
181 lines
7.2 KiB

/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
"use strict";
// Test that outerHTML editing keybindings work as expected and that *special*
// elements like <html>, <body> and <head> can be edited correctly.
const TEST_URL = "data:text/html," +
"<!DOCTYPE html>" +
"<head><meta charset='utf-8' /></head>" +
"<body>" +
"<div id=\"keyboard\"></div>" +
"</body>" +
const SELECTOR = "#keyboard";
const OLD_HTML = '<div id="keyboard"></div>';
const NEW_HTML = '<div id="keyboard">Edited</div>';
add_task(function*() {
let {inspector} = yield addTab(TEST_URL).then(openInspector);
info("Checking that pressing escape cancels edits");
yield testEscapeCancels(inspector);
info("Checking that pressing F2 commits edits");
yield testF2Commits(inspector);
info("Checking that editing the <body> element works like other nodes");
yield testBody(inspector);
info("Checking that editing the <head> element works like other nodes");
yield testHead(inspector);
info("Checking that editing the <html> element works like other nodes");
yield testDocumentElement(inspector);
info("Checking (again) that editing the <html> element works like other nodes");
yield testDocumentElement2(inspector);
function testEscapeCancels(inspector) {
let def = promise.defer();
let node = getNode(SELECTOR);
selectNode(SELECTOR, inspector).then(() => {
inspector.markup.htmlEditor.on("popupshown", function onPopupShown() {"popupshown", onPopupShown);
ok(inspector.markup.htmlEditor._visible, "HTML Editor is visible");
is(node.outerHTML, OLD_HTML, "The node is starting with old HTML.");
inspector.markup.htmlEditor.on("popuphidden", function onPopupHidden() {"popuphidden", onPopupHidden);
ok(!inspector.markup.htmlEditor._visible, "HTML Editor is not visible");
let node = getNode(SELECTOR);
is(node.outerHTML, OLD_HTML, "Escape cancels edits");
EventUtils.sendKey("ESCAPE", inspector.markup.htmlEditor.doc.defaultView);
EventUtils.sendKey("F2", inspector.markup._frame.contentWindow);
return def.promise;
function testF2Commits(inspector) {
let def = promise.defer();
let node = getNode(SELECTOR);
inspector.markup.htmlEditor.on("popupshown", function onPopupShown() {"popupshown", onPopupShown);
ok(inspector.markup.htmlEditor._visible, "HTML Editor is visible");
is(node.outerHTML, OLD_HTML, "The node is starting with old HTML.");
inspector.once("markupmutation", (e, aMutations) => {
ok(!inspector.markup.htmlEditor._visible, "HTML Editor is not visible");
let node = getNode(SELECTOR);
is(node.outerHTML, NEW_HTML, "F2 commits edits - the node has new HTML.");
EventUtils.sendKey("F2", inspector.markup._frame.contentWindow);
EventUtils.sendKey("F2", inspector.markup._frame.contentWindow);
return def.promise;
function* testBody(inspector) {
let body = getNode("body");
let bodyHTML = '<body id="updated"><p></p></body>';
let bodyFront = yield getNodeFront("body", inspector);
let doc = content.document;
let onReselected = inspector.markup.once("reselectedonremoved");
yield inspector.markup.updateNodeOuterHTML(bodyFront, bodyHTML, body.outerHTML);
yield onReselected;
is(getNode("body").outerHTML, bodyHTML, "<body> HTML has been updated");
is(doc.querySelectorAll("head").length, 1, "no extra <head>s have been added");
yield inspector.once("inspector-updated");
function* testHead(inspector) {
let head = getNode("head");
yield selectNode("head", inspector);
let headHTML = '<head id="updated"><title>New Title</title><script>"bar";</script></head>';
let headFront = yield getNodeFront("head", inspector);
let doc = content.document;
let onReselected = inspector.markup.once("reselectedonremoved");
yield inspector.markup.updateNodeOuterHTML(headFront, headHTML, head.outerHTML);
yield onReselected;
is(doc.title, "New Title", "New title has been added");
is(, undefined, "Script has not been executed");
is(doc.querySelector("head").outerHTML, headHTML, "<head> HTML has been updated");
is(doc.querySelectorAll("body").length, 1, "no extra <body>s have been added");
yield inspector.once("inspector-updated");
function* testDocumentElement(inspector) {
let doc = content.document;
let docElement = doc.documentElement;
let docElementHTML = '<html id="updated" foo="bar"><head><title>Updated from document element</title><script>"bar";</script></head><body><p>Hello</p></body></html>';
let docElementFront = yield inspector.markup.walker.documentElement();
let onReselected = inspector.markup.once("reselectedonremoved");
yield inspector.markup.updateNodeOuterHTML(docElementFront, docElementHTML, docElement.outerHTML);
yield onReselected;
is(doc.title, "Updated from document element", "New title has been added");
is(, undefined, "Script has not been executed");
is(, "updated", "<html> ID has been updated");
is(doc.documentElement.className, "", "<html> class has been updated");
is(doc.documentElement.getAttribute("foo"), "bar", "<html> attribute has been updated");
is(doc.documentElement.outerHTML, docElementHTML, "<html> HTML has been updated");
is(doc.querySelectorAll("head").length, 1, "no extra <head>s have been added");
is(doc.querySelectorAll("body").length, 1, "no extra <body>s have been added");
is(doc.body.textContent, "Hello", "document.body.textContent has been updated");
function* testDocumentElement2(inspector) {
let doc = content.document;
let docElement = doc.documentElement;
let docElementHTML = '<html class="updated" id="somethingelse"><head><title>Updated again from document element</title><script>"bar";</script></head><body><p>Hello again</p></body></html>';
let docElementFront = yield inspector.markup.walker.documentElement();
let onReselected = inspector.markup.once("reselectedonremoved");
inspector.markup.updateNodeOuterHTML(docElementFront, docElementHTML, docElement.outerHTML);
yield onReselected;
is(doc.title, "Updated again from document element", "New title has been added");
is(, undefined, "Script has not been executed");
is(, "somethingelse", "<html> ID has been updated");
is(doc.documentElement.className, "updated", "<html> class has been updated");
is(doc.documentElement.getAttribute("foo"), null, "<html> attribute has been removed");
is(doc.documentElement.outerHTML, docElementHTML, "<html> HTML has been updated");
is(doc.querySelectorAll("head").length, 1, "no extra <head>s have been added");
is(doc.querySelectorAll("body").length, 1, "no extra <body>s have been added");
is(doc.body.textContent, "Hello again", "document.body.textContent has been updated");