mirror of
synced 2024-09-13 09:24:08 -07:00
When scrolling downwards, make sure to fill in tiles from the top, upwards from the bottom, left from the right and right from the left.
351 lines
12 KiB
351 lines
12 KiB
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#include "mozilla/layers/PLayersChild.h"
#include "BasicTiledThebesLayer.h"
#include "gfxImageSurface.h"
#include "sampler.h"
#include "gfxPlatform.h"
#include "cairo.h"
#include <sstream>
using mozilla::layers::Layer;
static void DrawDebugOverlay(gfxImageSurface* imgSurf, int x, int y)
gfxContext c(imgSurf);
// Draw border
c.SetDeviceColor(gfxRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
// Build tile description
std::stringstream ss;
ss << x << ", " << y;
// Draw text using cairo toy text API
cairo_t* cr = c.GetCairo();
cairo_set_font_size(cr, 10);
cairo_text_extents_t extents;
cairo_text_extents(cr, ss.str().c_str(), &extents);
int textWidth = extents.width + 6;
c.SetDeviceColor(gfxRGBA(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
c.Rectangle(gfxRect(gfxPoint(2,2),gfxSize(textWidth, 15)));
c.SetDeviceColor(gfxRGBA(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
c.Rectangle(gfxRect(gfxPoint(2,2),gfxSize(textWidth, 15)));
cairo_move_to(cr, 4, 13);
cairo_show_text(cr, ss.str().c_str());
namespace mozilla {
namespace layers {
BasicTiledLayerBuffer::HasFormatChanged(BasicTiledThebesLayer* aThebesLayer) const
return aThebesLayer->CanUseOpaqueSurface() != mLastPaintOpaque;
BasicTiledLayerBuffer::GetFormat() const
if (mThebesLayer->CanUseOpaqueSurface()) {
return gfxASurface::ImageFormatRGB16_565;
} else {
return gfxASurface::ImageFormatARGB32;
BasicTiledLayerBuffer::PaintThebes(BasicTiledThebesLayer* aLayer,
const nsIntRegion& aNewValidRegion,
const nsIntRegion& aPaintRegion,
LayerManager::DrawThebesLayerCallback aCallback,
void* aCallbackData)
mThebesLayer = aLayer;
mCallback = aCallback;
mCallbackData = aCallbackData;
long start = PR_IntervalNow();
if (UseSinglePaintBuffer()) {
const nsIntRect bounds = aPaintRegion.GetBounds();
SAMPLE_LABEL("BasicTiledLayerBuffer", "PaintThebesSingleBufferAlloc");
mSinglePaintBuffer = new gfxImageSurface(gfxIntSize(bounds.width, bounds.height), GetFormat(), !aLayer->CanUseOpaqueSurface());
mSinglePaintBufferOffset = nsIntPoint(bounds.x, bounds.y);
nsRefPtr<gfxContext> ctxt = new gfxContext(mSinglePaintBuffer);
ctxt->Translate(gfxPoint(-bounds.x, -bounds.y));
if (PR_IntervalNow() - start > 3) {
printf_stderr("Slow alloc %i\n", PR_IntervalNow() - start);
start = PR_IntervalNow();
SAMPLE_LABEL("BasicTiledLayerBuffer", "PaintThebesSingleBufferDraw");
mCallback(mThebesLayer, ctxt, aPaintRegion, nsIntRegion(), mCallbackData);
if (PR_IntervalNow() - start > 30) {
const nsIntRect bounds = aPaintRegion.GetBounds();
printf_stderr("Time to draw %i: %i, %i, %i, %i\n", PR_IntervalNow() - start, bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height);
if (aPaintRegion.IsComplex()) {
printf_stderr("Complex region\n");
nsIntRegionRectIterator it(aPaintRegion);
for (const nsIntRect* rect = it.Next(); rect != nullptr; rect = it.Next()) {
printf_stderr(" rect %i, %i, %i, %i\n", rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height);
start = PR_IntervalNow();
SAMPLE_LABEL("BasicTiledLayerBuffer", "PaintThebesUpdate");
Update(aNewValidRegion, aPaintRegion);
if (PR_IntervalNow() - start > 10) {
const nsIntRect bounds = aPaintRegion.GetBounds();
printf_stderr("Time to tile %i: %i, %i, %i, %i\n", PR_IntervalNow() - start, bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height);
mLastPaintOpaque = mThebesLayer->CanUseOpaqueSurface();
mThebesLayer = nullptr;
mCallback = nullptr;
mCallbackData = nullptr;
mSinglePaintBuffer = nullptr;
BasicTiledLayerBuffer::ValidateTileInternal(BasicTiledLayerTile aTile,
const nsIntPoint& aTileOrigin,
const nsIntRect& aDirtyRect)
if (aTile == GetPlaceholderTile() || aTile.mSurface->Format() != GetFormat()) {
gfxImageSurface* tmpTile = new gfxImageSurface(gfxIntSize(GetTileLength(), GetTileLength()),
GetFormat(), !mThebesLayer->CanUseOpaqueSurface());
aTile = BasicTiledLayerTile(tmpTile);
gfxRect drawRect(aDirtyRect.x - aTileOrigin.x, aDirtyRect.y - aTileOrigin.y,
aDirtyRect.width, aDirtyRect.height);
// Use the gfxReusableSurfaceWrapper, which will reuse the surface
// if the compositor no longer has a read lock, otherwise the surface
// will be copied into a new writable surface.
gfxImageSurface* writableSurface;
aTile.mSurface = aTile.mSurface->GetWritable(&writableSurface);
// Bug 742100, this gfxContext really should live on the stack.
nsRefPtr<gfxContext> ctxt = new gfxContext(writableSurface);
if (mSinglePaintBuffer) {
gfxPoint(mSinglePaintBufferOffset.x - aDirtyRect.x + drawRect.x,
mSinglePaintBufferOffset.y - aDirtyRect.y + drawRect.y));
ctxt->Rectangle(drawRect, true);
} else {
ctxt->Translate(gfxPoint(-aTileOrigin.x, -aTileOrigin.y));
nsIntPoint a = aTileOrigin;
mCallback(mThebesLayer, ctxt, nsIntRegion(nsIntRect(a, nsIntSize(GetTileLength(), GetTileLength()))), aDirtyRect, mCallbackData);
DrawDebugOverlay(writableSurface, aTileOrigin.x, aTileOrigin.y);
return aTile;
BasicTiledLayerBuffer::ValidateTile(BasicTiledLayerTile aTile,
const nsIntPoint& aTileOrigin,
const nsIntRegion& aDirtyRegion)
SAMPLE_LABEL("BasicTiledLayerBuffer", "ValidateTile");
if (aDirtyRegion.IsComplex()) {
printf_stderr("Complex region\n");
nsIntRegionRectIterator it(aDirtyRegion);
for (const nsIntRect* rect = it.Next(); rect != nullptr; rect = it.Next()) {
printf_stderr(" break into subrect %i, %i, %i, %i\n", rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height);
aTile = ValidateTileInternal(aTile, aTileOrigin, *rect);
return aTile;
BasicTiledThebesLayer::FillSpecificAttributes(SpecificLayerAttributes& aAttrs)
aAttrs = ThebesLayerAttributes(GetValidRegion());
BasicTiledThebesLayer::PaintThebes(gfxContext* aContext,
Layer* aMaskLayer,
LayerManager::DrawThebesLayerCallback aCallback,
void* aCallbackData,
ReadbackProcessor* aReadback)
if (!aCallback) {
if (!HasShadow()) {
NS_ASSERTION(false, "Shadow requested for painting\n");
if (mTiledBuffer.HasFormatChanged(this)) {
mValidRegion = nsIntRegion();
nsIntRegion regionToPaint = mVisibleRegion;
regionToPaint.Sub(regionToPaint, mValidRegion);
if (regionToPaint.IsEmpty())
gfxSize resolution(1, 1);
for (ContainerLayer* parent = GetParent(); parent; parent = parent->GetParent()) {
const FrameMetrics& metrics = parent->GetFrameMetrics();
resolution.width *= metrics.mResolution.width;
resolution.height *= metrics.mResolution.height;
// Force immediate tile painting when the layer has changed resolution.
if (gfxPlatform::UseProgressiveTilePainting() &&
mTiledBuffer.GetResolution() == resolution) {
// Paint tiles that have no content before tiles that only have stale content.
nsIntRegion staleRegion = mTiledBuffer.GetValidRegion();
staleRegion.And(staleRegion, regionToPaint);
if (!staleRegion.IsEmpty() && !staleRegion.Contains(regionToPaint)) {
regionToPaint.Sub(regionToPaint, staleRegion);
// The following code decides what order to draw tiles in, based on the
// current scroll direction of the primary scrollable layer.
// XXX While this code is of a reasonable size currently, it is likely
// we'll want to add more comprehensive methods of deciding what
// tiles to draw. This is a good candidate for splitting out into a
// separate function.
gfx::Point scrollOffset(0, 0);
Layer* primaryScrollable = BasicManager()->GetPrimaryScrollableLayer();
if (primaryScrollable) {
const FrameMetrics& metrics = primaryScrollable->AsContainerLayer()->GetFrameMetrics();
scrollOffset = metrics.mViewportScrollOffset;
// First, decide whether to iterate on the region from the beginning or end
// of the rect list. This relies on the specific behaviour of nsRegion when
// subtracting rects. If we're moving more in the X direction, we draw
// tiles by column, otherwise by row.
nsIntRegionRectIterator it(regionToPaint);
const nsIntRect* rect;
int32_t scrollDiffX = scrollOffset.x - mLastScrollOffset.x;
int32_t scrollDiffY = scrollOffset.y - mLastScrollOffset.y;
if ((NS_ABS(scrollDiffY) > NS_ABS(scrollDiffX) && scrollDiffY >= 0)) {
rect = it.Next();
} else {
const nsIntRect* lastRect;
while (lastRect = it.Next()) {
rect = lastRect;
// Second, decide what direction to start drawing rects from by checking
// the scroll offset difference of the primary scrollable layer. If we're
// scrolling to the right, make sure to start from the left, downwards
// start from the top, etc.
int paintTileStartX, paintTileStartY;
if (scrollOffset.x >= mLastScrollOffset.x) {
paintTileStartX = mTiledBuffer.RoundDownToTileEdge(rect->x);
} else {
paintTileStartX = mTiledBuffer.RoundDownToTileEdge(rect->XMost() - 1);
if (scrollOffset.y >= mLastScrollOffset.y) {
paintTileStartY = mTiledBuffer.RoundDownToTileEdge(rect->y);
} else {
paintTileStartY = mTiledBuffer.RoundDownToTileEdge(rect->YMost() - 1);
nsIntRegion maxPaint(
nsIntRect(paintTileStartX, paintTileStartY,
mTiledBuffer.GetTileLength(), mTiledBuffer.GetTileLength()));
if (!maxPaint.Contains(regionToPaint)) {
// The region needed to paint is larger then our progressive chunk size
// therefore update what we want to paint and ask for a new paint transaction.
regionToPaint.And(regionToPaint, maxPaint);
// Make sure that tiles that fall outside of the visible region are discarded.
mValidRegion.And(mValidRegion, mVisibleRegion);
} else {
// The transaction is completed, store the last scroll offset.
mLastScrollOffset = scrollOffset;
// Keep track of what we're about to refresh.
mValidRegion.Or(mValidRegion, regionToPaint);
} else {
mValidRegion = mVisibleRegion;
mTiledBuffer.PaintThebes(this, mVisibleRegion, regionToPaint, aCallback, aCallbackData);
if (aMaskLayer) {
->Paint(aContext, nullptr);
// Create a heap copy owned and released by the compositor. This is needed
// since we're sending this over an async message and content needs to be
// be able to modify the tiled buffer in the next transaction.
// TODO: Remove me once Bug 747811 lands.
BasicTiledLayerBuffer *heapCopy = new BasicTiledLayerBuffer(mTiledBuffer);
BasicManager()->PaintedTiledLayerBuffer(BasicManager()->Hold(this), heapCopy);
} // mozilla
} // layers