
443 lines
14 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components;
const CLIENTS_TTL = 1814400; // 21 days
const CLIENTS_TTL_REFRESH = 604800; // 7 days
this.ClientsRec = function ClientsRec(collection, id) {, collection, id);
ClientsRec.prototype = {
__proto__: CryptoWrapper.prototype,
_logName: "Sync.Record.Clients",
Utils.deferGetSet(ClientsRec, "cleartext", ["name", "type", "commands"]);
this.ClientEngine = function ClientEngine(service) {, "Clients", service);
// Reset the client on every startup so that we fetch recent clients
ClientEngine.prototype = {
__proto__: SyncEngine.prototype,
_storeObj: ClientStore,
_recordObj: ClientsRec,
_trackerObj: ClientsTracker,
// Always sync client data as it controls other sync behavior
get enabled() true,
get lastRecordUpload() {
return Svc.Prefs.get( + ".lastRecordUpload", 0);
set lastRecordUpload(value) {
Svc.Prefs.set( + ".lastRecordUpload", Math.floor(value));
// Aggregate some stats on the composition of clients on this account
get stats() {
let stats = {
hasMobile: this.localType == "mobile",
names: [this.localName],
numClients: 1,
for each (let {name, type} in this._store._remoteClients) {
stats.hasMobile = stats.hasMobile || type == "mobile";
return stats;
get localID() {
// Generate a random GUID id we don't have one
let localID = Svc.Prefs.get("client.GUID", "");
return localID == "" ? this.localID = Utils.makeGUID() : localID;
set localID(value) Svc.Prefs.set("client.GUID", value),
get localName() {
let localName = Svc.Prefs.get("", "");
if (localName != "")
return localName;
// Generate a client name if we don't have a useful one yet
let env = Cc[";1"]
let user = env.get("USER") || env.get("USERNAME") ||
Svc.Prefs.get("account") || Svc.Prefs.get("username");
let appName;
let brand = new StringBundle("chrome://branding/locale/");
let brandName = brand.get("brandShortName");
try {
let syncStrings = new StringBundle("chrome://browser/locale/");
appName = syncStrings.getFormattedString("sync.defaultAccountApplication", [brandName]);
} catch (ex) {}
appName = appName || brandName;
let system =
// 'device' is defined on unix systems
Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIPropertyBag2).get("device") ||
// hostname of the system, usually assigned by the user or admin
Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIPropertyBag2).get("host") ||
// fall back on ua info string
return this.localName = Str.sync.get("client.name2", [user, appName, system]);
set localName(value) Svc.Prefs.set("", value),
get localType() Svc.Prefs.get("client.type", "desktop"),
set localType(value) Svc.Prefs.set("client.type", value),
isMobile: function isMobile(id) {
if (this._store._remoteClients[id])
return this._store._remoteClients[id].type == "mobile";
return false;
_syncStartup: function _syncStartup() {
// Reupload new client record periodically.
if ( / 1000 - this.lastRecordUpload > CLIENTS_TTL_REFRESH) {
this.lastRecordUpload = / 1000;
// Always process incoming items because they might have commands
_reconcile: function _reconcile() {
return true;
// Treat reset the same as wiping for locally cached clients
_resetClient: function _resetClient() this._wipeClient(),
_wipeClient: function _wipeClient() {;
removeClientData: function removeClientData() {
let res = this.service.resource(this.engineURL + "/" + this.localID);
// Override the default behavior to delete bad records from the server.
handleHMACMismatch: function handleHMACMismatch(item, mayRetry) {
this._log.debug("Handling HMAC mismatch for " +;
let base =, item, mayRetry);
if (base != SyncEngine.kRecoveryStrategy.error)
return base;
// It's a bad client record. Save it to be deleted at the end of the sync.
this._log.debug("Bad client record detected. Scheduling for deletion.");
// Neither try again nor error; we're going to delete it.
return SyncEngine.kRecoveryStrategy.ignore;
* A hash of valid commands that the client knows about. The key is a command
* and the value is a hash containing information about the command such as
* number of arguments and description.
_commands: {
resetAll: { args: 0, desc: "Clear temporary local data for all engines" },
resetEngine: { args: 1, desc: "Clear temporary local data for engine" },
wipeAll: { args: 0, desc: "Delete all client data for all engines" },
wipeEngine: { args: 1, desc: "Delete all client data for engine" },
logout: { args: 0, desc: "Log out client" },
displayURI: { args: 3, desc: "Instruct a client to display a URI" },
* Remove any commands for the local client and mark it for upload.
clearCommands: function clearCommands() {
delete this.localCommands;
* Sends a command+args pair to a specific client.
* @param command Command string
* @param args Array of arguments/data for command
* @param clientId Client to send command to
_sendCommandToClient: function sendCommandToClient(command, args, clientId) {
this._log.trace("Sending " + command + " to " + clientId);
let client = this._store._remoteClients[clientId];
if (!client) {
throw new Error("Unknown remote client ID: '" + clientId + "'.");
// notDupe compares two commands and returns if they are not equal.
let notDupe = function(other) {
return other.command != command || !Utils.deepEquals(other.args, args);
let action = {
command: command,
args: args,
if (!client.commands) {
client.commands = [action];
// Add the new action if there are no duplicates.
else if (client.commands.every(notDupe)) {
// It must be a dupe. Skip.
else {
this._log.trace("Client " + clientId + " got a new action: " + [command, args]);
* Check if the local client has any remote commands and perform them.
* @return false to abort sync
processIncomingCommands: function processIncomingCommands() {
return this._notify("clients:process-commands", "", function() {
let commands = this.localCommands;
// Immediately clear out the commands as we've got them locally.
// Process each command in order.
for each ({command: command, args: args} in commands) {
this._log.debug("Processing command: " + command + "(" + args + ")");
let engines = [args[0]];
switch (command) {
case "resetAll":
engines = null;
// Fallthrough
case "resetEngine":
case "wipeAll":
engines = null;
// Fallthrough
case "wipeEngine":
case "logout":
return false;
case "displayURI":
this._handleDisplayURI.apply(this, args);
this._log.debug("Received an unknown command: " + command);
return true;
* Validates and sends a command to a client or all clients.
* Calling this does not actually sync the command data to the server. If the
* client already has the command/args pair, it won't receive a duplicate
* command.
* @param command
* Command to invoke on remote clients
* @param args
* Array of arguments to give to the command
* @param clientId
* Client ID to send command to. If undefined, send to all remote
* clients.
sendCommand: function sendCommand(command, args, clientId) {
let commandData = this._commands[command];
// Don't send commands that we don't know about.
if (!commandData) {
this._log.error("Unknown command to send: " + command);
// Don't send a command with the wrong number of arguments.
else if (!args || args.length != commandData.args) {
this._log.error("Expected " + commandData.args + " args for '" +
command + "', but got " + args);
if (clientId) {
this._sendCommandToClient(command, args, clientId);
} else {
for (let id in this._store._remoteClients) {
this._sendCommandToClient(command, args, id);
* Send a URI to another client for display.
* A side effect is the score is increased dramatically to incur an
* immediate sync.
* If an unknown client ID is specified, sendCommand() will throw an
* Error object.
* @param uri
* URI (as a string) to send and display on the remote client
* @param clientId
* ID of client to send the command to. If not defined, will be sent
* to all remote clients.
* @param title
* Title of the page being sent.
sendURIToClientForDisplay: function sendURIToClientForDisplay(uri, clientId, title) {"Sending URI to client: " + uri + " -> " +
clientId + " (" + title + ")");
this.sendCommand("displayURI", [uri, this.localID, title], clientId);
this._tracker.score += SCORE_INCREMENT_XLARGE;
* Handle a single received 'displayURI' command.
* Interested parties should observe the "weave:engine:clients:display-uri"
* topic. The callback will receive an object as the subject parameter with
* the following keys:
* uri URI (string) that is requested for display.
* clientId ID of client that sent the command.
* title Title of page that loaded URI (likely) corresponds to.
* The 'data' parameter to the callback will not be defined.
* @param uri
* String URI that was received
* @param clientId
* ID of client that sent URI
* @param title
* String title of page that URI corresponds to. Older clients may not
* send this.
_handleDisplayURI: function _handleDisplayURI(uri, clientId, title) {"Received a URI for display: " + uri + " (" + title +
") from " + clientId);
let subject = {uri: uri, client: clientId, title: title};
Svc.Obs.notify("weave:engine:clients:display-uri", subject);
function ClientStore(name, engine) {, name, engine);
ClientStore.prototype = {
__proto__: Store.prototype,
create: function create(record) this.update(record),
update: function update(record) {
// Only grab commands from the server; local name/type always wins
if ( == this.engine.localID)
this.engine.localCommands = record.commands;
this._remoteClients[] = record.cleartext;
createRecord: function createRecord(id, collection) {
let record = new ClientsRec(collection, id);
// Package the individual components into a record for the local client
if (id == this.engine.localID) { = this.engine.localName;
record.type = this.engine.localType;
record.commands = this.engine.localCommands;
record.cleartext = this._remoteClients[id];
return record;
itemExists: function itemExists(id) id in this.getAllIDs(),
getAllIDs: function getAllIDs() {
let ids = {};
ids[this.engine.localID] = true;
for (let id in this._remoteClients)
ids[id] = true;
return ids;
wipe: function wipe() {
this._remoteClients = {};
function ClientsTracker(name, engine) {, name, engine);
Svc.Obs.add("weave:engine:start-tracking", this);
Svc.Obs.add("weave:engine:stop-tracking", this);
ClientsTracker.prototype = {
__proto__: Tracker.prototype,
_enabled: false,
observe: function observe(subject, topic, data) {
switch (topic) {
case "weave:engine:start-tracking":
if (!this._enabled) {
Svc.Prefs.observe("", this);
this._enabled = true;
case "weave:engine:stop-tracking":
if (this._enabled) {
Svc.Prefs.ignore("", this);
this._enabled = false;
case "nsPref:changed":
this._log.debug(" preference changed");