
260 lines
10 KiB

def firstArgType(method):
return method.signatures()[0][1][0].type
def WebIDLTest(parser, harness):
dictionary Dict {
callback interface Foo {
interface Bar {
// Bit of a pain to get things that have dictionary types
void passDict(optional Dict arg);
void passFoo(Foo arg);
void passNullableUnion((object? or DOMString) arg);
void passNullable(Foo? arg);
results = parser.finish()
iface = results[2]
harness.ok(iface.isInterface(), "Should have interface")
dictMethod = iface.members[0]
ifaceMethod = iface.members[1]
nullableUnionMethod = iface.members[2]
nullableIfaceMethod = iface.members[3]
dictType = firstArgType(dictMethod)
ifaceType = firstArgType(ifaceMethod)
harness.ok(dictType.isDictionary(), "Should have dictionary type");
harness.ok(ifaceType.isInterface(), "Should have interface type");
harness.ok(ifaceType.isCallbackInterface(), "Should have callback interface type");
harness.ok(not dictType.isDistinguishableFrom(ifaceType),
"Dictionary not distinguishable from callback interface")
harness.ok(not ifaceType.isDistinguishableFrom(dictType),
"Callback interface not distinguishable from dictionary")
nullableUnionType = firstArgType(nullableUnionMethod)
nullableIfaceType = firstArgType(nullableIfaceMethod)
harness.ok(nullableUnionType.isUnion(), "Should have union type");
harness.ok(nullableIfaceType.isInterface(), "Should have interface type");
harness.ok(nullableIfaceType.nullable(), "Should have nullable type");
harness.ok(not nullableUnionType.isDistinguishableFrom(nullableIfaceType),
"Nullable type not distinguishable from union with nullable "
"member type")
harness.ok(not nullableIfaceType.isDistinguishableFrom(nullableUnionType),
"Union with nullable member type not distinguishable from "
"nullable type")
parser = parser.reset()
interface TestIface {
void passKid(Kid arg);
void passParent(Parent arg);
void passGrandparent(Grandparent arg);
void passImplemented(Implemented arg);
void passImplementedParent(ImplementedParent arg);
void passUnrelated1(Unrelated1 arg);
void passUnrelated2(Unrelated2 arg);
void passArrayBuffer(ArrayBuffer arg);
void passArrayBuffer(ArrayBufferView arg);
interface Kid : Parent {};
interface Parent : Grandparent {};
interface Grandparent {};
interface Implemented : ImplementedParent {};
Parent implements Implemented;
interface ImplementedParent {};
interface Unrelated1 {};
interface Unrelated2 {};
results = parser.finish()
iface = results[0]
harness.ok(iface.isInterface(), "Should have interface")
argTypes = [firstArgType(method) for method in iface.members]
unrelatedTypes = [firstArgType(method) for method in iface.members[-3:]]
for type1 in argTypes:
for type2 in argTypes:
distinguishable = (type1 is not type2 and
(type1 in unrelatedTypes or
type2 in unrelatedTypes))
"Type %s should %sbe distinguishable from type %s" %
(type1, "" if distinguishable else "not ", type2))
"Type %s should %sbe distinguishable from type %s" %
(type2, "" if distinguishable else "not ", type1))
parser = parser.reset()
interface Dummy {};
interface TestIface {
void method(long arg1, TestIface arg2);
void method(long arg1, long arg2);
void method(long arg1, Dummy arg2);
void method(DOMString arg1, DOMString arg2, DOMString arg3);
results = parser.finish()
harness.check(len(results[1].members), 1,
"Should look like we have one method")
harness.check(len(results[1].members[0].signatures()), 4,
"Should have four signatures")
parser = parser.reset()
threw = False
interface Dummy {};
interface TestIface {
void method(long arg1, TestIface arg2);
void method(long arg1, long arg2);
void method(any arg1, Dummy arg2);
void method(DOMString arg1, DOMString arg2, DOMString arg3);
results = parser.finish()
threw = True
"Should throw when args before the distinguishing arg are not "
"all the same type")
parser = parser.reset()
threw = False
interface Dummy {};
interface TestIface {
void method(long arg1, TestIface arg2);
void method(long arg1, long arg2);
void method(any arg1, DOMString arg2);
void method(DOMString arg1, DOMString arg2, DOMString arg3);
results = parser.finish()
threw = True
harness.ok(threw, "Should throw when there is no distinguishing index")
# Now let's test our whole distinguishability table
argTypes = [ "long", "short", "long?", "short?", "DOMString", "Enum",
"Enum2", "Interface", "Interface?",
"AncestorInterface", "UnrelatedInterface",
"ImplementedInterface", "CallbackInterface",
"CallbackInterface?", "CallbackInterface2",
"object", "Callback", "Callback2", "optional Dict",
"optional Dict2", "sequence<long>", "sequence<short>",
"long[]", "short[]", "Date", "Date?" ]
# When we can parse Date and RegExp, we need to add them here.
# Try to categorize things a bit to keep list lengths down
def allBut(list1, list2):
return [a for a in list1 if a not in list2]
primitives = [ "long", "short", "long?", "short?", "DOMString",
"Enum", "Enum2" ]
nonPrimitives = allBut(argTypes, primitives)
interfaces = [ "Interface", "Interface?", "AncestorInterface",
"UnrelatedInterface", "ImplementedInterface" ]
nullables = ["long?", "short?", "Interface?", "CallbackInterface?",
"optional Dict", "optional Dict2", "Date?"]
dates = [ "Date", "Date?" ]
nonUserObjects = primitives + interfaces + dates
otherObjects = allBut(argTypes, nonUserObjects + ["object"])
notRelatedInterfaces = primitives + ["UnrelatedInterface"] + otherObjects + dates
# Build a representation of the distinguishability table as a dict
# of dicts, holding True values where needed, holes elsewhere.
data = dict();
for type in argTypes:
data[type] = dict()
def setDistinguishable(type, types):
for other in types:
data[type][other] = True
setDistinguishable("long", nonPrimitives)
setDistinguishable("short", nonPrimitives)
setDistinguishable("long?", allBut(nonPrimitives, nullables))
setDistinguishable("short?", allBut(nonPrimitives, nullables))
setDistinguishable("DOMString", nonPrimitives)
setDistinguishable("Enum", nonPrimitives)
setDistinguishable("Enum2", nonPrimitives)
setDistinguishable("Interface", notRelatedInterfaces)
setDistinguishable("Interface?", allBut(notRelatedInterfaces, nullables))
setDistinguishable("AncestorInterface", notRelatedInterfaces)
allBut(argTypes, ["object", "UnrelatedInterface"]))
setDistinguishable("ImplementedInterface", notRelatedInterfaces)
setDistinguishable("CallbackInterface", nonUserObjects)
setDistinguishable("CallbackInterface?", allBut(nonUserObjects, nullables))
setDistinguishable("CallbackInterface2", nonUserObjects)
setDistinguishable("object", primitives)
setDistinguishable("Callback", nonUserObjects)
setDistinguishable("Callback2", nonUserObjects)
setDistinguishable("optional Dict", allBut(nonUserObjects, nullables))
setDistinguishable("optional Dict2", allBut(nonUserObjects, nullables))
setDistinguishable("sequence<long>", nonUserObjects)
setDistinguishable("sequence<short>", nonUserObjects)
setDistinguishable("long[]", nonUserObjects)
setDistinguishable("short[]", nonUserObjects)
setDistinguishable("Date", allBut(argTypes, dates + ["object"]))
setDistinguishable("Date?", allBut(argTypes, dates + nullables + ["object"]))
def areDistinguishable(type1, type2):
return data[type1].get(type2, False)
def checkDistinguishability(parser, type1, type2):
idlTemplate = """
enum Enum { "a", "b" };
enum Enum2 { "c", "d" };
interface Interface : AncestorInterface {};
interface AncestorInterface {};
interface UnrelatedInterface {};
interface ImplementedInterface {};
Interface implements ImplementedInterface;
callback interface CallbackInterface {};
callback interface CallbackInterface2 {};
callback Callback = any();
callback Callback2 = long(short arg);
dictionary Dict {};
dictionary Dict2 {};
interface TestInterface {%s
methodTemplate = """
void myMethod(%s arg);"""
methods = (methodTemplate % type1) + (methodTemplate % type2)
idl = idlTemplate % methods
parser = parser.reset()
threw = False
results = parser.finish()
threw = True
if areDistinguishable(type1, type2):
harness.ok(not threw,
"Should not throw for '%s' and '%s' because they are distinguishable" % (type1, type2))
"Should throw for '%s' and '%s' because they are not distinguishable" % (type1, type2))
# Enumerate over everything in both orders, since order matters in
# terms of our implementation of distinguishability checks
for type1 in argTypes:
for type2 in argTypes:
checkDistinguishability(parser, type1, type2)