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* Copyright 2013, Mozilla Foundation and contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "gmp-platform.h"
class GMPEncryptedBufferMetadata {
// Key ID to identify the decryption key.
virtual const uint8_t* KeyId() const = 0;
// Size (in bytes) of |KeyId()|.
virtual uint32_t KeyIdSize() const = 0;
// Initialization vector.
virtual const uint8_t* IV() const = 0;
// Size (in bytes) of |IV|.
virtual uint32_t IVSize() const = 0;
// Number of entries returned by ClearBytes() and CipherBytes().
virtual uint32_t NumSubsamples() const = 0;
virtual const uint16_t* ClearBytes() const = 0;
virtual const uint32_t* CipherBytes() const = 0;
virtual ~GMPEncryptedBufferMetadata() {}
class GMPBuffer {
virtual uint32_t Id() const = 0;
virtual uint8_t* Data() = 0;
virtual uint32_t Size() const = 0;
virtual void Resize(uint32_t aSize) = 0;
virtual ~GMPBuffer() {}
// These match to the DOMException codes as per:
enum GMPDOMException {
kGMPNoModificationAllowedError = 7,
kGMPNotFoundError = 8,
kGMPNotSupportedError = 9,
kGMPInvalidStateError = 11,
kGMPSyntaxError = 12,
kGMPInvalidModificationError = 13,
kGMPInvalidAccessError = 15,
kGMPSecurityError = 18,
kGMPAbortError = 20,
kGMPQuotaExceededError = 22,
kGMPTimeoutError = 23
// Time in milliseconds, as offset from epoch, 1 Jan 1970.
typedef int64_t GMPTimestamp;
// Capability definitions. The capabilities of the EME GMP are reported
// to Gecko by calling the GMPDecryptorCallback::SetCapabilities()
// callback and specifying the logical OR of the GMP_EME_CAP_* flags below.
// Note the DECRYPT and the DECRYPT_AND_DECODE are mutually exclusive;
// only one mode should be reported for each stream type, but different
// modes can be reported for different stream types.
// Note: Gecko does not currently support the caps changing at runtime.
// Set them once per plugin initialization, during the startup of
// the GMPdecryptor.
// Capability; CDM can decrypt encrypted buffers and return still
// compressed buffers back to Gecko for decompression there.
#define GMP_EME_CAP_DECRYPT_AUDIO (uint64_t(1) << 0)
#define GMP_EME_CAP_DECRYPT_VIDEO (uint64_t(1) << 1)
// Capability; CDM can decrypt and then decode encrypted buffers,
// and return decompressed samples to Gecko for playback.
#define GMP_EME_CAP_DECRYPT_AND_DECODE_AUDIO (uint64_t(1) << 2)
#define GMP_EME_CAP_DECRYPT_AND_DECODE_VIDEO (uint64_t(1) << 3)
// Callbacks to be called from the CDM. Threadsafe.
class GMPDecryptorCallback {
// Resolves a promise for a session created.
// Passes the session id to be exposed to JavaScript.
// Must be called before SessionMessage().
// aSessionId must be null terminated.
virtual void ResolveNewSessionPromise(uint32_t aPromiseId,
const char* aSessionId,
uint32_t aSessionIdLength) = 0;
// Resolves a promise for a session loaded.
// Resolves to false if we don't have any session data stored for the given
// session ID.
// Must be called before SessionMessage().
virtual void ResolveLoadSessionPromise(uint32_t aPromiseId,
bool aSuccess) = 0;
// Called to resolve a specified promise with "undefined".
virtual void ResolvePromise(uint32_t aPromiseId) = 0;
// Called to reject a promise with a DOMException.
// aMessage is logged to the WebConsole.
// aMessage is optional, but if present must be null terminated.
virtual void RejectPromise(uint32_t aPromiseId,
GMPDOMException aException,
const char* aMessage,
uint32_t aMessageLength) = 0;
// Called by the CDM when it has a message for session |session_id|.
// Length parameters should not include null termination.
// aSessionId must be null terminated.
virtual void SessionMessage(const char* aSessionId,
uint32_t aSessionIdLength,
const uint8_t* aMessage,
uint32_t aMessageLength,
const char* aDestinationURL,
uint32_t aDestinationURLLength) = 0;
// aSessionId must be null terminated.
virtual void ExpirationChange(const char* aSessionId,
uint32_t aSessionIdLength,
GMPTimestamp aExpiryTime) = 0;
// Called by the GMP when a session is closed. All file IO
// that a session requires should be complete before calling this.
// aSessionId must be null terminated.
virtual void SessionClosed(const char* aSessionId,
uint32_t aSessionIdLength) = 0;
// Called by the GMP when an error occurs in a session.
// aSessionId must be null terminated.
// aMessage is logged to the WebConsole.
// aMessage is optional, but if present must be null terminated.
virtual void SessionError(const char* aSessionId,
uint32_t aSessionIdLength,
GMPDOMException aException,
uint32_t aSystemCode,
const char* aMessage,
uint32_t aMessageLength) = 0;
// Marks a key as usable. Gecko will not call into the CDM to decrypt
// or decode content encrypted with a key unless the CDM has marked it
// usable first. So a CDM *MUST* mark its usable keys as usable!
virtual void KeyIdUsable(const char* aSessionId,
uint32_t aSessionIdLength,
const uint8_t* aKeyId,
uint32_t aKeyIdLength) = 0;
// Marks a key as no longer usable.
// Note: Keys are assumed to be not usable when a session is closed or removed.
virtual void KeyIdNotUsable(const char* aSessionId,
uint32_t aSessionIdLength,
const uint8_t* aKeyId,
uint32_t aKeyIdLength) = 0;
// The CDM must report its capabilites of this CDM. aCaps should be a
// logical OR of the GMP_EME_CAP_* flags. The CDM *MUST* call this
// function and report whether it can decrypt and/or decode. Without
// this, Gecko does not know how to use the CDM and will not send
// samples to the CDM to decrypt or decrypt-and-decode mode. Note a
// CDM cannot change modes once playback has begun.
virtual void SetCapabilities(uint64_t aCaps) = 0;
// Returns decrypted buffer to Gecko, or reports failure.
virtual void Decrypted(GMPBuffer* aBuffer, GMPErr aResult) = 0;
virtual ~GMPDecryptorCallback() {}
// Host interface, passed to GetAPIFunc(), with "decrypt".
class GMPDecryptorHost {
virtual void GetSandboxVoucher(const uint8_t** aVoucher,
uint32_t* aVoucherLength) = 0;
virtual void GetPluginVoucher(const uint8_t** aVoucher,
uint32_t* aVoucherLength) = 0;
virtual ~GMPDecryptorHost() {}
enum GMPSessionType {
kGMPTemporySession = 0,
kGMPPersistentSession = 1,
kGMPSessionInvalid = 2 // Must always be last.
#define GMP_API_DECRYPTOR "eme-decrypt"
// API exposed by plugin library to manage decryption sessions.
// When the Host requests this by calling GMPGetAPIFunc().
// API name macro: GMP_API_DECRYPTOR
// Host API: GMPDecryptorHost
class GMPDecryptor {
// Sets the callback to use with the decryptor to return results
// to Gecko.
virtual void Init(GMPDecryptorCallback* aCallback) = 0;
// Requests the creation of a session given |aType| and |aInitData|.
// Decryptor should callback GMPDecryptorCallback::SessionCreated()
// with the web session ID on success, or SessionError() on failure,
// and then call KeyIdUsable() as keys for that session become
// usable.
// The CDM must also call GMPDecryptorCallback::SetCapabilities()
// exactly once during start up, to inform Gecko whether to use the CDM
// in decrypt or decrypt-and-decode mode.
virtual void CreateSession(uint32_t aPromiseId,
const char* aInitDataType,
uint32_t aInitDataTypeSize,
const uint8_t* aInitData,
uint32_t aInitDataSize,
GMPSessionType aSessionType) = 0;
// Loads a previously loaded persistent session.
virtual void LoadSession(uint32_t aPromiseId,
const char* aSessionId,
uint32_t aSessionIdLength) = 0;
// Updates the session with |aResponse|.
virtual void UpdateSession(uint32_t aPromiseId,
const char* aSessionId,
uint32_t aSessionIdLength,
const uint8_t* aResponse,
uint32_t aResponseSize) = 0;
// Releases the resources (keys) for the specified session.
virtual void CloseSession(uint32_t aPromiseId,
const char* aSessionId,
uint32_t aSessionIdLength) = 0;
// Removes the resources (keys) for the specified session.
virtual void RemoveSession(uint32_t aPromiseId,
const char* aSessionId,
uint32_t aSessionIdLength) = 0;
// Resolve/reject promise on completion.
virtual void SetServerCertificate(uint32_t aPromiseId,
const uint8_t* aServerCert,
uint32_t aServerCertSize) = 0;
// Asynchronously decrypts aBuffer in place. When the decryption is
// complete, GMPDecryptor should write the decrypted data back into the
// same GMPBuffer object and return it to Gecko by calling Decrypted(),
// with the GMPNoErr successcode. If decryption fails, call Decrypted()
// with a failure code, and an error event will fire on the media element.
// Note: When Decrypted() is called and aBuffer is passed back, aBuffer
// is deleted. Don't forget to call Decrypted(), as otherwise aBuffer's
// memory will leak!
virtual void Decrypt(GMPBuffer* aBuffer,
GMPEncryptedBufferMetadata* aMetadata) = 0;
// Called when the decryption operations are complete.
// Do not call the GMPDecryptorCallback's functions after this is called.
virtual void DecryptingComplete() = 0;
virtual ~GMPDecryptor() {}
#endif // GMP_DECRYPTION_h_