Nick Alexander cf55abbd92 Bug 1161234 - Pre: Add "CreateFirefoxAccountFromJSON" message. r=rnewman
We will probably grow a helper module for handling these
account-related messages, but this is enough to develop an
about:accounts style add-on.
2015-06-17 12:32:03 -07:00

87 lines
2.3 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["Accounts"];
const { utils: Cu } = Components;
* A promise-based API for querying the existence of Sync accounts,
* and accessing the Sync setup wizard.
* Usage:
* Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Accounts.jsm");
* Accounts.anySyncAccountsExist().then(
* (exist) => {
* console.log("Accounts exist? " + exist);
* if (!exist) {
* Accounts.launchSetup();
* }
* },
* (err) => {
* console.log("We failed so hard.");
* }
* );
let Accounts = Object.freeze({
_accountsExist: function (kind) {
return Messaging.sendRequestForResult({
type: "Accounts:Exist",
kind: kind
}).then(data => data.exists);
firefoxAccountsExist: function () {
return this._accountsExist("fxa");
syncAccountsExist: function () {
return this._accountsExist("sync11");
anySyncAccountsExist: function () {
return this._accountsExist("any");
* Fire-and-forget: open the Firefox accounts activity, which
* will be the Getting Started screen if FxA isn't yet set up.
* Optional extras are passed, as a JSON string, to the Firefox
* Account Getting Started activity in the extras bundle of the
* activity launch intent, under the key "extras".
* There is no return value from this method.
launchSetup: function (extras) {
type: "Accounts:Create",
extras: extras
* Create a new Android Account corresponding to the given
* fxa-content-server "login" JSON datum. The new account will be
* in the "Engaged" state, and will start syncing immediately.
* It is an error if an Android Account already exists.
* Returns a Promise that resolves to a boolean indicating success.
createFirefoxAccountFromJSON: function (json) {
return Messaging.sendRequestForResponse({
type: "Accounts:CreateFirefoxAccountFromJSON",
json: json