
91 lines
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* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
// Check that basic keyboard shortcuts work in the web console.
function test()
const TEST_URI = "";
let hud = null;
browser.addEventListener("load", function onLoad() {
browser.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, true);
openConsole(null, consoleOpened);
}, true);
function consoleOpened(aHud)
hud = aHud;
ok(hud, "Web Console opened");
info("dump some spew into the console for scrolling");
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++)
content.console.log("foobarz" + i);
webconsole: hud,
messages: [{
text: "foobarz99",
severity: SEVERITY_LOG,
function onConsoleMessage()
let currentPosition = hud.outputNode.parentNode.scrollTop;
let bottom = currentPosition;
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_PAGE_UP", {});
isnot(hud.outputNode.parentNode.scrollTop, currentPosition, "scroll position changed after page up");
currentPosition = hud.outputNode.parentNode.scrollTop;
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_PAGE_DOWN", {});
ok(hud.outputNode.parentNode.scrollTop > currentPosition, "scroll position now at bottom");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_HOME", {});
is(hud.outputNode.parentNode.scrollTop, 0, "scroll position now at top");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_END", {});
is(hud.outputNode.parentNode.scrollTop, bottom, "scroll position now at bottom");
hud.jsterm.once("messages-cleared", onClear);
info("try ctrl-l to clear output");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("l", { ctrlKey: true });
function onClear()
is(hud.outputNode.textContent.indexOf("foobarz1"), -1, "output cleared");
is(hud.jsterm.inputNode.getAttribute("focused"), "true",
"jsterm input is focused");
info("try ctrl-f to focus filter");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("F", { accelKey: true });
"jsterm input is not focused");
is(hud.ui.filterBox.getAttribute("focused"), "true",
"filter input is focused");
if (Services.appinfo.OS == "Darwin") {
ok(hud.ui.getFilterState("network"), "network category is enabled");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("t", { ctrlKey: true });
ok(!hud.ui.getFilterState("network"), "accesskey for Network works");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("t", { ctrlKey: true });
ok(hud.ui.getFilterState("network"), "accesskey for Network works (again)");
else {
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("N", { altKey: true });
let net = hud.ui.document.querySelector("toolbarbutton[category=net]");
is(hud.ui.document.activeElement, net,
"accesskey for Network category focuses the Net button");