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#!/usr/bin/env python
# xpidl.py - A parser for cross-platform IDL (XPIDL) files.
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
"""A parser for cross-platform IDL (XPIDL) files."""
import sys, os.path, re
from ply import lex, yacc
"""A type conforms to the following pattern:
def isScriptable(self):
'returns True or False'
def nativeType(self, calltype):
'returns a string representation of the native type
calltype must be 'in', 'out', or 'inout'
Interface members const/method/attribute conform to the following pattern:
name = 'string'
def toIDL(self):
'returns the member signature as IDL'
def attlistToIDL(attlist):
if len(attlist) == 0:
return ''
attlist = list(attlist)
attlist.sort(cmp=lambda a,b: cmp(a[0], b[0]))
return '[%s] ' % ','.join(["%s%s" % (name, value is not None and '(%s)' % value or '')
for name, value, aloc in attlist])
_paramsHardcode = {
2: ('array', 'shared', 'iid_is', 'size_is', 'retval'),
3: ('array', 'size_is', 'const'),
def paramAttlistToIDL(attlist):
if len(attlist) == 0:
return ''
# Hack alert: g_hash_table_foreach is pretty much unimitatable... hardcode
# quirk
attlist = list(attlist)
sorted = []
if len(attlist) in _paramsHardcode:
for p in _paramsHardcode[len(attlist)]:
i = 0
while i < len(attlist):
if attlist[i][0] == p:
del attlist[i]
i += 1
return '[%s] ' % ', '.join(["%s%s" % (name, value is not None and ' (%s)' % value or '')
for name, value, aloc in sorted])
def unaliasType(t):
while t.kind == 'typedef':
t = t.realtype
assert t is not None
return t
def getBuiltinOrNativeTypeName(t):
t = unaliasType(t)
if t.kind == 'builtin':
return t.name
elif t.kind == 'native':
assert t.specialtype is not None
return '[%s]' % t.specialtype
return None
class BuiltinLocation(object):
def get(self):
return "<builtin type>"
def __str__(self):
return self.get()
class Builtin(object):
kind = 'builtin'
location = BuiltinLocation
def __init__(self, name, nativename, signed=False, maybeConst=False):
self.name = name
self.nativename = nativename
self.signed = signed
self.maybeConst = maybeConst
def isScriptable(self):
return True
def nativeType(self, calltype, shared=False, const=False):
if const:
print >>sys.stderr, IDLError("[const] doesn't make sense on builtin types.", self.location, warning=True)
const = 'const '
elif calltype == 'in' and self.nativename.endswith('*'):
const = 'const '
elif shared:
if not self.nativename.endswith('*'):
raise IDLError("[shared] not applicable to non-pointer types.", self.location)
const = 'const '
const = ''
return "%s%s %s" % (const, self.nativename,
calltype != 'in' and '*' or '')
builtinNames = [
Builtin('boolean', 'bool'),
Builtin('void', 'void'),
Builtin('int16_t', 'int16_t', True, True),
Builtin('int32_t', 'int32_t', True, True),
Builtin('int64_t', 'int64_t', True, False),
Builtin('uint8_t', 'uint8_t'),
Builtin('uint16_t', 'uint16_t', False, True),
Builtin('uint32_t', 'uint32_t', False, True),
Builtin('uint64_t', 'uint64_t', False, False),
Builtin('octet', 'PRUint8'),
Builtin('short', 'PRInt16', True, True),
Builtin('long', 'PRInt32', True, True),
Builtin('long long', 'PRInt64', True, False),
Builtin('unsigned short', 'PRUint16', False, True),
Builtin('unsigned long', 'PRUint32', False, True),
Builtin('unsigned long long', 'PRUint64', False, False),
Builtin('float', 'float', True, False),
Builtin('double', 'double', True, False),
Builtin('char', 'char', True, False),
Builtin('string', 'char *', False, False),
Builtin('wchar', 'PRUnichar', False, False),
Builtin('wstring', 'PRUnichar *', False, False),
builtinMap = {}
for b in builtinNames:
builtinMap[b.name] = b
class Location(object):
_line = None
def __init__(self, lexer, lineno, lexpos):
self._lineno = lineno
self._lexpos = lexpos
self._lexdata = lexer.lexdata
self._file = getattr(lexer, 'filename', "<unknown>")
def __eq__(self, other):
return self._lexpos == other._lexpos and \
self._file == other._file
def resolve(self):
if self._line:
startofline = self._lexdata.rfind('\n', 0, self._lexpos) + 1
endofline = self._lexdata.find('\n', self._lexpos, self._lexpos + 80)
self._line = self._lexdata[startofline:endofline]
self._colno = self._lexpos - startofline
def pointerline(self):
def i():
for i in xrange(0, self._colno):
yield " "
yield "^"
return "".join(i())
def get(self):
return "%s line %s:%s" % (self._file, self._lineno, self._colno)
def __str__(self):
return "%s line %s:%s\n%s\n%s" % (self._file, self._lineno, self._colno,
self._line, self.pointerline())
class NameMap(object):
"""Map of name -> object. Each object must have a .name and .location property.
Setting the same name twice throws an error."""
def __init__(self):
self._d = {}
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key in builtinMap:
return builtinMap[key]
return self._d[key]
def __iter__(self):
return self._d.itervalues()
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in builtinMap or key in self._d
def set(self, object):
if object.name in builtinMap:
raise IDLError("name '%s' is a builtin and cannot be redeclared" % (object.name), object.location)
if object.name.startswith("_"):
object.name = object.name[1:]
if object.name in self._d:
old = self._d[object.name]
if old == object: return
if isinstance(old, Forward) and isinstance(object, Interface):
self._d[object.name] = object
elif isinstance(old, Interface) and isinstance(object, Forward):
raise IDLError("name '%s' specified twice. Previous location: %s" % (object.name, self._d[object.name].location), object.location)
self._d[object.name] = object
def get(self, id, location):
return self[id]
except KeyError:
raise IDLError("Name '%s' not found", location)
class IDLError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message, location, warning=False):
self.message = message
self.location = location
self.warning = warning
def __str__(self):
return "%s: %s, %s" % (self.warning and 'warning' or 'error',
self.message, self.location)
class Include(object):
kind = 'include'
def __init__(self, filename, location):
self.filename = filename
self.location = location
def __str__(self):
return "".join(["include '%s'\n" % self.filename])
def resolve(self, parent):
def incfiles():
yield self.filename
for dir in parent.incdirs:
yield os.path.join(dir, self.filename)
for file in incfiles():
if not os.path.exists(file): continue
self.IDL = parent.parser.parse(open(file).read(), filename=file)
self.IDL.resolve(parent.incdirs, parent.parser)
for type in self.IDL.getNames():
raise IDLError("File '%s' not found" % self.filename, self.location)
class IDL(object):
def __init__(self, productions):
self.productions = productions
self.deps = []
def setName(self, object):
def getName(self, id, location):
return self.namemap[id]
except KeyError:
raise IDLError("type '%s' not found" % id, location)
def hasName(self, id):
return id in self.namemap
def getNames(self):
return iter(self.namemap)
def __str__(self):
return "".join([str(p) for p in self.productions])
def resolve(self, incdirs, parser):
self.namemap = NameMap()
self.incdirs = incdirs
self.parser = parser
for p in self.productions:
def includes(self):
for p in self.productions:
if p.kind == 'include':
yield p
def needsJSTypes(self):
for p in self.productions:
if p.kind == 'interface' and p.needsJSTypes():
return True
return False
class CDATA(object):
kind = 'cdata'
_re = re.compile(r'\n+')
def __init__(self, data, location):
self.data = self._re.sub('\n', data)
self.location = location
def resolve(self, parent):
def __str__(self):
return "cdata: %s\n\t%r\n" % (self.location.get(), self.data)
def count(self):
return 0
class Typedef(object):
kind = 'typedef'
def __init__(self, type, name, location, doccomments):
self.type = type
self.name = name
self.location = location
self.doccomments = doccomments
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.name == other.name and self.type == other.type
def resolve(self, parent):
self.realtype = parent.getName(self.type, self.location)
def isScriptable(self):
return self.realtype.isScriptable()
def nativeType(self, calltype):
return "%s %s" % (self.name,
calltype != 'in' and '*' or '')
def __str__(self):
return "typedef %s %s\n" % (self.type, self.name)
class Forward(object):
kind = 'forward'
def __init__(self, name, location, doccomments):
self.name = name
self.location = location
self.doccomments = doccomments
def __eq__(self, other):
return other.kind == 'forward' and other.name == self.name
def resolve(self, parent):
# Hack alert: if an identifier is already present, move the doccomments
# forward.
if parent.hasName(self.name):
for i in xrange(0, len(parent.productions)):
if parent.productions[i] is self: break
for i in xrange(i + 1, len(parent.productions)):
if hasattr(parent.productions[i], 'doccomments'):
parent.productions[i].doccomments[0:0] = self.doccomments
def isScriptable(self):
return True
def nativeType(self, calltype):
return "%s %s" % (self.name,
calltype != 'in' and '* *' or '*')
def __str__(self):
return "forward-declared %s\n" % self.name
class Native(object):
kind = 'native'
modifier = None
specialtype = None
specialtypes = {
'nsid': None,
'domstring': 'nsAString',
'utf8string': 'nsACString',
'cstring': 'nsACString',
'astring': 'nsAString',
'jsval': 'JS::Value'
def __init__(self, name, nativename, attlist, location):
self.name = name
self.nativename = nativename
self.location = location
for name, value, aloc in attlist:
if value is not None:
raise IDLError("Unexpected attribute value", aloc)
if name in ('ptr', 'ref'):
if self.modifier is not None:
raise IDLError("More than one ptr/ref modifier", aloc)
self.modifier = name
elif name in self.specialtypes.keys():
if self.specialtype is not None:
raise IDLError("More than one special type", aloc)
self.specialtype = name
if self.specialtypes[name] is not None:
self.nativename = self.specialtypes[name]
raise IDLError("Unexpected attribute", aloc)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.name == other.name and \
self.nativename == other.nativename and \
self.modifier == other.modifier and \
self.specialtype == other.specialtype
def resolve(self, parent):
def isScriptable(self):
if self.specialtype is None:
return False
if self.specialtype == 'nsid':
return self.modifier is not None
return self.modifier == 'ref'
def isPtr(self, calltype):
return self.modifier == 'ptr' or (self.modifier == 'ref' and self.specialtype == 'jsval' and calltype == 'out')
def isRef(self, calltype):
return self.modifier == 'ref' and not (self.specialtype == 'jsval' and calltype == 'out')
def nativeType(self, calltype, const=False, shared=False):
if shared:
if calltype != 'out':
raise IDLError("[shared] only applies to out parameters.")
const = True
if self.specialtype is not None and calltype == 'in':
const = True
if self.isRef(calltype):
m = '& '
elif self.isPtr(calltype):
m = '*' + ((self.modifier == 'ptr' and calltype != 'in') and '*' or '')
m = calltype != 'in' and '*' or ''
return "%s%s %s" % (const and 'const ' or '', self.nativename, m)
def __str__(self):
return "native %s(%s)\n" % (self.name, self.nativename)
class BaseInterface(object):
def __init__(self, name, attlist, base, members, location, doccomments):
self.name = name
self.attributes = InterfaceAttributes(attlist, location)
self.base = base
if self.kind == 'dictionary':
members.sort(key=lambda x:x.name)
self.members = members
self.location = location
self.namemap = NameMap()
self.doccomments = doccomments
self.nativename = name
for m in members:
if not isinstance(m, CDATA):
self.ops = {
'getter': None,
'setter': None
'getter': None,
'setter': None
'stringifier': None
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.name == other.name and self.location == other.location
def resolve(self, parent):
self.idl = parent
# Hack alert: if an identifier is already present, libIDL assigns
# doc comments incorrectly. This is quirks-mode extraordinaire!
if parent.hasName(self.name):
for member in self.members:
if hasattr(member, 'doccomments'):
member.doccomments[0:0] = self.doccomments
self.doccomments = parent.getName(self.name, None).doccomments
if self.attributes.function:
has_method = False
for member in self.members:
if member.kind is 'method':
if has_method:
raise IDLError("interface '%s' has multiple methods, but marked 'function'" % self.name, self.location)
has_method = True
if self.base is not None:
realbase = parent.getName(self.base, self.location)
if realbase.kind != self.kind:
raise IDLError("%s '%s' inherits from non-%s type '%s'" % (self.kind, self.name, self.kind, self.base), self.location)
if self.attributes.scriptable and not realbase.attributes.scriptable:
print >>sys.stderr, IDLError("interface '%s' is scriptable but derives from non-scriptable '%s'" % (self.name, self.base), self.location, warning=True)
if self.attributes.scriptable and realbase.attributes.builtinclass and not self.attributes.builtinclass:
raise IDLError("interface '%s' is not builtinclass but derives from builtinclass '%s'" % (self.name, self.base), self.location)
forwardedMembers = set()
for member in self.members:
if member.kind is 'method' and member.forward:
for member in self.members:
if member.kind is 'method' and member.name in forwardedMembers:
for member in forwardedMembers:
raise IDLError("member '%s' on interface '%s' forwards to '%s' which is not on the interface itself" % (member.name, self.name, member.forward), self.location)
# The number 250 is NOT arbitrary; this number is the maximum number of
# stub entries defined in xpcom/reflect/xptcall/public/genstubs.pl
# Do not increase this value without increasing the number in that
# location, or you WILL cause otherwise unknown problems!
if self.countEntries() > 250 and not self.attributes.builtinclass:
raise IDLError("interface '%s' has too many entries" % self.name,
def isScriptable(self):
# NOTE: this is not whether *this* interface is scriptable... it's
# whether, when used as a type, it's scriptable, which is true of all
# interfaces.
return True
def nativeType(self, calltype, const=False):
return "%s%s %s" % (const and 'const ' or '',
calltype != 'in' and '* *' or '*')
def __str__(self):
l = ["interface %s\n" % self.name]
if self.base is not None:
l.append("\tbase %s\n" % self.base)
if self.members is None:
l.append("\tincomplete type\n")
for m in self.members:
return "".join(l)
def getConst(self, name, location):
# The constant may be in a base class
iface = self
while name not in iface.namemap and iface is not None:
iface = self.idl.getName(self.base, self.location)
if iface is None:
raise IDLError("cannot find symbol '%s'" % name, c.location)
c = iface.namemap.get(name, location)
if c.kind != 'const':
raise IDLError("symbol '%s' is not a constant", c.location)
return c.getValue()
def needsJSTypes(self):
for m in self.members:
if m.kind == "attribute" and m.type == "jsval":
return True
if m.kind == "method" and m.needsJSTypes():
return True
return False
def countEntries(self):
''' Returns the number of entries in the vtable for this interface. '''
total = sum(member.count() for member in self.members)
if self.base is not None:
realbase = self.idl.getName(self.base, self.location)
total += realbase.countEntries()
return total
class Interface(BaseInterface):
kind = 'interface'
def __init__(self, name, attlist, base, members, location, doccomments):
BaseInterface.__init__(self, name, attlist, base, members, location, doccomments)
if self.attributes.uuid is None:
raise IDLError("interface has no uuid", location)
class Dictionary(BaseInterface):
kind = 'dictionary'
def __init__(self, name, attlist, base, members, location, doccomments):
BaseInterface.__init__(self, name, attlist, base, members, location, doccomments)
class InterfaceAttributes(object):
uuid = None
scriptable = False
builtinclass = False
function = False
deprecated = False
noscript = False
def setuuid(self, value):
self.uuid = value.lower()
def setscriptable(self):
self.scriptable = True
def setfunction(self):
self.function = True
def setnoscript(self):
self.noscript = True
def setbuiltinclass(self):
self.builtinclass = True
def setdeprecated(self):
self.deprecated = True
actions = {
'uuid': (True, setuuid),
'scriptable': (False, setscriptable),
'builtinclass': (False, setbuiltinclass),
'function': (False, setfunction),
'noscript': (False, setnoscript),
'deprecated': (False, setdeprecated),
'object': (False, lambda self: True),
def __init__(self, attlist, location):
def badattribute(self):
raise IDLError("Unexpected interface attribute '%s'" % name, location)
for name, val, aloc in attlist:
hasval, action = self.actions.get(name, (False, badattribute))
if hasval:
if val is None:
raise IDLError("Expected value for attribute '%s'" % name,
action(self, val)
if val is not None:
raise IDLError("Unexpected value for attribute '%s'" % name,
def __str__(self):
l = []
if self.uuid:
l.append("\tuuid: %s\n" % self.uuid)
if self.scriptable:
if self.builtinclass:
if self.function:
return "".join(l)
class ConstMember(object):
kind = 'const'
def __init__(self, type, name, value, location, doccomments):
self.type = type
self.name = name
self.value = value
self.location = location
self.doccomments = doccomments
def resolve(self, parent):
self.realtype = parent.idl.getName(self.type, self.location)
self.iface = parent
basetype = self.realtype
while isinstance(basetype, Typedef):
basetype = basetype.realtype
if not isinstance(basetype, Builtin) or not basetype.maybeConst:
raise IDLError("const may only be a short or long type, not %s" % self.type, self.location)
self.basetype = basetype
def getValue(self):
return self.value(self.iface)
def __str__(self):
return "\tconst %s %s = %s\n" % (self.type, self.name, self.getValue())
def count(self):
return 0
class Attribute(object):
kind = 'attribute'
noscript = False
notxpcom = False
readonly = False
implicit_jscontext = False
nostdcall = False
binaryname = None
null = None
undefined = None
deprecated = False
nullable = False
defvalue = None
def __init__(self, type, name, attlist, readonly, nullable, defvalue, location, doccomments):
self.type = type
self.name = name
self.attlist = attlist
self.readonly = readonly
self.nullable = nullable
self.defvalue = defvalue
self.location = location
self.doccomments = doccomments
for name, value, aloc in attlist:
if name == 'binaryname':
if value is None:
raise IDLError("binaryname attribute requires a value",
self.binaryname = value
if name == 'Null':
if value is None:
raise IDLError("'Null' attribute requires a value", aloc)
if readonly:
raise IDLError("'Null' attribute only makes sense for setters",
if value not in ('Empty', 'Null', 'Stringify'):
raise IDLError("'Null' attribute value must be 'Empty', 'Null' or 'Stringify'",
self.null = value
elif name == 'Undefined':
if value is None:
raise IDLError("'Undefined' attribute requires a value", aloc)
if readonly:
raise IDLError("'Undefined' attribute only makes sense for setters",
if value not in ('Empty', 'Null'):
raise IDLError("'Undefined' attribute value must be 'Empty' or 'Null'",
self.undefined = value
if value is not None:
raise IDLError("Unexpected attribute value", aloc)
if name == 'noscript':
self.noscript = True
elif name == 'notxpcom':
self.notxpcom = True
elif name == 'implicit_jscontext':
self.implicit_jscontext = True
elif name == 'deprecated':
self.deprecated = True
elif name == 'nostdcall':
self.nostdcall = True
raise IDLError("Unexpected attribute '%s'" % name, aloc)
def resolve(self, iface):
self.iface = iface
self.realtype = iface.idl.getName(self.type, self.location)
if (self.null is not None and
getBuiltinOrNativeTypeName(self.realtype) != '[domstring]'):
raise IDLError("'Null' attribute can only be used on DOMString",
if (self.undefined is not None and
getBuiltinOrNativeTypeName(self.realtype) != '[domstring]'):
raise IDLError("'Undefined' attribute can only be used on DOMString",
if (self.nullable and
getBuiltinOrNativeTypeName(self.realtype) != '[domstring]'):
raise IDLError("Nullable types (T?) is supported only for DOMString",
def toIDL(self):
attribs = attlistToIDL(self.attlist)
readonly = self.readonly and 'readonly ' or ''
return "%s%sattribute %s %s;" % (attribs, readonly, self.type, self.name)
def isScriptable(self):
if not self.iface.attributes.scriptable: return False
return not (self.noscript or self.notxpcom)
def __str__(self):
return "\t%sattribute %s %s\n" % (self.readonly and 'readonly ' or '',
self.type, self.name)
def count(self):
return self.readonly and 1 or 2
class Method(object):
kind = 'method'
noscript = False
notxpcom = False
binaryname = None
implicit_jscontext = False
nostdcall = False
optional_argc = False
deprecated = False
getter = False
setter = False
stringifier = False
forward = None
def __init__(self, type, name, attlist, paramlist, location, doccomments, raises):
self.type = type
self.name = name
self.attlist = attlist
self.params = paramlist
self.location = location
self.doccomments = doccomments
self.raises = raises
for name, value, aloc in attlist:
if name == 'binaryname':
if value is None:
raise IDLError("binaryname attribute requires a value",
self.binaryname = value
if name == 'forward':
if value is None:
raise IDLError("forward attribute requires a value",
self.forward = value
if value is not None:
raise IDLError("Unexpected attribute value", aloc)
if name == 'noscript':
self.noscript = True
elif name == 'notxpcom':
self.notxpcom = True
elif name == 'implicit_jscontext':
self.implicit_jscontext = True
elif name == 'optional_argc':
self.optional_argc = True
elif name == 'deprecated':
self.deprecated = True
elif name == 'nostdcall':
self.nostdcall = True
elif name == 'getter':
if (len(self.params) != 1):
raise IDLError("Methods marked as getter must take 1 argument", aloc)
self.getter = True
elif name == 'setter':
if (len(self.params) != 2):
raise IDLError("Methods marked as setter must take 2 arguments", aloc)
self.setter = True
elif name == 'stringifier':
if (len(self.params) != 0):
raise IDLError("Methods marked as stringifier must take 0 arguments", aloc)
self.stringifier = True
raise IDLError("Unexpected attribute '%s'" % name, aloc)
self.namemap = NameMap()
for p in paramlist:
def resolve(self, iface):
self.iface = iface
self.realtype = self.iface.idl.getName(self.type, self.location)
for p in self.params:
if self.getter:
if getBuiltinOrNativeTypeName(self.params[0].realtype) == 'unsigned long':
ops = 'index'
if getBuiltinOrNativeTypeName(self.params[0].realtype) != '[domstring]':
raise IDLError("a getter must take a single unsigned long or DOMString argument" % self.iface.name, self.location)
ops = 'name'
if self.iface.ops[ops]['getter']:
raise IDLError("a %s getter was already defined on interface '%s'" % (ops, self.iface.name), self.location)
self.iface.ops[ops]['getter'] = self
if self.setter:
if getBuiltinOrNativeTypeName(self.params[0].realtype) == 'unsigned long':
ops = 'index'
if getBuiltinOrNativeTypeName(self.params[0].realtype) != '[domstring]':
print getBuiltinOrNativeTypeName(self.params[0].realtype)
raise IDLError("a setter must take a unsigned long or DOMString argument" % self.iface.name, self.location)
ops = 'name'
if self.iface.ops[ops]['setter']:
raise IDLError("a %s setter was already defined on interface '%s'" % (ops, self.iface.name), self.location)
self.iface.ops[ops]['setter'] = self
if self.stringifier:
if self.iface.ops['stringifier']:
raise IDLError("a stringifier was already defined on interface '%s'" % self.iface.name, self.location)
if getBuiltinOrNativeTypeName(self.realtype) != '[domstring]':
raise IDLError("'stringifier' attribute can only be used on methods returning DOMString",
self.iface.ops['stringifier'] = self
for p in self.params:
if p.retval and p != self.params[-1]:
raise IDLError("'retval' parameter '%s' is not the last parameter" % p.name, self.location)
if p.size_is:
found_size_param = False
for size_param in self.params:
if p.size_is == size_param.name:
found_size_param = True
if getBuiltinOrNativeTypeName(size_param.realtype) != 'unsigned long':
raise IDLError("is_size parameter must have type 'unsigned long'", self.location)
if not found_size_param:
raise IDLError("could not find is_size parameter '%s'" % p.size_is, self.location)
def isScriptable(self):
if not self.iface.attributes.scriptable: return False
return not (self.noscript or self.notxpcom)
def __str__(self):
return "\t%s %s(%s)\n" % (self.type, self.name, ", ".join([p.name for p in self.params]))
def toIDL(self):
if len(self.raises):
raises = ' raises (%s)' % ','.join(self.raises)
raises = ''
return "%s%s %s (%s)%s;" % (attlistToIDL(self.attlist),
", ".join([p.toIDL()
for p in self.params]),
def needsJSTypes(self):
if self.implicit_jscontext:
return True
if self.type == "jsval":
return True
for p in self.params:
t = p.realtype
if isinstance(t, Native) and t.specialtype == "jsval":
return True
return False
def count(self):
return 1
class Param(object):
size_is = None
iid_is = None
const = False
array = False
retval = False
shared = False
optional = False
null = None
undefined = None
def __init__(self, paramtype, type, name, attlist, location, realtype=None):
self.paramtype = paramtype
self.type = type
self.name = name
self.attlist = attlist
self.location = location
self.realtype = realtype
for name, value, aloc in attlist:
# Put the value-taking attributes first!
if name == 'size_is':
if value is None:
raise IDLError("'size_is' must specify a parameter", aloc)
self.size_is = value
elif name == 'iid_is':
if value is None:
raise IDLError("'iid_is' must specify a parameter", aloc)
self.iid_is = value
elif name == 'Null':
if value is None:
raise IDLError("'Null' must specify a parameter", aloc)
if value not in ('Empty', 'Null', 'Stringify'):
raise IDLError("'Null' parameter value must be 'Empty', 'Null', or 'Stringify'",
self.null = value
elif name == 'Undefined':
if value is None:
raise IDLError("'Undefined' must specify a parameter", aloc)
if value not in ('Empty', 'Null'):
raise IDLError("'Undefined' parameter value must be 'Empty' or 'Null'",
self.undefined = value
if value is not None:
raise IDLError("Unexpected value for attribute '%s'" % name,
if name == 'const':
self.const = True
elif name == 'array':
self.array = True
elif name == 'retval':
self.retval = True
elif name == 'shared':
self.shared = True
elif name == 'optional':
self.optional = True
raise IDLError("Unexpected attribute '%s'" % name, aloc)
def resolve(self, method):
self.realtype = method.iface.idl.getName(self.type, self.location)
if self.array:
self.realtype = Array(self.realtype)
if (self.null is not None and
getBuiltinOrNativeTypeName(self.realtype) != '[domstring]'):
raise IDLError("'Null' attribute can only be used on DOMString",
if (self.undefined is not None and
getBuiltinOrNativeTypeName(self.realtype) != '[domstring]'):
raise IDLError("'Undefined' attribute can only be used on DOMString",
def nativeType(self):
kwargs = {}
if self.shared: kwargs['shared'] = True
if self.const: kwargs['const'] = True
return self.realtype.nativeType(self.paramtype, **kwargs)
except IDLError, e:
raise IDLError(e.message, self.location)
except TypeError, e:
raise IDLError("Unexpected parameter attribute", self.location)
def toIDL(self):
return "%s%s %s %s" % (paramAttlistToIDL(self.attlist),
class Array(object):
def __init__(self, basetype):
self.type = basetype
def isScriptable(self):
return self.type.isScriptable()
def nativeType(self, calltype, const=False):
return "%s%s*" % (const and 'const ' or '',
class IDLParser(object):
keywords = {
'const': 'CONST',
'interface': 'INTERFACE',
'dictionary': 'DICTIONARY',
'in': 'IN',
'inout': 'INOUT',
'out': 'OUT',
'attribute': 'ATTRIBUTE',
'raises': 'RAISES',
'readonly': 'READONLY',
'native': 'NATIVE',
'typedef': 'TYPEDEF'
tokens = [
states = (
('nativeid', 'exclusive'),
hexchar = r'[a-fA-F0-9]'
t_NUMBER = r'-?\d+'
t_HEXNUM = r'0x%s+' % hexchar
t_LSHIFT = r'<<'
t_RSHIFT= r'>>'
literals = '"(){}[],;:=|+-*?'
t_ignore = ' \t'
def t_multilinecomment(self, t):
t.lexer.lineno += t.value.count('\n')
if t.value.startswith("/**"):
def t_singlelinecomment(self, t):
def t_IID(self, t):
return t
t_IID.__doc__ = r'%(c)s{8}-%(c)s{4}-%(c)s{4}-%(c)s{4}-%(c)s{12}' % {'c': hexchar}
def t_IDENTIFIER(self, t):
r'(unsigned\ long\ long|unsigned\ short|unsigned\ long|long\ long)(?!_?[A-Za-z][A-Za-z_0-9])|_?[A-Za-z][A-Za-z_0-9]*'
t.type = self.keywords.get(t.value, 'IDENTIFIER')
return t
def t_LCDATA(self, t):
r'(?s)%\{[ ]*C\+\+[ ]*\n(?P<cdata>.*?\n?)%\}[ ]*(C\+\+)?'
t.type = 'CDATA'
t.value = t.lexer.lexmatch.group('cdata')
t.lexer.lineno += t.value.count('\n')
return t
def t_INCLUDE(self, t):
r'\#include[ \t]+"[^"\n]+"'
inc, value, end = t.value.split('"')
t.value = value
return t
def t_STRING(self, t):
begin, value, end = t.value.split('"')
t.value = value
return t
def t_directive(self, t):
raise IDLError("Unrecognized directive %s" % t.lexer.lexmatch.group('directive'),
Location(lexer=self.lexer, lineno=self.lexer.lineno,
def t_newline(self, t):
t.lexer.lineno += len(t.value)
def t_nativeid_NATIVEID(self, t):
return t
t_nativeid_ignore = ''
def t_ANY_error(self, t):
raise IDLError("unrecognized input",
precedence = (
('left', '|'),
('left', 'LSHIFT', 'RSHIFT'),
('left', '+', '-'),
('left', '*'),
('left', 'UMINUS'),
def p_idlfile(self, p):
"""idlfile : productions"""
p[0] = IDL(p[1])
def p_productions_start(self, p):
"""productions : """
p[0] = []
def p_productions_cdata(self, p):
"""productions : CDATA productions"""
p[0] = list(p[2])
p[0].insert(0, CDATA(p[1], self.getLocation(p, 1)))
def p_productions_include(self, p):
"""productions : INCLUDE productions"""
p[0] = list(p[2])
p[0].insert(0, Include(p[1], self.getLocation(p, 1)))
def p_productions_interface(self, p):
"""productions : interface productions
| dictionary productions
| typedef productions
| native productions"""
p[0] = list(p[2])
p[0].insert(0, p[1])
def p_typedef(self, p):
p[0] = Typedef(type=p[2],
location=self.getLocation(p, 1),
def p_native(self, p):
"""native : attributes NATIVE IDENTIFIER afternativeid '(' NATIVEID ')' ';'"""
p[0] = Native(name=p[3],
location=self.getLocation(p, 2))
def p_afternativeid(self, p):
"""afternativeid : """
# this is a place marker: we switch the lexer into literal identifier
# mode here, to slurp up everything until the closeparen
def p_anyident(self, p):
"""anyident : IDENTIFIER
| CONST"""
p[0] = {'value': p[1],
'location': self.getLocation(p, 1)}
def p_attributes(self, p):
"""attributes : '[' attlist ']'
| """
if len(p) == 1:
p[0] = {'attlist': []}
p[0] = {'attlist': p[2],
'doccomments': p.slice[1].doccomments}
def p_attlist_start(self, p):
"""attlist : attribute"""
p[0] = [p[1]]
def p_attlist_continue(self, p):
"""attlist : attribute ',' attlist"""
p[0] = list(p[3])
p[0].insert(0, p[1])
def p_attribute(self, p):
"""attribute : anyident attributeval"""
p[0] = (p[1]['value'], p[2], p[1]['location'])
def p_attributeval(self, p):
"""attributeval : '(' IDENTIFIER ')'
| '(' IID ')'
| """
if len(p) > 1:
p[0] = p[2]
def p_interface(self, p):
"""interface : attributes INTERFACE IDENTIFIER ifacebase ifacebody ';'"""
atts, INTERFACE, name, base, body, SEMI = p[1:]
attlist = atts['attlist']
doccomments = []
if 'doccomments' in atts:
l = lambda: self.getLocation(p, 2)
if body is None:
# forward-declared interface... must not have attributes!
if len(attlist) != 0:
raise IDLError("Forward-declared interface must not have attributes",
if base is not None:
raise IDLError("Forward-declared interface must not have a base",
p[0] = Forward(name=name, location=l(), doccomments=doccomments)
p[0] = Interface(name=name,
def p_ifacebody(self, p):
"""ifacebody : '{' members '}'
| """
if len(p) > 1:
p[0] = p[2]
def p_ifacebase(self, p):
"""ifacebase : ':' IDENTIFIER
| """
if len(p) == 3:
p[0] = p[2]
def p_members_start(self, p):
"""members : """
p[0] = []
def p_members_continue(self, p):
"""members : member members"""
p[0] = list(p[2])
p[0].insert(0, p[1])
def p_member_cdata(self, p):
"""member : CDATA"""
p[0] = CDATA(p[1], self.getLocation(p, 1))
def p_member_const(self, p):
"""member : CONST IDENTIFIER IDENTIFIER '=' number ';' """
p[0] = ConstMember(type=p[2], name=p[3],
value=p[5], location=self.getLocation(p, 1),
# All "number" products return a function(interface)
def p_number_decimal(self, p):
"""number : NUMBER"""
n = int(p[1])
p[0] = lambda i: n
def p_number_hex(self, p):
"""number : HEXNUM"""
n = int(p[1], 16)
p[0] = lambda i: n
def p_number_identifier(self, p):
"""number : IDENTIFIER"""
id = p[1]
loc = self.getLocation(p, 1)
p[0] = lambda i: i.getConst(id, loc)
def p_number_paren(self, p):
"""number : '(' number ')'"""
p[0] = p[2]
def p_number_neg(self, p):
"""number : '-' number %prec UMINUS"""
n = p[2]
p[0] = lambda i: - n(i)
def p_number_add(self, p):
"""number : number '+' number
| number '-' number
| number '*' number"""
n1 = p[1]
n2 = p[3]
if p[2] == '+':
p[0] = lambda i: n1(i) + n2(i)
elif p[2] == '-':
p[0] = lambda i: n1(i) - n2(i)
p[0] = lambda i: n1(i) * n2(i)
def p_number_shift(self, p):
"""number : number LSHIFT number
| number RSHIFT number"""
n1 = p[1]
n2 = p[3]
if p[2] == '<<':
p[0] = lambda i: n1(i) << n2(i)
p[0] = lambda i: n1(i) >> n2(i)
def p_number_bitor(self, p):
"""number : number '|' number"""
n1 = p[1]
n2 = p[3]
p[0] = lambda i: n1(i) | n2(i)
def p_member_att(self, p):
"""member : attributes optreadonly ATTRIBUTE IDENTIFIER identifier ';'"""
if 'doccomments' in p[1]:
doccomments = p[1]['doccomments']
elif p[2] is not None:
doccomments = p[2]
doccomments = p.slice[3].doccomments
p[0] = Attribute(type=p[4],
readonly=p[2] is not None,
location=self.getLocation(p, 3),
def p_member_method(self, p):
"""member : attributes IDENTIFIER IDENTIFIER '(' paramlist ')' raises ';'"""
if 'doccomments' in p[1]:
doccomments = p[1]['doccomments']
doccomments = p.slice[2].doccomments
p[0] = Method(type=p[2],
location=self.getLocation(p, 3),
def p_paramlist(self, p):
"""paramlist : param moreparams
| """
if len(p) == 1:
p[0] = []
p[0] = list(p[2])
p[0].insert(0, p[1])
def p_moreparams_start(self, p):
"""moreparams :"""
p[0] = []
def p_moreparams_continue(self, p):
"""moreparams : ',' param moreparams"""
p[0] = list(p[3])
p[0].insert(0, p[2])
def p_param(self, p):
"""param : attributes paramtype IDENTIFIER identifier"""
p[0] = Param(paramtype=p[2],
location=self.getLocation(p, 3))
def p_paramtype(self, p):
"""paramtype : IN
| OUT"""
p[0] = p[1]
def p_optreadonly(self, p):
"""optreadonly : READONLY
| """
if len(p) > 1:
p[0] = p.slice[1].doccomments
p[0] = None
def p_dictionary(self, p):
"""dictionary : attributes DICTIONARY IDENTIFIER ifacebase dictbody ';'"""
atts, DICTIONARY, name, base, body, SEMI = p[1:]
attlist = atts['attlist']
doccomments = []
if 'doccomments' in atts:
l = lambda: self.getLocation(p, 2)
p[0] = Dictionary(name=name,
def p_dictbody(self, p):
"""dictbody : '{' dictmembers '}'
| """
if len(p) > 1:
p[0] = p[2]
def p_dictmembers_start(self, p):
"""dictmembers : """
p[0] = []
def p_dictmembers_continue(self, p):
"""dictmembers : dictmember dictmembers"""
p[0] = list(p[2])
p[0].insert(0, p[1])
def p_dictmember(self, p):
"""dictmember : attributes IDENTIFIER optnullable IDENTIFIER optdefvalue ';'"""
if 'doccomments' in p[1]:
doccomments = p[1]['doccomments']
doccomments = p.slice[2].doccomments
p[0] = Attribute(type=p[2],
nullable=p[3] is not None,
location=self.getLocation(p, 1),
def p_optnullable(self, p):
"""optnullable : '?'
| """
if len(p) > 1:
p[0] = p[1]
p[0] = None
def p_optdefvalue(self, p):
"""optdefvalue : '=' STRING
| """
if len(p) > 1:
p[0] = p[2]
p[0] = None
def p_identifier(self, p):
"""identifier : DICTIONARY
p[0] = p[1]
def p_raises(self, p):
"""raises : RAISES '(' idlist ')'
| """
if len(p) == 1:
p[0] = []
p[0] = p[3]
def p_idlist(self, p):
"""idlist : IDENTIFIER"""
p[0] = [p[1]]
def p_idlist_continue(self, p):
"""idlist : IDENTIFIER ',' idlist"""
p[0] = list(p[3])
p[0].insert(0, p[1])
def p_error(self, t):
if not t:
raise IDLError("Syntax Error at end of file. Possibly due to missing semicolon(;), braces(}) or both", None)
location = Location(self.lexer, t.lineno, t.lexpos)
raise IDLError("invalid syntax", location)
def __init__(self, outputdir=''):
self._doccomments = []
self.lexer = lex.lex(object=self,
self.parser = yacc.yacc(module=self,
def clearComments(self):
self._doccomments = []
def token(self):
t = self.lexer.token()
if t is not None and t.type != 'CDATA':
t.doccomments = self._doccomments
self._doccomments = []
return t
def parse(self, data, filename=None):
if filename is not None:
self.lexer.filename = filename
self.lexer.lineno = 1
idl = self.parser.parse(lexer=self)
if filename is not None:
return idl
def getLocation(self, p, i):
return Location(self.lexer, p.lineno(i), p.lexpos(i))
if __name__ == '__main__':
p = IDLParser()
for f in sys.argv[1:]:
print "Parsing %s" % f
p.parse(open(f).read(), filename=f)