forward by any slack left in the max children...
let forwardWalker = filteredWalker(start);
let forwardCount = maxNodes - nodes.length;
nodes = nodes.concat(this._readForward(forwardWalker, forwardCount));
// If there's any room left, it means we've run all the way to the end.
// If we're centering, check if there are more items to read at the front.
let remaining = maxNodes - nodes.length;
if ( && remaining > 0 && nodes[0].rawNode != firstChild) {
let firstNodes = this._readBackward(backwardWalker, remaining);
// Then put it all back together.
nodes = firstNodes.concat(nodes);
return {
hasFirst: nodes[0].rawNode == firstChild,
hasLast: nodes[nodes.length - 1].rawNode == lastChild,
nodes: nodes
}, nodeArrayMethod),
* Return siblings of the given node. By default this method will return
* all siblings of the node, but there are options that can restrict this
* to a more manageable subset.
* If `start` or `center` are not specified, this method will center on the
* node whose siblings are requested.
* @param NodeActor node
* The node whose children you're curious about.
* @param object options
* Named options:
* `maxNodes`: The set of nodes returned by the method will be no longer
* than maxNodes.
* `start`: If a node is specified, the list of nodes will start
* with the given child. Mutally exclusive with `center`.
* `center`: If a node is specified, the given node will be as centered
* as possible in the list, given how close to the ends of the child
* list it is. Mutually exclusive with `start`.
* `whatToShow`: A bitmask of node types that should be included. See
* @returns an object with three items:
* hasFirst: true if the first child of the node is included in the list.
* hasLast: true if the last child of the node is included in the list.
* nodes: Child nodes returned by the request.
siblings: method(function(node, options={}) {
let parentNode = documentWalker(node.rawNode, this.rootWin).parentNode();
if (!parentNode) {
return {
hasFirst: true,
hasLast: true,
nodes: [node]
if (!(options.start || { = node;
return this.children(this._ref(parentNode), options);
}, nodeArrayMethod),
* Get the next sibling of a given node. Getting nodes one at a time
* might be inefficient, be careful.
* @param object options
* Named options:
* `whatToShow`: A bitmask of node types that should be included. See
nextSibling: method(function(node, options={}) {
let walker = documentWalker(node.rawNode, this.rootWin, options.whatToShow || Ci.nsIDOMNodeFilter.SHOW_ALL);
let sibling = walker.nextSibling();
return sibling ? this._ref(sibling) : null;
}, traversalMethod),
* Get the previous sibling of a given node. Getting nodes one at a time
* might be inefficient, be careful.
* @param object options
* Named options:
* `whatToShow`: A bitmask of node types that should be included. See
previousSibling: method(function(node, options={}) {
let walker = documentWalker(node.rawNode, this.rootWin, options.whatToShow || Ci.nsIDOMNodeFilter.SHOW_ALL);
let sibling = walker.previousSibling();
return sibling ? this._ref(sibling) : null;
}, traversalMethod),
* Helper function for the `children` method: Read forward in the sibling
* list into an array with `count` items, including the current node.
_readForward: function(walker, count) {
let ret = [];
let node = walker.currentNode;
do {
node = walker.nextSibling();
} while (node && --count);
return ret;
* Helper function for the `children` method: Read backward in the sibling
* list into an array with `count` items, including the current node.
_readBackward: function(walker, count) {
let ret = [];
let node = walker.currentNode;
do {
node = walker.previousSibling();
} while(node && --count);
return ret;
* Return the first node in the document that matches the given selector.
* See
* @param NodeActor baseNode
* @param string selector
querySelector: method(function(baseNode, selector) {
if (!baseNode) {
return {}
let node = baseNode.rawNode.querySelector(selector);
if (!node) {
return {}
return this.attachElement(node);
}, {
request: {
node: Arg(0, "domnode"),
selector: Arg(1)
response: RetVal("disconnectedNode")
* Return a NodeListActor with all nodes that match the given selector.
* See
* @param NodeActor baseNode
* @param string selector
querySelectorAll: method(function(baseNode, selector) {
let nodeList = null;
try {
nodeList = baseNode.rawNode.querySelectorAll(selector);
} catch(e) {
// Bad selector. Do nothing as the selector can come from a searchbox.
return new NodeListActor(this, nodeList);
}, {
request: {
node: Arg(0, "domnode"),
selector: Arg(1)
response: {
list: RetVal("domnodelist")
* Returns a list of matching results for CSS selector autocompletion.
* @param string query
* The selector query being completed
* @param string completing
* The exact token being completed out of the query
* @param string selectorState
* One of "pseudo", "id", "tag", "class", "null"
getSuggestionsForQuery: method(function(query, completing, selectorState) {
let sugs = {
classes: new Map,
tags: new Map
let result = [];
let nodes = null;
// Filtering and sorting the results so that protocol transfer is miminal.
switch (selectorState) {
case "pseudo":
result = PSEUDO_SELECTORS.filter(item => {
return item[0].startsWith(":" + completing);
case "class":
if (!query) {
nodes = this.rootDoc.querySelectorAll("[class]");
else {
nodes = this.rootDoc.querySelectorAll(query);
for (let node of nodes) {
for (let className of node.className.split(" ")) {
sugs.classes.set(className, (sugs.classes.get(className)|0) + 1);
// Editing the style editor may make the stylesheet have errors and
// thus the page's elements' styles start changing with a transition.
// That transition comes from the `moz-styleeditor-transitioning` class.
for (let [className, count] of sugs.classes) {
if (className.startsWith(completing)) {
result.push(["." + className, count]);
case "id":
if (!query) {
nodes = this.rootDoc.querySelectorAll("[id]");
else {
nodes = this.rootDoc.querySelectorAll(query);
for (let node of nodes) {
if ( {
result.push(["#" +, 1]);
case "tag":
if (!query) {
nodes = this.rootDoc.getElementsByTagName("*");
else {
nodes = this.rootDoc.querySelectorAll(query);
for (let node of nodes) {
let tag = node.tagName.toLowerCase();
sugs.tags.set(tag, (sugs.tags.get(tag)|0) + 1);
for (let [tag, count] of sugs.tags) {
if ((new RegExp("^" + completing + ".*", "i")).test(tag)) {
result.push([tag, count]);
case "null":
nodes = this.rootDoc.querySelectorAll(query);
for (let node of nodes) { && result.push(["#" +, 1]);
let tag = node.tagName.toLowerCase();
sugs.tags.set(tag, (sugs.tags.get(tag)|0) + 1);
for (let className of node.className.split(" ")) {
sugs.classes.set(className, (sugs.classes.get(className)|0) + 1);
for (let [tag, count] of sugs.tags) {
tag && result.push([tag, count]);
// Editing the style editor may make the stylesheet have errors and
// thus the page's elements' styles start changing with a transition.
// That transition comes from the `moz-styleeditor-transitioning` class.
for (let [className, count] of sugs.classes) {
className && result.push(["." + className, count]);
// Sort alphabetically in increaseing order.
result = result.sort();
// Sort based on count in decreasing order.
result = result.sort(function(a, b) {
return b[1] - a[1];
result.slice(0, 25);
return {
query: query,
suggestions: result
}, {
request: {
query: Arg(0),
completing: Arg(1),
selectorState: Arg(2)
response: {
list: RetVal("array:array:string")
* Add a pseudo-class lock to a node.
* @param NodeActor node
* @param string pseudo
* A pseudoclass: ':hover', ':active', ':focus'
* @param options
* Options object:
* `parents`: True if the pseudo-class should be added
* to parent nodes.
* @returns An empty packet. A "pseudoClassLock" mutation will
* be queued for any changed nodes.
addPseudoClassLock: method(function(node, pseudo, options={}) {
this._addPseudoClassLock(node, pseudo);
if (!options.parents) {
let walker = documentWalker(node.rawNode, this.rootWin);
let cur;
while ((cur = walker.parentNode())) {
let curNode = this._ref(cur);
this._addPseudoClassLock(curNode, pseudo);
}, {
request: {
node: Arg(0, "domnode"),
pseudoClass: Arg(1),
parents: Option(2)
response: {}
_queuePseudoClassMutation: function(node) {
target: node.actorID,
type: "pseudoClassLock",
pseudoClassLocks: node.writePseudoClassLocks()
_addPseudoClassLock: function(node, pseudo) {
if (node.rawNode.nodeType !== Ci.nsIDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
return false;
DOMUtils.addPseudoClassLock(node.rawNode, pseudo);
return true;
_installHelperSheet: function(node) {
if (!this.installedHelpers) {
this.installedHelpers = new WeakMap;
let win = node.rawNode.ownerDocument.defaultView;
if (!this.installedHelpers.has(win)) {
let { Style } = require("sdk/stylesheet/style");
let { attach } = require("sdk/content/mod");
let style = Style({source: HELPER_SHEET, type: "agent" });
attach(style, win);
this.installedHelpers.set(win, style);
hideNode: method(function(node) {
}, {
request: { node: Arg(0, "domnode") }
unhideNode: method(function(node) {
}, {
request: { node: Arg(0, "domnode") }
* Remove a pseudo-class lock from a node.
* @param NodeActor node
* @param string pseudo
* A pseudoclass: ':hover', ':active', ':focus'
* @param options
* Options object:
* `parents`: True if the pseudo-class should be removed
* from parent nodes.
* @returns An empty response. "pseudoClassLock" mutations
* will be emitted for any changed nodes.
removePseudoClassLock: method(function(node, pseudo, options={}) {
this._removePseudoClassLock(node, pseudo);
if (!options.parents) {
let walker = documentWalker(node.rawNode, this.rootWin);
let cur;
while ((cur = walker.parentNode())) {
let curNode = this._ref(cur);
this._removePseudoClassLock(curNode, pseudo);
}, {
request: {
node: Arg(0, "domnode"),
pseudoClass: Arg(1),
parents: Option(2)
response: {}
_removePseudoClassLock: function(node, pseudo) {
if (node.rawNode.nodeType != Ci.nsIDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
return false;
DOMUtils.removePseudoClassLock(node.rawNode, pseudo);
if (!node.writePseudoClassLocks()) {
return true;
* Clear all the pseudo-classes on a given node or all nodes.
* @param {NodeActor} node Optional node to clear pseudo-classes on
clearPseudoClassLocks: method(function(node) {
if (node) {
} else {
for (let locked of this._activePseudoClassLocks) {
}, {
request: {
node: Arg(0, "nullable:domnode")
response: {}
* Get a node's innerHTML property.
innerHTML: method(function(node) {
return LongStringActor(this.conn, node.rawNode.innerHTML);
}, {
request: {
node: Arg(0, "domnode")
response: {
value: RetVal("longstring")
* Get a node's outerHTML property.
outerHTML: method(function(node) {
return LongStringActor(this.conn, node.rawNode.outerHTML);
}, {
request: {
node: Arg(0, "domnode")
response: {
value: RetVal("longstring")
* Set a node's outerHTML property.
setOuterHTML: method(function(node, value) {
let parsedDOM = DOMParser.parseFromString(value, "text/html");
let rawNode = node.rawNode;
let parentNode = rawNode.parentNode;
// Special case for head and body. Setting document.body.outerHTML
// creates an extra <head> tag, and document.head.outerHTML creates
// an extra <body>. So instead we will call replaceChild with the
// parsed DOM, assuming that they aren't trying to set both tags at once.
if (rawNode.tagName === "BODY") {
if (parsedDOM.head.innerHTML === "") {
parentNode.replaceChild(parsedDOM.body, rawNode);
} else {
rawNode.outerHTML = value;
} else if (rawNode.tagName === "HEAD") {
if (parsedDOM.body.innerHTML === "") {
parentNode.replaceChild(parsedDOM.head, rawNode);
} else {
rawNode.outerHTML = value;
} else if (node.isDocumentElement()) {
// Unable to set outerHTML on the document element. Fall back by
// setting attributes manually, then replace the body and head elements.
let finalAttributeModifications = [];
let attributeModifications = {};
for (let attribute of rawNode.attributes) {
attributeModifications[] = null;
for (let attribute of parsedDOM.documentElement.attributes) {
attributeModifications[] = attribute.value;
for (let key in attributeModifications) {
attributeName: key,
newValue: attributeModifications[key]
rawNode.replaceChild(parsedDOM.head, rawNode.querySelector("head"));
rawNode.replaceChild(parsedDOM.body, rawNode.querySelector("body"));
} else {
rawNode.outerHTML = value;
}, {
request: {
node: Arg(0, "domnode"),
value: Arg(1),
response: {
* Removes a node from its parent node.
* @returns The node's nextSibling before it was removed.
removeNode: method(function(node) {
if ((node.rawNode.ownerDocument &&
node.rawNode.ownerDocument.documentElement === this.rawNode) ||
node.rawNode.nodeType === Ci.nsIDOMNode.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
throw Error("Cannot remove document or document elements.");
let nextSibling = this.nextSibling(node);
if (node.rawNode.parentNode) {
// Mutation events will take care of the rest.
return nextSibling;
}, {
request: {
node: Arg(0, "domnode")
response: {
nextSibling: RetVal("nullable:domnode")
* Insert a node into the DOM.
insertBefore: method(function(node, parent, sibling) {
parent.rawNode.insertBefore(node.rawNode, sibling ? sibling.rawNode : null);
}, {
request: {
node: Arg(0, "domnode"),
parent: Arg(1, "domnode"),
sibling: Arg(2, "nullable:domnode")
response: {}
* Get any pending mutation records. Must be called by the client after
* the `new-mutations` notification is received. Returns an array of
* mutation records.
* Mutation records have a basic structure:
* {
* type: attributes|characterData|childList,
* target: <domnode actor ID>,
* }
* And additional attributes based on the mutation type:
* `attributes` type:
* attributeName: <string> - the attribute that changed
* attributeNamespace: <string> - the attribute's namespace URI, if any.
* newValue: <string> - The new value of the attribute, if any.
* `characterData` type:
* newValue: <string> - the new shortValue for the node
* [incompleteValue: true] - True if the shortValue was truncated.
* `childList` type is returned when the set of children for a node
* has changed. Includes extra data, which can be used by the client to
* maintain its ownership subtree.
* added: array of <domnode actor ID> - The list of actors *previously
* seen by the client* that were added to the target node.
* removed: array of <domnode actor ID> The list of actors *previously
* seen by the client* that were removed from the target node.
* Actors that are included in a MutationRecord's `removed` but
* not in an `added` have been removed from the client's ownership
* tree (either by being moved under a node the client has seen yet
* or by being removed from the tree entirely), and is considered
* 'orphaned'.
* Keep in mind that if a node that the client hasn't seen is moved
* into or out of the target node, it will not be included in the
* removedNodes and addedNodes list, so if the client is interested
* in the new set of children it needs to issue a `children` request.
getMutations: method(function(options={}) {
let pending = this._pendingMutations || [];
this._pendingMutations = [];
if (options.cleanup) {
for (let node of this._orphaned) {
// Release the orphaned node. Nodes or children that have been
// retained will be moved to this._retainedOrphans.
this._orphaned = new Set();
return pending;
}, {
request: {
cleanup: Option(0)
response: {
mutations: RetVal("array:dommutation")
queueMutation: function(mutation) {
if (!this.actorID || this._destroyed) {
// We've been destroyed, don't bother queueing this mutation.
// We only send the `new-mutations` notification once, until the client
// fetches mutations with the `getMutations` packet.
let needEvent = this._pendingMutations.length === 0;
if (needEvent) {
events.emit(this, "new-mutations");
* Handles mutations from the DOM mutation observer API.
* @param array[MutationRecord] mutations
* See
onMutations: function(mutations) {
for (let change of mutations) {
let targetActor = this._refMap.get(;
if (!targetActor) {
let targetNode =;
let mutation = {
type: change.type,
target: targetActor.actorID,
if (mutation.type === "attributes") {
mutation.attributeName = change.attributeName;
mutation.attributeNamespace = change.attributeNamespace || undefined;
mutation.newValue = targetNode.getAttribute(mutation.attributeName);
} else if (mutation.type === "characterData") {
if (targetNode.nodeValue.length > gValueSummaryLength) {
mutation.newValue = targetNode.nodeValue.substring(0, gValueSummaryLength);
mutation.incompleteValue = true;
} else {
mutation.newValue = targetNode.nodeValue;
} else if (mutation.type === "childList") {
// Get the list of removed and added actors that the client has seen
// so that it can keep its ownership tree up to date.
let removedActors = [];
let addedActors = [];
for (let removed of change.removedNodes) {
let removedActor = this._refMap.get(removed);
if (!removedActor) {
// If the client never encountered this actor we don't need to
// mention that it was removed.
// While removed from the tree, nodes are saved as orphaned.
for (let added of change.addedNodes) {
let addedActor = this._refMap.get(added);
if (!addedActor) {
// If the client never encounted this actor we don't need to tell
// it about its addition for ownership tree purposes - if the
// client wants to see the new nodes it can ask for children.
// The actor is reconnected to the ownership tree, unorphan
// it and let the client know so that its ownership tree is up
// to date.
mutation.numChildren =;
mutation.removed = removedActors;
mutation.added = addedActors;
onFrameLoad: function({ window, isTopLevel }) {
if (!this.rootDoc && isTopLevel) {
this.rootDoc = window.document;
this.rootNode = this.document();
type: "newRoot",
target: this.rootNode.form()
let frame = this.layoutHelpers.getFrameElement(window);
let frameActor = this._refMap.get(frame);
if (!frameActor) {
type: "frameLoad",
target: frameActor.actorID,
// Send a childList mutation on the frame.
type: "childList",
target: frameActor.actorID,
added: [],
removed: []
// Returns true if domNode is in window or a subframe.
_childOfWindow: function(window, domNode) {
let win = nodeDocument(domNode).defaultView;
while (win) {
if (win === window) {
return true;
win = this.layoutHelpers.getFrameElement(win);
return false;
onFrameUnload: function({ window }) {
// Any retained orphans that belong to this document
// or its children need to be released, and a mutation sent
// to notify of that.
let releasedOrphans = [];
for (let retained of this._retainedOrphans) {
if (Cu.isDeadWrapper(retained.rawNode) ||
this._childOfWindow(window, retained.rawNode)) {
this.releaseNode(retained, { force: true });
if (releasedOrphans.length > 0) {
target: this.rootNode.actorID,
type: "unretained",
nodes: releasedOrphans
let doc = window.document;
let documentActor = this._refMap.get(doc);
if (!documentActor) {
if (this.rootDoc === doc) {
this.rootDoc = null;
this.rootNode = null;
type: "documentUnload",
target: documentActor.actorID
let walker = documentWalker(doc, this.rootWin);
let parentNode = walker.parentNode();
if (parentNode) {
// Send a childList mutation on the frame so that clients know
// they should reread the children list.
type: "childList",
target: this._refMap.get(parentNode).actorID,
added: [],
removed: []
// Need to force a release of this node, because those nodes can't
// be accessed anymore.
this.releaseNode(documentActor, { force: true });
* Check if a node is attached to the DOM tree of the current page.
* @param {nsIDomNode} rawNode
* @return {Boolean} false if the node is removed from the tree or within a
* document fragment
_isInDOMTree: function(rawNode) {
let walker = documentWalker(rawNode, this.rootWin);
let current = walker.currentNode;
// Reaching the top of tree
while (walker.parentNode()) {
current = walker.currentNode;
// The top of the tree is a fragment or is not rootDoc, hence rawNode isn't
// attached
if (current.nodeType === Ci.nsIDOMNode.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE ||
current !== this.rootDoc) {
return false;
// Otherwise the top of the tree is rootDoc, hence rawNode is in rootDoc
return true;
* @see _isInDomTree
isInDOMTree: method(function(node) {
return node ? this._isInDOMTree(node.rawNode) : false;
}, {
request: { node: Arg(0, "domnode") },
response: { attached: RetVal("boolean") }
* Given an ObjectActor (identified by its ID), commonly used in the debugger,
* webconsole and variablesView, return the corresponding inspector's NodeActor
getNodeActorFromObjectActor: method(function(objectActorID) {
let debuggerObject = this.conn.getActor(objectActorID).obj;
let rawNode = debuggerObject.unsafeDereference();
if (!this._isInDOMTree(rawNode)) {
return null;
// This is a special case for the document object whereby it is considered
// as document.documentElement (the <html> node)
if (rawNode.defaultView && rawNode === rawNode.defaultView.document) {
rawNode = rawNode.documentElement;
return this.attachElement(rawNode);
}, {
request: {
objectActorID: Arg(0, "string")
response: {
nodeFront: RetVal("nullable:disconnectedNode")
* Given an StyleSheetActor (identified by its ID), commonly used in the
* style-editor, get its ownerNode and return the corresponding walker's
* NodeActor
getStyleSheetOwnerNode: method(function(styleSheetActorID) {
let styleSheetActor = this.conn.getActor(styleSheetActorID);
let ownerNode = styleSheetActor.ownerNode;
if (!styleSheetActor || !ownerNode) {
return null;
return this.attachElement(ownerNode);
}, {
request: {
styleSheetActorID: Arg(0, "string")
response: {
ownerNode: RetVal("nullable:disconnectedNode")
* Client side of the DOM walker.
var WalkerFront = exports.WalkerFront = protocol.FrontClass(WalkerActor, {
// Set to true if cleanup should be requested after every mutation list.
autoCleanup: true,
* This is kept for backward-compatibility reasons with older remote target.
* Targets previous to bug 916443
pick: protocol.custom(function() {
return this._pick().then(response => {
return response.node;
}, {impl: "_pick"}),
initialize: function(client, form) {
this._createRootNodePromise();, client, form);
this._orphaned = new Set();
this._retainedOrphans = new Set();
destroy: function() {;
// Update the object given a form representation off the wire.
form: function(json) {
this.actorID =;
this.rootNode = types.getType("domnode").read(json.root, this);
* Clients can use walker.rootNode to get the current root node of the
* walker, but during a reload the root node might be null. This
* method returns a promise that will resolve to the root node when it is
* set.
getRootNode: function() {
return this._rootNodeDeferred.promise;
* Create the root node promise, triggering the "new-root" notification
* on resolution.
_createRootNodePromise: function() {
this._rootNodeDeferred = promise.defer();
this._rootNodeDeferred.promise.then(() => {
events.emit(this, "new-root");
* When reading an actor form off the wire, we want to hook it up to its
* parent front. The protocol guarantees that the parent will be seen
* by the client in either a previous or the current request.
* So if we've already seen this parent return it, otherwise create
* a bare-bones stand-in node. The stand-in node will be updated
* with a real form by the end of the deserialization.
ensureParentFront: function(id) {
let front = this.get(id);
if (front) {
return front;
return types.getType("domnode").read({ actor: id }, this, "standin");
* See the documentation for WalkerActor.prototype.retainNode for
* information on retained nodes.
* From the client's perspective, `retainNode` can fail if the node in
* question is removed from the ownership tree before the `retainNode`
* request reaches the server. This can only happen if the client has
* asked the server to release nodes but hasn't gotten a response
* yet: Either a `releaseNode` request or a `getMutations` with `cleanup`
* set is outstanding.
* If either of those requests is outstanding AND releases the retained
* node, this request will fail with noSuchActor, but the ownership tree
* will stay in a consistent state.
* Because the protocol guarantees that requests will be processed and
* responses received in the order they were sent, we get the right
* semantics by setting our local retained flag on the node only AFTER
* a SUCCESSFUL retainNode call.
retainNode: protocol.custom(function(node) {
return this._retainNode(node).then(() => {
node.retained = true;
}, {
impl: "_retainNode",
unretainNode: protocol.custom(function(node) {
return this._unretainNode(node).then(() => {
node.retained = false;
if (this._retainedOrphans.has(node)) {
}, {
impl: "_unretainNode"
releaseNode: protocol.custom(function(node, options={}) {
// NodeFront.destroy will destroy children in the ownership tree too,
// mimicking what the server will do here.
let actorID = node.actorID;
this._releaseFront(node, !!options.force);
return this._releaseNode({ actorID: actorID });
}, {
impl: "_releaseNode"
querySelector: protocol.custom(function(queryNode, selector) {
return this._querySelector(queryNode, selector).then(response => {
return response.node;
}, {
impl: "_querySelector"
getNodeActorFromObjectActor: protocol.custom(function(objectActorID) {
return this._getNodeActorFromObjectActor(objectActorID).then(response => {
return response ? response.node : null;
}, {
impl: "_getNodeActorFromObjectActor"
getStyleSheetOwnerNode: protocol.custom(function(styleSheetActorID) {
return this._getStyleSheetOwnerNode(styleSheetActorID).then(response => {
return response ? response.node : null;
}, {
impl: "_getStyleSheetOwnerNode"
_releaseFront: function(node, force) {
if (node.retained && !force) {
if (node.retained) {
// Forcing a removal.
// Release any children
for (let child of node.treeChildren()) {
this._releaseFront(child, force);
// All children will have been removed from the node by this point.
* Get any unprocessed mutation records and process them.
getMutations: protocol.custom(function(options={}) {
return this._getMutations(options).then(mutations => {
let emitMutations = [];
for (let change of mutations) {
// The target is only an actorID, get the associated front.
let targetID;
let targetFront;
if (change.type === "newRoot") {
this.rootNode = types.getType("domnode").read(, this);
targetID = this.rootNode.actorID;
targetFront = this.rootNode;
} else {
targetID =;
targetFront = this.get(targetID);
if (!targetFront) {
console.trace("Got a mutation for an unexpected actor: " + targetID + ", please file a bug on!");
let emittedMutation = object.merge(change, { target: targetFront });
if (change.type === "childList") {
// Update the ownership tree according to the mutation record.
let addedFronts = [];
let removedFronts = [];
for (let removed of change.removed) {
let removedFront = this.get(removed);
if (!removedFront) {
console.error("Got a removal of an actor we didn't know about: " + removed);
// Remove from the ownership tree
// This node is orphaned unless we get it in the 'added' list
// eventually.
for (let added of change.added) {
let addedFront = this.get(added);
if (!addedFront) {
console.error("Got an addition of an actor we didn't know about: " + added);
// The actor is reconnected to the ownership tree, unorphan
// it.
// Before passing to users, replace the added and removed actor
// ids with front in the mutation record.
emittedMutation.added = addedFronts;
emittedMutation.removed = removedFronts;
targetFront._form.numChildren = change.numChildren;
} else if (change.type === "frameLoad") {
// Nothing we need to do here, except verify that we don't have any
// document children, because we should have gotten a documentUnload
// first.
for (let child of targetFront.treeChildren()) {
if (child.nodeType === Ci.nsIDOMNode.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
console.trace("Got an unexpected frameLoad in the inspector, please file a bug on!");
} else if (change.type === "documentUnload") {
if (targetFront === this.rootNode) {
// We try to give fronts instead of actorIDs, but these fronts need
// to be destroyed now. = targetFront.actorID;
emittedMutation.targetParent = targetFront.parentNode();
// Release the document node and all of its children, even retained.
this._releaseFront(targetFront, true);
} else if (change.type === "unretained") {
// Retained orphans were force-released without the intervention of
// client (probably a navigated frame).
for (let released of change.nodes) {
let releasedFront = this.get(released);
this._releaseFront(releasedFront, true);
} else {
if (options.cleanup) {
for (let node of this._orphaned) {
// This will move retained nodes to this._retainedOrphans.
this._orphaned = new Set();
events.emit(this, "mutations", emitMutations);
}, {
impl: "_getMutations"
* Handle the `new-mutations` notification by fetching the
* available mutation records.
onMutations: protocol.preEvent("new-mutations", function() {
// Fetch and process the mutations.
this.getMutations({cleanup: this.autoCleanup}).then(null, console.error);
isLocal: function() {
return !!this.conn._transport._serverConnection;
// XXX hack during transition to remote inspector: get a proper NodeFront
// for a given local node. Only works locally.
frontForRawNode: function(rawNode) {
if (!this.isLocal()) {
console.warn("Tried to use frontForRawNode on a remote connection.");
return null;
let walkerActor = this.conn._transport._serverConnection.getActor(this.actorID);
if (!walkerActor) {
throw Error("Could not find client side for actor " + this.actorID);
let nodeActor = walkerActor._ref(rawNode);
// Pass the node through a read/write pair to create the client side actor.
let nodeType = types.getType("domnode");
let returnNode =, walkerActor), this);
let top = returnNode;
let extras = walkerActor.parents(nodeActor);
for (let extraActor of extras) {
top =, walkerActor), this);
if (top !== this.rootNode) {
// Imported an already-orphaned node.
return returnNode;
* Convenience API for building a list of attribute modifications
* for the `modifyAttributes` request.
var AttributeModificationList = Class({
initialize: function(node) {
this.node = node;
this.modifications = [];
apply: function() {
let ret = this.node.modifyAttributes(this.modifications);
return ret;
destroy: function() {
this.node = null;
this.modification = null;
setAttributeNS: function(ns, name, value) {
attributeNamespace: ns,
attributeName: name,
newValue: value
setAttribute: function(name, value) {
this.setAttributeNS(undefined, name, value);
removeAttributeNS: function(ns, name) {
this.setAttributeNS(ns, name, undefined);
removeAttribute: function(name) {
this.setAttributeNS(undefined, name, undefined);
* Server side of the inspector actor, which is used to create
* inspector-related actors, including the walker.
var InspectorActor = protocol.ActorClass({
typeName: "inspector",
initialize: function(conn, tabActor) {, conn);
this.tabActor = tabActor;
get window() this.tabActor.window,
getWalker: method(function(options={}) {
if (this._walkerPromise) {
return this._walkerPromise;
let deferred = promise.defer();
this._walkerPromise = deferred.promise;
let window = this.window;
var domReady = () => {
let tabActor = this.tabActor;
window.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", domReady, true);
this.walker = WalkerActor(this.conn, tabActor, options);
events.once(this.walker, "destroyed", () => {
this._walkerPromise = null;
this._pageStylePromise = null;
if (window.document.readyState === "loading") {
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", domReady, true);
} else {
return this._walkerPromise;
}, {
request: {},
response: {
walker: RetVal("domwalker")
getPageStyle: method(function() {
if (this._pageStylePromise) {
return this._pageStylePromise;
this._pageStylePromise = this.getWalker().then(walker => {
return PageStyleActor(this);
return this._pageStylePromise;
}, {
request: {},
response: {
pageStyle: RetVal("pagestyle")
* The most used highlighter actor is the HighlighterActor which can be
* conveniently retrieved by this method.
* The same instance will always be returned by this method when called
* several times.
* The highlighter actor returned here is used to highlighter elements's
* box-models from the markup-view, layout-view, console, debugger, ... as
* well as select elements with the pointer (pick).
* @param {Boolean} autohide Optionally autohide the highlighter after an
* element has been picked
* @return {HighlighterActor}
getHighlighter: method(function (autohide) {
if (this._highlighterPromise) {
return this._highlighterPromise;
this._highlighterPromise = this.getWalker().then(walker => {
return HighlighterActor(this, autohide);
return this._highlighterPromise;
}, {
request: {
autohide: Arg(0, "boolean")
response: {
highligter: RetVal("highlighter")
* If consumers need to display several highlighters at the same time or
* different types of highlighters, then this method should be used, passing
* the type name of the highlighter needed as argument.
* A new instance will be created everytime the method is called, so it's up
* to the consumer to release it when it is not needed anymore
* @param {String} type The type of highlighter to create
* @return {Highlighter} The highlighter actor instance or null if the
* typeName passed doesn't match any available highlighter
getHighlighterByType: method(function (typeName) {
return CustomHighlighterActor(this, typeName);
} else {
return null;
}, {
request: {
typeName: Arg(0)
response: {
highlighter: RetVal("nullable:customhighlighter")
* Get the node's image data if any (for canvas and img nodes).
* Returns an imageData object with the actual data being a LongStringActor
* and a size json object.
* The image data is transmitted as a base64 encoded png data-uri.
* The method rejects if the node isn't an image or if the image is missing
* Accepts a maxDim request parameter to resize images that are larger. This
* is important as the resizing occurs server-side so that image-data being
* transfered in the longstring back to the client will be that much smaller
getImageDataFromURL: method(function(url, maxDim) {
let deferred = promise.defer();
let img = new this.window.Image();
// On load, get the image data and send the response
img.onload = () => {
// imageToImageData throws an error if the image is missing
try {
let imageData = imageToImageData(img, maxDim);
data: LongStringActor(this.conn,,
size: imageData.size
} catch (e) {
deferred.reject(new Error("Image " + url+ " not available"));
// If the URL doesn't point to a resource, reject
img.onerror = () => {
deferred.reject(new Error("Image " + url+ " not available"));
// If the request hangs for too long, kill it to avoid queuing up other requests
// to the same actor, except if we're running tests
if (!gDevTools.testing) {
this.window.setTimeout(() => {
deferred.reject(new Error("Image " + url + " could not be retrieved in time"));
img.src = url;
return deferred.promise;
}, {
request: {url: Arg(0), maxDim: Arg(1, "nullable:number")},
response: RetVal("imageData")
* Client side of the inspector actor, which is used to create
* inspector-related actors, including the walker.
var InspectorFront = exports.InspectorFront = protocol.FrontClass(InspectorActor, {
initialize: function(client, tabForm) {, client);
this.actorID = tabForm.inspectorActor;
// XXX: This is the first actor type in its hierarchy to use the protocol
// library, so we're going to self-own on the client side for now.
destroy: function() {
delete this.walker;;
getWalker: protocol.custom(function() {
return this._getWalker().then(walker => {
this.walker = walker;
return walker;
}, {
impl: "_getWalker"
getPageStyle: protocol.custom(function() {
return this._getPageStyle().then(pageStyle => {
// We need a walker to understand node references from the
// node style.
if (this.walker) {
return pageStyle;
return this.getWalker().then(() => {
return pageStyle;
}, {
impl: "_getPageStyle"
function documentWalker(node, rootWin, whatToShow=Ci.nsIDOMNodeFilter.SHOW_ALL) {
return new DocumentWalker(node, rootWin, whatToShow, whitespaceTextFilter, false);
// Exported for test purposes.
exports._documentWalker = documentWalker;
function nodeDocument(node) {
return node.ownerDocument || (node.nodeType == Ci.nsIDOMNode.DOCUMENT_NODE ? node : null);
* Similar to a TreeWalker, except will dig in to iframes and it doesn't
* implement the good methods like previousNode and nextNode.
* See TreeWalker documentation for explanations of the methods.
function DocumentWalker(aNode, aRootWin, aShow, aFilter, aExpandEntityReferences) {
if (!aRootWin.location) {
throw new Error("Got an invalid root window in DocumentWalker");
let doc = nodeDocument(aNode);
this.layoutHelpers = new LayoutHelpers(aRootWin);
this.walker = doc.createTreeWalker(doc,
aShow, aFilter, aExpandEntityReferences);
this.walker.currentNode = aNode;
this.filter = aFilter;
DocumentWalker.prototype = {
get node() this.walker.node,
get whatToShow() this.walker.whatToShow,
get expandEntityReferences() this.walker.expandEntityReferences,
get currentNode() this.walker.currentNode,
set currentNode(aVal) this.walker.currentNode = aVal,
* Called when the new node is in a different document than
* the current node, creates a new treewalker for the document we've
* run in to.
_reparentWalker: function(aNewNode) {
if (!aNewNode) {
return null;
let doc = nodeDocument(aNewNode);
let walker = doc.createTreeWalker(doc,
this.whatToShow, this.filter, this.expandEntityReferences);
walker.currentNode = aNewNode;
this.walker = walker;
return aNewNode;
parentNode: function() {
let currentNode = this.walker.currentNode;
let parentNode = this.walker.parentNode();
if (!parentNode) {
if (currentNode && currentNode.nodeType == Ci.nsIDOMNode.DOCUMENT_NODE
&& currentNode.defaultView) {
let window = currentNode.defaultView;
let frame = this.layoutHelpers.getFrameElement(window);
if (frame) {
return this._reparentWalker(frame);
return null;
return parentNode;
firstChild: function() {
let node = this.walker.currentNode;
if (!node)
return null;
if (node.contentDocument) {
return this._reparentWalker(node.contentDocument);
} else if (node.getSVGDocument && node.getSVGDocument()) {
return this._reparentWalker(node.getSVGDocument());
return this.walker.firstChild();
lastChild: function() {
let node = this.walker.currentNode;
if (!node)
return null;
if (node.contentDocument) {
return this._reparentWalker(node.contentDocument);
} else if (node.getSVGDocument && node.getSVGDocument()) {
return this._reparentWalker(node.getSVGDocument());
return this.walker.lastChild();
previousSibling: function DW_previousSibling() this.walker.previousSibling(),
nextSibling: function DW_nextSibling() this.walker.nextSibling()
* A tree walker filter for avoiding empty whitespace text nodes.
function whitespaceTextFilter(aNode) {
if (aNode.nodeType == Ci.nsIDOMNode.TEXT_NODE &&
!/[^\s]/.exec(aNode.nodeValue)) {
return Ci.nsIDOMNodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
} else {
return Ci.nsIDOMNodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
* Given an image DOMNode, return the image data-uri.
* @param {DOMNode} node The image node
* @param {Number} maxDim Optionally pass a maximum size you want the longest
* side of the image to be resized to before getting the image data.
* @return {Object} An object containing the data-uri and size-related information
* {data: "...", size: {naturalWidth: 400, naturalHeight: 300, resized: true}}
* @throws an error if the node isn't an image or if the image is missing
function imageToImageData(node, maxDim) {
let isImg = node.tagName.toLowerCase() === "img";
let isCanvas = node.tagName.toLowerCase() === "canvas";
if (!isImg && !isCanvas) {
return null;
// Get the image resize ratio if a maxDim was provided
let resizeRatio = 1;
let imgWidth = node.naturalWidth || node.width;
let imgHeight = node.naturalHeight || node.height;
let imgMax = Math.max(imgWidth, imgHeight);
if (maxDim && imgMax > maxDim) {
resizeRatio = maxDim / imgMax;
// Extract the image data
let imageData;
// The image may already be a data-uri, in which case, save ourselves the
// trouble of converting via the canvas.drawImage.toDataURL method
if (isImg && node.src.startsWith("data:")) {
imageData = node.src;
} else {
// Create a canvas to copy the rawNode into and get the imageData from
let canvas = node.ownerDocument.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "canvas");
canvas.width = imgWidth * resizeRatio;
canvas.height = imgHeight * resizeRatio;
let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
// Copy the rawNode image or canvas in the new canvas and extract data
ctx.drawImage(node, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
imageData = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
return {
data: imageData,
size: {
naturalWidth: imgWidth,
naturalHeight: imgHeight,
resized: resizeRatio !== 1
loader.lazyGetter(this, "DOMUtils", function () {
return Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.inIDOMUtils);