
1504 lines
45 KiB

/* -*- Mode: js2; tab-width: 40; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js2-basic-offset: 2; js2-skip-preprocessor-directives: t; -*- */
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is Mozilla Mobile Browser.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Mozilla Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Vladimir Vukicevic <>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
var gWsDoLog = false;
var gWsLogDiv = null;
function logbase() {
if (!gWsDoLog)
if (gWsLogDiv == null && "console" in window) {
console.log.apply(console, arguments);
} else {
var s = "";
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
s += arguments[i] + " ";
s += "\n";
if (gWsLogDiv) {
gWsLogDiv.appendChild(document.createElementNS("", "br"));
function dumpJSStack(stopAtNamedFunction) {
let caller = Components.stack.caller;
dump("\tStack: " +;
while ((caller = caller.caller)) {
dump(" <- " +;
if (stopAtNamedFunction && != "anonymous")
function log() {
logbase.apply(window, arguments);
function log2() {
logbase.apply(window, arguments);
let reportError = log;
* wsBorder class
* Simple container for top,left,bottom,right "border" values
function wsBorder(t, l, b, r) {
this.setBorder(t, l, b, r);
wsBorder.prototype = {
_t: 0, _l: 0, _b: 0, _r: 0,
get left() { return this._l; },
get right() { return this._r; },
get top() { return this._t; },
get bottom() { return this._b; },
set left(v) { this._l = v; },
set right(v) { this._r = v; },
set top(v) { this._t = v; },
set bottom(v) { this._b = v; },
setBorder: function (t, l, b, r) {
this._t = t;
this._l = l;
this._b = b;
this._r = r;
toString: function () {
return "[l:" + this._l + ",t:" + this._t + ",r:" + this._r + ",b:" + this._b + "]";
* wsRect class
* Rectangle class, with both x/y/w/h and t/l/b/r accessors.
function wsRect(x, y, w, h) {
this.setRect(x, y, w, h);
wsRect.prototype = {
_l: 0, _t: 0, _b: 0, _r: 0,
get x() { return this._l; },
get y() { return this._t; },
get width() { return this._r - this._l; },
get height() { return this._b - this._t; },
get w() { return this.width; },
get h() { return this.height; },
set x(v) { let w = this.w; this._l = v; this._r = v + w; },
set y(v) { let h = this.h; this._t = v; this._b = v + h; },
set width(v) { this._r = this._l + v; },
set height(v) { this._b = this._t + v; },
set w(v) { this.w = v; },
set h(v) { this.h = v; },
get left() { return this._l; },
get right() { return this._r; },
get top() { return this._t; },
get bottom() { return this._b; },
set left(v) { this._l = v; },
set right(v) { this._r = v; },
set top(v) { this._t = v; },
set bottom(v) { this._b = v; },
setRect: function(x, y, w, h) {
this._l = x;
this._t = y;
this._r = x+w;
this._b = y+h;
return this;
setBounds: function(t, l, b, r) {
this._t = t;
this._l = l;
this._b = b;
this._r = r;
return this;
clone: function() {
return new wsRect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
copyFrom: function(r) {
this._t = r._t;
this._l = r._l;
this._b = r._b;
this._r = r._r;
return this;
copyFromTLBR: function(r) {
this._l = r.left;
this._t =;
this._r = r.right;
this._b = r.bottom;
return this;
translate: function(x, y) {
this._l += x;
this._r += x;
this._t += y;
this._b += y;
return this;
// return a new wsRect that is the union of that one and this one
union: function(rect) {
let l = Math.min(this._l, rect._l);
let r = Math.max(this._r, rect._r);
let t = Math.min(this._t, rect._t);
let b = Math.max(this._b, rect._b);
return new wsRect(l, t, r-l, b-t);
toString: function() {
return "[" + this.x + "," + this.y + "," + this.width + "," + this.height + "]";
expandBy: function(b) {
this._l += b.left;
this._r += b.right;
this._t +=;
this._b += b.bottom;
return this;
contains: function(other) {
return !!(other._l >= this._l &&
other._r <= this._r &&
other._t >= this._t &&
other._b <= this._b);
intersects: function(other) {
let xok = (other._l > this._l && other._l < this._r) ||
(other._r > this._l && other._r < this._r) ||
(other._l <= this._l && other._r >= this._r);
let yok = (other._t > this._t && other._t < this._b) ||
(other._b > this._t && other._b < this._b) ||
(other._t <= this._t && other._t >= this._b);
return xok && yok;
* The "Widget Stack"
* Manages a <xul:stack>'s children, allowing them to be dragged around
* the stack, subject to specified constraints. Optionally supports
* one widget designated as the viewport, which can be panned over a virtual
* area without needing to draw that area entirely. The viewport widget
* is designated by a 'viewport' attribute on the child element.
* Widgets are subject to various constraints, specified in xul via the
* 'constraint' attribute. Current constraints are:
* ignore-x: When panning, ignore any changes to the widget's x position
* ignore-y: When panning, ignore any changes to the widget's y position
* vp-relative: This widget's position should be claculated relative to
* the viewport widget. It will always keep the same offset from that
* widget as initially laid out, regardless of changes to the viewport
* bounds.
* frozen: This widget is in a fixed position and should never pan.
function WidgetStack(el, ew, eh) {
this.init(el, ew, eh);
WidgetStack.prototype = {
// the <stack> element
_el: null,
// object indexed by widget id, with state struct for each object (see _addNewWidget)
_widgetState: null,
// any barriers
_barriers: null,
// If a viewport widget is present, this will point to its state object;
// otherwise null.
_viewport: null,
// a wsRect; the inner bounds of the viewport content
_viewportBounds: null,
// a wsBorder; the overflow area to the side of the bounds where our
// viewport-relative widgets go
_viewportOverflow: null,
// a wsRect; the viewportBounds expanded by the viewportOverflow
_pannableBounds: null,
// a wsRect; the currently visible part of pannableBounds.
_viewingRect: null,
// the amount of current global offset applied to all widgets (whether
// static or not). Set via offsetAll(). Can be used to push things
// out of the way for overlaying some other UI.
globalOffsetX: 0,
globalOffsetY: 0,
// if true (default), panning is constrained to the pannable bounds.
_constrainToViewport: true,
_viewportUpdateInterval: -1,
_viewportUpdateTimeout: -1,
_viewportUpdateHandler: null,
_panHandler: null,
_dragState: null,
_rectSanityCheck: true,
// init:
// el: the <stack> element whose children are to be managed
init: function (el, ew, eh) {
this._el = el;
this._widgetState = {};
this._barriers = [];
let rect = this._el.getBoundingClientRect();
let width = rect.right - rect.left;
let height = rect.bottom -;
if (ew != undefined && eh != undefined) {
width = ew;
height = eh;
this._viewportOverflow = new wsBorder(0, 0, 0, 0);
this._viewingRect = new wsRect(0, 0, width, height);
log ("viewingRect:", this._viewingRect);
// listen for DOMNodeInserted/DOMNodeRemoved/DOMAttrModified
let children = this._el.childNodes;
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
let c = this._el.childNodes[i];
if (c.tagName == "spacer")
if (this._viewport) {
this._viewportBounds = new wsRect(0, 0, this._viewport.rect.width, this._viewport.rect.height);
} else {
this._viewportBounds = new wsRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
this._pannableBounds = this._widgetBounds();
// handleEvents: if this is called, WS will install its own event handlers
// on the stack element for mouse clicks and motion. Otherwise, the application
// must call dragStart/dragMove/dragStop as appropriate.
handleEvents: function () {
let self = this;
let e = window;
e.addEventListener("mousedown", function (ev) { return self._onMouseDown(ev); }, true);
e.addEventListener("mouseup", function (ev) { return self._onMouseUp(ev); }, true);
e.addEventListener("mousemove", function (ev) { return self._onMouseMove(ev); }, true);
// moveWidgetBy: move the widget with the given id by x,y. Should
// not be used on vp-relative or otherwise frozen widgets (using it
// on the x coordinate for x-ignore widgets and similarily for y is
// ok, as long as the other coordinate remains 0.)
moveWidgetBy: function (wid, x, y) {
let state = this._getState(wid);
state.rect.x += x;
state.rect.y += y;
// panBy: pan the entire set of widgets by the given x and y amounts.
// This does the same thing as if the user dragged by the given amount.
// If this is called with an outstanding drag, weirdness might happen,
// but it also might work, so not disabling that.
// if ignoreBarriers is true, then barriers are ignored for the pan.
panBy: function panBy(dx, dy, ignoreBarriers) {
let needsDragWrap = !this._dragging;
//log2("tlc rect.x start", this._widgetState['tab-list-container'].rect.x, needsDragWrap);
if (needsDragWrap)
this.dragStart(0, 0);
this._panBy(dx, dy, ignoreBarriers);
if (needsDragWrap)
//log2("tlc rect.x", this._widgetState['tab-list-container'].rect.x);
// panTo: pan the entire set of widgets so that the given x,y coordinates
// are in the upper left of the stack.
panTo: function (x, y) {
log2("panTo", x, y);
this.panBy(this._viewingRect.x - x, this._viewingRect.y - y, true);
log2("-panTo", x, y, "vr", this._viewingRect, "vwib", this._viewport.viewportInnerBounds);
// freeze: set a widget as frozen. A frozen widget won't be moved
// in the stack -- its x,y position will still be tracked in the
// state, but the left/top attributes won't be overwritten. Call unfreeze
// to move the widget back to where the ws thinks it should be.
freeze: function (wid) {
let state = this._getState(wid);
state.frozen = true;
unfreeze: function (wid) {
let state = this._getState(wid);
if (!state.frozen)
state.frozen = false;
// moveFrozenTo: move a frozen widget with id wid to x, y in the stack.
// can only be used on frozen widgets
moveFrozenTo: function (wid, x, y) {
let state = this._getState(wid);
if (!state.frozen)
throw "moveFrozenTo on non-frozen widget " + wid;
state.widget.setAttribute("left", x);
state.widget.setAttribute("top", y);
get pannableBounds() {
return this._pannableBounds.clone();
get viewingRect() {
return this._viewingRect.clone();
// isWidgetVisible: return true if any portion of widget with id wid is
// visible; otherwise return false.
isWidgetVisible: function (wid) {
let state = this._getState(wid);
let visibleStackRect = new wsRect(0, 0, this._viewingRect.width, this._viewingRect.height);
return visibleStackRect.intersects(state.rect);
// offsetAll: add an offset to all widgets
offsetAll: function (x, y) {
this.globalOffsetX += x;
this.globalOffsetY += y;
for (let wid in this._widgetState) {
let state = this._widgetState[wid];
state.rect.x += x;
state.rect.y += y;
// setViewportBounds
// nb: an object containing top, left, bottom, right properties
// OR
// width, height: integer values; origin assumed to be 0,0
// OR
// top, left, bottom, right: integer values
// Set the bounds of the viewport area; that is, set the size of the
// actual content that the viewport widget will be providing a view
// over. For example, in the case of a 100x100 viewport showing a
// view into a 100x500 webpage, the viewport bounds would be
// { top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 500, right: 100 }.
// setViewportBounds will move all the viewport-relative widgets into
// place based on the new viewport bounds.
setViewportBounds: function setViewportBounds() {
let oldBounds = this._viewportBounds.clone();
let oldInner = this._viewport.viewportInnerBounds.clone();
if (arguments.length == 1) {
} else if (arguments.length == 2) {
this._viewportBounds.setRect(0, 0, arguments[0], arguments[1]);
} else if (arguments.length == 4) {
} else {
throw "Invalid number of arguments to setViewportBounds";
log2("setViewportBounds old:", oldBounds.toString(), "new:", this._viewportBounds);
let vp = this._viewport;
let dleft = this._viewportBounds.left - oldBounds.left;
let dright = this._viewportBounds.right - oldBounds.right;
let dtop = -;
let dbottom = this._viewportBounds.bottom - oldBounds.bottom;
log2("setViewportBounds dltrb", dleft, dtop, dright, dbottom);
// move all vp-relative widgets to be the right offset from the bounds again
for (let wid in this._widgetState) {
let state = this._widgetState[wid];
if (state.vpRelative) {
log2("vpRelative widget",, state.rect.x, dleft, dright);
if (state.vpOffsetXBefore) {
state.rect.x += dleft;
} else {
state.rect.x += dright;
if (state.vpOffsetYBefore) {
state.rect.y += dtop;
} else {
state.rect.y += dbottom;
log2("vpRelative widget",, state.rect.x, dleft, dright);
for (let bid in this._barriers) {
let barrier = this._barriers[bid];
log2("setViewportBounds: looking at barrier", bid, barrier.vpRelative, barrier.type);
if (barrier.vpRelative) {
if (barrier.type == "vertical") {
let q = "v barrier moving from " + barrier.x + " to ";
if (barrier.vpOffsetXBefore) {
barrier.x += dleft;
} else {
barrier.x += dright;
log2(q += barrier.x);
} else if (barrier.type == "horizontal") {
let q = "h barrier moving from " + barrier.y + " to ";
if (barrier.vpOffsetYBefore) {
barrier.y += dtop;
} else {
barrier.y += dbottom;
log2(q += barrier.y);
// and then define a new pannable bounds
this._pannableBounds = this._viewportBounds.clone().expandBy(this._viewportOverflow);
log2("new pannableBounds:", this._pannableBounds.toString());
// now let's make sure that the inner bounds are still valid
log2("viewingRect old", this._viewingRect.toString());
log2("viewingRect new", this._viewingRect.toString());
log2("finished, inner bounds old:", oldInner, " new:", this._viewport.viewportInnerBounds);
if (this._viewport && this._viewportUpdateHandler) {
let vws = this._viewport;
let vwib = vws.viewportInnerBounds.clone();
vwib.left += vws.offsetLeft; += vws.offsetTop;
vwib.right += vws.offsetRight;
vwib.bottom += vws.offsetBottom;
this._viewportUpdateHandler.apply(window, [vwib]);
// setViewportHandler
// uh: A function object
// The given function object is called at the end of every drag, providing
// the new area that's to be displayed in the viewport widget.
setViewportHandler: function (uh) {
this._viewportUpdateHandler = uh;
// setPanHandler
// uh: A function object
// The given functin object is called whenever elements pan; it provides
// the new area of the pannable bounds that's visible in the stack.
setPanHandler: function (uh) {
this._panHandler = uh;
// dragStart: start a drag, with the current coordinates being clientX,clientY
dragStart: function (clientX, clientY) {
log("(dragStart)", clientX, clientY);
if (this._dragState) {
reportError("dragStart with drag already in progress? what?");
this._dragState = null;
this._dragState = { };
let t =;
this._dragState.barrierState = [];
this._dragState.startTime = t;
// outer x, that is outer from the viewport coordinates. In stack-relative coords.
this._dragState.outerStartX = clientX;
this._dragState.outerStartY = clientY;
this._dragCoordsFromClient(clientX, clientY, t);
this._dragState.outerLastUpdateDX = 0;
this._dragState.outerLastUpdateDY = 0;
if (this._viewport) {
// create a copy of these so that we can compute
// deltas correctly to update the viewport
this._viewport.dragStartRect = this._viewport.rect.clone();
this._viewport.dragStartOffsets = this._panRegionOffsets();
this._dragState.dragging = true;
// dragStop: stop any drag in progress
dragStop: function () {
if (!this._dragging)
if (this._viewportUpdateTimeout != -1)
if (this._viewport)
this._dragState = null;
// dragMove: process a mouse move to clientX,clientY for an ongoing drag
dragMove: function dragStop(clientX, clientY) {
if (!this._dragging)
log("(dragMove)", clientX, clientY);
this._dragCoordsFromClient(clientX, clientY);
if (this._viewportUpdateInterval != -1) {
if (this._viewportUpdateTimeout != -1)
let self = this;
this._viewportUpdateTimeout = setTimeout(function () { self._viewportUpdate(); }, this._viewportUpdateInterval);
// updateSize: tell the WidgetStack to update its size, because it
// was either resized or some other event took place.
updateSize: function updateSize() {
// XXX assumes we can only be resized from the bottom left/bottom right
let rect = this._el.getBoundingClientRect();
this._viewingRect.width = rect.width;
this._viewingRect.height = rect.height;
// If the viewport changed size (the only thing that's allowed to for now),
// update its internal sizes
if (this._viewport) {
let vws = this._viewport;
let vwb = this._viewportBounds;
let vwib = vws.viewportInnerBounds;
let newViewportRect = this._viewport.widget.getBoundingClientRect();
let w = newViewportRect.width;
let h = newViewportRect.height;
if (this._viewport.widget.hasAttribute("widgetwidth") &&
w = parseInt(this._viewport.widget.getAttribute("widgetwidth"));
h = parseInt(this._viewport.widget.getAttribute("widgetheight"));
if (this._viewport.widget.hasAttribute("vptargetw") &&
let ww = parseInt(this._viewport.widget.getAttribute("vptargetw"));
let wh = parseInt(this._viewport.widget.getAttribute("vptargeth"));
w = ww;
h = wh;
// the amount the viewport size changed by
let dw = w - vws.rect.width;
let dh = h - vws.rect.height;
if (dw != 0 || dh != 0) {
// the amount we'll need to move the viewport inner bounds origin by
// to make sure that it stays within the viewport
let dx = 0;
let dy = 0;
log("updateSize: viewport size:", w, h, "old:", vws.rect.width, vws.rect.height);
vws.rect.width = w;
vws.rect.height = h;
// if we'd blow past the left/bottom of the bounds, calculate adjustment to
// the inner bounds origin
if (vwib.right + dw > vwb.right)
dx = vwb.right - (vwib.right + dw);
if (vwib.bottom + dh > vwb.bottom)
dy = vwb.bottom - (vwib.bottom + dh);
// if with the new inner bounds origin we'd blow past the right/top, then just
// make the adjustment take us to the origin
if (vwib.left + dx < vwb.left)
dx = vwb.left - vwib.left;
if ( + dy <
dy = vwb.bottom - vwib.bottom;
// make the adjustments
vwib.right += dx; += dy;
// XXX should these take us to a max of vwb.width/vwb.height? or is it ok if it's bigger?
vwib.width += dw;
vwib.height += dh;
for (let wid in this._widgetState) {
let state = this._widgetState[wid];
let commit = false;
if (state.vpRelative) {
if (!state.vpOffsetXBefore) {
state.vpOffsetX -= dw;
state.rect.x -= dw;
commit = true;
if (!state.vpOffsetYBefore) {
state.vpOffsetY -= dh;
state.rect.y -= dh;
commit = true;
if (commit)
this._viewportOverflow.right += dw;
this._viewportOverflow.bottom += dh;
this._pannableBounds = this._viewportBounds.clone().expandBy(this._viewportOverflow);
log("pb", this._pannableBounds);
// note: the actual viewport bounds didn't change, so we don't need to move any of the relative widgets
// Internal code
_dumpRects: function () {
//dump("\tthis._viewportBounds: " + this._viewportBounds + "\n");
dump("\tthis._viewingRect: " + this._viewingRect + "\n");
dump("\tthis._viewport.viewportInnerBounds: " + this._viewport.viewportInnerBounds + "\n");
dump("\tthis._viewport.rect: " + this._viewport.rect + "\n");
//dump("\tthis._pannableBounds: " + this._pannableBounds + "\n");
// Ensures that _viewingRect is within _pannableBounds (call this when either
// one is resized)
_adjustViewingRect: function _adjustViewingRect() {
if (this._pannableBounds.contains(this._viewingRect))
return; // nothing to do here
this._rectSanityCheck = false;
let vr = this._viewingRect;
let pb = this._pannableBounds;
if (vr.right > pb.right)
this.panBy(pb.right - vr.right, 0, true);
else if (vr.left < pb.left)
this.panBy(pb.left - vr.left, 0, true);
if (vr.bottom > pb.bottom)
this.panBy(0, pb.bottom - vr.bottom, true);
else if( <
this.panBy(0, -, true);
this._rectSanityCheck = true;
_getState: function (wid) {
if (!(wid in this._widgetState))
throw "Unknown widget id '" + wid + "'; widget not in stack";
return this._widgetState[wid];
_onMouseDown: function (ev) {
this.dragStart(ev.screenX, ev.screenY);
// we haven't yet recognized a drag; whatever happens make
// sure we start one after 50ms.
this._dragState.dragging = false;
let self = this;
this._dragState.dragStartTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
self._dragState.dragStartTimeout = -1;
}, 50);
_onMouseUp: function (ev) {
if (!this._dragState)
if (this._dragState.dragStartTimeout != -1)
_onMouseMove: function (ev) {
if (!this._dragging)
this._dragCoordsFromClient(ev.screenX, ev.screenY);
if (!this._dragging && this._dragState.outerDistSquared > 100)
this.dragMove(ev.screenX, ev.screenY);
get _dragging() {
return this._dragState && this._dragState.dragging;
// dragStart: a drag was started, either by distance or by time.
_delayedDragStart: function () {
if (this._dragging)
if (this._dragState.dragStartTimeout != -1)
this._dragState.dragging = true;
_panRegionOffsets: function () {
let ioffsetx = 0;
let ioffsety = 0;
// _viewingRect is the currently visible part of the entire stack,
// but it's in the coordinates of the _pannableBounds -- that is,
// the _viewingRect origin maps to 0,0 in the stack.
// _viewportBounds on the other hand, is in the origin of the
// viewport -- usually at 0,0.
// But, this still seems to work -- I thought there was a bug
// here, and there still might be. An alternative is to just not
// do this, always snap the canvas back to 0,0 -unless- that would
// cause the viewport inner bounds to go outside the viewport
// bounds (in _viewportUpdate).
if (this._viewingRect.left < this._viewportBounds.left)
ioffsetx = this._viewportBounds.left - this._viewingRect.left;
else if (this._viewingRect.right > this._viewportBounds.right)
ioffsetx = this._viewportBounds.right - this._viewingRect.right;
if ( <
ioffsety = -;
else if (this._viewingRect.bottom > this._viewportBounds.bottom)
ioffsety = this._viewportBounds.bottom - this._viewingRect.bottom;
return [ioffsetx, ioffsety];
_viewportUpdate: function _viewportUpdate(force) {
if (!this._viewport)
let originalViewportInnerBounds = this._viewport.viewportInnerBounds.clone();
let needsUpdate = force;
this._viewportUpdateTimeout = -1;
let vws = this._viewport;
// log2("viewportUpdate start", vws.rect.toString(), this._viewingRect.toString(), vws.originX, vws.originY);
let [ioffsetx, ioffsety] = this._panRegionOffsets();
// recover the amount the inner bounds moved by the amount the viewport widget moved.
// the rects are in screen space though, so we have to convert them to the virtual
// coordinate space.
if (this._dragging) {
let idx = (vws.dragStartRect.x - vws.dragStartOffsets[0]) - (vws.rect.x - ioffsetx);
let idy = (vws.dragStartRect.y - vws.dragStartOffsets[1]) - (vws.rect.y - ioffsety);
if (idx || idy) {
vws.viewportInnerBounds.translate(idx, idy);
needsUpdate = true;
// Attempt to snap the viewport widget back to its origin, if necessary.
// Check to see if any part of the viewport widget is outside of the
// rectangle formed by 0,0,w,h, where w and h come from the current viewingRect.
// This must be done after the above, since we'll manipulate vws.rect here.
let boundsRect = new wsRect(0, 0, this._viewingRect.width, this._viewingRect.height);
let viewportRect = vws.rect;
if (!boundsRect.contains(viewportRect)) {
vws.rect.x = ioffsetx;
vws.rect.y = ioffsety;
needsUpdate = true;
// if we're dragging, update this so that we can call this function again
// during the same drag and get the right values.
if (this._dragging) {
vws.dragStartOffsets = [ioffsetx, ioffsety];
vws.dragStartRect = vws.rect.clone();
log2("_viewportUpdate - new vwib:", this._viewport.viewportInnerBounds);
if (needsUpdate && this._viewport && this._viewportUpdateHandler) {
let vwib = vws.viewportInnerBounds.clone();
vwib.left += vws.offsetLeft; += vws.offsetTop;
vwib.right += vws.offsetRight;
vwib.bottom += vws.offsetBottom;
this._viewportUpdateHandler.apply(window, [vwib, originalViewportInnerBounds]);
_dragCoordsFromClient: function (cx, cy, t) {
this._dragState.curTime = t ? t :;
this._dragState.outerCurX = cx;
this._dragState.outerCurY = cy;
let dx = this._dragState.outerCurX - this._dragState.outerStartX;
let dy = this._dragState.outerCurY - this._dragState.outerStartY;
this._dragState.outerDX = dx;
this._dragState.outerDY = dy;
this._dragState.outerDistSquared = dx*dx + dy*dy;
_panHandleBarriers: function (dx, dy) {
// XXX unless the barriers are sorted by position, this will break
// with multiple barriers that are near enough to eachother that a
// drag could cross more than one.
let vr = this._viewingRect;
// XXX this just stops at the first horizontal and vertical barrier it finds
// barrier_[xy] is the barrier that was used to get to the final
// barrier_d[xy] value. if null, no barrier, and dx/dy shouldn't
// be replaced with barrier_d[xy].
let barrier_y = null, barrier_x = null;
let barrier_dy = 0, barrier_dx = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < this._barriers.length; i++) {
let b = this._barriers[i];
//log2("barrier", i, b.type, b.x, b.y);
if (dx != 0 && b.type == "vertical") {
if (barrier_x != null) {
delete this._dragState.barrierState[i];
let alreadyKnownDistance = this._dragState.barrierState[i] || 0;
//log2("alreadyKnownDistance", alreadyKnownDistance);
let dbx = 0;
//100 <= 100 && 100-(-5) > 100
if ((vr.left <= b.x && vr.left+dx > b.x) ||
(vr.left >= b.x && vr.left+dx < b.x))
dbx = b.x - vr.left;
} else if ((vr.right <= b.x && vr.right+dx > b.x) ||
(vr.right >= b.x && vr.right+dx < b.x))
dbx = b.x - vr.right;
} else {
delete this._dragState.barrierState[i];
let leftoverDistance = dbx - dx;
//log2("initial dbx", dbx, leftoverDistance);
let dist = Math.abs(leftoverDistance + alreadyKnownDistance) - b.size;
if (dist >= 0) {
if (dx < 0)
dbx -= dist;
dbx += dist;
delete this._dragState.barrierState[i];
} else {
dbx = 0;
this._dragState.barrierState[i] = leftoverDistance + alreadyKnownDistance;
//log2("final dbx", dbx, "state", this._dragState.barrierState[i]);
if (Math.abs(barrier_dx) <= Math.abs(dbx)) {
barrier_x = b;
barrier_dx = dbx;
//log2("new barrier_dx", barrier_dx);
if (dy != 0 && b.type == "horizontal") {
if (barrier_y != null) {
delete this._dragState.barrierState[i];
let alreadyKnownDistance = this._dragState.barrierState[i] || 0;
//log2("alreadyKnownDistance", alreadyKnownDistance);
let dby = 0;
//100 <= 100 && 100-(-5) > 100
if (( <= b.y && > b.y) ||
( >= b.y && < b.y))
dby = b.y -;
} else if ((vr.bottom <= b.y && vr.bottom+dy > b.y) ||
(vr.bottom >= b.y && vr.bottom+dy < b.y))
dby = b.y - vr.bottom;
} else {
delete this._dragState.barrierState[i];
let leftoverDistance = dby - dy;
//log2("initial dby", dby, leftoverDistance);
let dist = Math.abs(leftoverDistance + alreadyKnownDistance) - b.size;
if (dist >= 0) {
if (dy < 0)
dby -= dist;
dby += dist;
delete this._dragState.barrierState[i];
} else {
dby = 0;
this._dragState.barrierState[i] = leftoverDistance + alreadyKnownDistance;
//log2("final dby", dby, "state", this._dragState.barrierState[i]);
if (Math.abs(barrier_dy) <= Math.abs(dby)) {
barrier_y = b;
barrier_dy = dby;
//log2("new barrier_dy", barrier_dy);
if (barrier_x) {
//log2("did barrier_x", barrier_x, "barrier_dx", barrier_dx);
dx = barrier_dx;
if (barrier_y) {
dy = barrier_dy;
return [dx, dy];
_panBy: function _panBy(dx, dy, ignoreBarriers) {
// initially we work in viewingRect coords, so the direction
// of the move is opposite from the direction of the pan
dx = -dx;
dy = -dy;
let vr = this._viewingRect;
// check if any barriers would be crossed by this pan, and take them
// into account. do this first.
log2("******* _panBy", dx, dy, "v lr", vr.left, vr.right, "tb",, vr.bottom);
if (!ignoreBarriers)
[dx, dy] = this._panHandleBarriers(dx, dy);
// constrain the full drag of the viewingRect to the pannableBounds.
// note that the viewingRect needs to move in the opposite
// direction of the pan, so we fiddle with the signs here (as you
// pan to the upper left, more of the bottom right becomes visible,
// so the viewing rect moves to the bottom right of the virtual surface).
log2("rectTranslateConstrain in", dx, dy);
[dx, dy] = this._rectTranslateConstrain(dx, dy, vr, this._pannableBounds);
log2("rectTranslateConstrain out", dx, dy);
// If the net result is that we don't have any room to move, then
// just return.
if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)
// the viewingRect moves opposite of the actual pan direction, see above
vr.x += dx;
vr.y += dy;
// Go through each widget and move it by dx,dy. Frozen widgets
// will be ignored in commitState.
// The widget rects are in real stack space though, so we need to subtract
// our (now negated) dx, dy from their coordinates.
for (let wid in this._widgetState) {
let state = this._widgetState[wid];
if (!state.ignoreX)
state.rect.x -= dx;
if (!state.ignoreY)
state.rect.y -= dy;
if (this._panHandler) {
this._panHandler.apply(window, [vr.clone()]);
_dragUpdate: function () {
let dx = this._dragState.outerDX - this._dragState.outerLastUpdateDX;
let dy = this._dragState.outerDY - this._dragState.outerLastUpdateDY;
this._dragState.outerLastUpdateDX = this._dragState.outerDX;
this._dragState.outerLastUpdateDY = this._dragState.outerDY;
this._panBy(dx, dy);
// widget addition/removal
_addNewWidget: function (w) {
let wid = w.getAttribute("id");
if (!wid) {
reportError("WidgetStack: child widget without id!");
if (w.getAttribute("hidden") == "true")
let x = w.getAttribute("left") || 0;
let y = w.getAttribute("top") || 0;
// these widgets must be fixed size
// x and y must be ints!
let state = {
widget: w,
id: wid,
viewport: false,
ignoreX: false,
ignoreY: false,
sticky: false,
frozen: false,
vpRelative: false,
offsetLeft: 0,
offsetTop: 0,
offsetRight: 0,
offsetBottom: 0,
let rect = w.getBoundingClientRect();
state.rect = new wsRect(parseInt(x), parseInt(y),
rect.right - rect.left,
rect.bottom -;
if (w.hasAttribute("widgetwidth") && w.hasAttribute("widgetheight")) {
state.rect.width = parseInt(w.getAttribute("widgetwidth"));
state.rect.height = parseInt(w.getAttribute("widgetheight"));
if (w.hasAttribute("constraint")) {
let cs = w.getAttribute("constraint").split(",");
for each (let s in cs) {
if (s == "ignore-x")
state.ignoreX = true;
else if (s == "ignore-y")
state.ignoreY = true;
else if (s == "sticky")
state.sticky = true;
else if (s == "frozen") {
state.frozen = true;
} else if (s == "vp-relative")
state.vpRelative = true;
if (/*w.localName == "canvas" &&*/ w.hasAttribute("viewport")) {
if (this._viewport)
reportError("WidgetStack: more than one viewport canvas in stack!");
this._viewport = state;
state.viewport = true;
if (w.hasAttribute("vptargetx") && w.hasAttribute("vptargety") &&
w.hasAttribute("vptargetw") && w.hasAttribute("vptargeth"))
let wx = parseInt(w.getAttribute("vptargetx"));
let wy = parseInt(w.getAttribute("vptargety"));
let ww = parseInt(w.getAttribute("vptargetw"));
let wh = parseInt(w.getAttribute("vptargeth"));
state.offsetLeft = state.rect.left - wx;
state.offsetTop = - wy;
state.offsetRight = state.rect.right - (wx + ww);
state.offsetBottom = state.rect.bottom - (wy + wh);
state.rect = new wsRect(wx, wy, ww, wh);
// initialize inner bounds to top-left
state.viewportInnerBounds = new wsRect(0, 0, state.rect.width, state.rect.height);
this._widgetState[wid] = state;
log ("(New widget: " + wid + (state.viewport ? " [viewport]" : "") + " at: " + state.rect + ")");
_removeWidget: function (w) {
let wid = w.getAttribute("id");
delete this._widgetState[wid];
// updateWidgets:
// Go through all the widgets and figure out their viewport-relative offsets.
// If the widget goes to the left or above the viewport widget, then
// vpOffsetXBefore or vpOffsetYBefore is set.
// See setViewportBounds for use of vpOffset* state variables, and for how
// the actual x and y coords of each widget are calculated based on their offsets
// and the viewport bounds.
_updateWidgets: function () {
let vp = this._viewport;
let ofRect = this._viewingRect.clone();
for (let wid in this._widgetState) {
let state = this._widgetState[wid];
if (vp && state.vpRelative) {
// compute the vpOffset from 0,0 assuming that the viewport rect is 0,0
if (state.rect.left >= vp.rect.right) {
state.vpOffsetXBefore = false;
state.vpOffsetX = state.rect.left - vp.rect.width;
} else {
state.vpOffsetXBefore = true;
state.vpOffsetX = state.rect.left - vp.rect.left;
if ( >= vp.rect.bottom) {
state.vpOffsetYBefore = false;
state.vpOffsetY = - vp.rect.height;
} else {
state.vpOffsetYBefore = true;
state.vpOffsetY = -;
log("widget",, "offset", state.vpOffsetX, state.vpOffsetXBefore ? "b" : "a", state.vpOffsetY, state.vpOffsetYBefore ? "b" : "a", "rect", state.rect);
_updateViewportOverflow: function() {
let vp = this._viewport;
if (!vp)
let ofRect = new wsRect(0, 0, this._viewingRect.width, this._viewingRect.height);
for (let wid in this._widgetState) {
let state = this._widgetState[wid];
if (vp && state.vpRelative) {
ofRect.left = Math.min(ofRect.left, state.rect.left); = Math.min(,;
ofRect.right = Math.max(ofRect.right, state.rect.right);
ofRect.bottom = Math.max(ofRect.bottom, state.rect.bottom);
this._viewportOverflow = new wsBorder(
/*left*/ ofRect.left,
/*bottom*/ ofRect.bottom - vp.rect.height,
/*right*/ ofRect.right - vp.rect.width
log("_updateViewportOverflow", this._viewportOverflow.toString());
_widgetBounds: function () {
let r = new wsRect(0,0,0,0);
for (let wid in this._widgetState) {
let state = this._widgetState[wid];
r = r.union(state.rect);
return r;
_commitState: function (state) {
// if the widget is frozen, don't actually update its left/top;
// presumably the caller is managing those directly for now.
if (state.frozen)
state.widget.setAttribute("left", state.rect.x + state.offsetLeft);
state.widget.setAttribute("top", state.rect.y + state.offsetTop);
if (0) {
if ( == "tabs-container")
dump("commitState: " + + " -> " + state.rect.x + " " + state.rect.y + "\n");
dump("rect: " + state.widget.getBoundingClientRect().left + " " + state.widget.getBoundingClientRect().right + " " + state.widget.getBoundingClientRect().top + " " + state.widget.getBoundingClientRect().bottom + "\n");
dump("display: " + + " vis: " + + "\n");
dump("style: " + state.widget.getAttribute("hidden") + "\n");
// constrain translate of rect by dx dy to bounds; return dx dy that can
// be used to bring rect up to the edge of bounds if we'd go over.
_rectTranslateConstrain: function (dx, dy, rect, bounds) {
if (this._rectSanityCheck && !bounds.contains(rect)) {
throw "Invalid rectTranslateConstrain -- rect already outside bounds! rect: " + rect.toString() + " bounds: " + bounds.toString();
let nleft = rect.left + dx;
let nright = rect.right + dx;
let ntop = + dy;
let nbot = rect.bottom + dy;
// did we move too far to the left or right?
if (nleft < bounds.left) {
dx = bounds.left - rect.left;
} else if (nright > bounds.right) {
dx = bounds.right - rect.right;
// did we move too far to the top or bottom?
if (ntop < {
dy = -;
} else if (nbot > bounds.bottom) {
dy = bounds.bottom - rect.bottom;
return [dx, dy];
// add a new barrier from a <spacer>
_addNewBarrierFromSpacer: function (el) {
let t = el.getAttribute("barriertype");
// XXX implement these at some point
// t != "lr" && t != "rl" &&
// t != "tb" && t != "bt" &&
if (t != "horizontal" &&
t != "vertical")
throw "Invalid barrier type: " + t;
let x, y;
let barrier = {};
let vp = this._viewport;
barrier.type = t;
if (el.getAttribute("left"))
barrier.x = parseInt(el.getAttribute("left"));
else if (el.getAttribute("top"))
barrier.y = parseInt(el.getAttribute("top"));
throw "Barrier without top or left attribute";
if (el.getAttribute("size"))
barrier.size = parseInt(el.getAttribute("size"));
barrier.size = 10;
if (el.hasAttribute("constraint")) {
let cs = el.getAttribute("constraint").split(",");
for each (let s in cs) {
if (s == "ignore-x")
barrier.ignoreX = true;
else if (s == "ignore-y")
barrier.ignoreY = true;
else if (s == "sticky")
barrier.sticky = true;
else if (s == "frozen") {
barrier.frozen = true;
} else if (s == "vp-relative")
barrier.vpRelative = true;
if (barrier.vpRelative) {
if (barrier.type == "vertical") {
if (barrier.x >= vp.rect.right) {
barrier.vpOffsetXBefore = false;
barrier.vpOffsetX = barrier.x - vp.rect.right;
} else {
barrier.vpOffsetXBefore = true;
barrier.vpOffsetX = barrier.x - vp.rect.left;
} else if (barrier.type == "horizontal") {
if (barrier.y >= vp.rect.bottom) {
barrier.vpOffsetYBefore = false;
barrier.vpOffsetY = barrier.y - vp.rect.bottom;
} else {
barrier.vpOffsetYBefore = true;
barrier.vpOffsetY = barrier.y -;
//log2("h barrier relative", barrier.vpOffsetYBefore, barrier.vpOffsetY);