
132 lines
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<title>Test for HTMLContent element</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
<div id="grabme"></div>
<a target="_blank" href="">Bug 806506</a>
// Create a ShadowRoot and append some nodes, containing an insertion point with a universal selector.
var shadow = $("grabme").createShadowRoot();
shadow.innerHTML = '<span><content id="point"></content></span>';
// Get the insertion point from the ShadowRoot and check that child of host is distributed.
// Insertion point should match everything because the selector set is empty.
var insertionPoint = shadow.getElementById("point");
$("grabme").innerHTML = '<div id="distme"></div>';
var distNodes = insertionPoint.getDistributedNodes();
is(distNodes[0], $("distme"), "Child of bound content should be distributed into insertion point with universal selector.");
is(distNodes.length, 1, "Should only have one child distributed into insertion point.");
// Add another node to bound content and make sure that the node list is static and does not change.
var someSpan = document.createElement("span");
is(distNodes.length, 1, "NodeList from getDistributedNodes should be static.");
// Test content select.
$("grabme").innerHTML = '<div id="first" class="tall"></div><div id="second" class="skinny"></div>';
shadow.innerHTML = '<span><content select=".tall" id="point"></content></span>';
var insertionPoint = shadow.getElementById("point");
distNodes = insertionPoint.getDistributedNodes();
is(distNodes.length, 1, "Insertion point should only match element with the 'tall' class.");
is(distNodes[0], $("first"), "Insertion point should only match element with the 'tall' class.");
// Get rid of the select attribute and check that the insertion point matches everything.
is(insertionPoint.getDistributedNodes().length, 2, "After removing the 'select' attribute, the insertion point should match everything.");
// Set an invalid selector and make sure that nothing is matched.
insertionPoint.setAttribute("select", "div:first-child");
is(insertionPoint.getDistributedNodes().length, 0, "Invalid selectors should match nothing.");
// all compound selectors must only be permitted simple selectors.
insertionPoint.setAttribute("select", "div:first-child, span");
is(insertionPoint.getDistributedNodes().length, 0, "Invalid selectors should match nothing.");
// Test multiple compound selectors.
$("grabme").innerHTML = '<div id="first"></div><span id="second"></span><span data-match-me="pickme" id="third"></span>';
insertionPoint.setAttribute("select", "span[data-match-me=pickme], div");
distNodes = insertionPoint.getDistributedNodes();
is(distNodes.length, 2, "Insertion point selector should only match two nodes.");
is(distNodes[0], $("first"), "First child node should match selector.");
is(distNodes[1], $("third"), "Third child node should match selector.");
// Test select property = "#second, #third";
distNodes = insertionPoint.getDistributedNodes();
is(distNodes.length, 2, "Insertion point selector (set using property) should only match two nodes.");
is(distNodes[0], $("second"), "First child node should match selector.");
is(distNodes[1], $("third"), "Third child node should match selector.");
is(, "#second, #third", "select property should be transparent.");
// Empty set of selectors should match everything. = "";
is(insertionPoint.getDistributedNodes().length, 3, "Empty set of selectors (set using property) should match everything.");
// Remove insertion point and make sure that the point does not have any nodes distributed.
$("grabme").innerHTML = '<div></div><span></span>';
is(insertionPoint.getDistributedNodes().length, 2, "Insertion point with univeral selector should match two nodes.");
var insertionParent = insertionPoint.parentNode;
is(insertionPoint.getDistributedNodes().length, 0, "Insertion point should match no nodes after removal.");
is(insertionPoint.getDistributedNodes().length, 2, "Insertion point should match two nodes after appending.");
// Test multiple insertion points and check tree order distribution of points.
// Append two divs and three spans into host.
$("grabme").innerHTML = '<div></div><span></span><div></div><span></span><span></span>';
shadow.innerHTML = '<content select="div" id="divpoint"></content><content select="div, span" id="allpoint"></content>';
// Insertion point matching div
var divPoint = shadow.getElementById("divpoint");
// Insertion point matching span and div
var allPoint = shadow.getElementById("allpoint");
is(divPoint.getDistributedNodes().length, 2, "Two div nodes should be distributed into divPoint.");
is(allPoint.getDistributedNodes().length, 3, "Remaining nodes should be distributed into allPoint.");
is(divPoint.getDistributedNodes().length, 2, "Number of div distributed into insertion point should not change.");
is(allPoint.getDistributedNodes().length, 0, "Removed insertion point should not have any nodes.");
shadow.insertBefore(allPoint, divPoint);
is(allPoint.getDistributedNodes().length, 5, "allPoint should have nodes distributed before divPoint.");
is(divPoint.getDistributedNodes().length, 0, "divPoint should have no distributed nodes because they are all distributed to allPoint.");
// Make sure that fallback content are in the distributed nodes.
$("grabme").innerHTML = '<div id="one"></div><div id="two"></div>';
shadow.innerHTML = '<content select="#nothing" id="point"><span id="fallback"></span></content>';
insertionPoint = shadow.getElementById("point");
is(insertionPoint.getDistributedNodes().length, 1, "There should be one distributed node from fallback content.");
is(insertionPoint.getDistributedNodes()[0].id, "fallback", "Distributed node should be fallback content.");
$("grabme").innerHTML = '';
shadow.innerHTML = '<content select="div" id="point"><span id="one"></span><span id="two"></span></content>';
insertionPoint = shadow.getElementById("point");
// Make sure that two fallback nodes are distributed into the insertion point.
is(insertionPoint.getDistributedNodes().length, 2, "There should be two distributed nodes from fallback content.");
is(insertionPoint.getDistributedNodes()[0].id, "one", "First distributed node should have an ID of one.");
is(insertionPoint.getDistributedNodes()[1].id, "two", "Second distributed node should have an ID of two.");
// Append a node that gets matched by the insertion point, thus causing the fallback content to be removed.
var matchingDiv = document.createElement("div"); = "three";
is(insertionPoint.getDistributedNodes().length, 1, "There should be one node distributed from the host.");
is(insertionPoint.getDistributedNodes()[0].id, "three", "Node distriubted from host should have id of three.");
// Remove the matching node from the host and make sure that the fallback content gets distributed.
is(insertionPoint.getDistributedNodes().length, 2, "There should be two distributed nodes from fallback content.");
is(insertionPoint.getDistributedNodes()[0].id, "one", "First distributed node should have an ID of one.");
is(insertionPoint.getDistributedNodes()[1].id, "two", "Second distributed node should have an ID of two.");