
2901 lines
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components;
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/wap_consts.js", this);
let DEBUG; // set to true to see debug messages
// Special ASCII characters
const NUL = 0;
const CR = 13;
const LF = 10;
const SP = 32;
const HT = 9;
const DQUOTE = 34;
const DEL = 127;
// Special ASCII character ranges
const CTLS = 32;
const ASCIIS = 128;
* Error class for generic encoding/decoding failures.
this.CodeError = function CodeError(message) { = "CodeError";
this.message = message || "Invalid format";
CodeError.prototype = new Error();
CodeError.prototype.constructor = CodeError;
* Error class for unexpected NUL char at decoding text elements.
* @param message [optional]
* A short description for the error.
function NullCharError(message) { = "NullCharError";
this.message = message || "Null character found";
NullCharError.prototype = new CodeError();
NullCharError.prototype.constructor = NullCharError;
* Error class for fatal encoding/decoding failures.
* This error is only raised when expected format isn't met and the parser
* context can't do anything more to either skip it or hand over to other
* alternative encoding/decoding steps.
* @param message [optional]
* A short description for the error.
this.FatalCodeError = function FatalCodeError(message) { = "FatalCodeError";
this.message = message || "Decoding fails";
FatalCodeError.prototype = new Error();
FatalCodeError.prototype.constructor = FatalCodeError;
* Error class for undefined well known encoding.
* When a encoded header field/parameter has unknown/unsupported value, we may
* never know how to decode the next value. For example, a parameter of
* undefined well known encoding may be followed by a Q-value, which is
* basically a uintvar. However, there is no way you can distiguish an Q-value
* 0.64, encoded as 0x41, from a string begins with 'A', which is also 0x41.
* The `skipValue` will try the latter one, which is not expected.
* @param message [optional]
* A short description for the error.
this.NotWellKnownEncodingError = function NotWellKnownEncodingError(message) { = "NotWellKnownEncodingError";
this.message = message || "Not well known encoding";
NotWellKnownEncodingError.prototype = new FatalCodeError();
NotWellKnownEncodingError.prototype.constructor = NotWellKnownEncodingError;
* Internal helper function to retrieve the value of a property with its name
* specified by `name` inside the object `headers`.
* @param headers
* An object that contains parsed header fields.
* @param name
* Header name string to be checked.
* @return Value of specified header field.
* @throws FatalCodeError if headers[name] is undefined.
this.ensureHeader = function ensureHeader(headers, name) {
let value = headers[name];
// Header field might have a null value as NoValue
if (value === undefined) {
throw new FatalCodeError("ensureHeader: header " + name + " not defined");
return value;
* Skip field value.
* The WSP field values are encoded so that the length of the field value can
* always be determined, even if the detailed format of a specific field value
* is not known. This makes it possible to skip over individual header fields
* without interpreting their content. ... the first octet in all the field
* values can be interpreted as follows:
* 0 - 30 | This octet is followed by the indicated number (0 - 30) of data
* octets.
* 31 | This octet is followed by a unitvar, which indicates the number
* of data octets after it.
* 32 - 127 | The value is a text string, terminated by a zero octet (NUL
* character).
* 128 - 255 | It is an encoded 7-bit value; this header has no more data.
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return Skipped value of several possible types like string, integer, or
* an array of octets.
* @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a clause
this.skipValue = function skipValue(data) {
let begin = data.offset;
let value = Octet.decode(data);
if (value <= 31) {
if (value == 31) {
value = UintVar.decode(data);
if (value) {
// `value` can be larger than 30, max length of a multi-octet integer
// here. So we must decode it as an array instead.
value = Octet.decodeMultiple(data, data.offset + value);
} else {
value = null;
} else if (value <= 127) {
data.offset = begin;
value = NullTerminatedTexts.decode(data);
} else {
value &= 0x7F;
return value;
* Helper function for decoding multiple alternative forms.
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @param options
* Extra context for decoding.
* @return Decoded value.
this.decodeAlternatives = function decodeAlternatives(data, options) {
let begin = data.offset;
for (let i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) {
try {
return arguments[i].decode(data, options);
} catch (e) {
// Throw the last exception we get
if (i == (arguments.length - 1)) {
throw e;
data.offset = begin;
* Helper function for encoding multiple alternative forms.
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param value
* Object value of arbitrary type to be encoded.
* @param options
* Extra context for encoding.
this.encodeAlternatives = function encodeAlternatives(data, value, options) {
let begin = data.offset;
for (let i = 3; i < arguments.length; i++) {
try {
arguments[i].encode(data, value, options);
} catch (e) {
// Throw the last exception we get
if (i == (arguments.length - 1)) {
throw e;
data.offset = begin;
this.Octet = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @throws RangeError if no more data is available.
decode: function(data) {
if (data.offset >= data.array.length) {
throw new RangeError();
return data.array[data.offset++];
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @param end
* An ending offset indicating the end of octet array to read.
* @return A decoded array object.
* @throws RangeError if no enough data to read.
* @throws TypeError if `data` has neither subarray() nor slice() method.
decodeMultiple: function(data, end) {
if ((end < data.offset) || (end > data.array.length)) {
throw new RangeError();
if (end == data.offset) {
return [];
let result;
if (data.array.subarray) {
result = data.array.subarray(data.offset, end);
} else if (data.array.slice) {
result = data.array.slice(data.offset, end);
} else {
throw new TypeError();
data.offset = end;
return result;
* Internal octet decoding for specific value.
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @param expected
* Expected octet value.
* @return Expected octet value.
* @throws CodeError if read octet is not equal to expected one.
decodeEqualTo: function(data, expected) {
if (this.decode(data) != expected) {
throw new CodeError("Octet - decodeEqualTo: doesn't match " + expected);
return expected;
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param octet
* Octet value to be encoded.
encode: function(data, octet) {
if (data.offset >= data.array.length) {
} else {
data.array[data.offset++] = octet;
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param octet
* An octet array object.
encodeMultiple: function(data, array) {
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
this.encode(data, array[i]);
* TEXT = <any OCTET except CTLs, but including LWS>
* CTL = <any US-ASCII control character (octets 0 - 31) and DEL (127)>
* LWS = [CRLF] 1*(SP|HT)
* CR = <US-ASCII CR, carriage return (13)>
* LF = <US-ASCII LF, linefeed (10)>
* SP = <US-ASCII SP, space (32)>
* HT = <US-ASCII HT, horizontal-tab(9)>
* @see RFC 2616 clause 2.2 Basic Rules
this.Text = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return Decoded character.
* @throws NullCharError if a NUL character read.
* @throws CodeError if a control character read.
decode: function(data) {
let code = Octet.decode(data);
if ((code >= CTLS) && (code != DEL)) {
return String.fromCharCode(code);
if (code == NUL) {
throw new NullCharError();
if (code != CR) {
throw new CodeError("Text: invalid char code " + code);
// "A CRLF is allowed in the definition of TEXT only as part of a header
// field continuation. It is expected that the folding LWS will be
// replaced with a single SP before interpretation of the TEXT value."
// ~ RFC 2616 clause 2.2
let extra;
// Rethrow everything as CodeError. We had already a successful read above.
try {
extra = Octet.decode(data);
if (extra != LF) {
throw new CodeError("Text: doesn't match LWS sequence");
extra = Octet.decode(data);
if ((extra != SP) && (extra != HT)) {
throw new CodeError("Text: doesn't match LWS sequence");
} catch (e if e instanceof CodeError) {
throw e;
} catch (e) {
throw new CodeError("Text: doesn't match LWS sequence");
// Let's eat as many SP|HT as possible.
let begin;
// Do not throw anything here. We had already matched (SP | HT).
try {
do {
begin = data.offset;
extra = Octet.decode(data);
} while ((extra == SP) || (extra == HT));
} catch (e) {}
data.offset = begin;
return " ";
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param text
* String text of one character to be encoded.
* @param asciiOnly
* A boolean to decide if it's only allowed to encode ASCII (0 ~ 127).
* @throws CodeError if a control character got.
encode: function(data, text, asciiOnly) {
if (!text) {
throw new CodeError("Text: empty string");
let code = text.charCodeAt(0);
if ((code < CTLS) || (code == DEL) || (code > 255) ||
(code >= 128 && asciiOnly)) {
throw new CodeError("Text: invalid char code " + code);
Octet.encode(data, code);
this.NullTerminatedTexts = {
* Decode internal referenced null terminated text string.
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return Decoded string.
decode: function(data) {
let str = "";
try {
// A End-of-string is also a CTL, which should cause a error.
while (true) {
str += Text.decode(data);
} catch (e if e instanceof NullCharError) {
return str;
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param str
* A String to be encoded.
* @param asciiOnly
* A boolean to decide if it's only allowed to encode ASCII (0 ~ 127).
encode: function(data, str, asciiOnly) {
if (str) {
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
Text.encode(data, str.charAt(i), asciiOnly);
Octet.encode(data, 0);
* TOKEN = 1*<any CHAR except CTLs or separators>
* CHAR = <any US-ASCII character (octets 0 - 127)>
* SEPARATORS = ()<>@,;:\"/[]?={} SP HT
* @see RFC 2616 clause 2.2 Basic Rules
this.Token = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return Decoded character.
* @throws NullCharError if a NUL character read.
* @throws CodeError if an invalid character read.
decode: function(data) {
let code = Octet.decode(data);
if ((code < ASCIIS) && (code >= CTLS)) {
if ((code == HT) || (code == SP)
|| (code == 34) || (code == 40) || (code == 41) // ASCII "()
|| (code == 44) || (code == 47) // ASCII ,/
|| ((code >= 58) && (code <= 64)) // ASCII :;<=>?@
|| ((code >= 91) && (code <= 93)) // ASCII [\]
|| (code == 123) || (code == 125)) { // ASCII {}
throw new CodeError("Token: invalid char code " + code);
return String.fromCharCode(code);
if (code == NUL) {
throw new NullCharError();
throw new CodeError("Token: invalid char code " + code);
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param token
* String text of one character to be encoded.
* @throws CodeError if an invalid character got.
encode: function(data, token) {
if (!token) {
throw new CodeError("Token: empty string");
let code = token.charCodeAt(0);
if ((code < ASCIIS) && (code >= CTLS)) {
if ((code == HT) || (code == SP)
|| (code == 34) || (code == 40) || (code == 41) // ASCII "()
|| (code == 44) || (code == 47) // ASCII ,/
|| ((code >= 58) && (code <= 64)) // ASCII :;<=>?@
|| ((code >= 91) && (code <= 93)) // ASCII [\]
|| (code == 123) || (code == 125)) { // ASCII {}
// Fallback to throw CodeError
} else {
Octet.encode(data, token.charCodeAt(0));
throw new CodeError("Token: invalid char code " + code);
* uric = reserved | unreserved | escaped
* reserved = ;/?:@&=+$,
* unreserved = alphanum | mark
* mark = -_.!~*'()
* escaped = % hex hex
* excluded but used = #%
* Or, in decimal, they are: 33,35-59,61,63-90,95,97-122,126
* @see RFC 2396 Uniform Resource Indentifiers (URI)
this.URIC = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return Decoded character.
* @throws NullCharError if a NUL character read.
* @throws CodeError if an invalid character read.
decode: function(data) {
let code = Octet.decode(data);
if (code == NUL) {
throw new NullCharError();
if ((code <= CTLS) || (code >= ASCIIS) || (code == 34) || (code == 60)
|| (code == 62) || ((code >= 91) && (code <= 94)) || (code == 96)
|| ((code >= 123) && (code <= 125)) || (code == 127)) {
throw new CodeError("URIC: invalid char code " + code);
return String.fromCharCode(code);
* If the first character in the TEXT is in the range of 128-255, a Quote
* character must precede it. Otherwise the Quote character must be omitted.
* The Quote is not part of the contents.
* Text-string = [Quote] *TEXT End-of-string
* Quote = <Octet 127>
* @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a clause
this.TextString = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return Decoded string.
decode: function(data) {
let begin = data.offset;
let firstCode = Octet.decode(data);
if (firstCode == 127) {
// Quote found, check if first char code is larger-equal than 128.
begin = data.offset;
try {
if (Octet.decode(data) < 128) {
throw new CodeError("Text-string: illegal quote found.");
} catch (e if e instanceof CodeError) {
throw e;
} catch (e) {
throw new CodeError("Text-string: unexpected error.");
} else if (firstCode >= 128) {
throw new CodeError("Text-string: invalid char code " + firstCode);
data.offset = begin;
return NullTerminatedTexts.decode(data);
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param str
* A String to be encoded.
* @param asciiOnly
* A boolean to decide if it's only allowed to encode ASCII (0 ~ 127).
encode: function(data, str, asciiOnly) {
if (!str) {
Octet.encode(data, 0);
let firstCharCode = str.charCodeAt(0);
if (firstCharCode >= 128) {
if (asciiOnly) {
throw new CodeError("Text: invalid char code " + code);
Octet.encode(data, 127);
NullTerminatedTexts.encode(data, str, asciiOnly);
* Token-text = Token End-of-string
* @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a clause
this.TokenText = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return Decoded string.
decode: function(data) {
let str = "";
try {
// A End-of-string is also a CTL, which should cause a error.
while (true) {
str += Token.decode(data);
} catch (e if e instanceof NullCharError) {
return str;
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param str
* A String to be encoded.
encode: function(data, str) {
if (str) {
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
Token.encode(data, str.charAt(i));
Octet.encode(data, 0);
* The TEXT encodes an RFC2616 Quoted-string with the enclosing
* quotation-marks <"> removed.
* Quoted-string = <Octet 34> *TEXT End-of-string
* @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a clause
this.QuotedString = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return Decoded string.
* @throws CodeError if first octet read is not 0x34.
decode: function(data) {
let value = Octet.decode(data);
if (value != 34) {
throw new CodeError("Quoted-string: not quote " + value);
return NullTerminatedTexts.decode(data);
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param str
* A String to be encoded.
encode: function(data, str) {
Octet.encode(data, 34);
NullTerminatedTexts.encode(data, str);
* Integers in range 0-127 shall be encoded as a one octet value with the
* most significant bit set to one (1xxx xxxx) and with the value in the
* remaining least significant bits.
* Short-integer = OCTET
* @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a clause
this.ShortInteger = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return Decoded integer value.
* @throws CodeError if the octet read is less than 0x80.
decode: function(data) {
let value = Octet.decode(data);
if (!(value & 0x80)) {
throw new CodeError("Short-integer: invalid value " + value);
return (value & 0x7F);
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param value
* A numeric value to be encoded.
* @throws CodeError if the octet read is larger-equal than 0x80.
encode: function(data, value) {
if (value >= 0x80) {
throw new CodeError("Short-integer: invalid value " + value);
Octet.encode(data, value | 0x80);
* The content octets shall be an unsigned integer value with the most
* significant octet encoded first (big-endian representation). The minimum
* number of octets must be used to encode the value.
* Long-integer = Short-length Multi-octet-integer
* Short-length = <Any octet 0-30>
* Multi-octet-integer = 1*30 OCTET
* @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a clause
this.LongInteger = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @param length
* Number of octets to read.
* @return A decoded integer value or an octets array of max 30 elements.
decodeMultiOctetInteger: function(data, length) {
if (length < 7) {
// Return a integer instead of an array as possible. For a multi-octet
// integer, there are only maximum 53 bits for integer in javascript. We
// will get an inaccurate one beyond that. We can't neither use bitwise
// operation here, for it will be limited in 32 bits.
let value = 0;
while (length--) {
value = value * 256 + Octet.decode(data);
return value;
return Octet.decodeMultiple(data, data.offset + length);
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A decoded integer value or an octets array of max 30 elements.
* @throws CodeError if the length read is not in 1..30.
decode: function(data) {
let length = Octet.decode(data);
if ((length < 1) || (length > 30)) {
throw new CodeError("Long-integer: invalid length " + length);
return this.decodeMultiOctetInteger(data, length);
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param numOrArray
* An octet array of less-equal than 30 elements or an integer
* greater-equal than 128.
encode: function(data, numOrArray) {
if (typeof numOrArray === "number") {
let num = numOrArray;
if (num >= 0x1000000000000) {
throw new CodeError("Long-integer: number too large " + num);
let stack = [];
do {
stack.push(Math.floor(num % 256));
num = Math.floor(num / 256);
} while (num);
Octet.encode(data, stack.length);
while (stack.length) {
Octet.encode(data, stack.pop());
let array = numOrArray;
if ((array.length < 1) || (array.length > 30)) {
throw new CodeError("Long-integer: invalid length " + array.length);
Octet.encode(data, array.length);
Octet.encodeMultiple(data, array);
* @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a clause
this.UintVar = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return Decoded integer value.
decode: function(data) {
let value = Octet.decode(data);
let result = value & 0x7F;
while (value & 0x80) {
value = Octet.decode(data);
result = result * 128 + (value & 0x7F);
return result;
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param value
* An integer value.
encode: function(data, value) {
if (value < 0) {
throw new CodeError("UintVar: invalid value " + value);
let stack = [];
while (value >= 128) {
stack.push(Math.floor(value % 128));
value = Math.floor(value / 128);
while (stack.length) {
Octet.encode(data, value | 0x80);
value = stack.pop();
Octet.encode(data, value);
* This encoding is used for token values, which have no well-known binary
* encoding, or when the assigned number of the well-known encoding is small
* enough to fit into Short-Integer. We change Extension-Media from
* NullTerminatedTexts to TextString because of Bug 823816.
* Constrained-encoding = Extension-Media | Short-integer
* Extension-Media = TextString
* @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a clause
* @see
this.ConstrainedEncoding = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return Decode integer value or string.
decode: function(data) {
return decodeAlternatives(data, null, TextString, ShortInteger);
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param value
* An integer or a string value.
encode: function(data, value) {
if (typeof value == "number") {
ShortInteger.encode(data, value);
} else {
TextString.encode(data, value);
* Value-length = Short-length | (Length-quote Length)
* Short-length = <Any octet 0-30>
* Length-quote = <Octet 31>
* Length = Uintvar-integer
* @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a clause
this.ValueLength = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return Decoded integer value.
* @throws CodeError if the first octet read is larger than 31.
decode: function(data) {
let value = Octet.decode(data);
if (value <= 30) {
return value;
if (value == 31) {
return UintVar.decode(data);
throw new CodeError("Value-length: invalid value " + value);
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param value
encode: function(data, value) {
if (value <= 30) {
Octet.encode(data, value);
} else {
Octet.encode(data, 31);
UintVar.encode(data, value);
* No-value = <Octet 0>
* @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a clause
this.NoValue = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return Always returns null.
decode: function(data) {
Octet.decodeEqualTo(data, 0);
return null;
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param value
* A null or undefined value.
encode: function(data, value) {
if (value != null) {
throw new CodeError("No-value: invalid value " + value);
Octet.encode(data, 0);
* Text-value = No-value | Token-text | Quoted-string
* @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a clause
this.TextValue = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return Decoded string or null for No-value.
decode: function(data) {
return decodeAlternatives(data, null, NoValue, TokenText, QuotedString);
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param text
* A null or undefined or text string.
encode: function(data, text) {
encodeAlternatives(data, text, null, NoValue, TokenText, QuotedString);
* Integer-Value = Short-integer | Long-integer
* @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a clause
this.IntegerValue = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return Decoded integer value or array of octets.
decode: function(data) {
return decodeAlternatives(data, null, ShortInteger, LongInteger);
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param value
* An integer value or an octet array of less-equal than 31 elements.
encode: function(data, value) {
if (typeof value === "number") {
encodeAlternatives(data, value, null, ShortInteger, LongInteger);
} else if (Array.isArray(value) || (value instanceof Uint8Array)) {
LongInteger.encode(data, value);
} else {
throw new CodeError("Integer-Value: invalid value type");
* The encoding of dates shall be done in number of seconds from
* 1970-01-01, 00:00:00 GMT.
* Date-value = Long-integer
* @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a clause
this.DateValue = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A Date object.
decode: function(data) {
let numOrArray = LongInteger.decode(data);
let seconds;
if (typeof numOrArray == "number") {
seconds = numOrArray;
} else {
seconds = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < numOrArray.length; i++) {
seconds = seconds * 256 + numOrArray[i];
return new Date(seconds * 1000);
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param date
* A Date object.
encode: function(data, date) {
let seconds = date.getTime() / 1000;
if (seconds < 0) {
throw new CodeError("Date-value: negative seconds " + seconds);
LongInteger.encode(data, seconds);
* Delta-seconds-value = Integer-value
* @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a clause
this.DeltaSecondsValue = IntegerValue;
* Quality factor 0 and quality factors with one or two decimal digits are
* encoded into 1-100; three digits ones into 101-1099.
* Q-value = 1*2 OCTET
* @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a clause
this.QValue = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return Decoded integer value of 1..1099.
* @throws CodeError if decoded UintVar is not in range 1..1099.
decode: function(data) {
let value = UintVar.decode(data);
if (value > 0) {
if (value <= 100) {
return (value - 1) / 100.0;
if (value <= 1099) {
return (value - 100) / 1000.0;
throw new CodeError("Q-value: invalid value " + value);
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param value
* An integer within the range 1..1099.
encode: function(data, value) {
if ((value < 0) || (value >= 1)) {
throw new CodeError("Q-value: invalid value " + value);
value *= 1000;
if ((value % 10) == 0) {
// Two digits only.
UintVar.encode(data, Math.floor(value / 10 + 1));
} else {
// Three digits.
UintVar.encode(data, Math.floor(value + 100));
* The three most significant bits of the Short-integer value are interpreted
* to encode a major version number in the range 1-7, and the four least
* significant bits contain a minor version number in the range 0-14. If
* there is only a major version number, this is encoded by placing the value
* 15 in the four least significant bits.
* Version-value = Short-integer | Text-string
* @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a clause
this.VersionValue = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return Binary encoded version number.
decode: function(data) {
let begin = data.offset;
let value;
try {
value = ShortInteger.decode(data);
if ((value >= 0x10) && (value < 0x80)) {
return value;
throw new CodeError("Version-value: invalid value " + value);
} catch (e) {}
data.offset = begin;
let str = TextString.decode(data);
if (!str.match(/^[1-7](\.1?\d)?$/)) {
throw new CodeError("Version-value: invalid value " + str);
let major = str.charCodeAt(0) - 0x30;
let minor = 0x0F;
if (str.length > 1) {
minor = str.charCodeAt(2) - 0x30;
if (str.length > 3) {
minor = 10 + (str.charCodeAt(3) - 0x30);
if (minor > 14) {
throw new CodeError("Version-value: invalid minor " + minor);
return major << 4 | minor;
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param version
* A binary encoded version number.
encode: function(data, version) {
if ((version < 0x10) || (version >= 0x80)) {
throw new CodeError("Version-value: invalid version " + version);
ShortInteger.encode(data, version);
* URI value should be encoded per [RFC2616], but service user may use a
* different format.
* Uri-value = Text-string
* @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a clause
* @see RFC 2616 clause 2.2 Basic Rules
this.UriValue = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return Decoded uri string.
decode: function(data) {
let str = "";
try {
// A End-of-string is also a CTL, which should cause a error.
while (true) {
str += URIC.decode(data);
} catch (e if e instanceof NullCharError) {
return str;
* Internal coder for "type" parameter.
* Type-value = Constrained-encoding
* @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a table 38
this.TypeValue = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return Decoded content type string.
decode: function(data) {
let numOrStr = ConstrainedEncoding.decode(data);
if (typeof numOrStr == "string") {
return numOrStr.toLowerCase();
let number = numOrStr;
let entry = WSP_WELL_KNOWN_CONTENT_TYPES[number];
if (!entry) {
throw new NotWellKnownEncodingError(
"Constrained-media: not well known media " + number);
return entry.type;
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param type
* A content type string.
encode: function(data, type) {
let entry = WSP_WELL_KNOWN_CONTENT_TYPES[type.toLowerCase()];
if (entry) {
ConstrainedEncoding.encode(data, entry.number);
} else {
ConstrainedEncoding.encode(data, type);
* Parameter = Typed-parameter | Untyped-parameter
* For Typed-parameters, the actual expected type of the value is implied by
* the well-known parameter. In addition to the expected type, there may be no
* value. If the value cannot be encoded using expected type, it shall be
* encoded as text.
* Typed-parameter = Well-known-parameter-token Typed-value
* Well-known-parameter-token = Integer-value
* Typed-value = Compact-value | Text-value
* Compact-value = Integer-value | Date-value | Delta-seconds-value | Q-value
* | Version-value | Uri-value
* For Untyped-parameters, the type of the value is unknown, but is shall be
* encoded as an integer, if that is possible.
* Untyped-parameter = Token-text Untyped-value
* Untyped-value = Integer-value | Text-value
* @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a clause
this.Parameter = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A decoded object containing `name` and `value` properties or null
* if something wrong. The `name` property must be a string, but the
* `value` property can be many different types depending on `name`.
* @throws CodeError if decoded IntegerValue is an array.
* @throws NotWellKnownEncodingError if decoded well-known parameter number
* is not registered or supported.
decodeTypedParameter: function(data) {
let numOrArray = IntegerValue.decode(data);
// `decodeIntegerValue` can return a array, which doesn't apply here.
if (typeof numOrArray != "number") {
throw new CodeError("Typed-parameter: invalid integer type");
let number = numOrArray;
let param = WSP_WELL_KNOWN_PARAMS[number];
if (!param) {
throw new NotWellKnownEncodingError(
"Typed-parameter: not well known parameter " + number);
let begin = data.offset, value;
try {
// Althought Text-string is not included in BNF of Compact-value, but
// some service provider might still pass a less-strict text form and
// cause a unexpected CodeError raised. For example, the `start`
// parameter expects its value of Text-value, but service provider might
// gives "<smil>", which contains illegal characters "<" and ">".
value = decodeAlternatives(data, null,
param.coder, TextValue, TextString);
} catch (e) {
data.offset = begin;
// Skip current parameter.
value = skipValue(data);
debug("Skip malformed typed parameter: "
+ JSON.stringify({name:, value: value}));
return null;
return {
value: value,
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A decoded object containing `name` and `value` properties or null
* if something wrong. The `name` property must be a string, but the
* `value` property can be many different types depending on `name`.
decodeUntypedParameter: function(data) {
let name = TokenText.decode(data);
let begin = data.offset, value;
try {
value = decodeAlternatives(data, null, IntegerValue, TextValue);
} catch (e) {
data.offset = begin;
// Skip current parameter.
value = skipValue(data);
debug("Skip malformed untyped parameter: "
+ JSON.stringify({name: name, value: value}));
return null;
return {
name: name.toLowerCase(),
value: value,
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A decoded object containing `name` and `value` properties or null
* if something wrong. The `name` property must be a string, but the
* `value` property can be many different types depending on `name`.
decode: function(data) {
let begin = data.offset;
try {
return this.decodeTypedParameter(data);
} catch (e) {
data.offset = begin;
return this.decodeUntypedParameter(data);
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @param end
* Ending offset of following parameters.
* @return An array of decoded objects.
decodeMultiple: function(data, end) {
let params = null, param;
while (data.offset < end) {
try {
param = this.decode(data);
} catch (e) {
if (param) {
if (!params) {
params = {};
params[] = param.value;
return params;
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param param
* An object containing `name` and `value` properties.
encodeTypedParameter: function(data, param) {
let entry = WSP_WELL_KNOWN_PARAMS[];
if (!entry) {
throw new NotWellKnownEncodingError(
"Typed-parameter: not well known parameter " +;
IntegerValue.encode(data, entry.number);
encodeAlternatives(data, param.value, null,
entry.coder, TextValue, TextString);
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param param
* An object containing `name` and `value` properties.
encodeUntypedParameter: function(data, param) {
encodeAlternatives(data, param.value, null, IntegerValue, TextValue);
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param param
* An array of parameter objects.
encodeMultiple: function(data, params) {
for (let name in params) {
this.encode(data, {name: name, value: params[name]});
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param param
* An object containing `name` and `value` properties.
encode: function(data, param) {
let begin = data.offset;
try {
this.encodeTypedParameter(data, param);
} catch (e) {
data.offset = begin;
this.encodeUntypedParameter(data, param);
* Header = Message-header | Shift-sequence
* Message-header = Well-known-header | Application-header
* @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a clause
this.Header = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A decoded object containing `name` and `value` properties or null
* in case of a failed parsing. The `name` property must be a string,
* but the `value` property can be many different types depending on
* `name`.
decodeMessageHeader: function(data) {
return decodeAlternatives(data, null, WellKnownHeader, ApplicationHeader);
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A decoded object containing `name` and `value` properties or null
* in case of a failed parsing. The `name` property must be a string,
* but the `value` property can be many different types depending on
* `name`.
decode: function(data) {
// TODO: support header code page shift-sequence
return this.decodeMessageHeader(data);
encodeMessageHeader: function(data, header) {
encodeAlternatives(data, header, null, WellKnownHeader, ApplicationHeader);
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param header
* An object containing two attributes: a string-typed `name` and a
* `value` of arbitrary type.
encode: function(data, header) {
// TODO: support header code page shift-sequence
this.encodeMessageHeader(data, header);
* Well-known-header = Well-known-field-name Wap-value
* Well-known-field-name = Short-integer
* @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a clause
this.WellKnownHeader = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A decoded object containing `name` and `value` properties or null
* in case of a failed parsing. The `name` property must be a string,
* but the `value` property can be many different types depending on
* `name`.
* @throws NotWellKnownEncodingError if decoded well-known header field
* number is not registered or supported.
decode: function(data) {
let index = ShortInteger.decode(data);
let entry = WSP_HEADER_FIELDS[index];
if (!entry) {
throw new NotWellKnownEncodingError(
"Well-known-header: not well known header " + index);
let begin = data.offset, value;
try {
value = decodeAlternatives(data, null, entry.coder, TextValue);
} catch (e) {
data.offset = begin;
value = skipValue(data);
debug("Skip malformed well known header(" + index + "): "
+ JSON.stringify({name:, value: value}));
return null;
return {
value: value,
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param header
* An object containing two attributes: a string-typed `name` and a
* `value` of arbitrary type.
encode: function(data, header) {
let entry = WSP_HEADER_FIELDS[];
if (!entry) {
throw new NotWellKnownEncodingError(
"Well-known-header: not well known header " +;
ShortInteger.encode(data, entry.number);
encodeAlternatives(data, header.value, null, entry.coder, TextValue);
* Application-header = Token-text Application-specific-value
* Application-specific-value = Text-string
* @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a clause
this.ApplicationHeader = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A decoded object containing `name` and `value` properties or null
* in case of a failed parsing. The `name` property must be a string,
* but the `value` property can be many different types depending on
* `name`.
decode: function(data) {
let name = TokenText.decode(data);
let begin = data.offset, value;
try {
value = TextString.decode(data);
} catch (e) {
data.offset = begin;
value = skipValue(data);
debug("Skip malformed application header: "
+ JSON.stringify({name: name, value: value}));
return null;
return {
name: name.toLowerCase(),
value: value,
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param header
* An object containing two attributes: a string-typed `name` and a
* `value` of arbitrary type.
* @throws CodeError if got an empty header name.
encode: function(data, header) {
if (! {
throw new CodeError("Application-header: empty header name");
TextString.encode(data, header.value);
* Field-name = Token-text | Well-known-field-name
* Well-known-field-name = Short-integer
* @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a clause
this.FieldName = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A field name string.
* @throws NotWellKnownEncodingError if decoded well-known header field
* number is not registered or supported.
decode: function(data) {
let begin = data.offset;
try {
return TokenText.decode(data).toLowerCase();
} catch (e) {}
data.offset = begin;
let number = ShortInteger.decode(data);
let entry = WSP_HEADER_FIELDS[number];
if (!entry) {
throw new NotWellKnownEncodingError(
"Field-name: not well known encoding " + number);
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param name
* A field name string.
encode: function(data, name) {
let entry = WSP_HEADER_FIELDS[name.toLowerCase()];
if (entry) {
ShortInteger.encode(data, entry.number);
} else {
TokenText.encode(data, name);
* Accept-charset-value = Constrained-charset | Accept-charset-general-form
* Constrained-charset = Any-charset | Constrained-encoding
* Any-charset = <Octet 128>
* Accept-charset-general-form = Value-length (Well-known-charset | Token-text) [Q-value]
* @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a clause
this.AcceptCharsetValue = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A object with a property `charset` of string "*".
decodeAnyCharset: function(data) {
Octet.decodeEqualTo(data, 128);
return {charset: "*"};
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A object with a string property `charset` and a optional integer
* property `q`.
* @throws NotWellKnownEncodingError if decoded well-known charset number is
* not registered or supported.
decodeConstrainedCharset: function(data) {
let begin = data.offset;
try {
return this.decodeAnyCharset(data);
} catch (e) {}
data.offset = begin;
let numOrStr = ConstrainedEncoding.decode(data);
if (typeof numOrStr == "string") {
return {charset: numOrStr};
let charset = numOrStr;
let entry = WSP_WELL_KNOWN_CHARSETS[charset];
if (!entry) {
throw new NotWellKnownEncodingError(
"Constrained-charset: not well known charset: " + charset);
return {charset:};
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A object with a string property `charset` and a optional integer
* property `q`.
decodeAcceptCharsetGeneralForm: function(data) {
let length = ValueLength.decode(data);
let begin = data.offset;
let end = begin + length;
let result;
try {
result = WellKnownCharset.decode(data);
} catch (e) {
data.offset = begin;
result = {charset: TokenText.decode(data)};
if (data.offset < end) {
result.q = QValue.decode(data);
if (data.offset != end) {
data.offset = end;
return result;
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A object with a string property `charset` and a optional integer
* property `q`.
decode: function(data) {
let begin = data.offset;
try {
return this.decodeConstrainedCharset(data);
} catch (e) {
data.offset = begin;
return this.decodeAcceptCharsetGeneralForm(data);
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param value
* An object with a string property `charset`.
encodeAnyCharset: function(data, value) {
if (!value || !value.charset || (value.charset === "*")) {
Octet.encode(data, 128);
throw new CodeError("Any-charset: invalid value " + value);
* Well-known-charset = Any-charset | Integer-value
* @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a clause
this.WellKnownCharset = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A object with a string property `charset`.
* @throws CodeError if decoded charset number is an array.
* @throws NotWellKnownEncodingError if decoded well-known charset number
* is not registered or supported.
decode: function(data) {
let begin = data.offset;
try {
return AcceptCharsetValue.decodeAnyCharset(data);
} catch (e) {}
data.offset = begin;
// `IntegerValue.decode` can return a array, which doesn't apply here.
let numOrArray = IntegerValue.decode(data);
if (typeof numOrArray != "number") {
throw new CodeError("Well-known-charset: invalid integer type");
let charset = numOrArray;
let entry = WSP_WELL_KNOWN_CHARSETS[charset];
if (!entry) {
throw new NotWellKnownEncodingError(
"Well-known-charset: not well known charset " + charset);
return {charset:};
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param value
encode: function(data, value) {
let begin = data.offset;
try {
AcceptCharsetValue.encodeAnyCharset(data, value);
} catch (e) {}
data.offset = begin;
let entry = WSP_WELL_KNOWN_CHARSETS[value.charset.toLowerCase()];
if (!entry) {
throw new NotWellKnownEncodingError(
"Well-known-charset: not well known charset " + value.charset);
IntegerValue.encode(data, entry.number);
* The short form of the Content-type-value MUST only be used when the
* well-known media is in the range of 0-127 or a text string. In all other
* cases the general form MUST be used.
* Content-type-value = Constrained-media | Content-general-form
* Constrained-media = Constrained-encoding
* Content-general-form = Value-length Media-type
* Media-type = Media *(Parameter)
* Media = Well-known-media | Extension-Media
* Well-known-media = Integer-value
* Extension-Media = *TEXT End-of-string
* @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a clause
this.ContentTypeValue = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A decoded object containing `media` and `params` properties or
* null in case of a failed parsing. The `media` property must be a
* string, and the `params` property is always null.
* @throws NotWellKnownEncodingError if decoded well-known content type number
* is not registered or supported.
decodeConstrainedMedia: function(data) {
return {
media: TypeValue.decode(data),
params: null,
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return Decode string.
* @throws CodeError if decoded content type number is an array.
* @throws NotWellKnownEncodingError if decoded well-known content type
* number is not registered or supported.
decodeMedia: function(data) {
let begin = data.offset, number;
try {
number = IntegerValue.decode(data);
} catch (e) {
data.offset = begin;
return NullTerminatedTexts.decode(data).toLowerCase();
// `decodeIntegerValue` can return a array, which doesn't apply here.
if (typeof number != "number") {
throw new CodeError("Media: invalid integer type");
let entry = WSP_WELL_KNOWN_CONTENT_TYPES[number];
if (!entry) {
throw new NotWellKnownEncodingError("Media: not well known media " + number);
return entry.type;
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @param end
* Ending offset of the Media-type value.
* @return A decoded object containing `media` and `params` properties or
* null in case of a failed parsing. The `media` property must be a
* string, and the `params` property is a hash map from a string to
* an value of unspecified type.
decodeMediaType: function(data, end) {
let media = this.decodeMedia(data);
let params = Parameter.decodeMultiple(data, end);
return {
media: media,
params: params,
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A decoded object containing `media` and `params` properties or
* null in case of a failed parsing. The `media` property must be a
* string, and the `params` property is null or a hash map from a
* string to an value of unspecified type.
decodeContentGeneralForm: function(data) {
let length = ValueLength.decode(data);
let end = data.offset + length;
let value = this.decodeMediaType(data, end);
if (data.offset != end) {
data.offset = end;
return value;
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return A decoded object containing `media` and `params` properties or
* null in case of a failed parsing. The `media` property must be a
* string, and the `params` property is null or a hash map from a
* string to an value of unspecified type.
decode: function(data) {
let begin = data.offset;
try {
return this.decodeConstrainedMedia(data);
} catch (e) {
data.offset = begin;
return this.decodeContentGeneralForm(data);
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param value
* An object containing `media` and `params` properties.
encodeConstrainedMedia: function(data, value) {
if (value.params) {
throw new CodeError("Constrained-media: should use general form instead");
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param value
* An object containing `media` and `params` properties.
encodeMediaType: function(data, value) {
if (entry) {
IntegerValue.encode(data, entry.number);
} else {
Parameter.encodeMultiple(data, value.params);
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param value
* An object containing `media` and `params` properties.
encodeContentGeneralForm: function(data, value) {
let begin = data.offset;
this.encodeMediaType(data, value);
// Calculate how much octets will be written and seek back.
// TODO: use memmove, see bug 730873
let len = data.offset - begin;
data.offset = begin;
ValueLength.encode(data, len);
this.encodeMediaType(data, value);
* @param data
* A wrapped object to store encoded raw data.
* @param value
* An object containing `media` and `params` properties.
encode: function(data, value) {
let begin = data.offset;
try {
this.encodeConstrainedMedia(data, value);
} catch (e) {
data.offset = begin;
this.encodeContentGeneralForm(data, value);
* Application-id-value = Uri-value | App-assigned-code
* App-assigned-code = Integer-value
* @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a clause
this.ApplicationIdValue = {
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return Decoded string value.
* @throws CodeError if decoded application id number is an array.
* @throws NotWellKnownEncodingError if decoded well-known application id
* number is not registered or supported.
decode: function(data) {
let begin = data.offset;
try {
return UriValue.decode(data);
} catch (e) {}
data.offset = begin;
// `decodeIntegerValue` can return a array, which doesn't apply here.
let numOrArray = IntegerValue.decode(data);
if (typeof numOrArray != "number") {
throw new CodeError("Application-id-value: invalid integer type");
let id = numOrArray;
if (!entry) {
throw new NotWellKnownEncodingError(
"Application-id-value: not well known id: " + id);
return entry.urn;
this.PduHelper = {
* @param data
* A UInt8Array of data for decode.
* @param charset
* charset for decode
* @return Decoded string.
decodeStringContent: function(data, charset) {
let conv = Cc[""]
let entry;
if (charset) {
entry = WSP_WELL_KNOWN_CHARSETS[charset];
// Set converter to default one if (entry && entry.converter) is null.
// @see OMA-TS-MMS-CONF-V1_3-20050526-D 7.1.9
conv.charset = (entry && entry.converter) || "UTF-8";
try {
return conv.convertFromByteArray(data, data.length);
} catch (e) {
return null;
* @param strContent
* Decoded string content.
* @param charset
* Charset for encode.
* @return An encoded UInt8Array of string content.
encodeStringContent: function(strContent, charset) {
let conv = Cc[""]
let entry;
if (charset) {
entry = WSP_WELL_KNOWN_CHARSETS[charset];
// Set converter to default one if (entry && entry.converter) is null.
// @see OMA-TS-MMS-CONF-V1_3-20050526-D 7.1.9
conv.charset = (entry && entry.converter) || "UTF-8";
try {
return conv.convertToByteArray(strContent);
} catch (e) {
return null;
* Parse multiple header fields with end mark.
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @param end
* An ending offset indicating the end of headers.
* @param headers [optional]
* An optional object to store parsed header fields. Created
* automatically if undefined.
* @return A object containing decoded header fields as its attributes.
parseHeaders: function(data, end, headers) {
if (!headers) {
headers = {};
let header;
while (data.offset < end) {
try {
header = Header.decode(data);
} catch (e) {
if (header) {
headers[] = header.value;
if (data.offset != end) {
debug("Parser expects ending in " + end + ", but in " + data.offset);
// Explicitly seek to end in case of skipped header fields.
data.offset = end;
return headers;
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @param msg
* Message object to be populated with decoded header fields.
* @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a clause 8.2.4
parsePushHeaders: function(data, msg) {
if (!msg.headers) {
msg.headers = {};
let headersLen = UintVar.decode(data);
let headersEnd = data.offset + headersLen;
let contentType = ContentTypeValue.decode(data);
msg.headers["content-type"] = contentType;
msg.headers = this.parseHeaders(data, headersEnd, msg.headers);
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @return An array of objects representing multipart entries or null in case
* of errors found.
* @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a section 8.5
parseMultiPart: function(data) {
let nEntries = UintVar.decode(data);
if (!nEntries) {
return null;
let parts = new Array(nEntries);
for (let i = 0; i < nEntries; i++) {
// Length of the ContentType and Headers fields combined.
let headersLen = UintVar.decode(data);
// Length of the Data field
let contentLen = UintVar.decode(data);
let headersEnd = data.offset + headersLen;
let contentEnd = headersEnd + contentLen;
try {
let headers = {};
let contentType = ContentTypeValue.decode(data);
headers["content-type"] = contentType;
headers["content-length"] = contentLen;
headers = this.parseHeaders(data, headersEnd, headers);
let octetArray = Octet.decodeMultiple(data, contentEnd);
let content = null;
let charset = headers["content-type"].params &&
? headers["content-type"].params.charset.charset
: null;
let mimeType = headers["content-type"].media;
if (mimeType) {
if (mimeType == "application/smil") {
// If the content is a SMIL type, convert it to a string.
// We hope to save and expose the SMIL content in a string way.
content = this.decodeStringContent(octetArray, charset);
} else if (mimeType.indexOf("text/") == 0 && charset != "utf-8") {
// If the content is a "text/plain" type, we have to make sure
// the encoding of the blob content should always be "utf-8".
let tmpStr = this.decodeStringContent(octetArray, charset);
let encoder = new TextEncoder("UTF-8");
content = new Blob([encoder.encode(tmpStr)], {type : mimeType});
// Make up the missing encoding info.
if (!headers["content-type"].params) {
headers["content-type"].params = {};
if (!headers["content-type"].params.charset) {
headers["content-type"].params.charset = {};
headers["content-type"].params.charset.charset = "utf-8";
if (!content) {
content = new Blob([octetArray], {type : mimeType});
parts[i] = {
index: i,
headers: headers,
content: content,
} catch (e) {
debug("Failed to parse multipart entry, message: " + e.message);
// Placeholder to keep original index of following entries.
parts[i] = null;
if (data.offset != contentEnd) {
// Seek to entry boundary for next entry.
data.offset = contentEnd;
return parts;
* @param data
* A wrapped object containing raw PDU data.
* @param isSessionless
* Whether or not the PDU contains a session less WSP PDU.
* @param msg [optional]
* Optional pre-defined PDU object.
* @return Parsed WSP PDU object or null in case of errors found.
parse: function(data, isSessionless, msg) {
if (!msg) {
msg = {
type: null,
try {
if (isSessionless) {
// "The `transactionId` is used to associate requests with replies in
// the connectionless session service." ~ WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a 8.2.1
msg.transactionId = Octet.decode(data);
msg.type = Octet.decode(data);
switch (msg.type) {
this.parsePushHeaders(data, msg);
} catch (e) {
debug("Parse error. Message: " + e.message);
msg = null;
return msg;
* @param multiStream
* An exsiting nsIMultiplexInputStream.
* @param array
* An octet array.
* @param length
* Max number of octets to be coverted into an input stream.
appendArrayToMultiStream: function(multiStream, array, length) {
let storageStream = Cc[";1"]
storageStream.init(4096, length, null);
let boStream = Cc[";1"]
boStream.writeByteArray(array, length);
* @param multiStream
* An exsiting nsIMultiplexInputStream.
* @param parts
* An array of objects representing multipart entries.
* @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a section 8.5
composeMultiPart: function(multiStream, parts) {
// Encode multipart header
let data = {array: [], offset: 0};
UintVar.encode(data, parts.length);
debug("Encoded multipart header: " + JSON.stringify(data.array));
this.appendArrayToMultiStream(multiStream, data.array, data.offset);
// Encode each part
for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
let part = parts[i];
let data = {array: [], offset: 0};
// Encode Content-Type
let contentType = part.headers["content-type"];
ContentTypeValue.encode(data, contentType);
// Encode other headers
if (Object.keys(part).length > 1) {
// Remove Content-Type temporarily
delete part.headers["content-type"];
for (let name in part.headers) {
Header.encode(data, {name: name, value: part.headers[name]});
// Restore Content-Type back
part.headers["content-type"] = contentType;
// Encode headersLen, DataLen
let headersLen = data.offset;
let content = part.content;
UintVar.encode(data, headersLen);
if (typeof content === "string") {
let charset;
if (contentType && contentType.params && contentType.params.charset &&
contentType.params.charset.charset) {
charset = contentType.params.charset.charset;
content = this.encodeStringContent(content, charset);
UintVar.encode(data, content.length);
} else if (part.content instanceof Uint8Array) {
UintVar.encode(data, content.length);
} else {
throw new TypeError();
// Move them to the beginning of encoded octet array.
let slice1 = data.array.slice(headersLen);
let slice2 = data.array.slice(0, headersLen);
data.array = slice1.concat(slice2);
debug("Encoded per-part header: " + JSON.stringify(data.array));
// Append per-part header
this.appendArrayToMultiStream(multiStream, data.array, data.offset);
// Append part content
this.appendArrayToMultiStream(multiStream, content, content.length);
// WSP Header Field Name Assignments
// Note: Items commented out are either deprecated or not implemented.
// Deprecated items should only be supported for backward compatibility
// purpose.
// @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a Appendix A. Assigned Numbers.
this.WSP_HEADER_FIELDS = (function() {
let names = {};
function add(name, number, coder) {
let entry = {
name: name,
number: number,
coder: coder,
names[name] = names[number] = entry;
// Encoding Version: 1.1
//add("accept", 0x00);
//add("accept-charset", 0x01); Deprecated
//add("accept-encoding", 0x02); Deprecated
//add("accept-language", 0x03);
//add("accept-ranges", 0x04);
add("age", 0x05, DeltaSecondsValue);
//add("allow", 0x06);
//add("authorization", 0x07);
//add("cache-control", 0x08); Deprecated
//add("connection", 0x09);
//add("content-base", 0x0A); Deprecated
//add("content-encoding", 0x0B);
//add("content-language", 0x0C);
add("content-length", 0x0D, IntegerValue);
add("content-location", 0x0E, UriValue);
//add("content-md5", 0x0F);
//add("content-range", 0x10); Deprecated
add("content-type", 0x11, ContentTypeValue);
add("date", 0x12, DateValue);
add("etag", 0x13, TextString);
add("expires", 0x14, DateValue);
add("from", 0x15, TextString);
add("host", 0x16, TextString);
add("if-modified-since", 0x17, DateValue);
add("if-match", 0x18, TextString);
add("if-none-match", 0x19, TextString);
//add("if-range", 0x1A);
add("if-unmodified-since", 0x1B, DateValue);
add("location", 0x1C, UriValue);
add("last-modified", 0x1D, DateValue);
add("max-forwards", 0x1E, IntegerValue);
//add("pragma", 0x1F);
//add("proxy-authenticate", 0x20);
//add("proxy-authentication", 0x21);
//add("public", 0x22);
//add("range", 0x23);
add("referer", 0x24, UriValue);
//add("retry-after", 0x25);
add("server", 0x26, TextString);
//add("transfer-encoding", 0x27);
add("upgrade", 0x28, TextString);
add("user-agent", 0x29, TextString);
//add("vary", 0x2A);
add("via", 0x2B, TextString);
//add("warning", 0x2C);
//add("www-authenticate", 0x2D);
//add("content-disposition", 0x2E); Deprecated
// Encoding Version: 1.2
add("x-wap-application-id", 0x2F, ApplicationIdValue);
add("x-wap-content-uri", 0x30, UriValue);
add("x-wap-initiator-uri", 0x31, UriValue);
//add("accept-application", 0x32);
add("bearer-indication", 0x33, IntegerValue);
add("push-flag", 0x34, ShortInteger);
add("profile", 0x35, UriValue);
//add("profile-diff", 0x36);
//add("profile-warning", 0x37); Deprecated
// Encoding Version: 1.3
//add("expect", 0x38);
//add("te", 0x39);
//add("trailer", 0x3A);
add("accept-charset", 0x3B, AcceptCharsetValue);
//add("accept-encoding", 0x3C);
//add("cache-control", 0x3D); Deprecated
//add("content-range", 0x3E);
add("x-wap-tod", 0x3F, DateValue);
add("content-id", 0x40, QuotedString);
//add("set-cookie", 0x41);
//add("cookie", 0x42);
//add("encoding-version", 0x43);
// Encoding Version: 1.4
//add("profile-warning", 0x44);
//add("content-disposition", 0x45);
//add("x-wap-security", 0x46);
//add("cache-control", 0x47);
return names;
// WSP Content Type Assignments
// @see
this.WSP_WELL_KNOWN_CONTENT_TYPES = (function() {
let types = {};
function add(type, number) {
let entry = {
type: type,
number: number,
// For case like "text/x-vCalendar", we need toLoweCase() for generating
// the same index.
types[type.toLowerCase()] = types[number] = entry;
// Well Known Values
// Encoding Version: 1.1
add("*/*", 0x00);
add("text/*", 0x01);
add("text/html", 0x02);
add("text/plain", 0x03);
add("text/x-hdml", 0x04);
add("text/x-ttml", 0x05);
add("text/x-vCalendar", 0x06);
add("text/x-vCard", 0x07);
add("text/vnd.wap.wml", 0x08);
add("text/vnd.wap.wmlscript", 0x09);
add("text/vnd.wap.wta-event", 0x0A);
add("multipart/*", 0x0B);
add("multipart/mixed", 0x0C);
add("multipart/form-data", 0x0D);
add("multipart/byterantes", 0x0E);
add("multipart/alternative", 0x0F);
add("application/*", 0x10);
add("application/java-vm", 0x11);
add("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 0x12);
add("application/x-hdmlc", 0x13);
add("application/vnd.wap.wmlc", 0x14);
add("application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc", 0x15);
add("application/vnd.wap.wta-eventc", 0x16);
add("application/vnd.wap.uaprof", 0x17);
add("application/vnd.wap.wtls-ca-certificate", 0x18);
add("application/vnd.wap.wtls-user-certificate", 0x19);
add("application/x-x509-ca-cert", 0x1A);
add("application/x-x509-user-cert", 0x1B);
add("image/*", 0x1C);
add("image/gif", 0x1D);
add("image/jpeg", 0x1E);
add("image/tiff", 0x1F);
add("image/png", 0x20);
add("image/vnd.wap.wbmp", 0x21);
add("application/vnd.wap.multipart.*", 0x22);
add("application/vnd.wap.multipart.mixed", 0x23);
add("application/vnd.wap.multipart.form-data", 0x24);
add("application/vnd.wap.multipart.byteranges", 0x25);
add("application/vnd.wap.multipart.alternative", 0x26);
add("application/xml", 0x27);
add("text/xml", 0x28);
add("application/vnd.wap.wbxml", 0x29);
add("application/x-x968-cross-cert", 0x2A);
add("application/x-x968-ca-cert", 0x2B);
add("application/x-x968-user-cert", 0x2C);
add("text/", 0x2D);
// Encoding Version: 1.2
add("application/vnd.wap.sic", 0x2E);
add("text/", 0x2F);
add("application/vnd.wap.slc", 0x30);
add("text/", 0x31);
add("application/vnd.wap.coc", 0x32);
add("application/vnd.wap.multipart.related", 0x33);
add("application/vnd.wap.sia", 0x34);
// Encoding Version: 1.3
add("text/vnd.wap.connectivity-xml", 0x35);
add("application/vnd.wap.connectivity-wbxml", 0x36);
// Encoding Version: 1.4
add("application/pkcs7-mime", 0x37);
add("application/vnd.wap.hashed-certificate", 0x38);
add("application/vnd.wap.signed-certificate", 0x39);
add("application/vnd.wap.cert-response", 0x3A);
add("application/xhtml+xml", 0x3B);
add("application/wml+xml", 0x3C);
add("text/css", 0x3D);
add("application/vnd.wap.mms-message", 0x3E);
add("application/vnd.wap.rollover-certificate", 0x3F);
// Encoding Version: 1.5
add("application/vnd.wap.locc+wbxml", 0x40);
add("application/vnd.wap.loc+xml", 0x41);
add("application/", 0x42);
add("application/", 0x43);
add("application/vnd.syncml.notification", 0x44);
add("application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml", 0x45);
add("application/vnd.wv.csp.cir", 0x46);
add("application/vnd.oma.dd+xml", 0x47);
add("application/vnd.oma.drm.message", 0x48);
add("application/vnd.oma.drm.content", 0x49);
add("application/vnd.oma.drm.rights+xml", 0x4A);
add("application/vnd.oma.drm.rights+wbxml", 0x4B);
add("application/vnd.wv.csp+xml", 0x4C);
add("application/vnd.wv.csp+wbxml", 0x4D);
add("application/vnd.syncml.ds.notification", 0x4E);
// Encoding Version: 1.6
add("audio/*", 0x4F);
add("video/*", 0x50);
// Encoding Version: TBD
add("application/vnd.oma.dd2+xml", 0x51);
add("application/mikey", 0x52);
add("application/vnd.oma.dcd", 0x53);
add("application/vnd.oma.dcdc", 0x54);
add("text/x-vMessage", 0x55);
add("application/vnd.omads-email+wbxml", 0x56);
add("text/x-vBookmark", 0x57);
add("application/", 0x58);
add("application/octet-stream", 0x5A);
return types;
// WSP Well-Known Parameter Assignments
// Note: Items commented out are either deprecated or not implemented.
// Deprecated items should not be used.
// @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a Appendix A. Assigned Numbers.
this.WSP_WELL_KNOWN_PARAMS = (function() {
let params = {};
function add(name, number, coder) {
let entry = {
name: name,
number: number,
coder: coder,
params[name] = params[number] = entry;
// Encoding Version: 1.1
add("q", 0x00, QValue);
add("charset", 0x01, WellKnownCharset);
add("level", 0x02, VersionValue);
add("type", 0x03, IntegerValue);
add("name", 0x05, TextValue); // Deprecated, but used in some carriers, eg. Hinet.
//add("filename", 0x06); Deprecated
add("differences", 0x07, FieldName);
add("padding", 0x08, ShortInteger);
// Encoding Version: 1.2
add("type", 0x09, TypeValue);
add("start", 0x0A, TextValue); // Deprecated, but used in some carriers, eg. T-Mobile.
//add("start-info", 0x0B); Deprecated
// Encoding Version: 1.3
//add("comment", 0x0C); Deprecated
//add("domain", 0x0D); Deprecated
add("max-age", 0x0E, DeltaSecondsValue);
//add("path", 0x0F); Deprecated
add("secure", 0x10, NoValue);
// Encoding Version: 1.4
add("sec", 0x11, ShortInteger);
add("mac", 0x12, TextValue);
add("creation-date", 0x13, DateValue);
add("modification-date", 0x14, DateValue);
add("read-date", 0x15, DateValue);
add("size", 0x16, IntegerValue);
//add("name", 0x17, TextValue); // Not supported in some carriers, eg. Hinet.
add("filename", 0x18, TextValue);
//add("start", 0x19, TextValue); // Not supported in some carriers, eg. Hinet.
add("start-info", 0x1A, TextValue);
add("comment", 0x1B, TextValue);
add("domain", 0x1C, TextValue);
add("path", 0x1D, TextValue);
return params;
// WSP Character Set Assignments
// @see WAP-230-WSP-20010705-a Appendix A. Assigned Numbers.
// @see
this.WSP_WELL_KNOWN_CHARSETS = (function() {
let charsets = {};
function add(name, number, converter) {
let entry = {
name: name,
number: number,
converter: converter,
charsets[name] = charsets[number] = entry;
add("us-ascii", 3, null);
add("iso-8859-1", 4, "ISO-8859-1");
add("iso-8859-2", 5, "ISO-8859-2");
add("iso-8859-3", 6, "ISO-8859-3");
add("iso-8859-4", 7, "ISO-8859-4");
add("iso-8859-5", 8, "ISO-8859-5");
add("iso-8859-6", 9, "ISO-8859-6");
add("iso-8859-7", 10, "ISO-8859-7");
add("iso-8859-8", 11, "ISO-8859-8");
add("iso-8859-9", 12, "ISO-8859-9");
add("iso-8859-10", 13, "ISO-8859-10");
add("shift_jis", 17, "Shift_JIS");
add("euc-jp", 18, "EUC-JP");
add("iso-2022-kr", 37, "ISO-2022-KR");
add("euc-kr", 38, "EUC-KR");
add("iso-2022-jp", 39, "ISO-2022-JP");
add("iso-2022-jp-2", 40, "iso-2022-jp-2");
add("iso-8859-6-e", 81, "ISO-8859-6-E");
add("iso-8859-6-i", 82, "ISO-8859-6-I");
add("iso-8859-8-e", 84, "ISO-8859-8-E");
add("iso-8859-8-i", 85, "ISO-8859-8-I");
add("utf-8", 106, "UTF-8");
add("iso-10646-ucs-2", 1000, "iso-10646-ucs-2");
add("utf-16", 1015, "UTF-16");
add("gb2312", 2025, "GB2312");
add("big5", 2026, "Big5");
add("koi8-r", 2084, "KOI8-R");
add("windows-1252", 2252, "windows-1252");
return charsets;
// OMNA PUSH Application ID
// @see
this.OMNA_PUSH_APPLICATION_IDS = (function() {
let ids = {};
function add(urn, number) {
let entry = {
urn: urn,
number: number,
ids[urn] = ids[number] = entry;
add("", 0x02);
add("", 0x04);
return ids;
let debug;
if (DEBUG) {
debug = function(s) {
dump("-@- WspPduHelper: " + s + "\n");
} else {
debug = function(s) {};
// Constant values
// Error classes
// Utility functions
// Decoders
// Parser