
417 lines
12 KiB

"use strict";
// Fix the environment to run Contacts tests
if (SpecialPowers.isMainProcess()) {
SpecialPowers.addPermission("contacts-write", true, document);
SpecialPowers.addPermission("contacts-read", true, document);
SpecialPowers.addPermission("contacts-create", true, document);
// Some helpful global vars
var isAndroid = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Android") !== -1);
var defaultOptions = {
sortBy: "givenName",
var mozContacts = navigator.mozContacts;
// To test sorting
var c1 = {
name: ["a a"],
familyName: ["a"],
givenName: ["a"],
var c2 = {
name: ["b b"],
familyName: ["b"],
givenName: ["b"],
var c3 = {
name: ["c c", "a a", "b b"],
familyName: ["c","a","b"],
givenName: ["c","a","b"],
var c4 = {
name: ["c c", "a a", "c c"],
familyName: ["c","a","c"],
givenName: ["c","a","c"],
var c5 = {
familyName: [],
givenName: [],
var c6 = {
name: ["e"],
familyName: ["e","e","e"],
givenName: ["e","e","e"],
var c7 = {
name: ["e"],
familyName: ["e","e","e"],
givenName: ["e","e","e"],
var c8 = {
name: ["e"],
familyName: ["e","e","e"],
givenName: ["e","e","e"],
var adr1 = {
type: ["work"],
streetAddress: "street 1",
locality: "locality 1",
region: "region 1",
postalCode: "postal code 1",
countryName: "country 1"
var adr2 = {
type: ["home, fax"],
streetAddress: "street2",
locality: "locality2",
region: "region2",
postalCode: "postal code2",
countryName: "country2"
var properties1 = {
// please keep capital letters at the start of these names
name: ["Test1 TestFamilyName", "Test2 Wagner"],
familyName: ["TestFamilyName","Wagner"],
givenName: ["Test1","Test2"],
nickname: ["nicktest"],
tel: [{type: ["work"], value: "123456", carrier: "testCarrier"} , {type: ["home", "fax"], value: "+55 (31) 9876-3456"}, {type: ["home"], value: "+49 451 491934"}],
adr: [adr1],
email: [{type: ["work"], value: ""}],
var properties2 = {
name: ["dummyHonorificPrefix dummyGivenName dummyFamilyName dummyHonorificSuffix", "dummyHonorificPrefix2"],
familyName: ["dummyFamilyName"],
givenName: ["dummyGivenName"],
honorificPrefix: ["dummyHonorificPrefix","dummyHonorificPrefix2"],
honorificSuffix: ["dummyHonorificSuffix"],
additionalName: ["dummyadditionalName"],
nickname: ["dummyNickname"],
tel: [{type: ["test"], value: "7932012345", carrier: "myCarrier", pref: 1},{type: ["home", "custom"], value: "7932012346", pref: 0}],
email: [{type: ["test"], value: "a@b.c"}, {value: "b@c.d", pref: 1}],
adr: [adr1, adr2],
impp: [{type: ["aim"], value:"im1", pref: 1}, {value: "im2"}],
org: ["org1", "org2"],
jobTitle: ["boss", "superboss"],
note: ["test note"],
category: ["cat1", "cat2"],
url: [{type: ["work", "work2"], value: "", pref: 1}, {value:""}],
bday: new Date("1980, 12, 01"),
anniversary: new Date("2000, 12, 01"),
sex: "male",
genderIdentity: "test",
key: ["ERPJ394GJJWEVJ0349GJ09W3H4FG0WFW80VHW3408GH30WGH348G3H"]
var sample_id1;
var sample_id2;
var createResult1;
var createResult2;
var findResult1;
var findResult2;
// DOMRequest helper functions
function onUnwantedSuccess() {
ok(false, "onUnwantedSuccess: shouldn't get here");
function onFailure() {
ok(false, "in on Failure!");
// Validation helper functions
function checkStr(str1, str2, msg) {
if (str1 ^ str2) {
ok(false, "Expected both strings to be either present or absent");
if (!str1 || str1 == "null") {
str1 = null;
if (!str2 || str2 == "null") {
str2 = null;
is(str1, str2, msg);
function checkStrArray(str1, str2, msg) {
function normalize_falsy(v) {
if (!v || v == "null" || v == "undefined") {
return "";
return v;
function optArray(val) {
return Array.isArray(val) ? val : [val];
str1 = optArray(str1).map(normalize_falsy).filter(v => v != "");
str2 = optArray(str2).map(normalize_falsy).filter(v => v != "");
ise(JSON.stringify(str1), JSON.stringify(str2), msg);
function checkPref(pref1, pref2) {
// If on Android treat one preference as 0 and the other as undefined as matching
if (isAndroid) {
if ((!pref1 && pref2 == undefined) || (pref1 == undefined && !pref2)) {
pref1 = false;
pref2 = false;
ise(!!pref1, !!pref2, "Same pref");
function checkAddress(adr1, adr2) {
if (adr1 ^ adr2) {
ok(false, "Expected both adrs to be either present or absent");
checkStrArray(adr1.type, adr2.type, "Same type");
checkStr(adr1.streetAddress, adr2.streetAddress, "Same streetAddress");
checkStr(adr1.locality, adr2.locality, "Same locality");
checkStr(adr1.region, adr2.region, "Same region");
checkStr(adr1.postalCode, adr2.postalCode, "Same postalCode");
checkStr(adr1.countryName, adr2.countryName, "Same countryName");
checkPref(adr1.pref, adr2.pref);
function checkField(field1, field2) {
if (field1 ^ field2) {
ok(false, "Expected both fields to be either present or absent");
checkStrArray(field1.type, field2.type, "Same type");
checkStr(field1.value, field2.value, "Same value");
checkPref(field1.pref, field2.pref);
function checkTel(tel1, tel2) {
if (tel1 ^ tel2) {
ok(false, "Expected both tels to be either present or absent");
checkField(tel1, tel2);
checkStr(tel1.carrier, tel2.carrier, "Same carrier");
function checkCategory(category1, category2) {
// Android adds contacts to the a default category. This should be removed from the
// results before comparing them
if (isAndroid) {
category1 = removeAndroidDefaultCategory(category1);
category2 = removeAndroidDefaultCategory(category2);
checkStrArray(category1, category2, "Same Category")
function removeAndroidDefaultCategory(category) {
if (!category) {
return category;
var result = [];
for (var i of category) {
// Some devices may return the full group name (prefixed with "System Group: ")
if (i != "My Contacts" && i != "System Group: My Contacts") {
return result;
function checkArrayField(array1, array2, func, msg) {
if (!!array1 ^ !!array2) {
ok(false, "Expected both arrays to be either present or absent: " + JSON.stringify(array1) + " vs. " + JSON.stringify(array2) + ". (" + msg + ")");
if (!array1 && !array2) {
ok(true, msg);
ise(array1.length, array2.length, "Same length");
for (var i = 0; i < array1.length; ++i) {
func(array1[i], array2[i], msg);
function checkContacts(contact1, contact2) {
if (!!contact1 ^ !!contact2) {
ok(false, "Expected both contacts to be either present or absent");
checkStrArray(,, "Same name");
checkStrArray(contact1.honorificPrefix, contact2.honorificPrefix, "Same honorificPrefix");
checkStrArray(contact1.givenName, contact2.givenName, "Same givenName");
checkStrArray(contact1.additionalName, contact2.additionalName, "Same additionalName");
checkStrArray(contact1.familyName, contact2.familyName, "Same familyName");
checkStrArray(contact1.honorificSuffix, contact2.honorificSuffix, "Same honorificSuffix");
checkStrArray(contact1.nickname, contact2.nickname, "Same nickname");
checkCategory(contact1.category, contact2.category);
checkStrArray(,, "Same org");
checkStrArray(contact1.jobTitle, contact2.jobTitle, "Same jobTitle");
is(contact1.bday ? contact1.bday.valueOf() : null, contact2.bday ? contact2.bday.valueOf() : null, "Same birthday");
checkStrArray(contact1.note, contact2.note, "Same note");
is(contact1.anniversary ? contact1.anniversary.valueOf() : null , contact2.anniversary ? contact2.anniversary.valueOf() : null, "Same anniversary");
checkStr(,, "Same sex");
checkStr(contact1.genderIdentity, contact2.genderIdentity, "Same genderIdentity");
checkStrArray(contact1.key, contact2.key, "Same key");
checkArrayField(contact1.adr, contact2.adr, checkAddress, "Same adr");
checkArrayField(,, checkTel, "Same tel");
checkArrayField(,, checkField, "Same email");
checkArrayField(contact1.url, contact2.url, checkField, "Same url");
checkArrayField(contact1.impp, contact2.impp, checkField, "Same impp");
function addContacts() {
ok(true, "Adding 40 contacts");
let req;
for (let i = 0; i < 39; ++i) {
properties1.familyName[0] = "Testname" + (i < 10 ? "0" + i : i); = [properties1.givenName[0] + " " + properties1.familyName[0]];
createResult1 = new mozContact(properties1);
req =;
req.onsuccess = function() {
ok(, "The contact now has an ID.");
req.onerror = onFailure;
properties1.familyName[0] = "Testname39"; = [properties1.givenName[0] + " Testname39"];
createResult1 = new mozContact(properties1);
req =;
req.onsuccess = function() {
ok(, "The contact now has an ID.");
checkStrArray(,, "Same Name");
req.onerror = onFailure;
function getOne(msg) {
return function() {
ok(true, msg || "Retrieving one contact with getAll");
let req = mozContacts.getAll({});
let count = 0;
req.onsuccess = function(event) {
ok(true, "on success");
if (req.result) {
ok(true, "result is valid");
} else {
is(count, 1, "last contact - only one contact returned");
req.onerror = onFailure;
function getAll(msg) {
return function() {
ok(true, msg || "Retrieving 40 contacts with getAll");
let req = mozContacts.getAll({
sortBy: "familyName",
sortOrder: "ascending"
let count = 0;
let result;
let props;
req.onsuccess = function(event) {
if (req.result) {
ok(true, "result is valid");
result = req.result;
properties1.familyName[0] = "Testname" + (count < 10 ? "0" + count : count);
is(result.familyName[0], properties1.familyName[0], "Same familyName");
} else {
is(count, 40, "last contact - 40 contacts returned");
req.onerror = onFailure;
function clearTemps() {
sample_id1 = null;
sample_id2 = null;
createResult1 = null;
createResult2 = null;
findResult1 = null;
findResult2 = null;
function clearDatabase() {
ok(true, "Deleting database");
let req = mozContacts.clear()
req.onsuccess = function () {
ok(true, "Deleted the database");
req.onerror = onFailure;
function checkCount(count, msg, then) {
var request = mozContacts.getCount();
request.onsuccess = function(e) {
is(, count, msg);
request.onerror = onFailure;
// Helper functions to run tests
var index = 0;
function next() {
ok(true, "Begin!");
if (index >= steps.length) {
ok(false, "Shouldn't get here!");
try {
var i = index++;
} catch(ex) {
ok(false, "Caught exception", ex);
function start_tests() {
// Skip tests on Android < 4.0 due to test failures on tbpl (see bugs 897924 & 888891)
let androidVersion = SpecialPowers.Cc[';1']
if (!isAndroid || androidVersion >= 14) {
} else {
ok(true, "Skip tests on Android < 4.0 (bugs 897924 & 888891");