
493 lines
17 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const promise = require("sdk/core/promise");
loader.lazyGetter(this, "AutocompletePopup", () => require("devtools/shared/autocomplete-popup").AutocompletePopup);
// Maximum number of selector suggestions shown in the panel.
* Converts any input box on a page to a CSS selector search and suggestion box.
* @constructor
* @param InspectorPanel aInspector
* The InspectorPanel whose `walker` attribute should be used for
* document traversal.
* @param nsiInputElement aInputNode
* The input element to which the panel will be attached and from where
* search input will be taken.
function SelectorSearch(aInspector, aInputNode) {
this.inspector = aInspector;
this.searchBox = aInputNode;
this.panelDoc = this.searchBox.ownerDocument;
// initialize variables.
this._lastSearched = null;
this._lastValidSearch = "";
this._lastToLastValidSearch = null;
this._searchResults = null;
this._searchSuggestions = {};
this._searchIndex = 0;
// bind!
this._showPopup = this._showPopup.bind(this);
this._onHTMLSearch = this._onHTMLSearch.bind(this);
this._onSearchKeypress = this._onSearchKeypress.bind(this);
this._onListBoxKeypress = this._onListBoxKeypress.bind(this);
// Options for the AutocompletePopup.
let options = {
panelId: "inspector-searchbox-panel",
listBoxId: "searchbox-panel-listbox",
autoSelect: true,
position: "before_start",
direction: "ltr",
theme: "auto",
onClick: this._onListBoxKeypress,
onKeypress: this._onListBoxKeypress
this.searchPopup = new AutocompletePopup(this.panelDoc, options);
// event listeners.
this.searchBox.addEventListener("command", this._onHTMLSearch, true);
this.searchBox.addEventListener("keypress", this._onSearchKeypress, true);
// For testing, we need to be able to wait for the most recent node request
// to finish. Tests can watch this promise for that.
this._lastQuery = promise.resolve(null);
exports.SelectorSearch = SelectorSearch;
SelectorSearch.prototype = {
get walker() this.inspector.walker,
// The possible states of the query.
States: {
CLASS: "class",
ID: "id",
TAG: "tag",
// The current state of the query.
_state: null,
// The query corresponding to last state computation.
_lastStateCheckAt: null,
* Computes the state of the query. State refers to whether the query
* currently requires a class suggestion, or a tag, or an Id suggestion.
* This getter will effectively compute the state by traversing the query
* character by character each time the query changes.
* @example
* '#f' requires an Id suggestion, so the state is States.ID
* 'div > .foo' requires class suggestion, so state is States.CLASS
get state() {
if (!this.searchBox || !this.searchBox.value) {
return null;
let query = this.searchBox.value;
if (this._lastStateCheckAt == query) {
// If query is the same, return early.
return this._state;
this._lastStateCheckAt = query;
this._state = null;
let subQuery = "";
// Now we iterate over the query and decide the state character by character.
// The logic here is that while iterating, the state can go from one to
// another with some restrictions. Like, if the state is Class, then it can
// never go to Tag state without a space or '>' character; Or like, a Class
// state with only '.' cannot go to an Id state without any [a-zA-Z] after
// the '.' which means that '.#' is a selector matching a class name '#'.
// Similarily for '#.' which means a selctor matching an id '.'.
for (let i = 1; i <= query.length; i++) {
// Calculate the state.
subQuery = query.slice(0, i);
let [secondLastChar, lastChar] = subQuery.slice(-2);
switch (this._state) {
case null:
// This will happen only in the first iteration of the for loop.
lastChar = secondLastChar;
case this.States.TAG:
this._state = lastChar == "."
? this.States.CLASS
: lastChar == "#"
? this.States.ID
: this.States.TAG;
case this.States.CLASS:
if (subQuery.match(/[\.]+[^\.]*$/)[0].length > 2) {
// Checks whether the subQuery has atleast one [a-zA-Z] after the '.'.
this._state = (lastChar == " " || lastChar == ">")
? this.States.TAG
: lastChar == "#"
? this.States.ID
: this.States.CLASS;
case this.States.ID:
if (subQuery.match(/[#]+[^#]*$/)[0].length > 2) {
// Checks whether the subQuery has atleast one [a-zA-Z] after the '#'.
this._state = (lastChar == " " || lastChar == ">")
? this.States.TAG
: lastChar == "."
? this.States.CLASS
: this.States.ID;
return this._state;
* Removes event listeners and cleans up references.
destroy: function() {
// event listeners.
this.searchBox.removeEventListener("command", this._onHTMLSearch, true);
this.searchBox.removeEventListener("keypress", this._onSearchKeypress, true);
this.searchPopup = null;
this.searchBox = null;
this.panelDoc = null;
this._searchResults = null;
this._searchSuggestions = null;
_selectResult: function(index) {
return this._searchResults.item(index).then(node => {
this.inspector.selection.setNodeFront(node, "selectorsearch");
* The command callback for the input box. This function is automatically
* invoked as the user is typing if the input box type is search.
_onHTMLSearch: function() {
let query = this.searchBox.value;
if (query == this._lastSearched) {
this._lastSearched = query;
this._searchResults = [];
this._searchIndex = 0;
if (query.length == 0) {
this._lastValidSearch = "";
if (this.searchPopup.isOpen) {
this.searchBox.setAttribute("filled", true);
let queryList = null;
this._lastQuery = this.walker.querySelectorAll(this.walker.rootNode, query).then(list => {
return list;
}, (err) => {
// Failures are ok here, just use a null item list;
return null;
}).then(queryList => {
// Value has changed since we started this request, we're done.
if (query != this.searchBox.value) {
if (queryList) {
return promise.reject(null);
this._searchResults = queryList || [];
if (this._searchResults && this._searchResults.length > 0) {
this._lastValidSearch = query;
// Even though the selector matched atleast one node, there is still
// possibility of suggestions.
if (query.match(/[\s>+]$/)) {
// If the query has a space or '>' at the end, create a selector to match
// the children of the selector inside the search box by adding a '*'.
this._lastValidSearch += "*";
else if (query.match(/[\s>+][\.#a-zA-Z][\.#>\s+]*$/)) {
// If the query is a partial descendant selector which does not matches
// any node, remove the last incomplete part and add a '*' to match
// everything. For ex, convert 'foo > b' to 'foo > *' .
let lastPart = query.match(/[\s>+][\.#a-zA-Z][^>\s+]*$/)[0];
this._lastValidSearch = query.slice(0, -1 * lastPart.length + 1) + "*";
if (!query.slice(-1).match(/[\.#\s>+]/)) {
// Hide the popup if we have some matching nodes and the query is not
// ending with [.# >] which means that the selector is not at the
// beginning of a new class, tag or id.
if (this.searchPopup.isOpen) {
return this._selectResult(0);
return this._selectResult(0).then(() => {
}).then(() => this.showSuggestions());
if (query.match(/[\s>+]$/)) {
this._lastValidSearch = query + "*";
else if (query.match(/[\s>+][\.#a-zA-Z][\.#>\s+]*$/)) {
let lastPart = query.match(/[\s+>][\.#a-zA-Z][^>\s+]*$/)[0];
this._lastValidSearch = query.slice(0, -1 * lastPart.length + 1) + "*";
return this.showSuggestions();
* Handles keypresses inside the input box.
_onSearchKeypress: function(aEvent) {
let query = this.searchBox.value;
switch(aEvent.keyCode) {
case aEvent.DOM_VK_RETURN:
if (query == this._lastSearched && this._searchResults) {
this._searchIndex = (this._searchIndex + 1) % this._searchResults.length;
else {
case aEvent.DOM_VK_UP:
if (this.searchPopup.isOpen && this.searchPopup.itemCount > 0) {
if (this.searchPopup.selectedIndex == this.searchPopup.itemCount - 1) {
this.searchPopup.selectedIndex =
Math.max(0, this.searchPopup.itemCount - 2);
else {
this.searchPopup.selectedIndex = this.searchPopup.itemCount - 1;
this.searchBox.value = this.searchPopup.selectedItem.label;
else if (--this._searchIndex < 0) {
this._searchIndex = this._searchResults.length - 1;
case aEvent.DOM_VK_DOWN:
if (this.searchPopup.isOpen && this.searchPopup.itemCount > 0) {
this.searchPopup.selectedIndex = 0;
this.searchBox.value = this.searchPopup.selectedItem.label;
this._searchIndex = (this._searchIndex + 1) % this._searchResults.length;
case aEvent.DOM_VK_TAB:
if (this.searchPopup.isOpen &&
this.searchPopup.getItemAtIndex(this.searchPopup.itemCount - 1)
.preLabel == query) {
this.searchPopup.selectedIndex = this.searchPopup.itemCount - 1;
this.searchBox.value = this.searchPopup.selectedItem.label;
case aEvent.DOM_VK_BACK_SPACE:
case aEvent.DOM_VK_DELETE:
// need to throw away the lastValidSearch.
this._lastToLastValidSearch = null;
// This gets the most complete selector from the query. For ex.
// '' returns '.foo' , '#foo > .bar.baz' returns '#foo > .bar'
// '.foo +bar' returns '.foo +' and likewise.
this._lastValidSearch = (query.match(/(.*)[\.#][^\.# ]{0,}$/) ||
query.match(/(.*[\s>+])[a-zA-Z][^\.# ]{0,}$/) ||
if (this._searchResults && this._searchResults.length > 0) {
this._lastQuery = this._selectResult(this._searchIndex);
* Handles keypress and mouse click on the suggestions richlistbox.
_onListBoxKeypress: function(aEvent) {
switch(aEvent.keyCode || aEvent.button) {
case aEvent.DOM_VK_RETURN:
case aEvent.DOM_VK_TAB:
case 0: // left mouse button
this.searchBox.value = this.searchPopup.selectedItem.label;
case aEvent.DOM_VK_UP:
if (this.searchPopup.selectedIndex == 0) {
this.searchPopup.selectedIndex = -1;
else {
let index = this.searchPopup.selectedIndex;
this.searchBox.value = this.searchPopup.getItemAtIndex(index - 1).label;
case aEvent.DOM_VK_DOWN:
if (this.searchPopup.selectedIndex == this.searchPopup.itemCount - 1) {
this.searchPopup.selectedIndex = -1;
else {
let index = this.searchPopup.selectedIndex;
this.searchBox.value = this.searchPopup.getItemAtIndex(index + 1).label;
case aEvent.DOM_VK_BACK_SPACE:
if (this.searchBox.selectionStart > 0) {
this.searchBox.value =
this.searchBox.value.substring(0, this.searchBox.selectionStart - 1);
this._lastToLastValidSearch = null;
let query = this.searchBox.value;
this._lastValidSearch = (query.match(/(.*)[\.#][^\.# ]{0,}$/) ||
query.match(/(.*[\s>+])[a-zA-Z][^\.# ]{0,}$/) ||
* Populates the suggestions list and show the suggestion popup.
_showPopup: function(aList, aFirstPart) {
let total = 0;
let query = this.searchBox.value;
let toLowerCase = false;
let items = [];
// In case of tagNames, change the case to small.
if (query.match(/.*[\.#][^\.#]{0,}$/) == null) {
toLowerCase = true;
for (let [value, count] of aList) {
// for cases like 'div ' or 'div >' or 'div+'
if (query.match(/[\s>+]$/)) {
value = query + value;
// for cases like 'div #a' or 'div .a' or 'div > d' and likewise
else if (query.match(/[\s>+][\.#a-zA-Z][^\s>+\.#]*$/)) {
let lastPart = query.match(/[\s>+][\.#a-zA-Z][^>\s+\.#]*$/)[0];
value = query.slice(0, -1 * lastPart.length + 1) + value;
// for cases like 'div.class' or '' and likewise
else if (query.match(/[a-zA-Z][#\.][^#\.\s+>]*$/)) {
let lastPart = query.match(/[a-zA-Z][#\.][^#\.\s>+]*$/)[0];
value = query.slice(0, -1 * lastPart.length + 1) + value;
let item = {
preLabel: query,
label: value,
count: count
if (toLowerCase) {
item.label = value.toLowerCase();
if (++total > MAX_SUGGESTIONS - 1) {
if (total > 0) {
else {
* Suggests classes,ids and tags based on the user input as user types in the
* searchbox.
showSuggestions: function() {
let query = this.searchBox.value;
let firstPart = "";
if (this.state == this.States.TAG) {
// gets the tag that is being completed. For ex. ' > s' returns 's',
// 'di' returns 'di' and likewise.
firstPart = (query.match(/[\s>+]?([a-zA-Z]*)$/) || ["", query])[1];
query = query.slice(0, query.length - firstPart.length);
else if (this.state == this.States.CLASS) {
// gets the class that is being completed. For ex. '.foo.b' returns 'b'
firstPart = query.match(/\.([^\.]*)$/)[1];
query = query.slice(0, query.length - firstPart.length - 1);
else if (this.state == this.States.ID) {
// gets the id that is being completed. For ex. '.foo#b' returns 'b'
firstPart = query.match(/#([^#]*)$/)[1];
query = query.slice(0, query.length - firstPart.length - 1);
// TODO: implement some caching so that over the wire request is not made
// everytime.
if (/[\s+>~]$/.test(query)) {
query += "*";
this._currentSuggesting = query;
return this.walker.getSuggestionsForQuery(query, firstPart, this.state).then(result => {
if (this._currentSuggesting != result.query) {
// This means that this response is for a previous request and the user
// as since typed something extra leading to a new request.
this._lastToLastValidSearch = this._lastValidSearch;
if (this.state == this.States.CLASS) {
firstPart = "." + firstPart;
else if (this.state == this.States.ID) {
firstPart = "#" + firstPart;
this._showPopup(result.suggestions, firstPart);