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- get 302 with Cache-control: no-store
- check cache entry for the 302 response is cached only in memory device
- get 302 with Expires: -1
- check cache entry for the 302 response is not cached at all
var httpserver = null;
// Need to randomize, because apparently no one clears our cache
var randomPath1 = "/redirect-no-store/" + Math.random();
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "randomURI1", function() {
return "http://localhost:" + httpserver.identity.primaryPort + randomPath1;
var randomPath2 = "/redirect-expires-past/" + Math.random();
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "randomURI2", function() {
return "http://localhost:" + httpserver.identity.primaryPort + randomPath2;
function make_channel(url, callback, ctx) {
var ios = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].
return ios.newChannel(url, "", null);
const responseBody = "response body";
var redirectHandler_NoStore_calls = 0;
function redirectHandler_NoStore(metadata, response)
response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 302, "Found");
response.setHeader("Location", "http://localhost:" +
httpserver.identity.primaryPort + "/content", false);
response.setHeader("Cache-control", "no-store");
var redirectHandler_ExpiresInPast_calls = 0;
function redirectHandler_ExpiresInPast(metadata, response)
response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 302, "Found");
response.setHeader("Location", "http://localhost:" +
httpserver.identity.primaryPort + "/content", false);
response.setHeader("Expires", "-1");
function contentHandler(metadata, response)
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
response.bodyOutputStream.write(responseBody, responseBody.length);
function check_response(path, request, buffer, expectedExpiration, continuation)
do_check_eq(buffer, responseBody);
// Entry is always there, old cache wrapping code does session->SetDoomEntriesIfExpired(false),
// just check it's not persisted or is expired (dep on the test).
asyncOpenCacheEntry(path, "disk", Ci.nsICacheStorage.OPEN_READONLY, null, function(status, entry) {
do_check_eq(status, 0);
// Expired entry is on disk, no-store entry is in memory
do_check_eq(entry.persistToDisk, expectedExpiration);
// Do the request again and check the server handler is called appropriately
var chan = make_channel(path);
chan.asyncOpen(new ChannelListener(function(request, buffer) {
do_check_eq(buffer, responseBody);
if (expectedExpiration) {
// Handler had to be called second time
do_check_eq(redirectHandler_ExpiresInPast_calls, 2);
else {
// Handler had to be called second time (no-store forces validate),
// and we are just in memory
do_check_eq(redirectHandler_NoStore_calls, 2);
}, null), null);
function run_test_no_store()
var chan = make_channel(randomURI1);
chan.asyncOpen(new ChannelListener(function(request, buffer) {
// Cache-control: no-store response should only be found in the memory cache.
check_response(randomURI1, request, buffer, false, run_test_expires_past);
}, null), null);
function run_test_expires_past()
var chan = make_channel(randomURI2);
chan.asyncOpen(new ChannelListener(function(request, buffer) {
// Expires: -1 response should not be found in any cache.
check_response(randomURI2, request, buffer, true, finish_test);
}, null), null);
function finish_test()
function run_test()
httpserver = new HttpServer();
httpserver.registerPathHandler(randomPath1, redirectHandler_NoStore);
httpserver.registerPathHandler(randomPath2, redirectHandler_ExpiresInPast);
httpserver.registerPathHandler("/content", contentHandler);