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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
package org.mozilla.gecko.favicons;
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import org.apache.http.Header;
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.entity.BufferedHttpEntity;
import org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoAppShell;
import org.mozilla.gecko.db.BrowserDB;
import org.mozilla.gecko.gfx.BitmapUtils;
import org.mozilla.gecko.util.GeckoJarReader;
import org.mozilla.gecko.util.ThreadUtils;
import org.mozilla.gecko.util.UiAsyncTask;
import static org.mozilla.gecko.favicons.Favicons.sContext;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
* Class representing the asynchronous task to load a Favicon which is not currently in the in-memory
* cache.
* The implementation initially tries to get the Favicon from the database. Upon failure, the icon
* is loaded from the internet.
public class LoadFaviconTask extends UiAsyncTask<Void, Void, Bitmap> {
private static final String LOGTAG = "LoadFaviconTask";
// Access to this map needs to be synchronized prevent multiple jobs loading the same favicon
// from executing concurrently.
private static final HashMap<String, LoadFaviconTask> loadsInFlight = new HashMap<String, LoadFaviconTask>();
public static final int FLAG_PERSIST = 1;
public static final int FLAG_SCALE = 2;
private static final int MAX_REDIRECTS_TO_FOLLOW = 5;
private static AtomicInteger mNextFaviconLoadId = new AtomicInteger(0);
private int mId;
private String mPageUrl;
private String mFaviconUrl;
private OnFaviconLoadedListener mListener;
private int mFlags;
private final boolean mOnlyFromLocal;
// Assuming square favicons, judging by width only is acceptable.
protected int mTargetWidth;
private LinkedList<LoadFaviconTask> mChainees;
private boolean mIsChaining;
static AndroidHttpClient sHttpClient = AndroidHttpClient.newInstance(GeckoAppShell.getGeckoInterface().getDefaultUAString());
public LoadFaviconTask(Handler backgroundThreadHandler,
String pageUrl, String faviconUrl, int flags,
OnFaviconLoadedListener listener) {
this(backgroundThreadHandler, pageUrl, faviconUrl, flags, listener, -1, false);
public LoadFaviconTask(Handler backgroundThreadHandler,
String pageUrl, String faviconUrl, int flags,
OnFaviconLoadedListener aListener, int targetSize, boolean fromLocal) {
mId = mNextFaviconLoadId.incrementAndGet();
mPageUrl = pageUrl;
mFaviconUrl = faviconUrl;
mListener = aListener;
mFlags = flags;
mTargetWidth = targetSize;
mOnlyFromLocal = fromLocal;
// Runs in background thread
private Bitmap loadFaviconFromDb() {
ContentResolver resolver = sContext.getContentResolver();
return BrowserDB.getFaviconForFaviconUrl(resolver, mFaviconUrl);
// Runs in background thread
private void saveFaviconToDb(final Bitmap favicon) {
if ((mFlags & FLAG_PERSIST) == 0) {
ContentResolver resolver = sContext.getContentResolver();
BrowserDB.updateFaviconForUrl(resolver, mPageUrl, favicon, mFaviconUrl);
* Helper method for trying the download request to grab a Favicon.
* @param faviconURI URL of Favicon to try and download
* @return The HttpResponse containing the downloaded Favicon if successful, null otherwise.
private HttpResponse tryDownload(URI faviconURI) throws URISyntaxException, IOException {
HashSet<String> visitedLinkSet = new HashSet<String>();
return tryDownloadRecurse(faviconURI, visitedLinkSet);
private HttpResponse tryDownloadRecurse(URI faviconURI, HashSet<String> visited) throws URISyntaxException, IOException {
if (visited.size() == MAX_REDIRECTS_TO_FOLLOW) {
return null;
HttpGet request = new HttpGet(faviconURI);
HttpResponse response = sHttpClient.execute(request);
if (response == null) {
return null;
if (response.getStatusLine() != null) {
// Was the response a failure?
int status = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
// Handle HTTP status codes requesting a redirect.
if (status >= 300 && status < 400) {
Header header = response.getFirstHeader("Location");
// Handle mad webservers.
if (header == null) {
return null;
String newURI = header.getValue();
if (newURI == null || newURI.equals(faviconURI.toString())) {
return null;
if (visited.contains(newURI)) {
// Already been redirected here - abort.
return null;
return tryDownloadRecurse(new URI(newURI), visited);
if (status >= 400) {
return null;
return response;
* Retrieve the specified favicon from the JAR, returning null if it's not
* a JAR URI.
private static Bitmap fetchJARFavicon(String uri) {
if (uri == null) {
return null;
if (uri.startsWith("jar:jar:")) {
Log.d(LOGTAG, "Fetching favicon from JAR.");
try {
return GeckoJarReader.getBitmap(sContext.getResources(), uri);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Just about anything could happen here.
Log.w(LOGTAG, "Error fetching favicon from JAR.", e);
return null;
return null;
// Runs in background thread.
// Does not attempt to fetch from JARs.
private Bitmap downloadFavicon(URI targetFaviconURI) {
if (targetFaviconURI == null) {
return null;
// Only get favicons for HTTP/HTTPS.
String scheme = targetFaviconURI.getScheme();
if (!"http".equals(scheme) && !"https".equals(scheme)) {
return null;
Bitmap image = null;
// skia decoder sometimes returns null; workaround is to use BufferedHttpEntity
try {
// Try the URL we were given.
HttpResponse response = tryDownload(targetFaviconURI);
if (response == null) {
return null;
HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
if (entity == null) {
return null;
BufferedHttpEntity bufferedEntity = new BufferedHttpEntity(entity);
InputStream contentStream = null;
try {
contentStream = bufferedEntity.getContent();
image = BitmapUtils.decodeStream(contentStream);
} finally {
if (contentStream != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(LOGTAG, "Error reading favicon", e);
return image;
protected Bitmap doInBackground(Void... unused) {
if (isCancelled()) {
return null;
String storedFaviconUrl;
boolean isUsingDefaultURL = false;
// Handle the case of malformed favicon URL.
// If favicon is empty, fall back to the stored one.
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mFaviconUrl)) {
// Try to get the favicon URL from the memory cache.
storedFaviconUrl = Favicons.getFaviconURLForPageURLFromCache(mPageUrl);
// If that failed, try to get the URL from the database.
if (storedFaviconUrl == null) {
storedFaviconUrl = Favicons.getFaviconUrlForPageUrl(mPageUrl);
if (storedFaviconUrl != null) {
// If that succeeded, cache the URL loaded from the database in memory.
Favicons.putFaviconURLForPageURLInCache(mPageUrl, storedFaviconUrl);
// If we found a faviconURL - use it.
if (storedFaviconUrl != null) {
mFaviconUrl = storedFaviconUrl;
} else {
// If we don't have a stored one, fall back to the default.
mFaviconUrl = Favicons.guessDefaultFaviconURL(mPageUrl);
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mFaviconUrl)) {
return null;
isUsingDefaultURL = true;
// Check if favicon has failed - if so, give up. We need this check because, sometimes, we
// didn't know the real Favicon URL until we asked the database.
if (Favicons.isFailedFavicon(mFaviconUrl)) {
return null;
if (isCancelled()) {
return null;
Bitmap image;
// Determine if there is already an ongoing task to fetch the Favicon we desire.
// If there is, just join the queue and wait for it to finish. If not, we carry on.
synchronized(loadsInFlight) {
// Another load of the current Favicon is already underway
LoadFaviconTask existingTask = loadsInFlight.get(mFaviconUrl);
if (existingTask != null && !existingTask.isCancelled()) {
mIsChaining = true;
// If we are chaining, we want to keep the first task started to do this job as the one
// in the hashmap so subsequent tasks will add themselves to its chaining list.
return null;
// We do not want to update the hashmap if the task has chained - other tasks need to
// chain onto the same parent task.
loadsInFlight.put(mFaviconUrl, this);
if (isCancelled()) {
return null;
image = loadFaviconFromDb();
if (imageIsValid(image)) {
return image;
if (mOnlyFromLocal || isCancelled()) {
return null;
// Let's see if it's in a JAR.
image = fetchJARFavicon(mFaviconUrl);
if (image != null) {
// We don't want to put this into the DB.
return image;
try {
image = downloadFavicon(new URI(mFaviconUrl));
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
Log.e(LOGTAG, "The provided favicon URL is not valid");
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(LOGTAG, "Couldn't download favicon.", e);
if (imageIsValid(image)) {
return image;
if (isUsingDefaultURL) {
return null;
// If we're not already trying the default URL, try it now.
final String guessed = Favicons.guessDefaultFaviconURL(mPageUrl);
if (guessed == null) {
return null;
image = fetchJARFavicon(guessed);
if (imageIsValid(image)) {
// We don't want to put this into the DB.
return image;
try {
image = downloadFavicon(new URI(guessed));
} catch (Exception e) {
// Not interesting. It was an educated guess, anyway.
return null;
if (imageIsValid(image)) {
return image;
return null;
private static boolean imageIsValid(final Bitmap image) {
return image != null &&
image.getWidth() > 0 &&
image.getHeight() > 0;
protected void onPostExecute(Bitmap image) {
if (mIsChaining) {
// Put what we got in the memcache.
Favicons.putFaviconInMemCache(mFaviconUrl, image);
// Process the result, scale for the listener, etc.
synchronized (loadsInFlight) {
// Prevent any other tasks from chaining on this one.
// Since any update to mChainees is done while holding the loadsInFlight lock, once we reach
// this point no further updates to that list can possibly take place (As far as other tasks
// are concerned, there is no longer a task to chain from. The above block will have waited
// for any tasks that were adding themselves to the list before reaching this point.)
// As such, I believe we're safe to do the following without holding the lock.
// This is nice - we do not want to take the lock unless we have to anyway, and chaining rarely
// actually happens outside of the strange situations unit tests create.
// Share the result with all chained tasks.
if (mChainees != null) {
for (LoadFaviconTask t : mChainees) {
private void processResult(Bitmap image) {
Bitmap scaled = image;
// Notify listeners, scaling if required.
if (mTargetWidth != -1 && image != null && image.getWidth() != mTargetWidth) {
scaled = Favicons.getSizedFaviconFromCache(mFaviconUrl, mTargetWidth);
Favicons.dispatchResult(mPageUrl, mFaviconUrl, scaled, mListener);
protected void onCancelled() {
synchronized(loadsInFlight) {
// Only remove from the hashmap if the task there is the one that's being canceled.
// Cancellation of a task that would have chained is not interesting to the hashmap.
final LoadFaviconTask primary = loadsInFlight.get(mFaviconUrl);
if (primary == this) {
if (primary == null) {
// This shouldn't happen.
if (primary.mChainees != null) {
// Note that we don't call the listener callback if the
// favicon load is cancelled.
* When the result of this job is ready, also notify the chainee of the result.
* Used for aggregating concurrent requests for the same Favicon into a single actual request.
* (Don't want to download a hundred instances of Google's Favicon at once, for example).
* The loadsInFlight lock must be held when calling this function.
* @param aChainee LoadFaviconTask
private void chainTasks(LoadFaviconTask aChainee) {
if (mChainees == null) {
mChainees = new LinkedList<LoadFaviconTask>();
int getId() {
return mId;
static void closeHTTPClient() {
// This work must be done on a background thread because it shuts down
// the connection pool, which typically involves closing a connection --
// which counts as network activity.
if (ThreadUtils.isOnBackgroundThread()) {
if (sHttpClient != null) {
ThreadUtils.postToBackgroundThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {