Ryan VanderMeulen ebd3457021 Backed out 5 changesets (bug 910412) for intermittent crash whack-a-mole.
Backed out changeset e3eb9463b3e1 (bug 910412)
Backed out changeset d5863d302bde (bug 910412)
Backed out changeset 422b66d4b1ca (bug 910412)
Backed out changeset 3431d59d752e (bug 910412)
Backed out changeset b1c0310cdac1 (bug 910412)
2014-03-11 12:17:03 -04:00

553 lines
16 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 8 -*- */
/* vim: set sw=4 ts=8 et tw=80 ft=cpp : */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
include protocol PAsmJSCacheEntry;
include protocol PBackground;
include protocol PBlob;
include protocol PBluetooth;
include protocol PBrowser;
include protocol PCompositor;
include protocol PCrashReporter;
include protocol PExternalHelperApp;
include protocol PDeviceStorageRequest;
include protocol PFMRadio;
include protocol PHal;
include protocol PImageBridge;
include protocol PIndexedDB;
include protocol PMemoryReportRequest;
include protocol PNecko;
include protocol PSms;
include protocol PSpeechSynthesis;
include protocol PStorage;
include protocol PTelephony;
include protocol PTestShell;
include protocol PJavaScript;
include DOMTypes;
include JavaScriptTypes;
include InputStreamParams;
include PTabContext;
include URIParams;
include ProtocolTypes;
using GeoPosition from "nsGeoPositionIPCSerialiser.h";
using struct ChromePackage from "mozilla/chrome/RegistryMessageUtils.h";
using struct ResourceMapping from "mozilla/chrome/RegistryMessageUtils.h";
using struct OverrideMapping from "mozilla/chrome/RegistryMessageUtils.h";
using base::ChildPrivileges from "base/process_util.h";
using struct IPC::Permission from "mozilla/net/NeckoMessageUtils.h";
using class IPC::Principal from "mozilla/dom/PermissionMessageUtils.h";
using struct mozilla::null_t from "ipc/IPCMessageUtils.h";
using struct mozilla::void_t from "ipc/IPCMessageUtils.h";
using mozilla::dom::asmjscache::OpenMode from "mozilla/dom/asmjscache/AsmJSCache.h";
using mozilla::dom::asmjscache::WriteParams from "mozilla/dom/asmjscache/AsmJSCache.h";
using mozilla::dom::AudioChannelType from "AudioChannelCommon.h";
using mozilla::dom::AudioChannelState from "AudioChannelCommon.h";
using mozilla::dom::NativeThreadId from "mozilla/dom/TabMessageUtils.h";
using mozilla::hal::ProcessPriority from "mozilla/HalTypes.h";
using gfxIntSize from "nsSize.h";
namespace mozilla {
namespace dom {
struct FontListEntry {
nsString familyName;
nsString faceName;
nsCString filepath;
uint16_t weight;
int16_t stretch;
uint8_t italic;
uint8_t index;
struct DeviceStorageFreeSpaceParams
nsString type;
nsString storageName;
struct DeviceStorageUsedSpaceParams
nsString type;
nsString storageName;
struct DeviceStorageAvailableParams
nsString type;
nsString storageName;
struct DeviceStorageStatusParams
nsString type;
nsString storageName;
struct DeviceStorageFormatParams
nsString type;
nsString storageName;
struct DeviceStorageMountParams
nsString type;
nsString storageName;
struct DeviceStorageUnmountParams
nsString type;
nsString storageName;
struct DeviceStorageAddParams
nsString type;
nsString storageName;
nsString relpath;
PBlob blob;
struct DeviceStorageCreateFdParams
nsString type;
nsString storageName;
nsString relpath;
struct DeviceStorageGetParams
nsString type;
nsString storageName;
nsString rootDir;
nsString relpath;
struct DeviceStorageDeleteParams
nsString type;
nsString storageName;
nsString relpath;
struct DeviceStorageEnumerationParams
nsString type;
nsString storageName;
nsString rootdir;
uint64_t since;
union DeviceStorageParams
struct FMRadioRequestEnableParams
double frequency;
struct FMRadioRequestDisableParams
struct FMRadioRequestSetFrequencyParams
double frequency;
struct FMRadioRequestSeekParams
bool upward;
struct FMRadioRequestCancelSeekParams
union FMRadioRequestParams
union PrefValue {
union MaybePrefValue {
struct PrefSetting {
nsCString name;
MaybePrefValue defaultValue;
MaybePrefValue userValue;
intr protocol PContent
parent opens PCompositor;
parent opens PImageBridge;
child opens PBackground;
manages PAsmJSCacheEntry;
manages PBlob;
manages PBluetooth;
manages PBrowser;
manages PCrashReporter;
manages PDeviceStorageRequest;
manages PExternalHelperApp;
manages PFMRadio;
manages PHal;
manages PIndexedDB;
manages PMemoryReportRequest;
manages PNecko;
manages PSms;
manages PSpeechSynthesis;
manages PStorage;
manages PTelephony;
manages PTestShell;
manages PJavaScript;
// Depending on exactly how the new browser is being created, it might be
// created from either the child or parent process!
// The child creates the PBrowser as part of
// TabChild::BrowserFrameProvideWindow (which happens when the child's
// content calls, and the parent creates the PBrowser as part
// of ContentParent::CreateBrowserOrApp.
// When the parent constructs a PBrowser, the child trusts the app token it
// receives from the parent. In that case, context can be any of the
// IPCTabContext subtypes.
// When the child constructs a PBrowser, the parent doesn't trust the app
// token it receives from the child. In this case, context must have type
// PopupIPCTabContext. The browser created using a PopupIPCTabContext has
// the opener PBrowser's app-id and containing-app-id. The parent checks
// that if the opener is a browser element, the context is also for a
// browser element.
// This allows the parent to prevent a malicious child from escalating its
// privileges by requesting a PBrowser corresponding to a highly-privileged
// app; the child can only request privileges for an app which the child has
// access to (in the form of a TabChild).
async PBrowser(IPCTabContext context, uint32_t chromeFlags);
async PBlob(BlobConstructorParams params);
async PJavaScript();
* Update OS process privileges to |privs|. Can usually only be
* performed zero or one times. The child will abnormally exit if
* the privilege update fails.
async SetProcessPrivileges(ChildPrivileges privs);
PMemoryReportRequest(uint32_t generation, bool minimizeMemoryUsage, nsString DMDDumpIdent);
* Notify the AudioChannelService in the child processes.
async AudioChannelNotify();
async SpeakerManagerNotify();
* Dump this process's GC and CC logs.
* For documentation on the args, see dumpGCAndCCLogsToFile in
* nsIMemoryInfoDumper.idl
async DumpGCAndCCLogsToFile(nsString identifier,
bool dumpAllTraces,
bool dumpChildProcesses);
RegisterChrome(ChromePackage[] packages, ResourceMapping[] resources,
OverrideMapping[] overrides, nsCString locale);
async SetOffline(bool offline);
async NotifyVisited(URIParams uri);
PreferenceUpdate(PrefSetting pref);
NotifyAlertsObserver(nsCString topic, nsString data);
GeolocationUpdate(GeoPosition somewhere);
// nsIPermissionManager messages
AddPermission(Permission permission);
ScreenSizeChanged(gfxIntSize size);
FlushMemory(nsString reason);
* Start accessibility engine in content process.
AppInfo(nsCString version, nsCString buildID, nsCString name, nsCString UAName);
// Notify child that last-pb-context-exited notification was observed
FilePathUpdate(nsString storageType, nsString storageName, nsString filepath,
nsCString reasons);
FileSystemUpdate(nsString fsName, nsString mountPoint, int32_t fsState,
int32_t mountGeneration, bool isMediaPresent,
bool isSharing, bool isFormatting);
// Ask the Nuwa process to create a new child process.
NotifyProcessPriorityChanged(ProcessPriority priority);
* Used to manage nsIStyleSheetService across processes.
async LoadAndRegisterSheet(URIParams uri, uint32_t type);
async UnregisterSheet(URIParams uri, uint32_t type);
NotifyPhoneStateChange(nsString newState);
* Notify idle observers in the child
NotifyIdleObserver(uint64_t observerId, nsCString topic, nsString str);
* Tell the content process some attributes of itself. This is
* among the first information queried by content processes after
* startup. (The message is sync to allow the content process to
* control when it receives the information.)
* |id| is a unique ID among all subprocesses. When |isForApp &&
* isForBrowser|, we're loading <browser> for an app. When
* |isForBrowser|, we're loading <browser>. When |!isForApp &&
* !isForBrowser|, we're probably loading <xul:browser remote>.
sync GetProcessAttributes()
returns (uint64_t id, bool isForApp, bool isForBrowser);
sync GetXPCOMProcessAttributes()
returns (bool isOffline);
PDeviceStorageRequest(DeviceStorageParams params);
sync PCrashReporter(NativeThreadId tid, uint32_t processType);
sync GetRandomValues(uint32_t length)
returns (uint8_t[] randomValues);
PAsmJSCacheEntry(OpenMode openMode, WriteParams write, Principal principal);
// Services remoting
async StartVisitedQuery(URIParams uri);
async VisitURI(URIParams uri, OptionalURIParams referrer, uint32_t flags);
async SetURITitle(URIParams uri, nsString title);
async LoadURIExternal(URIParams uri);
// PrefService message
sync ReadPrefsArray() returns (PrefSetting[] prefs);
sync ReadFontList() returns (FontListEntry[] retValue);
sync SyncMessage(nsString aMessage, ClonedMessageData aData,
CpowEntry[] aCpows, Principal aPrincipal)
returns (nsString[] retval);
rpc RpcMessage(nsString aMessage, ClonedMessageData aData,
CpowEntry[] aCpows, Principal aPrincipal)
returns (nsString[] retval);
ShowAlertNotification(nsString imageUrl,
nsString title,
nsString text,
bool textClickable,
nsString cookie,
nsString name,
nsString bidi,
nsString lang,
Principal principal);
CloseAlert(nsString name, Principal principal);
PExternalHelperApp(OptionalURIParams uri,
nsCString aMimeContentType,
nsCString aContentDisposition,
uint32_t aContentDispositionHint,
nsString aContentDispositionFilename,
bool aForceSave,
int64_t aContentLength,
OptionalURIParams aReferrer,
nullable PBrowser aBrowser);
AddGeolocationListener(Principal principal, bool highAccuracy);
SetGeolocationHigherAccuracy(bool enable);
ConsoleMessage(nsString message);
ScriptError(nsString message, nsString sourceName, nsString sourceLine,
uint32_t lineNumber, uint32_t colNumber, uint32_t flags,
nsCString category);
// nsIPermissionManager messages
sync ReadPermissions() returns (Permission[] permissions);
SetClipboardText(nsString text, bool isPrivateData, int32_t whichClipboard);
sync GetClipboardText(int32_t whichClipboard)
returns (nsString text);
EmptyClipboard(int32_t whichClipboard);
sync ClipboardHasText(int32_t whichClipboard)
returns (bool hasText);
sync GetSystemColors(uint32_t colorsCount)
returns (uint32_t[] colors);
sync GetIconForExtension(nsCString aFileExt, uint32_t aIconSize)
returns (uint8_t[] bits);
sync GetShowPasswordSetting()
returns (bool showPassword);
// Notify the parent of the presence or absence of private docshells
PrivateDocShellsExist(bool aExist);
// Tell the parent that the child has gone idle for the first time
async FirstIdle();
// Get Muted from the main AudioChannelService.
sync AudioChannelGetState(AudioChannelType aType, bool aElementHidden,
bool aElementWasHidden)
returns (AudioChannelState value);
sync AudioChannelRegisterType(AudioChannelType aType, bool aWithVideo);
sync AudioChannelUnregisterType(AudioChannelType aType,
bool aElementHidden,
bool aWithVideo);
async AudioChannelChangedNotification();
async AudioChannelChangeDefVolChannel(AudioChannelType aType,
bool aHidden);
async FilePathUpdateNotify(nsString aType,
nsString aStorageName,
nsString aFilepath,
nsCString aReason);
// get nsIVolumeService to broadcast volume information
async BroadcastVolume(nsString volumeName);
// Notify the parent that the child has finished handling a system message.
async SystemMessageHandled();
sync AddNewProcess(uint32_t pid, ProtocolFdMapping[] aFds);
// called by the child (test code only) to propagate volume changes to the parent
async CreateFakeVolume(nsString fsName, nsString mountPoint);
async SetFakeVolumeState(nsString fsName, int32_t fsState);
sync KeywordToURI(nsCString keyword)
returns (OptionalInputStreamParams postData, OptionalURIParams uri);
sync SpeakerManagerForceSpeaker(bool aEnable);
sync SpeakerManagerGetSpeakerStatus()
returns (bool value);
* Notifies the parent about a recording device is starting or shutdown.
* @param recordingStatus starting or shutdown
* @param pageURL URL that request that changing the recording status
* @param isAudio recording start with microphone
* @param isVideo recording start with camera
async RecordingDeviceEvents(nsString recordingStatus,
nsString pageURL,
bool isAudio,
bool isVideo);
sync GetGraphicsFeatureStatus(int32_t aFeature) returns (int32_t aStatus, bool aSuccess);
AddIdleObserver(uint64_t observerId, uint32_t idleTimeInS);
RemoveIdleObserver(uint64_t observerId, uint32_t idleTimeInS);
* This message is only used on X11 platforms.
* Send a dup of the plugin process's X socket to the parent
* process. In theory, this scheme keeps the plugin's X resources
* around until after both the plugin process shuts down *and* the
* parent process closes the dup fd. This is used to prevent the
* parent process from crashing on X errors if, e.g., the plugin
* crashes *just before* a repaint and the parent process tries to
* use the newly-invalid surface.
BackUpXResources(FileDescriptor aXSocketFd);
AsyncMessage(nsString aMessage, ClonedMessageData aData,
CpowEntry[] aCpows, Principal aPrincipal);