
1544 lines
53 KiB

function makeRotaryEngine() {
return new RotaryEngine();
function cleanAndGo(server) {
function run_test() {
* Tests
* SyncEngine._sync() is divided into four rather independent steps:
* - _syncStartup()
* - _processIncoming()
* - _uploadOutgoing()
* - _syncFinish()
* In the spirit of unit testing, these are tested individually for
* different scenarios below.
add_test(function test_syncStartup_emptyOrOutdatedGlobalsResetsSync() {
_("SyncEngine._syncStartup resets sync and wipes server data if there's no or an outdated global record");
let syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure();
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
Svc.Prefs.set("username", "foo");
// Some server side data that's going to be wiped
let collection = new ServerCollection();
collection.wbos.flying = new ServerWBO(
'flying', encryptPayload({id: 'flying',
denomination: "LNER Class A3 4472"}));
collection.wbos.scotsman = new ServerWBO(
'scotsman', encryptPayload({id: 'scotsman',
denomination: "Flying Scotsman"}));
let server = sync_httpd_setup({
"/1.1/foo/storage/rotary": collection.handler()
let engine = makeRotaryEngine();
engine._store.items = {rekolok: "Rekonstruktionslokomotive"};
try {
// Confirm initial environment
do_check_eq(engine._tracker.changedIDs["rekolok"], undefined);
let metaGlobal = Records.get(engine.metaURL);
do_check_eq(metaGlobal.payload.engines, undefined);
engine.lastSync = / 1000;
engine.lastSyncLocal =;
// Trying to prompt a wipe -- we no longer track CryptoMeta per engine,
// so it has nothing to check.
// The meta/global WBO has been filled with data about the engine
let engineData = metaGlobal.payload.engines["rotary"];
do_check_eq(engineData.version, engine.version);
do_check_eq(engineData.syncID, engine.syncID);
// Sync was reset and server data was wiped
do_check_eq(engine.lastSync, 0);
do_check_eq(collection.wbos.flying.payload, undefined);
do_check_eq(collection.wbos.scotsman.payload, undefined);
} finally {
add_test(function test_syncStartup_serverHasNewerVersion() {
_("SyncEngine._syncStartup ");
let syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure();
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
Svc.Prefs.set("username", "foo");
let global = new ServerWBO('global', {engines: {rotary: {version: 23456}}});
let server = httpd_setup({
"/1.1/foo/storage/meta/global": global.handler()
let engine = makeRotaryEngine();
try {
// The server has a newer version of the data and our engine can
// handle. That should give us an exception.
let error;
try {
} catch (ex) {
error = ex;
do_check_eq(error.failureCode, VERSION_OUT_OF_DATE);
} finally {
add_test(function test_syncStartup_syncIDMismatchResetsClient() {
_("SyncEngine._syncStartup resets sync if syncIDs don't match");
let syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure();
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
Svc.Prefs.set("username", "foo");
let server = sync_httpd_setup({});
// global record with a different syncID than our engine has
let engine = makeRotaryEngine();
let global = new ServerWBO('global',
{engines: {rotary: {version: engine.version,
syncID: 'foobar'}}});
server.registerPathHandler("/1.1/foo/storage/meta/global", global.handler());
try {
// Confirm initial environment
do_check_eq(engine.syncID, 'fake-guid-0');
do_check_eq(engine._tracker.changedIDs["rekolok"], undefined);
engine.lastSync = / 1000;
engine.lastSyncLocal =;
// The engine has assumed the server's syncID
do_check_eq(engine.syncID, 'foobar');
// Sync was reset
do_check_eq(engine.lastSync, 0);
} finally {
add_test(function test_processIncoming_emptyServer() {
_("SyncEngine._processIncoming working with an empty server backend");
let syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure();
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
Svc.Prefs.set("username", "foo");
let collection = new ServerCollection();
let server = sync_httpd_setup({
"/1.1/foo/storage/rotary": collection.handler()
let engine = makeRotaryEngine();
try {
// Merely ensure that this code path is run without any errors
do_check_eq(engine.lastSync, 0);
} finally {
add_test(function test_processIncoming_createFromServer() {
_("SyncEngine._processIncoming creates new records from server data");
let syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure();
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
Svc.Prefs.set("username", "foo");
// Some server records that will be downloaded
let collection = new ServerCollection();
collection.wbos.flying = new ServerWBO(
'flying', encryptPayload({id: 'flying',
denomination: "LNER Class A3 4472"}));
collection.wbos.scotsman = new ServerWBO(
'scotsman', encryptPayload({id: 'scotsman',
denomination: "Flying Scotsman"}));
// Two pathological cases involving relative URIs gone wrong.
collection.wbos['../pathological'] = new ServerWBO(
'../pathological', encryptPayload({id: '../pathological',
denomination: "Pathological Case"}));
let server = sync_httpd_setup({
"/1.1/foo/storage/rotary": collection.handler(),
"/1.1/foo/storage/rotary/flying": collection.wbos.flying.handler(),
"/1.1/foo/storage/rotary/scotsman": collection.wbos.scotsman.handler()
let engine = makeRotaryEngine();
let meta_global = Records.set(engine.metaURL, new WBORecord(engine.metaURL));
meta_global.payload.engines = {rotary: {version: engine.version,
syncID: engine.syncID}};
try {
// Confirm initial environment
do_check_eq(engine.lastSync, 0);
do_check_eq(engine.lastModified, null);
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.flying, undefined);
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.scotsman, undefined);
do_check_eq(engine._store.items['../pathological'], undefined);
// Timestamps of last sync and last server modification are set.
do_check_true(engine.lastSync > 0);
do_check_true(engine.lastModified > 0);
// Local records have been created from the server data.
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.flying, "LNER Class A3 4472");
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.scotsman, "Flying Scotsman");
do_check_eq(engine._store.items['../pathological'], "Pathological Case");
} finally {
add_test(function test_processIncoming_reconcile() {
_("SyncEngine._processIncoming updates local records");
let syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure();
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
Svc.Prefs.set("username", "foo");
let collection = new ServerCollection();
// This server record is newer than the corresponding client one,
// so it'll update its data.
collection.wbos.newrecord = new ServerWBO(
'newrecord', encryptPayload({id: 'newrecord',
denomination: "New stuff..."}));
// This server record is newer than the corresponding client one,
// so it'll update its data.
collection.wbos.newerserver = new ServerWBO(
'newerserver', encryptPayload({id: 'newerserver',
denomination: "New data!"}));
// This server record is 2 mins older than the client counterpart
// but identical to it, so we're expecting the client record's
// changedID to be reset.
collection.wbos.olderidentical = new ServerWBO(
'olderidentical', encryptPayload({id: 'olderidentical',
denomination: "Older but identical"}));
collection.wbos.olderidentical.modified -= 120;
// This item simply has different data than the corresponding client
// record (which is unmodified), so it will update the client as well
collection.wbos.updateclient = new ServerWBO(
'updateclient', encryptPayload({id: 'updateclient',
denomination: "Get this!"}));
// This is a dupe of 'original' but with a longer GUID, so we're
// expecting it to be marked for deletion from the server
collection.wbos.duplication = new ServerWBO(
'duplication', encryptPayload({id: 'duplication',
denomination: "Original Entry"}));
// This is a dupe of 'long_original' but with a shorter GUID, so we're
// expecting it to replace 'long_original'.
collection.wbos.dupe = new ServerWBO(
'dupe', encryptPayload({id: 'dupe',
denomination: "Long Original Entry"}));
// This record is marked as deleted, so we're expecting the client
// record to be removed.
collection.wbos.nukeme = new ServerWBO(
'nukeme', encryptPayload({id: 'nukeme',
denomination: "Nuke me!",
deleted: true}));
let server = sync_httpd_setup({
"/1.1/foo/storage/rotary": collection.handler()
let engine = makeRotaryEngine();
engine._store.items = {newerserver: "New data, but not as new as server!",
olderidentical: "Older but identical",
updateclient: "Got data?",
original: "Original Entry",
long_original: "Long Original Entry",
nukeme: "Nuke me!"};
// Make this record 1 min old, thus older than the one on the server
engine._tracker.addChangedID('newerserver', - 60);
// This record has been changed 2 mins later than the one on the server
let meta_global = Records.set(engine.metaURL, new WBORecord(engine.metaURL));
meta_global.payload.engines = {rotary: {version: engine.version,
syncID: engine.syncID}};
try {
// Confirm initial environment
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.newrecord, undefined);
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.newerserver, "New data, but not as new as server!");
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.olderidentical, "Older but identical");
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.updateclient, "Got data?");
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.nukeme, "Nuke me!");
do_check_true(engine._tracker.changedIDs['olderidentical'] > 0);
// Timestamps of last sync and last server modification are set.
do_check_true(engine.lastSync > 0);
do_check_true(engine.lastModified > 0);
// The new record is created.
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.newrecord, "New stuff...");
// The 'newerserver' record is updated since the server data is newer.
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.newerserver, "New data!");
// The data for 'olderidentical' is identical on the server, so
// it's no longer marked as changed anymore.
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.olderidentical, "Older but identical");
do_check_eq(engine._tracker.changedIDs['olderidentical'], undefined);
// Updated with server data.
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.updateclient, "Get this!");
// The dupe with the shorter ID is kept, the longer one is slated
// for deletion.
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.long_original, undefined);
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.dupe, "Long Original Entry");
do_check_neq(engine._delete.ids.indexOf('duplication'), -1);
// The 'nukeme' record marked as deleted is removed.
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.nukeme, undefined);
} finally {
add_test(function test_processIncoming_mobile_batchSize() {
_("SyncEngine._processIncoming doesn't fetch everything at once on mobile clients");
let syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure();
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
Svc.Prefs.set("username", "foo");
Svc.Prefs.set("client.type", "mobile");
// A collection that logs each GET
let collection = new ServerCollection();
collection.get_log = [];
collection._get = collection.get;
collection.get = function (options) {
return this._get(options);
// Let's create some 234 server side records. They're all at least
// 10 minutes old.
for (var i = 0; i < 234; i++) {
let id = 'record-no-' + i;
let payload = encryptPayload({id: id, denomination: "Record No. " + i});
let wbo = new ServerWBO(id, payload);
wbo.modified = - 60*(i+10);
collection.wbos[id] = wbo;
let server = sync_httpd_setup({
"/1.1/foo/storage/rotary": collection.handler()
let engine = makeRotaryEngine();
let meta_global = Records.set(engine.metaURL, new WBORecord(engine.metaURL));
meta_global.payload.engines = {rotary: {version: engine.version,
syncID: engine.syncID}};
try {
_("On a mobile client, we get new records from the server in batches of 50.");
do_check_attribute_count(engine._store.items, 234);
do_check_true('record-no-0' in engine._store.items);
do_check_true('record-no-49' in engine._store.items);
do_check_true('record-no-50' in engine._store.items);
do_check_true('record-no-233' in engine._store.items);
// Verify that the right number of GET requests with the right
// kind of parameters were made.
Math.ceil(234 / MOBILE_BATCH_SIZE) + 1);
do_check_eq(collection.get_log[0].full, 1);
do_check_eq(collection.get_log[0].limit, MOBILE_BATCH_SIZE);
do_check_eq(collection.get_log[1].full, undefined);
do_check_eq(collection.get_log[1].limit, undefined);
for (let i = 1; i <= Math.floor(234 / MOBILE_BATCH_SIZE); i++) {
do_check_eq(collection.get_log[i+1].full, 1);
do_check_eq(collection.get_log[i+1].limit, undefined);
if (i < Math.floor(234 / MOBILE_BATCH_SIZE))
do_check_eq(collection.get_log[i+1].ids.length, MOBILE_BATCH_SIZE);
do_check_eq(collection.get_log[i+1].ids.length, 234 % MOBILE_BATCH_SIZE);
} finally {
add_test(function test_processIncoming_store_toFetch() {
_("If processIncoming fails in the middle of a batch on mobile, state is saved in toFetch and lastSync.");
let syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure();
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
Svc.Prefs.set("username", "foo");
Svc.Prefs.set("client.type", "mobile");
// A collection that throws at the fourth get.
let collection = new ServerCollection();
collection._get_calls = 0;
collection._get = collection.get;
collection.get = function() {
this._get_calls += 1;
if (this._get_calls > 3) {
throw "Abort on fourth call!";
return this._get.apply(this, arguments);
// Let's create three batches worth of server side records.
for (var i = 0; i < MOBILE_BATCH_SIZE * 3; i++) {
let id = 'record-no-' + i;
let payload = encryptPayload({id: id, denomination: "Record No. " + id});
let wbo = new ServerWBO(id, payload);
wbo.modified = + 60 * (i - MOBILE_BATCH_SIZE * 3);
collection.wbos[id] = wbo;
let engine = makeRotaryEngine();
engine.enabled = true;
let meta_global = Records.set(engine.metaURL, new WBORecord(engine.metaURL));
meta_global.payload.engines = {rotary: {version: engine.version,
syncID: engine.syncID}};
let server = sync_httpd_setup({
"/1.1/foo/storage/rotary": collection.handler()
try {
// Confirm initial environment
do_check_eq(engine.lastSync, 0);
let error;
try {
} catch (ex) {
error = ex;
// Only the first two batches have been applied.
// The third batch is stuck in toFetch. lastSync has been moved forward to
// the last successful item's timestamp.
do_check_eq(engine.toFetch.length, MOBILE_BATCH_SIZE);
do_check_eq(engine.lastSync, collection.wbos["record-no-99"].modified);
} finally {
add_test(function test_processIncoming_resume_toFetch() {
_("toFetch and previousFailed items left over from previous syncs are fetched on the next sync, along with new items.");
let syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure();
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
Svc.Prefs.set("username", "foo");
const LASTSYNC = / 1000;
// Server records that will be downloaded
let collection = new ServerCollection();
collection.wbos.flying = new ServerWBO(
'flying', encryptPayload({id: 'flying',
denomination: "LNER Class A3 4472"}));
collection.wbos.scotsman = new ServerWBO(
'scotsman', encryptPayload({id: 'scotsman',
denomination: "Flying Scotsman"}));
collection.wbos.rekolok = new ServerWBO(
'rekolok', encryptPayload({id: 'rekolok',
denomination: "Rekonstruktionslokomotive"}));
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
let id = 'failed' + i;
let payload = encryptPayload({id: id, denomination: "Record No. " + i});
let wbo = new ServerWBO(id, payload);
wbo.modified = LASTSYNC - 10;
collection.wbos[id] = wbo;
collection.wbos.flying.modified = collection.wbos.scotsman.modified
= LASTSYNC - 10;
collection.wbos.rekolok.modified = LASTSYNC + 10;
// Time travel 10 seconds into the future but still download the above WBOs.
let engine = makeRotaryEngine();
engine.lastSync = LASTSYNC;
engine.toFetch = ["flying", "scotsman"];
engine.previousFailed = ["failed0", "failed1", "failed2"];
let meta_global = Records.set(engine.metaURL, new WBORecord(engine.metaURL));
meta_global.payload.engines = {rotary: {version: engine.version,
syncID: engine.syncID}};
let server = sync_httpd_setup({
"/1.1/foo/storage/rotary": collection.handler()
try {
// Confirm initial environment
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.flying, undefined);
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.scotsman, undefined);
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.rekolok, undefined);
// Local records have been created from the server data.
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.flying, "LNER Class A3 4472");
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.scotsman, "Flying Scotsman");
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.rekolok, "Rekonstruktionslokomotive");
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.failed0, "Record No. 0");
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.failed1, "Record No. 1");
do_check_eq(engine._store.items.failed2, "Record No. 2");
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed.length, 0);
} finally {
add_test(function test_processIncoming_applyIncomingBatchSize_smaller() {
_("Ensure that a number of incoming items less than applyIncomingBatchSize is still applied.");
let syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure();
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
Svc.Prefs.set("username", "foo");
// Engine that doesn't like the first and last record it's given.
const APPLY_BATCH_SIZE = 10;
let engine = makeRotaryEngine();
engine.applyIncomingBatchSize = APPLY_BATCH_SIZE;
engine._store._applyIncomingBatch = engine._store.applyIncomingBatch;
engine._store.applyIncomingBatch = function (records) {
let failed1 = records.shift();
let failed2 = records.pop();
return [,];
// Let's create less than a batch worth of server side records.
let collection = new ServerCollection();
for (let i = 0; i < APPLY_BATCH_SIZE - 1; i++) {
let id = 'record-no-' + i;
let payload = encryptPayload({id: id, denomination: "Record No. " + id});
collection.wbos[id] = new ServerWBO(id, payload);
let meta_global = Records.set(engine.metaURL, new WBORecord(engine.metaURL));
meta_global.payload.engines = {rotary: {version: engine.version,
syncID: engine.syncID}};
let server = sync_httpd_setup({
"/1.1/foo/storage/rotary": collection.handler()
try {
// Confirm initial environment
// Records have been applied and the expected failures have failed.
do_check_attribute_count(engine._store.items, APPLY_BATCH_SIZE - 1 - 2);
do_check_eq(engine.toFetch.length, 0);
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed.length, 2);
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed[0], "record-no-0");
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed[1], "record-no-8");
} finally {
add_test(function test_processIncoming_applyIncomingBatchSize_multiple() {
_("Ensure that incoming items are applied according to applyIncomingBatchSize.");
let syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure();
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
Svc.Prefs.set("username", "foo");
const APPLY_BATCH_SIZE = 10;
// Engine that applies records in batches.
let engine = makeRotaryEngine();
engine.applyIncomingBatchSize = APPLY_BATCH_SIZE;
let batchCalls = 0;
engine._store._applyIncomingBatch = engine._store.applyIncomingBatch;
engine._store.applyIncomingBatch = function (records) {
batchCalls += 1;
do_check_eq(records.length, APPLY_BATCH_SIZE);
this._applyIncomingBatch.apply(this, arguments);
// Let's create three batches worth of server side records.
let collection = new ServerCollection();
for (let i = 0; i < APPLY_BATCH_SIZE * 3; i++) {
let id = 'record-no-' + i;
let payload = encryptPayload({id: id, denomination: "Record No. " + id});
collection.wbos[id] = new ServerWBO(id, payload);
let meta_global = Records.set(engine.metaURL, new WBORecord(engine.metaURL));
meta_global.payload.engines = {rotary: {version: engine.version,
syncID: engine.syncID}};
let server = sync_httpd_setup({
"/1.1/foo/storage/rotary": collection.handler()
try {
// Confirm initial environment
// Records have been applied in 3 batches.
do_check_eq(batchCalls, 3);
do_check_attribute_count(engine._store.items, APPLY_BATCH_SIZE * 3);
} finally {
add_test(function test_processIncoming_notify_count() {
_("Ensure that failed records are reported only once.");
let syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure();
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
Svc.Prefs.set("username", "foo");
// Engine that fails the first record.
let engine = makeRotaryEngine();
engine.applyIncomingBatchSize = APPLY_BATCH_SIZE;
engine._store._applyIncomingBatch = engine._store.applyIncomingBatch;
engine._store.applyIncomingBatch = function (records) {
return [records[0].id];
// Create a batch of server side records.
let collection = new ServerCollection();
for (var i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_RECORDS; i++) {
let id = 'record-no-' + i;
let payload = encryptPayload({id: id, denomination: "Record No. " + id});
collection.wbos[id] = new ServerWBO(id, payload);
let meta_global = Records.set(engine.metaURL, new WBORecord(engine.metaURL));
meta_global.payload.engines = {rotary: {version: engine.version,
syncID: engine.syncID}};
let server = sync_httpd_setup({
"/1.1/foo/storage/rotary": collection.handler()
try {
// Confirm initial environment.
do_check_eq(engine.lastSync, 0);
do_check_eq(engine.toFetch.length, 0);
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed.length, 0);
let called = 0;
let counts;
function onApplied(count) {
_("Called with " + JSON.stringify(counts));
counts = count;
Svc.Obs.add("weave:engine:sync:applied", onApplied);
// Do sync.
// Confirm failures.
do_check_attribute_count(engine._store.items, 12);
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed.length, 3);
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed[0], "record-no-0");
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed[1], "record-no-5");
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed[2], "record-no-10");
// There are newly failed records and they are reported.
do_check_eq(called, 1);
do_check_eq(counts.failed, 3);
do_check_eq(counts.applied, 15);
do_check_eq(counts.newFailed, 3);
// Sync again, 1 of the failed items are the same, the rest didn't fail.
// Confirming removed failures.
do_check_attribute_count(engine._store.items, 14);
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed.length, 1);
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed[0], "record-no-0");
do_check_eq(called, 2);
do_check_eq(counts.failed, 1);
do_check_eq(counts.applied, 3);
do_check_eq(counts.newFailed, 0);
Svc.Obs.remove("weave:engine:sync:applied", onApplied);
} finally {
add_test(function test_processIncoming_previousFailed() {
_("Ensure that failed records are retried.");
let syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure();
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
Svc.Prefs.set("username", "foo");
Svc.Prefs.set("client.type", "mobile");
// Engine that fails the first 2 records.
let engine = makeRotaryEngine();
engine.mobileGUIDFetchBatchSize = engine.applyIncomingBatchSize = APPLY_BATCH_SIZE;
engine._store._applyIncomingBatch = engine._store.applyIncomingBatch;
engine._store.applyIncomingBatch = function (records) {
return [records[0].id, records[1].id];
// Create a batch of server side records.
let collection = new ServerCollection();
for (var i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_RECORDS; i++) {
let id = 'record-no-' + i;
let payload = encryptPayload({id: id, denomination: "Record No. " + i});
collection.wbos[id] = new ServerWBO(id, payload);
let meta_global = Records.set(engine.metaURL, new WBORecord(engine.metaURL));
meta_global.payload.engines = {rotary: {version: engine.version,
syncID: engine.syncID}};
let server = sync_httpd_setup({
"/1.1/foo/storage/rotary": collection.handler()
try {
// Confirm initial environment.
do_check_eq(engine.lastSync, 0);
do_check_eq(engine.toFetch.length, 0);
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed.length, 0);
// Initial failed items in previousFailed to be reset.
let previousFailed = [Utils.makeGUID(), Utils.makeGUID(), Utils.makeGUID()];
engine.previousFailed = previousFailed;
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed, previousFailed);
// Do sync.
// Expected result: 4 sync batches with 2 failures each => 8 failures
do_check_attribute_count(engine._store.items, 6);
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed.length, 8);
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed[0], "record-no-0");
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed[1], "record-no-1");
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed[2], "record-no-4");
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed[3], "record-no-5");
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed[4], "record-no-8");
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed[5], "record-no-9");
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed[6], "record-no-12");
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed[7], "record-no-13");
// Sync again with the same failed items (records 0, 1, 8, 9).
// A second sync with the same failed items should not add the same items again.
// Items that did not fail a second time should no longer be in previousFailed.
do_check_attribute_count(engine._store.items, 10);
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed.length, 4);
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed[0], "record-no-0");
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed[1], "record-no-1");
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed[2], "record-no-8");
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed[3], "record-no-9");
// Refetched items that didn't fail the second time are in engine._store.items.
do_check_eq(engine._store.items['record-no-4'], "Record No. 4");
do_check_eq(engine._store.items['record-no-5'], "Record No. 5");
do_check_eq(engine._store.items['record-no-12'], "Record No. 12");
do_check_eq(engine._store.items['record-no-13'], "Record No. 13");
} finally {
add_test(function test_processIncoming_failed_records() {
_("Ensure that failed records from _reconcile and applyIncomingBatch are refetched.");
let syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure();
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
Svc.Prefs.set("username", "foo");
// Let's create three and a bit batches worth of server side records.
let collection = new ServerCollection();
for (let i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_RECORDS; i++) {
let id = 'record-no-' + i;
let payload = encryptPayload({id: id, denomination: "Record No. " + id});
let wbo = new ServerWBO(id, payload);
wbo.modified = + 60 * (i - MOBILE_BATCH_SIZE * 3);
collection.wbos[id] = wbo;
// Engine that batches but likes to throw on a couple of records,
// two in each batch: the even ones fail in reconcile, the odd ones
// in applyIncoming.
const BOGUS_RECORDS = ["record-no-" + 42,
"record-no-" + 23,
"record-no-" + (42 + MOBILE_BATCH_SIZE),
"record-no-" + (23 + MOBILE_BATCH_SIZE),
"record-no-" + (42 + MOBILE_BATCH_SIZE * 2),
"record-no-" + (23 + MOBILE_BATCH_SIZE * 2),
"record-no-" + (2 + MOBILE_BATCH_SIZE * 3),
"record-no-" + (1 + MOBILE_BATCH_SIZE * 3)];
let engine = makeRotaryEngine();
engine.applyIncomingBatchSize = MOBILE_BATCH_SIZE;
engine.__reconcile = engine._reconcile;
engine._reconcile = function _reconcile(record) {
if (BOGUS_RECORDS.indexOf( % 2 == 0) {
throw "I don't like this record! Baaaaaah!";
return this.__reconcile.apply(this, arguments);
engine._store._applyIncoming = engine._store.applyIncoming;
engine._store.applyIncoming = function (record) {
if (BOGUS_RECORDS.indexOf( % 2 == 1) {
throw "I don't like this record! Baaaaaah!";
return this._applyIncoming.apply(this, arguments);
let meta_global = Records.set(engine.metaURL, new WBORecord(engine.metaURL));
meta_global.payload.engines = {rotary: {version: engine.version,
syncID: engine.syncID}};
// Keep track of requests made of a collection.
let count = 0;
let uris = [];
function recording_handler(collection) {
let h = collection.handler();
return function(req, res) {
uris.push(req.path + "?" + req.queryString);
return h(req, res);
let server = sync_httpd_setup({
"/1.1/foo/storage/rotary": recording_handler(collection)
try {
// Confirm initial environment
do_check_eq(engine.lastSync, 0);
do_check_eq(engine.toFetch.length, 0);
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed.length, 0);
let observerSubject;
let observerData;
Svc.Obs.add("weave:engine:sync:applied", function onApplied(subject, data) {
Svc.Obs.remove("weave:engine:sync:applied", onApplied);
observerSubject = subject;
observerData = data;
// Ensure that all records but the bogus 4 have been applied.
// Ensure that the bogus records will be fetched again on the next sync.
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed.length, BOGUS_RECORDS.length);
for (let i = 0; i < engine.previousFailed.length; i++) {
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed[i], BOGUS_RECORDS[i]);
// Ensure the observer was notified
do_check_eq(observerSubject.failed, BOGUS_RECORDS.length);
do_check_eq(observerSubject.newFailed, BOGUS_RECORDS.length);
// Testing batching of failed item fetches.
// Try to sync again. Ensure that we split the request into chunks to avoid
// URI length limitations.
function batchDownload(batchSize) {
count = 0;
uris = [];
engine.guidFetchBatchSize = batchSize;
_("Tried again. Requests: " + count + "; URIs: " + JSON.stringify(uris));
return count;
// There are 8 bad records, so this needs 3 fetches.
_("Test batching with ID batch size 3, normal mobile batch size.");
do_check_eq(batchDownload(3), 3);
// Now see with a more realistic limit.
_("Test batching with sufficient ID batch size.");
do_check_eq(batchDownload(BOGUS_RECORDS.length), 1);
// If we're on mobile, that limit is used by default.
_("Test batching with tiny mobile batch size.");
Svc.Prefs.set("client.type", "mobile");
engine.mobileGUIDFetchBatchSize = 2;
do_check_eq(batchDownload(BOGUS_RECORDS.length), 4);
} finally {
add_test(function test_processIncoming_decrypt_failed() {
_("Ensure that records failing to decrypt are either replaced or refetched.");
let syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure();
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
Svc.Prefs.set("username", "foo");
// Some good and some bogus records. One doesn't contain valid JSON,
// the other will throw during decrypt.
let collection = new ServerCollection();
collection.wbos.flying = new ServerWBO(
'flying', encryptPayload({id: 'flying',
denomination: "LNER Class A3 4472"}));
collection.wbos.nojson = new ServerWBO("nojson", "This is invalid JSON");
collection.wbos.nojson2 = new ServerWBO("nojson2", "This is invalid JSON");
collection.wbos.scotsman = new ServerWBO(
'scotsman', encryptPayload({id: 'scotsman',
denomination: "Flying Scotsman"}));
collection.wbos.nodecrypt = new ServerWBO("nodecrypt", "Decrypt this!");
collection.wbos.nodecrypt2 = new ServerWBO("nodecrypt2", "Decrypt this!");
// Patch the fake crypto service to throw on the record above.
Svc.Crypto._decrypt = Svc.Crypto.decrypt;
Svc.Crypto.decrypt = function (ciphertext) {
if (ciphertext == "Decrypt this!") {
throw "Derp! Cipher finalized failed. Im ur crypto destroyin ur recordz.";
return this._decrypt.apply(this, arguments);
// Some broken records also exist locally.
let engine = makeRotaryEngine();
engine.enabled = true;
engine._store.items = {nojson: "Valid JSON",
nodecrypt: "Valid ciphertext"};
let meta_global = Records.set(engine.metaURL, new WBORecord(engine.metaURL));
meta_global.payload.engines = {rotary: {version: engine.version,
syncID: engine.syncID}};
let server = sync_httpd_setup({
"/1.1/foo/storage/rotary": collection.handler()
try {
// Confirm initial state
do_check_eq(engine.toFetch.length, 0);
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed.length, 0);
let observerSubject;
let observerData;
Svc.Obs.add("weave:engine:sync:applied", function onApplied(subject, data) {
Svc.Obs.remove("weave:engine:sync:applied", onApplied);
observerSubject = subject;
observerData = data;
engine.lastSync = collection.wbos.nojson.modified - 1;
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed.length, 4);
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed[0], "nojson");
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed[1], "nojson2");
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed[2], "nodecrypt");
do_check_eq(engine.previousFailed[3], "nodecrypt2");
// Ensure the observer was notified
do_check_eq(observerSubject.applied, 2);
do_check_eq(observerSubject.failed, 4);
} finally {
add_test(function test_uploadOutgoing_toEmptyServer() {
_("SyncEngine._uploadOutgoing uploads new records to server");
let syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure();
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
Svc.Prefs.set("username", "foo");
let collection = new ServerCollection();
collection.wbos.flying = new ServerWBO('flying');
collection.wbos.scotsman = new ServerWBO('scotsman');
let server = sync_httpd_setup({
"/1.1/foo/storage/rotary": collection.handler(),
"/1.1/foo/storage/rotary/flying": collection.wbos.flying.handler(),
"/1.1/foo/storage/rotary/scotsman": collection.wbos.scotsman.handler()
let engine = makeRotaryEngine();
engine.lastSync = 123; // needs to be non-zero so that tracker is queried
engine._store.items = {flying: "LNER Class A3 4472",
scotsman: "Flying Scotsman"};
// Mark one of these records as changed
engine._tracker.addChangedID('scotsman', 0);
let meta_global = Records.set(engine.metaURL, new WBORecord(engine.metaURL));
meta_global.payload.engines = {rotary: {version: engine.version,
syncID: engine.syncID}};
try {
// Confirm initial environment
do_check_eq(engine.lastSyncLocal, 0);
do_check_eq(collection.wbos.flying.payload, undefined);
do_check_eq(collection.wbos.scotsman.payload, undefined);
// Local timestamp has been set.
do_check_true(engine.lastSyncLocal > 0);
// Ensure the marked record ('scotsman') has been uploaded and is
// no longer marked.
do_check_eq(collection.wbos.flying.payload, undefined);
do_check_eq(engine._tracker.changedIDs['scotsman'], undefined);
// The 'flying' record wasn't marked so it wasn't uploaded
do_check_eq(collection.wbos.flying.payload, undefined);
} finally {
add_test(function test_uploadOutgoing_failed() {
_("SyncEngine._uploadOutgoing doesn't clear the tracker of objects that failed to upload.");
let syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure();
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
Svc.Prefs.set("username", "foo");
let collection = new ServerCollection();
// We only define the "flying" WBO on the server, not the "scotsman"
// and "peppercorn" ones.
collection.wbos.flying = new ServerWBO('flying');
let server = sync_httpd_setup({
"/1.1/foo/storage/rotary": collection.handler()
let engine = makeRotaryEngine();
engine.lastSync = 123; // needs to be non-zero so that tracker is queried
engine._store.items = {flying: "LNER Class A3 4472",
scotsman: "Flying Scotsman",
peppercorn: "Peppercorn Class"};
// Mark these records as changed
const FLYING_CHANGED = 12345;
const SCOTSMAN_CHANGED = 23456;
engine._tracker.addChangedID('flying', FLYING_CHANGED);
engine._tracker.addChangedID('scotsman', SCOTSMAN_CHANGED);
engine._tracker.addChangedID('peppercorn', PEPPERCORN_CHANGED);
let meta_global = Records.set(engine.metaURL, new WBORecord(engine.metaURL));
meta_global.payload.engines = {rotary: {version: engine.version,
syncID: engine.syncID}};
try {
// Confirm initial environment
do_check_eq(engine.lastSyncLocal, 0);
do_check_eq(collection.wbos.flying.payload, undefined);
do_check_eq(engine._tracker.changedIDs['flying'], FLYING_CHANGED);
do_check_eq(engine._tracker.changedIDs['scotsman'], SCOTSMAN_CHANGED);
do_check_eq(engine._tracker.changedIDs['peppercorn'], PEPPERCORN_CHANGED);
engine.enabled = true;
// Local timestamp has been set.
do_check_true(engine.lastSyncLocal > 0);
// Ensure the 'flying' record has been uploaded and is no longer marked.
do_check_eq(engine._tracker.changedIDs['flying'], undefined);
// The 'scotsman' and 'peppercorn' records couldn't be uploaded so
// they weren't cleared from the tracker.
do_check_eq(engine._tracker.changedIDs['scotsman'], SCOTSMAN_CHANGED);
do_check_eq(engine._tracker.changedIDs['peppercorn'], PEPPERCORN_CHANGED);
} finally {
add_test(function test_uploadOutgoing_MAX_UPLOAD_RECORDS() {
_("SyncEngine._uploadOutgoing uploads in batches of MAX_UPLOAD_RECORDS");
let syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure();
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
Svc.Prefs.set("username", "foo");
let collection = new ServerCollection();
// Let's count how many times the client posts to the server
var noOfUploads = 0; = (function(orig) {
return function() {
return orig.apply(this, arguments);
// Create a bunch of records (and server side handlers)
let engine = makeRotaryEngine();
for (var i = 0; i < 234; i++) {
let id = 'record-no-' + i;
engine._store.items[id] = "Record No. " + i;
engine._tracker.addChangedID(id, 0);
collection.wbos[id] = new ServerWBO(id);
let meta_global = Records.set(engine.metaURL, new WBORecord(engine.metaURL));
meta_global.payload.engines = {rotary: {version: engine.version,
syncID: engine.syncID}};
let server = sync_httpd_setup({
"/1.1/foo/storage/rotary": collection.handler()
try {
// Confirm initial environment
do_check_eq(noOfUploads, 0);
// Ensure all records have been uploaded
for (i = 0; i < 234; i++) {
// Ensure that the uploads were performed in batches of MAX_UPLOAD_RECORDS
do_check_eq(noOfUploads, Math.ceil(234/MAX_UPLOAD_RECORDS));
} finally {
add_test(function test_syncFinish_noDelete() {
_("SyncEngine._syncFinish resets tracker's score");
let syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure();
let engine = makeRotaryEngine();
engine._delete = {}; // Nothing to delete
engine._tracker.score = 100;
// _syncFinish() will reset the engine's score.
do_check_eq(engine.score, 0);
add_test(function test_syncFinish_deleteByIds() {
_("SyncEngine._syncFinish deletes server records slated for deletion (list of record IDs).");
let syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure();
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
Svc.Prefs.set("username", "foo");
let collection = new ServerCollection();
collection.wbos.flying = new ServerWBO(
'flying', encryptPayload({id: 'flying',
denomination: "LNER Class A3 4472"}));
collection.wbos.scotsman = new ServerWBO(
'scotsman', encryptPayload({id: 'scotsman',
denomination: "Flying Scotsman"}));
collection.wbos.rekolok = new ServerWBO(
'rekolok', encryptPayload({id: 'rekolok',
denomination: "Rekonstruktionslokomotive"}));
let server = httpd_setup({
"/1.1/foo/storage/rotary": collection.handler()
let engine = makeRotaryEngine();
try {
engine._delete = {ids: ['flying', 'rekolok']};
// The 'flying' and 'rekolok' records were deleted while the
// 'scotsman' one wasn't.
do_check_eq(collection.wbos.flying.payload, undefined);
do_check_eq(collection.wbos.rekolok.payload, undefined);
// The deletion todo list has been reset.
do_check_eq(engine._delete.ids, undefined);
} finally {
add_test(function test_syncFinish_deleteLotsInBatches() {
_("SyncEngine._syncFinish deletes server records in batches of 100 (list of record IDs).");
let syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure();
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
Svc.Prefs.set("username", "foo");
let collection = new ServerCollection();
// Let's count how many times the client does a DELETE request to the server
var noOfUploads = 0;
collection.delete = (function(orig) {
return function() {
return orig.apply(this, arguments);
// Create a bunch of records on the server
let now =;
for (var i = 0; i < 234; i++) {
let id = 'record-no-' + i;
let payload = encryptPayload({id: id, denomination: "Record No. " + i});
let wbo = new ServerWBO(id, payload);
wbo.modified = now / 1000 - 60 * (i + 110);
collection.wbos[id] = wbo;
let server = httpd_setup({
"/1.1/foo/storage/rotary": collection.handler()
let engine = makeRotaryEngine();
try {
// Confirm initial environment
do_check_eq(noOfUploads, 0);
// Declare what we want to have deleted: all records no. 100 and
// up and all records that are less than 200 mins old (which are
// records 0 thru 90).
engine._delete = {ids: [],
newer: now / 1000 - 60 * 200.5};
for (i = 100; i < 234; i++) {
engine._delete.ids.push('record-no-' + i);
// Ensure that the appropriate server data has been wiped while
// preserving records 90 thru 200.
for (i = 0; i < 234; i++) {
let id = 'record-no-' + i;
if (i <= 90 || i >= 100) {
do_check_eq(collection.wbos[id].payload, undefined);
} else {
// The deletion was done in batches
do_check_eq(noOfUploads, 2 + 1);
// The deletion todo list has been reset.
do_check_eq(engine._delete.ids, undefined);
} finally {
add_test(function test_sync_partialUpload() {
_("SyncEngine.sync() keeps changedIDs that couldn't be uploaded.");
let syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure();
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
Svc.Prefs.set("username", "foo");
let collection = new ServerCollection();
let server = sync_httpd_setup({
"/1.1/foo/storage/rotary": collection.handler()
let engine = makeRotaryEngine();
engine.lastSync = 123; // needs to be non-zero so that tracker is queried
engine.lastSyncLocal = 456;
// Let the third upload fail completely
var noOfUploads = 0; = (function(orig) {
return function() {
if (noOfUploads == 2)
throw "FAIL!";
return orig.apply(this, arguments);
// Create a bunch of records (and server side handlers)
for (let i = 0; i < 234; i++) {
let id = 'record-no-' + i;
engine._store.items[id] = "Record No. " + i;
engine._tracker.addChangedID(id, i);
// Let two items in the first upload batch fail.
if ((i != 23) && (i != 42))
collection.wbos[id] = new ServerWBO(id);
let meta_global = Records.set(engine.metaURL, new WBORecord(engine.metaURL));
meta_global.payload.engines = {rotary: {version: engine.version,
syncID: engine.syncID}};
try {
engine.enabled = true;
let error;
try {
} catch (ex) {
error = ex;
// The timestamp has been updated.
do_check_true(engine.lastSyncLocal > 456);
for (let i = 0; i < 234; i++) {
let id = 'record-no-' + i;
// Ensure failed records are back in the tracker:
// * records no. 23 and 42 were rejected by the server,
// * records no. 200 and higher couldn't be uploaded because we failed
// hard on the 3rd upload.
if ((i == 23) || (i == 42) || (i >= 200))
do_check_eq(engine._tracker.changedIDs[id], i);
do_check_false(id in engine._tracker.changedIDs);
} finally {
add_test(function test_canDecrypt_noCryptoKeys() {
_("SyncEngine.canDecrypt returns false if the engine fails to decrypt items on the server, e.g. due to a missing crypto key collection.");
let syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure();
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
Svc.Prefs.set("username", "foo");
// Wipe CollectionKeys so we can test the desired scenario.
let collection = new ServerCollection();
collection.wbos.flying = new ServerWBO(
'flying', encryptPayload({id: 'flying',
denomination: "LNER Class A3 4472"}));
let server = sync_httpd_setup({
"/1.1/foo/storage/rotary": collection.handler()
let engine = makeRotaryEngine();
try {
} finally {
add_test(function test_canDecrypt_true() {
_("SyncEngine.canDecrypt returns true if the engine can decrypt the items on the server.");
let syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure();
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
Svc.Prefs.set("username", "foo");
// Set up CollectionKeys, as service.js does.
let collection = new ServerCollection();
collection.wbos.flying = new ServerWBO(
'flying', encryptPayload({id: 'flying',
denomination: "LNER Class A3 4472"}));
let server = sync_httpd_setup({
"/1.1/foo/storage/rotary": collection.handler()
let engine = makeRotaryEngine();
try {
} finally {
add_test(function test_syncapplied_observer() {
let syncTesting = new SyncTestingInfrastructure();
Svc.Prefs.set("clusterURL", "http://localhost:8080/");
Svc.Prefs.set("username", "foo");
let engine = makeRotaryEngine();
// Create a batch of server side records.
let collection = new ServerCollection();
for (var i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_RECORDS; i++) {
let id = 'record-no-' + i;
let payload = encryptPayload({id: id, denomination: "Record No. " + id});
collection.wbos[id] = new ServerWBO(id, payload);
let meta_global = Records.set(engine.metaURL, new WBORecord(engine.metaURL));
meta_global.payload.engines = {rotary: {version: engine.version,
syncID: engine.syncID}};
let server = httpd_setup({
"/1.1/foo/storage/rotary": collection.handler()
let numApplyCalls = 0;
let engine_name;
let count;
function onApplied(subject, data) {
engine_name = data;
count = subject;
Svc.Obs.add("weave:engine:sync:applied", onApplied);
try {
SyncScheduler.hasIncomingItems = false;
// Do sync.
do_check_attribute_count(engine._store.items, 10);
do_check_eq(numApplyCalls, 1);
do_check_eq(engine_name, "rotary");
do_check_eq(count.applied, 10);
} finally {
SyncScheduler.hasIncomingItems = false;
Svc.Obs.remove("weave:engine:sync:applied", onApplied);