James Graham d64a101b17 Bug 1102907 - Script for allowing web-platform-tests changes to be upstreamed, r=ahal
This extends the upstream update script with steps for pushing
local changes to upstream. The general approach is to look for all
commits to the tests directory since the last sync, rewrite those
so they apply to upstream at the last sync point, then rebase onto
the sync commit, before creating and merging a PR for each in turn.

rename : testing/web-platform/ => testing/web-platform/update/
2015-01-13 09:42:40 +00:00

169 lines
5.0 KiB

# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
import json
from urlparse import urljoin
requests = None
class GitHubError(Exception):
def __init__(self, status, data):
self.status = status = data
class GitHub(object):
url_base = ""
def __init__(self, token):
# Defer the import of requests since it isn't installed by default
global requests
if requests is None:
import requests
self.headers = {"Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json"}
self.auth = (token, "x-oauth-basic")
def get(self, path):
return self._request("GET", path)
def post(self, path, data):
return self._request("POST", path, data=data)
def put(self, path, data):
return self._request("PUT", path, data=data)
def _request(self, method, path, data=None):
url = urljoin(self.url_base, path)
kwargs = {"headers": self.headers,
"auth": self.auth}
if data is not None:
kwargs["data"] = json.dumps(data)
resp = requests.request(method, url, **kwargs)
if 200 <= resp.status_code < 300:
return resp.json()
raise GitHubError(resp.status_code, resp.json())
def repo(self, owner, name):
"""GitHubRepo for a particular repository.
:param owner: String repository owner
:param name: String repository name
return GitHubRepo.from_name(self, owner, name)
class GitHubRepo(object):
def __init__(self, github, data):
"""Object respresenting a GitHub respoitory""" = github
self.owner = data["owner"] = data["name"]
self.url = data["ssh_url"]
self._data = data
def from_name(cls, github, owner, name):
data = github.get("/repos/%s/%s" % (owner, name))
return cls(github, data)
def url_base(self):
return "/repos/%s/" % (self._data["full_name"])
def create_pr(self, title, head, base, body):
"""Create a Pull Request in the repository
:param title: Pull Request title
:param head: ref to the HEAD of the PR branch.
:param base: ref to the base branch for the Pull Request
:param body: Description of the PR
return PullRequest.create(self, title, head, base, body)
def load_pr(self, number):
"""Load an existing Pull Request by number.
:param number: Pull Request number
return PullRequest.from_number(self, number)
def path(self, suffix):
return urljoin(self.url_base, suffix)
class PullRequest(object):
def __init__(self, repo, data):
"""Object representing a Pull Request"""
self.repo = repo
self._data = data
self.number = data["number"]
self.title = data["title"]
self.base = data["base"]["ref"]
self.base = data["head"]["ref"]
self._issue = None
def from_number(cls, repo, number):
data ="pulls/%i" % number))
return cls(repo, data)
def create(cls, repo, title, head, base, body):
data ="pulls"),
{"title": title,
"head": head,
"base": base,
"body": body})
return cls(repo, data)
def path(self, suffix):
return urljoin(self.repo.path("pulls/%i/" % self.number), suffix)
def issue(self):
"""Issue related to the Pull Request"""
if self._issue is None:
self._issue = Issue.from_number(self.repo, self.number)
return self._issue
def merge(self, commit_message=None):
"""Merge the Pull Request into its base branch.
:param commit_message: Message to use for the merge commit. If None a default
message is used instead
if commit_message is None:
commit_message = "Merge pull request #%i from %s" % (self.number, self.base)"merge"),
{"commit_message": commit_message})
class Issue(object):
def __init__(self, repo, data):
"""Object representing a GitHub Issue"""
self.repo = repo
self._data = data
self.number = data["number"]
def from_number(cls, repo, number):
data ="issues/%i" % number))
return cls(repo, data)
def path(self, suffix):
return urljoin(self.repo.path("issues/%i/" % self.number), suffix)
def add_comment(self, message):
"""Add a comment to the issue
:param message: The text of the comment
{"body": message})