
427 lines
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// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// % Project : GUSI - Grand Unified Socket Interface
// % File : GUSIOpenTransport.nw- OpenTransport sockets
// % Author : Matthias Neeracher
// % Language : C++
// %
// % $Log: GUSIOpenTransport.h,v $
// % Revision 1.2 2006/11/01 23:02:18
// % Bug 106386 Correct misspellings in source code
// %, rs=brendan
// %
// % Revision 1.1 2001/03/11 22:37:24
// % First Checked In.
// %
// % Revision 1.18 2001/01/17 08:58:06 neeri
// % Releasing 2.1.4
// %
// % Revision 1.17 2000/10/16 04:07:23 neeri
// % Fix accept code
// %
// % Revision 1.16 2000/06/01 06:31:10 neeri
// % Reset shutdown flags on connect, refine test for data available, fix memory leak in UDP sendto
// %
// % Revision 1.15 2000/05/23 07:13:19 neeri
// % Improve formatting, implement immediate close and sorrect linger handling
// %
// % Revision 1.14 2000/03/15 07:19:53 neeri
// % Fix numerous race conditions
// %
// % Revision 1.13 2000/03/06 06:10:01 neeri
// % Reorganize Yield()
// %
// % Revision 1.12 1999/12/14 06:28:29 neeri
// % Read pending data while closing
// %
// % Revision 1.11 1999/12/13 02:44:19 neeri
// % Fix SO_LINGER, read results for disconnected sockets
// %
// % Revision 1.10 1999/10/15 02:48:50 neeri
// % Make disconnects orderly
// %
// % Revision 1.9 1999/09/09 07:20:29 neeri
// % Fix numerous bugs, add support for interface ioctls
// %
// % Revision 1.8 1999/09/03 06:31:36 neeri
// % Needed more mopups
// %
// % Revision 1.7 1999/08/26 05:43:09 neeri
// % Supply missing Unbind
// %
// % Revision 1.6 1999/08/02 07:02:45 neeri
// % Support for asynchronous errors and other socket options
// %
// % Revision 1.5 1999/07/19 06:17:44 neeri
// % Fix nonblocking connect
// %
// % Revision 1.4 1999/06/28 06:04:59 neeri
// % Support interrupted calls
// %
// % Revision 1.3 1999/05/30 03:06:41 neeri
// % MPW compiler compatibility, fix select for datagram sockets
// %
// % Revision 1.2 1999/04/29 05:33:19 neeri
// % Fix fcntl prototype
// %
// % Revision 1.1 1999/03/17 09:05:11 neeri
// % Added GUSITimer, expanded docs
// %
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// \chapter{Open Transport socket infrastructure}
// A [[GUSIOTSocket]] defines a class of Open Transport sockets. Since most
// families differ only in a few details, like address representation, we
// abstract the typical differences in a strategy class [[GUSIOTStrategy]].
// <GUSIOpenTransport.h>=
#ifndef _GUSIOpenTransport_
#define _GUSIOpenTransport_
#include "GUSISocket.h"
#include "GUSISocketMixins.h"
#include "GUSIFactory.h"
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#undef O_ASYNC
#undef O_NDELAY
#undef SIGHUP
#undef SIGURG
#undef AF_INET
#include <OpenTransport.h>
#include <OpenTptInternet.h>
// \section{Definition of [[GUSIOTStrategy]]}
// A [[GUSIOTStrategy]] contains all the tricky parts of each Open Transport
// family.
// <Definition of class [[GUSIOTStrategy]]>=
class GUSIOTStrategy {
// [[CreateConfiguration]] creates an appropriate [[OTConfiguration]]. This
// method is not virtual, as it relies on the strategy method
// [[ConfigPath]].
// <Strategic interfaces for [[GUSIOTStrategy]]>=
OTConfiguration * CreateConfiguration();
// [[PackAddress]] converts a socket address into an OT address, and
// [[UnpackAddress]] performs the reverse step. [[CopyAddress]] copies an address.
// <Strategic interfaces for [[GUSIOTStrategy]]>=
virtual int PackAddress(
const void * address, socklen_t len, TNetbuf & addr, bool non_null = false) = 0;
virtual int UnpackAddress(const TNetbuf & addr, void * address, socklen_t * len) = 0;
virtual int CopyAddress(const TNetbuf & from, TNetbuf & to);
// [[EndpointInfo]] returns a data structure storing endpoint parameters. We only
// need one copy per socket type.
// <Strategic interfaces for [[GUSIOTStrategy]]>=
TEndpointInfo * EndpointInfo() { return &fEndpointInfo; }
// <Privatissima of [[GUSIOTStrategy]]>=
virtual const char * ConfigPath() = 0;
// <Privatissima of [[GUSIOTStrategy]]>=
TEndpointInfo fEndpointInfo;
// \section{Implementation of [[GUSIOTStrategy]]}
// [[GUSIOTStrategy]] is mostly abstract, except for the [[CreateConfiguration]]
// and [[CopyAddress]] methods.
// <Privatissima of [[GUSIOTStrategy]]>=
OTConfiguration * fConfig;
GUSIOTStrategy() : fConfig(nil) {}
virtual ~GUSIOTStrategy();
// \section{Definition of [[GUSIOTFactory]] and descendants}
// A [[GUSIOTFactory]] is an abstract class combining a socket creation
// mechanism with a strategy instance. To clarify our intent, we isolate
// the latter in [[GUSIOTStrategy]].
// <Definition of class [[GUSIOTFactory]]>=
class GUSIOTFactory : public GUSISocketFactory {
static bool Initialize();
virtual GUSIOTStrategy *Strategy(int domain, int type, int protocol) = 0;
// \section{Implementation of [[GUSIOTFactory]] and descendants}
// <Privatissima of [[GUSIOTFactory]]>=
static bool sOK;
// <Definition of class [[GUSIOTStreamFactory]]>=
class GUSIOTStreamFactory : public GUSIOTFactory {
GUSISocket * socket(int domain, int type, int protocol);
// <Definition of class [[GUSIOTDatagramFactory]]>=
class GUSIOTDatagramFactory : public GUSIOTFactory {
GUSISocket * socket(int domain, int type, int protocol);
// \section{Definition of [[GUSIOT]]}
// Open Transport allocates and deallocates many data structures, which we
// simplify with a smart template. Allocation works via class allocation
// operators, which is a bit weird admittedly.
// <Definition of template [[GUSIOT]]>=
template <class T, int tag> class GUSIOT : public T {
void * operator new(size_t, EndpointRef ref)
{ OSStatus err; return OTAlloc(ref, tag, T_ALL, &err); }
void * operator new(size_t, EndpointRef ref, int fields)
{ OSStatus err; return OTAlloc(ref, tag, fields, &err); }
void operator delete(void * o)
{ if (o) OTFree(o, tag); }
template <class T, int tag> class GUSIOTAddr : public GUSIOT<T, tag> {
int Pack(GUSIOTStrategy * strategy, const void * address, socklen_t len, bool non_null=false)
{ return strategy->PackAddress(address, len, addr, non_null); }
int Unpack(GUSIOTStrategy * strategy, void * address, socklen_t * len)
{ return strategy->UnpackAddress(addr, address, len); }
int Copy(GUSIOTStrategy * strategy, GUSIOTAddr<T, tag> * to)
{ return strategy->CopyAddress(addr, to->addr); }
typedef GUSIOTAddr<TBind, T_BIND> GUSIOTTBind;
typedef GUSIOTAddr<TCall, T_CALL> GUSIOTTCall;
typedef GUSIOTAddr<TUnitData, T_UNITDATA> GUSIOTTUnitData;
typedef GUSIOT<TDiscon, T_DIS> GUSIOTTDiscon;
// \section{Definition of [[GUSIOTSocket]] and descendants}
// Open Transport sockets are rather lightweight, since OT is rather similar
// to sockets already.
// <Definition of class [[GUSIOTSocket]]>=
class GUSIOTSocket :
public GUSISocket,
protected GUSISMBlocking,
protected GUSISMState,
protected GUSISMAsyncError
// <Overridden member functions for [[GUSIOTSocket]]>=
virtual int bind(void * name, socklen_t namelen);
// [[getsockname]] and [[getpeername]] unpack the stored addresses.
// Note that the reaction to [[nil]] addresses is a bit different.
// <Overridden member functions for [[GUSIOTSocket]]>=
virtual int getsockname(void * name, socklen_t * namelen);
// [[shutdown]] just delegates to [[GUSISMState]].
// <Overridden member functions for [[GUSIOTSocket]]>=
virtual int shutdown(int how);
// [[fcntl]] handles the blocking support.
// <Overridden member functions for [[GUSIOTSocket]]>=
virtual int fcntl(int cmd, va_list arg);
// [[ioctl]] deals with blocking support and with [[FIONREAD]].
// <Overridden member functions for [[GUSIOTSocket]]>=
virtual int ioctl(unsigned int request, va_list arg);
// [[getsockopt]] and [[setsockopt]] are available for a variety of options.
// <Overridden member functions for [[GUSIOTSocket]]>=
virtual int getsockopt(int level, int optname, void *optval, socklen_t * optlen);
// <Overridden member functions for [[GUSIOTSocket]]>=
virtual int setsockopt(int level, int optname, void *optval, socklen_t optlen);
// Open Transport sockets implement socket style calls.
// <Overridden member functions for [[GUSIOTSocket]]>=
virtual bool Supports(ConfigOption config);
GUSIOTSocket(GUSIOTStrategy * strategy);
// \section{Implementation of [[GUSIOTSocket]]}
// Open Transport may call this routine for dozens and dozens of different
// reasons. Pretty much every call results in a wakeup of the threads attached
// to the socket. We save some of the more interesting events in bitsets.
// in [[MopupEvents]].
// <Privatissima of [[GUSIOTSocket]]>=
uint16_t fNewEvent;
uint16_t fCurEvent;
uint16_t fEvent;
uint32_t fNewCompletion;
uint32_t fCurCompletion;
uint32_t fCompletion;
friend pascal void GUSIOTNotify(GUSIOTSocket *, OTEventCode, OTResult, void *);
// To avoid race conditions with the notifier, we sometimes need a lock.
// <Privatissima of [[GUSIOTSocket]]>=
class Lock {
Lock(EndpointRef end) : fEndpoint(end) { OTEnterNotifier(fEndpoint); }
~Lock() { OTLeaveNotifier(fEndpoint); }
EndpointRef fEndpoint;
// For some events, we have to take a followup action at a more convenient time.
// <Privatissima of [[GUSIOTSocket]]>=
virtual void MopupEvents();
// [[GUSIOTSocket]] creates an asynchronous endpoint for the appropriate
// provider.
// <Privatissima of [[GUSIOTSocket]]>=
GUSIOTStrategy * fStrategy;
EndpointRef fEndpoint;
linger fLinger;
UInt32 fDeadline;
// The destructor tears down the connection as gracefully as possible. It also respects
// the linger settings.
// <Privatissima of [[GUSIOTSocket]]>=
virtual void close();
virtual ~GUSIOTSocket();
// [[Clone]] creates another socket of the same class.
// <Privatissima of [[GUSIOTSocket]]>=
virtual GUSIOTSocket * Clone() = 0;
// At the time the socket function [[bind]] is called, we are not really ready
// yet to call [[OTBind]], but if we don't call it, we can't report whether the
// address was free.
// <Privatissima of [[GUSIOTSocket]]>=
GUSIOTTBind * fSockName;
int BindToAddress(GUSIOTTBind * addr);
// Open Transport takes unbinding a lot more serious than MacTCP.
// <Privatissima of [[GUSIOTSocket]]>=
void Unbind();
friend class GUSIOTStreamSocket;
friend class GUSIOTDatagramSocket;
// <Definition of class [[GUSIOTStreamSocket]]>=
class GUSIOTStreamSocket : public GUSIOTSocket {
// [[Clone]] creates another socket of the same class.
// <Overridden member functions for [[GUSIOTStreamSocket]]>=
virtual GUSIOTSocket * Clone();
// <Overridden member functions for [[GUSIOTStreamSocket]]>=
virtual void close();
virtual bool Close(UInt32 now);
// Stream sockets include a mopup action for connect and disconnect.
// <Overridden member functions for [[GUSIOTStreamSocket]]>=
virtual void MopupEvents();
// [[listen]] is a bit embarassing, because we already committed ourselves
// to a queue length of [[0]], so we have to unbind and rebind ourselves.
// <Overridden member functions for [[GUSIOTStreamSocket]]>=
virtual int listen(int qlen);
// <Overridden member functions for [[GUSIOTStreamSocket]]>=
virtual int getpeername(void * name, socklen_t * namelen);
// [[accept]] may become quite complex, because connections could nest. The
// listening socket calls [[OTListen]], queues candidates by their
// [[fNextListener]] field, and then tries calling [[OTAccept]] on the first
// candidate.
// <Overridden member functions for [[GUSIOTStreamSocket]]>=
virtual GUSISocket * accept(void * address, socklen_t * addrlen);
// [[connect]] is comparatively simple.
// <Overridden member functions for [[GUSIOTStreamSocket]]>=
virtual int connect(void * address, socklen_t addrlen);
// Data transfer is simple as well. Here is the version for stream protocols.
// <Overridden member functions for [[GUSIOTStreamSocket]]>=
virtual ssize_t recvfrom(const GUSIScatterer & buffer, int flags, void * from, socklen_t * fromlen);
// <Overridden member functions for [[GUSIOTStreamSocket]]>=
virtual ssize_t sendto(const GUSIGatherer & buffer, int flags, const void * to, socklen_t tolen);
// [[select]] for stream sockets intermingles data information and connection
// information as usual.
// <Overridden member functions for [[GUSIOTStreamSocket]]>=
virtual bool select(bool * canRead, bool * canWrite, bool * except);
// [[shutdown]] for stream sockets has to send an orderly disconnect.
// <Overridden member functions for [[GUSIOTStreamSocket]]>=
virtual int shutdown(int how);
GUSIOTStreamSocket(GUSIOTStrategy * strategy);
// Since all we need to know is in the [[GUSIOTStrategy]], it often suffices
// simply to create a [[GUSIOTSocket]]. Stream and datagram sockets differ
// merely in the descendant they create.
// <Privatissima of [[GUSIOTStreamSocket]]>=
friend class GUSIOTStreamFactory;
// <Privatissima of [[GUSIOTStreamSocket]]>=
friend pascal void GUSIOTNotify(GUSIOTSocket *, OTEventCode, OTResult, void *);
// The peer address for a [[GUSIOTStreamSocket]] is stored in a [[GUSIOTTCall]]
// structure.
// <Privatissima of [[GUSIOTStreamSocket]]>=
GUSIOTTCall * fPeerName;
// <Privatissima of [[GUSIOTStreamSocket]]>=
GUSIOTStreamSocket * fNextListener;
// <Definition of class [[GUSIOTDatagramSocket]]>=
class GUSIOTDatagramSocket : public GUSIOTSocket {
// [[Clone]] creates another socket of the same class.
// <Overridden member functions for [[GUSIOTDatagramSocket]]>=
virtual GUSIOTSocket * Clone();
// <Overridden member functions for [[GUSIOTDatagramSocket]]>=
// <Overridden member functions for [[GUSIOTDatagramSocket]]>=
virtual int getpeername(void * name, socklen_t * namelen);
// A datagram socket can [[connect]] as many times as it wants.
// <Overridden member functions for [[GUSIOTDatagramSocket]]>=
virtual int connect(void * address, socklen_t addrlen);
// Datagram protocols use slightly different calls for data transfers.
// <Overridden member functions for [[GUSIOTDatagramSocket]]>=
virtual ssize_t recvfrom(const GUSIScatterer & buffer, int flags, void * from, socklen_t * fromlen);
// [[sendto]] needs either a valid [[to]] address or a stored peer address set by
// [[connect]].
// <Overridden member functions for [[GUSIOTDatagramSocket]]>=
virtual ssize_t sendto(const GUSIGatherer & buffer, int flags, const void * to, socklen_t tolen);
// [[select]] for datagram sockets returns data information only.
// <Overridden member functions for [[GUSIOTDatagramSocket]]>=
virtual bool select(bool * canRead, bool * canWrite, bool * except);
GUSIOTDatagramSocket(GUSIOTStrategy * strategy);
// <Privatissima of [[GUSIOTDatagramSocket]]>=
friend class GUSIOTDatagramFactory;
// Datagram sockets might be bound at rather arbitrary times.
// <Privatissima of [[GUSIOTDatagramSocket]]>=
int BindIfUnbound();
// The peer address for a [[GUSIOTDatagramSocket]] is stored in a [[GUSIOTTBind]]
// structure.
// <Privatissima of [[GUSIOTDatagramSocket]]>=
GUSIOTTBind * fPeerName;
#endif /* GUSI_INTERNAL */
#endif /* _GUSIOpenTransport_ */