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/* -*- Mode: Java; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
package org.mozilla.gecko.favicons;
import org.mozilla.gecko.AboutPages;
import org.mozilla.gecko.AppConstants;
import org.mozilla.gecko.R;
import org.mozilla.gecko.Tab;
import org.mozilla.gecko.Tabs;
import org.mozilla.gecko.db.BrowserDB;
import org.mozilla.gecko.favicons.cache.FaviconCache;
import org.mozilla.gecko.gfx.BitmapUtils;
import org.mozilla.gecko.util.GeckoJarReader;
import org.mozilla.gecko.util.NonEvictingLruCache;
import org.mozilla.gecko.util.ThreadUtils;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
public class Favicons {
private static final String LOGTAG = "GeckoFavicons";
// A magic URL representing the app's own favicon, used for about: pages.
private static final String BUILT_IN_FAVICON_URL = "about:favicon";
// Size of the favicon bitmap cache, in bytes (Counting payload only).
public static final int FAVICON_CACHE_SIZE_BYTES = 512 * 1024;
// Number of URL mappings from page URL to Favicon URL to cache in memory.
public static final int NUM_PAGE_URL_MAPPINGS_TO_STORE = 128;
public static final int NOT_LOADING = 0;
public static final int LOADED = 1;
public static final int FLAG_PERSIST = 2;
public static final int FLAG_SCALE = 4;
protected static Context sContext;
// The default Favicon to show if no other can be found.
public static Bitmap sDefaultFavicon;
// The density-adjusted default Favicon dimensions.
public static int sDefaultFaviconSize;
private static final Map<Integer, LoadFaviconTask> sLoadTasks = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Integer, LoadFaviconTask>());
// Cache to hold mappings between page URLs and Favicon URLs. Used to avoid going to the DB when
// doing so is not necessary.
private static final NonEvictingLruCache<String, String> sPageURLMappings = new NonEvictingLruCache<String, String>(NUM_PAGE_URL_MAPPINGS_TO_STORE);
public static String getFaviconURLForPageURLFromCache(String pageURL) {
return sPageURLMappings.get(pageURL);
* Insert the given pageUrl->faviconUrl mapping into the memory cache of such mappings.
* Useful for short-circuiting local database access.
public static void putFaviconURLForPageURLInCache(String pageURL, String faviconURL) {
sPageURLMappings.put(pageURL, faviconURL);
private static FaviconCache sFaviconsCache;
* Returns either NOT_LOADING, or LOADED if the onFaviconLoaded call could
* be made on the main thread.
* If no listener is provided, NOT_LOADING is returned.
static int dispatchResult(final String pageUrl, final String faviconURL, final Bitmap image,
final OnFaviconLoadedListener listener) {
if (listener == null) {
if (ThreadUtils.isOnUiThread()) {
listener.onFaviconLoaded(pageUrl, faviconURL, image);
return LOADED;
// We want to always run the listener on UI thread.
ThreadUtils.postToUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
listener.onFaviconLoaded(pageUrl, faviconURL, image);
* Only returns a non-null Bitmap if the entire path is cached -- the
* page URL to favicon URL, and the favicon URL to in-memory bitmaps.
* Returns null otherwise.
public static Bitmap getCachedFaviconForSize(final String pageURL, int targetSize) {
final String faviconURL = sPageURLMappings.get(pageURL);
if (faviconURL == null) {
return null;
return getSizedFaviconFromCache(faviconURL, targetSize);
* Get a Favicon as close as possible to the target dimensions for the URL provided.
* If a result is instantly available from the cache, it is returned and the listener is invoked.
* Otherwise, the result is drawn from the database or network and the listener invoked when the
* result becomes available.
* @param pageURL Page URL for which a Favicon is desired.
* @param faviconURL URL of the Favicon to be downloaded, if known. If none provided, an educated
* guess is made by the system.
* @param targetSize Target size of the returned Favicon
* @param listener Listener to call with the result of the load operation, if the result is not
* immediately available.
* @return The id of the asynchronous task created, NOT_LOADING if none is created, or
* LOADED if the value could be dispatched on the current thread.
public static int getFaviconForSize(String pageURL, String faviconURL, int targetSize, int flags, OnFaviconLoadedListener listener) {
// Do we know the favicon URL for this page already?
String cacheURL = faviconURL;
if (cacheURL == null) {
cacheURL = sPageURLMappings.get(pageURL);
// If there's no favicon URL given, try and hit the cache with the default one.
if (cacheURL == null) {
cacheURL = guessDefaultFaviconURL(pageURL);
// If it's something we can't even figure out a default URL for, just give up.
if (cacheURL == null) {
return dispatchResult(pageURL, null, sDefaultFavicon, listener);
Bitmap cachedIcon = getSizedFaviconFromCache(cacheURL, targetSize);
if (cachedIcon != null) {
return dispatchResult(pageURL, cacheURL, cachedIcon, listener);
// Check if favicon has failed.
if (sFaviconsCache.isFailedFavicon(cacheURL)) {
return dispatchResult(pageURL, cacheURL, sDefaultFavicon, listener);
// Failing that, try and get one from the database or internet.
return loadUncachedFavicon(pageURL, faviconURL, flags, targetSize, listener);
* Returns the cached Favicon closest to the target size if any exists or is coercible. Returns
* null otherwise. Does not query the database or network for the Favicon is the result is not
* immediately available.
* @param faviconURL URL of the Favicon to query for.
* @param targetSize The desired size of the returned Favicon.
* @return The cached Favicon, rescaled to be as close as possible to the target size, if any exists.
* null if no applicable Favicon exists in the cache.
public static Bitmap getSizedFaviconFromCache(String faviconURL, int targetSize) {
return sFaviconsCache.getFaviconForDimensions(faviconURL, targetSize);
* Attempts to find a Favicon for the provided page URL from either the mem cache or the database.
* Does not need an explicit favicon URL, since, as we are accessing the database anyway, we
* can query the history DB for the Favicon URL.
* Handy for easing the transition from caching with page URLs to caching with Favicon URLs.
* A null result is passed to the listener if no value is locally available. The Favicon is not
* added to the failure cache.
* @param pageURL Page URL for which a Favicon is wanted.
* @param targetSize Target size of the desired Favicon to pass to the cache query
* @param callback Callback to fire with the result.
* @return The job ID of the spawned async task, if any.
public static int getSizedFaviconForPageFromLocal(final String pageURL, final int targetSize, final OnFaviconLoadedListener callback) {
// Firstly, try extremely hard to cheat.
// Have we cached this favicon URL? If we did, we can consult the memcache right away.
String targetURL = sPageURLMappings.get(pageURL);
if (targetURL != null) {
// Check if favicon has failed.
if (sFaviconsCache.isFailedFavicon(targetURL)) {
return dispatchResult(pageURL, targetURL, null, callback);
// Do we have a Favicon in the cache for this favicon URL?
Bitmap result = getSizedFaviconFromCache(targetURL, targetSize);
if (result != null) {
// Victory - immediate response!
return dispatchResult(pageURL, targetURL, result, callback);
// No joy using in-memory resources. Go to background thread and ask the database.
LoadFaviconTask task = new LoadFaviconTask(ThreadUtils.getBackgroundHandler(), pageURL, targetURL, 0, callback, targetSize, true);
int taskId = task.getId();
sLoadTasks.put(taskId, task);
return taskId;
public static int getSizedFaviconForPageFromLocal(final String pageURL, final OnFaviconLoadedListener callback) {
return getSizedFaviconForPageFromLocal(pageURL, sDefaultFaviconSize, callback);
* Helper method to determine the URL of the Favicon image for a given page URL by querying the
* history database. Should only be called from the background thread - does database access.
* @param pageURL The URL of a webpage with a Favicon.
* @return The URL of the Favicon used by that webpage, according to either the History database
* or a somewhat educated guess.
public static String getFaviconUrlForPageUrl(String pageURL) {
// Attempt to determine the Favicon URL from the Tabs datastructure. Can dodge having to use
// the database sometimes by doing this.
String targetURL;
Tab theTab = Tabs.getInstance().getTabForUrl(pageURL);
if (theTab != null) {
targetURL = theTab.getFaviconURL();
if (targetURL != null) {
return targetURL;
targetURL = BrowserDB.getFaviconUrlForHistoryUrl(sContext.getContentResolver(), pageURL);
if (targetURL == null) {
// Nothing in the history database. Fall back to the default URL and hope for the best.
targetURL = guessDefaultFaviconURL(pageURL);
return targetURL;
* Helper function to create an async job to load a Favicon which does not exist in the memcache.
* Contains logic to prevent the repeated loading of Favicons which have previously failed.
* There is no support for recovery from transient failures.
* @param pageUrl URL of the page for which to load a Favicon. If null, no job is created.
* @param faviconUrl The URL of the Favicon to load. If null, an attempt to infer the value from
* the history database will be made, and ultimately an attempt to guess will
* be made.
* @param flags Flags to be used by the LoadFaviconTask while loading. Currently only one flag
* is supported, LoadFaviconTask.FLAG_PERSIST.
* If FLAG_PERSIST is set and the Favicon is ultimately loaded from the internet,
* the downloaded Favicon is subsequently stored in the local database.
* If FLAG_PERSIST is unset, the downloaded Favicon is stored only in the memcache.
* FLAG_PERSIST has no effect on loads which come from the database.
* @param listener The OnFaviconLoadedListener to invoke with the result of this Favicon load.
* @return The id of the LoadFaviconTask handling this job.
private static int loadUncachedFavicon(String pageUrl, String faviconUrl, int flags, int targetSize, OnFaviconLoadedListener listener) {
// Handle the case where we have no page url.
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(pageUrl)) {
dispatchResult(null, null, null, listener);
LoadFaviconTask task = new LoadFaviconTask(ThreadUtils.getBackgroundHandler(), pageUrl, faviconUrl, flags, listener, targetSize, false);
int taskId = task.getId();
sLoadTasks.put(taskId, task);
return taskId;
public static void putFaviconInMemCache(String pageUrl, Bitmap image) {
sFaviconsCache.putSingleFavicon(pageUrl, image);
public static void putFaviconsInMemCache(String pageUrl, Iterator<Bitmap> images, boolean permanently) {
sFaviconsCache.putFavicons(pageUrl, images, permanently);
public static void clearMemCache() {
public static void putFaviconInFailedCache(String faviconURL) {
public static boolean cancelFaviconLoad(int taskId) {
if (taskId == NOT_LOADING) {
return false;
boolean cancelled;
synchronized (sLoadTasks) {
if (!sLoadTasks.containsKey(taskId))
return false;
Log.d(LOGTAG, "Cancelling favicon load (" + taskId + ")");
LoadFaviconTask task = sLoadTasks.get(taskId);
cancelled = task.cancel(false);
return cancelled;
public static void close() {
Log.d(LOGTAG, "Closing Favicons database");
// Cancel any pending tasks
synchronized (sLoadTasks) {
Set<Integer> taskIds = sLoadTasks.keySet();
Iterator<Integer> iter = taskIds.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
int taskId =;
* Get the dominant colour of the Favicon at the URL given, if any exists in the cache.
* @param url The URL of the Favicon, to be used as the cache key for the colour value.
* @return The dominant colour of the provided Favicon.
public static int getFaviconColor(String url) {
return sFaviconsCache.getDominantColor(url);
* Called by GeckoApp on startup to pass this class a reference to the GeckoApp object used as
* the application's Context.
* Consider replacing with references to a staticly held reference to the GeckoApp object.
* @param context A reference to the GeckoApp instance.
public static void attachToContext(Context context) throws Exception {
final Resources res = context.getResources();
sContext = context;
// Decode the default Favicon ready for use.
sDefaultFavicon = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(res, R.drawable.favicon);
if (sDefaultFavicon == null) {
throw new Exception("Null default favicon was returned from the resources system!");
sDefaultFaviconSize = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.favicon_bg);
sFaviconsCache = new FaviconCache(FAVICON_CACHE_SIZE_BYTES, res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.favicon_largest_interesting_size));
// Initialize page mappings for each of our special pages.
for (String url : AboutPages.getDefaultIconPages()) {
sPageURLMappings.putWithoutEviction(url, BUILT_IN_FAVICON_URL);
// Load and cache the built-in favicon in each of its sizes.
// TODO: don't open the zip twice!
ArrayList<Bitmap> toInsert = new ArrayList<Bitmap>(2);
toInsert.add(loadBrandingBitmap(context, "favicon64.png"));
toInsert.add(loadBrandingBitmap(context, "favicon32.png"));
putFaviconsInMemCache(BUILT_IN_FAVICON_URL, toInsert.iterator(), true);
* Compute a string like:
* "jar:jar:file:///data/app/org.mozilla.firefox-1.apk!/assets/omni.ja!/chrome/chrome/content/branding/favicon64.png"
private static String getBrandingBitmapPath(Context context, String name) {
final String apkPath = context.getPackageResourcePath();
return "jar:jar:" + new File(apkPath).toURI() + "!/" +
AppConstants.OMNIJAR_NAME + "!/" +
"chrome/chrome/content/branding/" + name;
private static Bitmap loadBrandingBitmap(Context context, String name) {
Bitmap b = GeckoJarReader.getBitmap(context.getResources(),
getBrandingBitmapPath(context, name));
if (b == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Bitmap " + name + " missing from JAR!");
return b;
* Helper method to get the default Favicon URL for a given pageURL. Generally:
* @param pageURL Page URL for which a default Favicon URL is requested
* @return The default Favicon URL.
public static String guessDefaultFaviconURL(String pageURL) {
// Special-casing for about: pages. The favicon for about:pages which don't provide a link tag
// is bundled in the database, keyed only by page URL, hence the need to return the page URL
// here. If the database ever migrates to stop being silly in this way, this can plausibly
// be removed.
if (AboutPages.isAboutPage(pageURL) || pageURL.startsWith("jar:")) {
return pageURL;
try {
// Fall back to trying "someScheme:someDomain.someExtension/favicon.ico".
URI u = new URI(pageURL);
return new URI(u.getScheme(),
"/favicon.ico", null,
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
Log.e(LOGTAG, "URISyntaxException getting default favicon URL", e);
return null;
public static void removeLoadTask(int taskId) {
* Method to wrap FaviconCache.isFailedFavicon for use by LoadFaviconTask.
* @param faviconURL Favicon URL to check for failure.
static boolean isFailedFavicon(String faviconURL) {
return sFaviconsCache.isFailedFavicon(faviconURL);
* Sidestep the cache and get, from either the database or the internet, the largest available
* Favicon for the given page URL. Useful for creating homescreen shortcuts without being limited
* by possibly low-resolution values in the cache.
* Deduces the favicon URL from the history database and, ultimately, guesses.
* @param url Page URL to get a large favicon image fro.
* @param onFaviconLoadedListener Listener to call back with the result.
public static void getLargestFaviconForPage(String url, OnFaviconLoadedListener onFaviconLoadedListener) {
loadUncachedFavicon(url, null, 0, -1, onFaviconLoadedListener);