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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
* Test that we get the expected frame enter/exit logs in the tracer view.
const TAB_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "doc_tracing-01.html";
let gTab, gPanel, gDebugger;
function test() {
SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({'set': [["devtools.debugger.tracer", true]]}, () => {
initDebugger(TAB_URL).then(([aTab,, aPanel]) => {
gTab = aTab;
gPanel = aPanel;
gDebugger = gPanel.panelWin;
waitForSourceShown(gPanel, "code_tracing-01.js")
.then(() => startTracing(gPanel))
.then(() => waitForClientEvents(aPanel, "traces"))
.then(() => stopTracing(gPanel))
.then(() => {
const deferred = promise.defer();
return deferred.promise;
.then(() => closeDebuggerAndFinish(gPanel))
.then(null, aError => {
ok(false, "Got an error: " + aError.message + "\n" + aError.stack);
function clickButton() {
sendMouseClickToTab(gTab, content.document.querySelector("button"));
function testTraceLogs() {
const onclickLogs = filterTraces(gPanel,
t => t.querySelector(".trace-name[value=onclick]"));
is(onclickLogs.length, 2, "Should have two logs from 'onclick'");
"The first 'onclick' log should be a call.");
"The second 'onclick' log should be a return.");
for (let t of onclickLogs) {
const nonOnclickLogs = filterTraces(gPanel,
t => !t.querySelector(".trace-name[value=onclick]"));
for (let t of nonOnclickLogs) {
const mainLogs = filterTraces(gPanel,
t => t.querySelector(".trace-name[value=main]"));
is(mainLogs.length, 2, "Should have an enter and an exit for 'main'");
"The first 'main' log should be a call.");
"The second 'main' log should be a return.");
const factorialLogs = filterTraces(gPanel,
t => t.querySelector(".trace-name[value=factorial]"));
is(factorialLogs.length, 10, "Should have 5 enter, and 5 exit frames for 'factorial'");
ok(factorialLogs.slice(0, 5).every(t => t.querySelector(".trace-call")),
"The first five 'factorial' logs should be calls.");
ok(factorialLogs.slice(5).every(t => t.querySelector(".trace-return")),
"The second five 'factorial' logs should be returns.")
// Test that the depth affects padding so that calls are indented properly.
let lastDepth = -Infinity;
for (let t of factorialLogs.slice(0, 5)) {
let depth = parseInt(t.querySelector(".trace-item").style.MozPaddingStart, 10);
ok(depth > lastDepth, "The depth should be increasing");
lastDepth = depth;
lastDepth = Infinity;
for (let t of factorialLogs.slice(5)) {
let depth = parseInt(t.querySelector(".trace-item").style.MozPaddingStart, 10);
ok(depth < lastDepth, "The depth should be decreasing");
lastDepth = depth;
const throwerLogs = filterTraces(gPanel,
t => t.querySelector(".trace-name[value=thrower]"));
is(throwerLogs.length, 2, "Should have an enter and an exit for 'thrower'");
"The first 'thrower' log should be a call.");
"The second 'thrower' log should be a throw."));
registerCleanupFunction(function() {
gTab = null;
gPanel = null;
gDebugger = null;