Boris Zbarsky ac7e3e09f9 Bug 796983 part 2. Add a way to generate an example class declaration for a given WebIDL interface. r=jst
We mark constructors as static in the parser because they are.  This
allows us to just use the isStatic() for the IDLMember to mark our
declarations static.

To generate an example interface implementation, just "make
interfacename-example" in $objdir/dom/bindings.  This will place files
called interfacename-example.h and interfacename-example.cpp in that
directory.  For example, "make XMLHttpRequest-example" will get you
$objdir/dom/bindings/XMLHttpRequest-example.h and

Attribute getters currently default to const methods, while setters
and operations default to non-const methods.

rename : dom/bindings/ => dom/bindings/
2012-10-17 17:01:55 -04:00

76 lines
4.0 KiB

import WebIDL
def WebIDLTest(parser, harness):
def checkArgument(argument, QName, name, type, optional, variadic):
harness.ok(isinstance(argument, WebIDL.IDLArgument),
"Should be an IDLArgument")
harness.check(argument.identifier.QName(), QName, "Argument has the right QName")
harness.check(, name, "Argument has the right name")
harness.check(str(argument.type), type, "Argument has the right return type")
harness.check(argument.optional, optional, "Argument has the right optional value")
harness.check(argument.variadic, variadic, "Argument has the right variadic value")
def checkMethod(method, QName, name, signatures,
static=True, getter=False, setter=False, creator=False,
deleter=False, legacycaller=False, stringifier=False):
harness.ok(isinstance(method, WebIDL.IDLMethod),
"Should be an IDLMethod")
harness.ok(method.isMethod(), "Method is a method")
harness.ok(not method.isAttr(), "Method is not an attr")
harness.ok(not method.isConst(), "Method is not a const")
harness.check(method.identifier.QName(), QName, "Method has the right QName")
harness.check(, name, "Method has the right name")
harness.check(method.isStatic(), static, "Method has the correct static value")
harness.check(method.isGetter(), getter, "Method has the correct getter value")
harness.check(method.isSetter(), setter, "Method has the correct setter value")
harness.check(method.isCreator(), creator, "Method has the correct creator value")
harness.check(method.isDeleter(), deleter, "Method has the correct deleter value")
harness.check(method.isLegacycaller(), legacycaller, "Method has the correct legacycaller value")
harness.check(method.isStringifier(), stringifier, "Method has the correct stringifier value")
harness.check(len(method.signatures()), len(signatures), "Method has the correct number of signatures")
sigpairs = zip(method.signatures(), signatures)
for (gotSignature, expectedSignature) in sigpairs:
(gotRetType, gotArgs) = gotSignature
(expectedRetType, expectedArgs) = expectedSignature
harness.check(str(gotRetType), expectedRetType,
"Method has the expected return type.")
for i in range(0, len(gotArgs)):
(QName, name, type, optional, variadic) = expectedArgs[i]
checkArgument(gotArgs[i], QName, name, type, optional, variadic)
interface TestConstructorNoArgs {
[Constructor(DOMString name)]
interface TestConstructorWithArgs {
[Constructor(object foo), Constructor(boolean bar)]
interface TestConstructorOverloads {
results = parser.finish()
harness.check(len(results), 3, "Should be two productions")
harness.ok(isinstance(results[0], WebIDL.IDLInterface),
"Should be an IDLInterface")
harness.ok(isinstance(results[1], WebIDL.IDLInterface),
"Should be an IDLInterface")
checkMethod(results[0].ctor(), "::TestConstructorNoArgs::constructor",
"constructor", [("TestConstructorNoArgs (Wrapper)", [])])
checkMethod(results[1].ctor(), "::TestConstructorWithArgs::constructor",
[("TestConstructorWithArgs (Wrapper)",
[("::TestConstructorWithArgs::constructor::name", "name", "String", False, False)])])
checkMethod(results[2].ctor(), "::TestConstructorOverloads::constructor",
[("TestConstructorOverloads (Wrapper)",
[("::TestConstructorOverloads::constructor::foo", "foo", "Object", False, False)]),
("TestConstructorOverloads (Wrapper)",
[("::TestConstructorOverloads::constructor::bar", "bar", "Boolean", False, False)])])