Mike Hommey 5a5ec8aa12 Bug 1094324 - Set browser.newtabpage.enhanced default in prefs. r=adw
The current behavior is that if there is no user pref, it is set to true or
false depending on the value of privacy.donottrackheader.enabled, but
completely ignoring the global default.

This patch changes the behavior such that:
- browser.newtabpage.enhanced's default value is set as a global default
- it is also set as sticky, so that even when the same value as the default is
  set, prefHasUserValue is true.
- The introduction is not shown when the default for browser.newtabpage.enhanced
  is false. It is however shown when the pref is flipped for the first time.
2015-06-30 07:30:33 +09:00

1435 lines
94 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["DirectoryLinksProvider"];
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Cu = Components.utils;
const ParserUtils = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIParserUtils);
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "NetUtil",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "NewTabUtils",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "OS",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Promise",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "UpdateChannel",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "eTLD",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gTextDecoder", () => {
return new TextDecoder();
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gCryptoHash", function () {
return Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsICryptoHash);
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gUnicodeConverter", function () {
let converter = Cc[""]
converter.charset = 'utf8';
return converter;
// The filename where directory links are stored locally
const DIRECTORY_LINKS_FILE = "directoryLinks.json";
const DIRECTORY_LINKS_TYPE = "application/json";
// The preference that tells whether to match the OS locale
const PREF_MATCH_OS_LOCALE = "intl.locale.matchOS";
// The preference that tells what locale the user selected
const PREF_SELECTED_LOCALE = "general.useragent.locale";
// The preference that tells where to obtain directory links
// The preference that tells where to send click/view pings
// The preference that tells if newtab is enhanced
const PREF_NEWTAB_ENHANCED = "browser.newtabpage.enhanced";
// Only allow explicitly approved frecent sites with display name
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'pet' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'auto' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'auto' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'auto' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hrewheels,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'auto parts' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'literature' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'banking' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'business news' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'finance' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,',
'finance' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'investing' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'investing' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'finance' ],
[ ',,,,,,,',
'investing' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'finance' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'personal finance' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'business news' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'tax' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'career services' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'philanthropic' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'college' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,',
'college' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'education' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,',
'education' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'learning games' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'entertainment' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'humor' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'movie' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'music' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'entertainment news' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'TV show' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'environment' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'family' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'family' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'government' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'health & fitness' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'health & wellness' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'health insurance' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'health & wellness' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'insurance' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'food & lifestyle' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'lifestyle' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'home & lifestyle' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'news' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'news' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'science' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,',
'weather' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'photography' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'shopping' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'shopping' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'flowers & gifts' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'shopping' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'home shopping' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'luxury shopping' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,',
'events & tickets' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'toys & games' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,',
'fantasy football' ],
[ ',,,,,,,',
'fantasy sports' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'fantasy sports' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,',
'football' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'football' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'sports' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'sports news' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'sports & outdoor goods' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'technology' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'technology' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'technology' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'technology' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'Mozilla' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'technology news' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'tech retail' ],
[ ',,,,',
'video chat' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'web development' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'webdev education' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'telecommunication' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'mobile carrier' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'travel & airline' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'travel & cruise' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'hotel & resort' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'travel' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'travel' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'travel & transit' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'gaming' ],
[ ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',
'online gaming' ],
// Only allow link urls that are http(s)
const ALLOWED_LINK_SCHEMES = new Set(["http", "https"]);
// Only allow link image urls that are https or data
const ALLOWED_IMAGE_SCHEMES = new Set(["https", "data"]);
// Only allow urls to Mozilla's CDN or empty (for data URIs)
const ALLOWED_URL_BASE = new Set(["", ""]);
// The frecency of a directory link
// The frecency of a suggested link
const SUGGESTED_FRECENCY = Infinity;
// The filename where frequency cap data stored locally
const FREQUENCY_CAP_FILE = "frequencyCap.json";
// Default settings for daily and total frequency caps
// Default timeDelta to prune unused frequency cap objects
// currently set to 10 days in milliseconds
const DEFAULT_PRUNE_TIME_DELTA = 10*24*60*60*1000;
// The min number of visible (not blocked) history tiles to have before showing suggested tiles
// The max number of visible (not blocked) history tiles to test for inadjacency
// Divide frecency by this amount for pings
const PING_SCORE_DIVISOR = 10000;
// Allowed ping actions remotely stored as columns: case-insensitive [a-z0-9_]
const PING_ACTIONS = ["block", "click", "pin", "sponsored", "sponsored_link", "unpin", "view"];
// Location of inadjacent sites json
const INADJACENCY_SOURCE = "chrome://browser/content/newtab/newTab.inadjacent.json";
* Singleton that serves as the provider of directory links.
* Directory links are a hard-coded set of links shown if a user's link
* inventory is empty.
let DirectoryLinksProvider = {
__linksURL: null,
_observers: new Set(),
// links download deferred, resolved upon download completion
_downloadDeferred: null,
// download default interval is 24 hours in milliseconds
_downloadIntervalMS: 86400000,
* A mapping from eTLD+1 to an enhanced link objects
_enhancedLinks: new Map(),
* A mapping from site to a list of suggested link objects
_suggestedLinks: new Map(),
* Frequency Cap object - maintains daily and total tile counts, and frequency cap settings
_frequencyCaps: {},
* A set of top sites that we can provide suggested links for
_topSitesWithSuggestedLinks: new Set(),
* lookup Set of inadjacent domains
_inadjacentSites: new Set(),
* This flag is set if there is a suggested tile configured to avoid
* inadjacent sites in new tab
_avoidInadjacentSites: false,
* This flag is set if _avoidInadjacentSites is true and there is
* an inadjacent site in the new tab
_newTabHasInadjacentSite: false,
get _observedPrefs() Object.freeze({
prefSelectedLocale: PREF_SELECTED_LOCALE,
get _linksURL() {
if (!this.__linksURL) {
try {
this.__linksURL = Services.prefs.getCharPref(this._observedPrefs["linksURL"]);
this.__linksURLModified = Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(this._observedPrefs["linksURL"]);
catch (e) {
Cu.reportError("Error fetching directory links url from prefs: " + e);
return this.__linksURL;
* Gets the currently selected locale for display.
* @return the selected locale or "en-US" if none is selected
get locale() {
let matchOS;
try {
matchOS = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_MATCH_OS_LOCALE);
catch (e) {}
if (matchOS) {
return Services.locale.getLocaleComponentForUserAgent();
try {
let locale = Services.prefs.getComplexValue(PREF_SELECTED_LOCALE,
if (locale) {
catch (e) {}
try {
return Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_SELECTED_LOCALE);
catch (e) {}
return "en-US";
* Set appropriate default ping behavior controlled by enhanced pref
_setDefaultEnhanced: function DirectoryLinksProvider_setDefaultEnhanced() {
if (!Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(PREF_NEWTAB_ENHANCED)) {
let enhanced = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_NEWTAB_ENHANCED);
try {
// Default to not enhanced if DNT is set to tell websites to not track
if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("privacy.donottrackheader.enabled")) {
enhanced = false;
catch(ex) {}
Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_NEWTAB_ENHANCED, enhanced);
observe: function DirectoryLinksProvider_observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
if (aTopic == "nsPref:changed") {
switch (aData) {
// Re-set the default in case the user clears the pref
case this._observedPrefs.enhanced:
case this._observedPrefs.linksURL:
delete this.__linksURL;
// fallthrough
// Force directory download on changes to fetch related prefs
case this._observedPrefs.matchOSLocale:
case this._observedPrefs.prefSelectedLocale:
_addPrefsObserver: function DirectoryLinksProvider_addObserver() {
for (let pref in this._observedPrefs) {
let prefName = this._observedPrefs[pref];
Services.prefs.addObserver(prefName, this, false);
_removePrefsObserver: function DirectoryLinksProvider_removeObserver() {
for (let pref in this._observedPrefs) {
let prefName = this._observedPrefs[pref];
Services.prefs.removeObserver(prefName, this);
_cacheSuggestedLinks: function(link) {
// Don't cache links that don't have the expected 'frecent_sites'
if (!link.frecent_sites) {
for (let suggestedSite of link.frecent_sites) {
let suggestedMap = this._suggestedLinks.get(suggestedSite) || new Map();
suggestedMap.set(link.url, link);
this._suggestedLinks.set(suggestedSite, suggestedMap);
_fetchAndCacheLinks: function DirectoryLinksProvider_fetchAndCacheLinks(uri) {
// Replace with the same display locale used for selecting links data
uri = uri.replace("%LOCALE%", this.locale);
uri = uri.replace("%CHANNEL%", UpdateChannel.get());
return this._downloadJsonData(uri).then(json => {
return OS.File.writeAtomic(this._directoryFilePath, json, {tmpPath: this._directoryFilePath + ".tmp"});
* Downloads a links with json content
* @param download uri
* @return promise resolved to json string, "{}" returned if status != 200
_downloadJsonData: function DirectoryLinksProvider__downloadJsonData(uri) {
let deferred = Promise.defer();
let xmlHttp = this._newXHR();
xmlHttp.onload = function(aResponse) {
let json = this.responseText;
if (this.status && this.status != 200) {
json = "{}";
xmlHttp.onerror = function(e) {
deferred.reject("Fetching " + uri + " results in error code: " +;
try {"GET", uri);
// Override the type so XHR doesn't complain about not well-formed XML
// Set the appropriate request type for servers that require correct types
xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", DIRECTORY_LINKS_TYPE);
} catch (e) {
deferred.reject("Error fetching " + uri);
return deferred.promise;
* Downloads directory links if needed
* @return promise resolved immediately if no download needed, or upon completion
_fetchAndCacheLinksIfNecessary: function DirectoryLinksProvider_fetchAndCacheLinksIfNecessary(forceDownload=false) {
if (this._downloadDeferred) {
// fetching links already - just return the promise
return this._downloadDeferred.promise;
if (forceDownload || this._needsDownload) {
this._downloadDeferred = Promise.defer();
this._fetchAndCacheLinks(this._linksURL).then(() => {
// the new file was successfully downloaded and cached, so update a timestamp
this._lastDownloadMS =;
this._downloadDeferred = null;
error => {
this._downloadDeferred = null;
return this._downloadDeferred.promise;
// download is not needed
return Promise.resolve();
* @return true if download is needed, false otherwise
get _needsDownload () {
// fail if last download occured less then 24 hours ago
if (( - this._lastDownloadMS) > this._downloadIntervalMS) {
return true;
return false;
* Create a new XMLHttpRequest that is anonymous, i.e., doesn't send cookies
_newXHR() {
return new XMLHttpRequest({mozAnon: true});
* Reads directory links file and parses its content
* @return a promise resolved to an object with keys 'directory' and 'suggested',
* each containing a valid list of links,
* or {'directory': [], 'suggested': []} if read or parse fails.
_readDirectoryLinksFile: function DirectoryLinksProvider_readDirectoryLinksFile() {
let emptyOutput = {directory: [], suggested: [], enhanced: []};
return => {
let output;
try {
let json = gTextDecoder.decode(binaryData);
let linksObj = JSON.parse(json);
output = {directory: || [],
suggested: linksObj.suggested || [],
enhanced: linksObj.enhanced || []};
catch (e) {
return output || emptyOutput;
error => {
return emptyOutput;
* Translates link.time_limits to UTC miliseconds and sets
* link.startTime and link.endTime properties in link object
_setupStartEndTime: function DirectoryLinksProvider_setupStartEndTime(link) {
// set start/end limits. Use ISO_8601 format: '2014-01-10T20:20:20.600Z'
// (details here
// Note that if timezone is missing, FX will interpret as local time
// meaning that the server can sepecify any time, but if the capmaign
// needs to start at same time across multiple timezones, the server
// omits timezone indicator
if (!link.time_limits) {
let parsedTime;
if (link.time_limits.start) {
parsedTime = Date.parse(link.time_limits.start);
if (parsedTime && !isNaN(parsedTime)) {
link.startTime = parsedTime;
if (link.time_limits.end) {
parsedTime = Date.parse(link.time_limits.end);
if (parsedTime && !isNaN(parsedTime)) {
link.endTime = parsedTime;
* Handles campaign timeout
_onCampaignTimeout: function DirectoryLinksProvider_onCampaignTimeout() {
// _campaignTimeoutID is invalid here, so just set it to null
this._campaignTimeoutID = null;
* Clears capmpaign timeout
_clearCampaignTimeout: function DirectoryLinksProvider_clearCampaignTimeout() {
if (this._campaignTimeoutID) {
this._campaignTimeoutID = null;
* Setup capmpaign timeout to recompute suggested tiles upon
* reaching soonest start or end time for the campaign
* @param timeout in milliseconds
_setupCampaignTimeCheck: function DirectoryLinksProvider_setupCampaignTimeCheck(timeout) {
// sanity check
if (!timeout || timeout <= 0) {
// setup next timeout
this._campaignTimeoutID = setTimeout(this._onCampaignTimeout.bind(this), timeout);
* Test link for campaign time limits: checks if link falls within start/end time
* and returns an object containing a use flag and the timeoutDate milliseconds
* when the link has to be re-checked for campaign start-ready or end-reach
* @param link
* @return object {use: true or false, timeoutDate: milliseconds or null}
_testLinkForCampaignTimeLimits: function DirectoryLinksProvider_testLinkForCampaignTimeLimits(link) {
let currentTime =;
// test for start time first
if (link.startTime && link.startTime > currentTime) {
// not yet ready for start
return {use: false, timeoutDate: link.startTime};
// otherwise check for end time
if (link.endTime) {
// passed end time
if (link.endTime <= currentTime) {
return {use: false};
// otherwise link is still ok, but we need to set timeoutDate
return {use: true, timeoutDate: link.endTime};
// if we are here, the link is ok and no timeoutDate needed
return {use: true};
* Report some action on a newtab page (view, click)
* @param sites Array of sites shown on newtab page
* @param action String of the behavior to report
* @param triggeringSiteIndex optional Int index of the site triggering action
* @return download promise
reportSitesAction: function DirectoryLinksProvider_reportSitesAction(sites, action, triggeringSiteIndex) {
// Check if the suggested tile was shown
if (action == "view") {
sites.slice(0, triggeringSiteIndex + 1).forEach(site => {
let {targetedSite, url} =;
if (targetedSite) {
// Use up all views if the user clicked on a frequency capped tile
else if (action == "click") {
let {targetedSite, url} = sites[triggeringSiteIndex].link;
if (targetedSite) {
let newtabEnhanced = false;
let pingEndPoint = "";
try {
newtabEnhanced = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_NEWTAB_ENHANCED);
pingEndPoint = Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_DIRECTORY_PING);
catch (ex) {}
// Only send pings when enhancing tiles with an endpoint and valid action
let invalidAction = PING_ACTIONS.indexOf(action) == -1;
if (!newtabEnhanced || pingEndPoint == "" || invalidAction) {
return Promise.resolve();
let actionIndex;
let data = {
locale: this.locale,
tiles: sites.reduce((tiles, site, pos) => {
// Only add data for non-empty tiles
if (site) {
// Remember which tiles data triggered the action
let {link} = site;
let tilesIndex = tiles.length;
if (triggeringSiteIndex == pos) {
actionIndex = tilesIndex;
// Make the payload in a way so keys can be excluded when stringified
let id = link.directoryId;
id: id || site.enhancedId,
pin: site.isPinned() ? 1 : undefined,
pos: pos != tilesIndex ? pos : undefined,
score: Math.round(link.frecency / PING_SCORE_DIVISOR) || undefined,
url: site.enhancedId && "",
return tiles;
}, []),
// Provide a direct index to the tile triggering the action
if (actionIndex !== undefined) {
data[action] = actionIndex;
// Package the data to be sent with the ping
let ping = this._newXHR();"POST", pingEndPoint + (action == "view" ? "view" : "click"));
return Task.spawn(function* () {
// since we updated views/clicks we need write _frequencyCaps to disk
yield this._writeFrequencyCapFile();
// Use this as an opportunity to potentially fetch new links
yield this._fetchAndCacheLinksIfNecessary();
* Get the enhanced link object for a link (whether history or directory)
getEnhancedLink: function DirectoryLinksProvider_getEnhancedLink(link) {
// Use the provided link if it's already enhanced
return link.enhancedImageURI && link ? link :
* Get the display name of an allowed frecent sites. Returns undefined for a
* unallowed frecent sites.
getFrecentSitesName(sites) {
return ALLOWED_FRECENT_SITES.get(sites.join(","));
* Check if a url's scheme is in a Set of allowed schemes and if the base
* domain is allowed.
* @param url to check
* @param allowed Set of allowed schemes
* @param checkBase boolean to check the base domain
isURLAllowed(url, allowed, checkBase) {
// Assume no url is an allowed url
if (!url) {
return true;
let scheme = "", base = "";
try {
// A malformed url will not be allowed
let uri =, null, null);
scheme = uri.scheme;
// URIs without base domains will be allowed
base = Services.eTLD.getBaseDomain(uri);
catch(ex) {}
// Require a scheme match and the base only if desired
return allowed.has(scheme) && (!checkBase || ALLOWED_URL_BASE.has(base));
_escapeChars(text) {
let charMap = {
'&': '&amp;',
'<': '&lt;',
'>': '&gt;',
'"': '&quot;',
"'": '&#039;'
return text.replace(/[&<>"']/g, (character) => charMap[character]);
* Gets the current set of directory links.
* @param aCallback The function that the array of links is passed to.
getLinks: function DirectoryLinksProvider_getLinks(aCallback) {
this._readDirectoryLinksFile().then(rawLinks => {
// Reset the cache of suggested tiles and enhanced images for this new set of links
this._avoidInadjacentSites = false;
// Only check base domain for images when using the default pref
let checkBase = !this.__linksURLModified;
let validityFilter = function(link) {
// Make sure the link url is allowed and images too if they exist
return this.isURLAllowed(link.url, ALLOWED_LINK_SCHEMES, false) &&
this.isURLAllowed(link.imageURI, ALLOWED_IMAGE_SCHEMES, checkBase) &&
this.isURLAllowed(link.enhancedImageURI, ALLOWED_IMAGE_SCHEMES, checkBase);
rawLinks.suggested.filter(validityFilter).forEach((link, position) => {
// Only allow suggested links with approved frecent sites
let name = this.getFrecentSitesName(link.frecent_sites);
if (name == undefined) {
let sanitizeFlags = ParserUtils.SanitizerCidEmbedsOnly |
ParserUtils.SanitizerDropForms |
link.explanation = this._escapeChars(link.explanation ? ParserUtils.convertToPlainText(link.explanation, sanitizeFlags, 0) : "");
link.targetedName = this._escapeChars(ParserUtils.convertToPlainText(link.adgroup_name, sanitizeFlags, 0) || name);
link.lastVisitDate = rawLinks.suggested.length - position;
// check if link wants to avoid inadjacent sites
if (link.check_inadjacency) {
this._avoidInadjacentSites = true;
// We cache suggested tiles here but do not push any of them in the links list yet.
// The decision for which suggested tile to include will be made separately.
rawLinks.enhanced.filter(validityFilter).forEach((link, position) => {
link.lastVisitDate = rawLinks.enhanced.length - position;
// Stash the enhanced image for the site
if (link.enhancedImageURI) {
this._enhancedLinks.set(NewTabUtils.extractSite(link.url), link);
let links =, position) => {
link.lastVisitDate = - position;
link.frecency = DIRECTORY_FRECENCY;
return link;
// Allow for one link suggestion on top of the default directory links
this.maxNumLinks = links.length + 1;
// prune frequency caps of outdated urls
// write frequency caps object to disk asynchronously
return links;
}).catch(ex => {
return [];
}).then(links => {
init: function DirectoryLinksProvider_init() {
// setup directory file path and last download timestamp
this._directoryFilePath = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.localProfileDir, DIRECTORY_LINKS_FILE);
this._lastDownloadMS = 0;
// setup frequency cap file path
this._frequencyCapFilePath = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.localProfileDir, FREQUENCY_CAP_FILE);
// setup inadjacent sites URL
this._inadjacentSitesUrl = INADJACENCY_SOURCE;
return Task.spawn(function() {
// get the last modified time of the links file if it exists
let doesFileExists = yield OS.File.exists(this._directoryFilePath);
if (doesFileExists) {
let fileInfo = yield OS.File.stat(this._directoryFilePath);
this._lastDownloadMS = Date.parse(fileInfo.lastModificationDate);
// read frequency cap file
yield this._readFrequencyCapFile();
// fetch directory on startup without force
yield this._fetchAndCacheLinksIfNecessary();
// fecth inadjacent sites on startup
yield this._loadInadjacentSites();
_handleManyLinksChanged: function() {
this._suggestedLinks.forEach((suggestedLinks, site) => {
if (NewTabUtils.isTopPlacesSite(site)) {
* Updates _topSitesWithSuggestedLinks based on the link that was changed.
* @return true if _topSitesWithSuggestedLinks was modified, false otherwise.
_handleLinkChanged: function(aLink) {
let changedLinkSite = NewTabUtils.extractSite(aLink.url);
let linkStored = this._topSitesWithSuggestedLinks.has(changedLinkSite);
if (!NewTabUtils.isTopPlacesSite(changedLinkSite) && linkStored) {
return true;
if (this._suggestedLinks.has(changedLinkSite) &&
NewTabUtils.isTopPlacesSite(changedLinkSite) && !linkStored) {
return true;
// always run _updateSuggestedTile if aLink is inadjacent
// and there are tiles configured to avoid it
if (this._avoidInadjacentSites && this._isInadjacentLink(aLink)) {
return true;
return false;
_populatePlacesLinks: function () {
NewTabUtils.links.populateProviderCache(NewTabUtils.placesProvider, () => {
onDeleteURI: function(aProvider, aLink) {
let {url} = aLink;
// remove clicked flag for that url and
// call observer upon disk write completion
this._removeTileClick(url).then(() => {
this._callObservers("onDeleteURI", url);
onClearHistory: function() {
// remove all clicked flags and call observers upon file write
this._removeAllTileClicks().then(() => {
onLinkChanged: function (aProvider, aLink) {
// Make sure NewTabUtils.links handles the notification first.
setTimeout(() => {
if (this._handleLinkChanged(aLink) || this._shouldUpdateSuggestedTile()) {
}, 0);
onManyLinksChanged: function () {
// Make sure NewTabUtils.links handles the notification first.
setTimeout(() => {
}, 0);
_getCurrentTopSiteCount: function() {
let visibleTopSiteCount = 0;
let newTabLinks = NewTabUtils.links.getLinks();
for (let link of newTabLinks.slice(0, MIN_VISIBLE_HISTORY_TILES)) {
// compute visibleTopSiteCount for suggested tiles
if (link && (link.type == "history" || link.type == "enhanced")) {
// since newTabLinks are available, set _newTabHasInadjacentSite here
// note that _shouldUpdateSuggestedTile is called by _updateSuggestedTile
this._newTabHasInadjacentSite = this._avoidInadjacentSites && this._checkForInadjacentSites(newTabLinks);
return visibleTopSiteCount;
_shouldUpdateSuggestedTile: function() {
let sortedLinks = NewTabUtils.getProviderLinks(this);
let mostFrecentLink = {};
if (sortedLinks && sortedLinks.length) {
mostFrecentLink = sortedLinks[0]
let currTopSiteCount = this._getCurrentTopSiteCount();
if ((!mostFrecentLink.targetedSite && currTopSiteCount >= MIN_VISIBLE_HISTORY_TILES) ||
(mostFrecentLink.targetedSite && currTopSiteCount < MIN_VISIBLE_HISTORY_TILES)) {
// If mostFrecentLink has a targetedSite then mostFrecentLink is a suggested link.
// If we have enough history links (8+) to show a suggested tile and we are not
// already showing one, then we should update (to *attempt* to add a suggested tile).
// OR if we don't have enough history to show a suggested tile (<8) and we are
// currently showing one, we should update (to remove it).
return true;
return false;
* Chooses and returns a suggested tile based on a user's top sites
* that we have an available suggested tile for.
* @return the chosen suggested tile, or undefined if there isn't one
_updateSuggestedTile: function() {
let sortedLinks = NewTabUtils.getProviderLinks(this);
if (!sortedLinks) {
// If NewTabUtils.links.resetCache() is called before getting here,
// sortedLinks may be undefined.
// Delete the current suggested tile, if one exists.
let initialLength = sortedLinks.length;
if (initialLength) {
let mostFrecentLink = sortedLinks[0];
if (mostFrecentLink.targetedSite) {
this._callObservers("onLinkChanged", {
url: mostFrecentLink.url,
lastVisitDate: mostFrecentLink.lastVisitDate,
type: mostFrecentLink.type,
}, 0, true);
if (this._topSitesWithSuggestedLinks.size == 0 || !this._shouldUpdateSuggestedTile()) {
// There are no potential suggested links we can show or not
// enough history for a suggested tile.
// Create a flat list of all possible links we can show as suggested.
// Note that many top sites may map to the same suggested links, but we only
// want to count each suggested link once (based on url), thus possibleLinks is a map
// from url to suggestedLink. Thus, each link has an equal chance of being chosen at
// random from flattenedLinks if it appears only once.
let nextTimeout;
let possibleLinks = new Map();
let targetedSites = new Map();
this._topSitesWithSuggestedLinks.forEach(topSiteWithSuggestedLink => {
let suggestedLinksMap = this._suggestedLinks.get(topSiteWithSuggestedLink);
suggestedLinksMap.forEach((suggestedLink, url) => {
// Skip this link if we've shown it too many times already
if (!this._testFrequencyCapLimits(url)) {
// as we iterate suggestedLinks, check for campaign start/end
// time limits, and set nextTimeout to the closest timestamp
let {use, timeoutDate} = this._testLinkForCampaignTimeLimits(suggestedLink);
// update nextTimeout is necessary
if (timeoutDate && (!nextTimeout || nextTimeout > timeoutDate)) {
nextTimeout = timeoutDate;
// Skip link if it falls outside campaign time limits
if (!use) {
// Skip link if it avoids inadjacent sites and newtab has one
if (suggestedLink.check_inadjacency && this._newTabHasInadjacentSite) {
possibleLinks.set(url, suggestedLink);
// Keep a map of URL to targeted sites. We later use this to show the user
// what site they visited to trigger this suggestion.
if (!targetedSites.get(url)) {
targetedSites.set(url, []);
// setup timeout check for starting or ending campaigns
if (nextTimeout) {
this._setupCampaignTimeCheck(nextTimeout -;
// We might have run out of possible links to show
let numLinks = possibleLinks.size;
if (numLinks == 0) {
let flattenedLinks = [...possibleLinks.values()];
// Choose our suggested link at random
let suggestedIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * numLinks);
let chosenSuggestedLink = flattenedLinks[suggestedIndex];
// Add the suggested link to the front with some extra values
this._callObservers("onLinkChanged", Object.assign({
// Choose the first site a user has visited as the target. In the future,
// this should be the site with the highest frecency. However, we currently
// store frecency by URL not by site.
targetedSite: targetedSites.get(chosenSuggestedLink.url).length ?
targetedSites.get(chosenSuggestedLink.url)[0] : null
}, chosenSuggestedLink));
return chosenSuggestedLink;
* Loads inadjacent sites
* @return a promise resolved when lookup Set for sites is built
_loadInadjacentSites: function DirectoryLinksProvider_loadInadjacentSites() {
return this._downloadJsonData(this._inadjacentSitesUrl).then(jsonString => {
let jsonObject = {};
try {
jsonObject = JSON.parse(jsonString);
catch (e) {
this._inadjacentSites = new Set(;
* Genegrates hash suitable for looking up inadjacent site
* @param value to hsh
* @return hased value, base64-ed
_generateHash: function DirectoryLinksProvider_generateHash(value) {
let byteArr = gUnicodeConverter.convertToByteArray(value);
gCryptoHash.update(byteArr, byteArr.length);
return gCryptoHash.finish(true);
* Checks if link belongs to inadjacent domain
* @param link to check
* @return true for inadjacent domains, false otherwise
_isInadjacentLink: function DirectoryLinksProvider_isInadjacentLink(link) {
let baseDomain = link.baseDomain || NewTabUtils.extractSite(link.url || "");
if (!baseDomain) {
return false;
// check if hashed domain is inadjacent
return this._inadjacentSites.has(this._generateHash(baseDomain));
* Checks if new tab has inadjacent site
* @param new tab links (or nothing, in which case NewTabUtils.links.getLinks() is called
* @return true if new tab shows has inadjacent site
_checkForInadjacentSites: function DirectoryLinksProvider_checkForInadjacentSites(newTabLink) {
let links = newTabLink || NewTabUtils.links.getLinks();
for (let link of links.slice(0, MAX_VISIBLE_HISTORY_TILES)) {
// check links against inadjacent list - specifically include ALL link types
if (this._isInadjacentLink(link)) {
return true;
return false;
* Reads json file, parses its content, and returns resulting object
* @param json file path
* @param json object to return in case file read or parse fails
* @return a promise resolved to a valid object or undefined upon error
_readJsonFile: Task.async(function* (filePath, nullObject) {
let jsonObj;
try {
let binaryData = yield;
let json = gTextDecoder.decode(binaryData);
jsonObj = JSON.parse(json);
catch (e) {}
return jsonObj || nullObject;
* Loads frequency cap object from file and parses its content
* @return a promise resolved upon load completion
* on error or non-exstent file _frequencyCaps is set to empty object
_readFrequencyCapFile: Task.async(function* () {
// set _frequencyCaps object to file's content or empty object
this._frequencyCaps = yield this._readJsonFile(this._frequencyCapFilePath, {});
* Saves frequency cap object to file
* @return a promise resolved upon file i/o completion
_writeFrequencyCapFile: function DirectoryLinksProvider_writeFrequencyCapFile() {
let json = JSON.stringify(this._frequencyCaps || {});
return OS.File.writeAtomic(this._frequencyCapFilePath, json, {tmpPath: this._frequencyCapFilePath + ".tmp"});
* Clears frequency cap object and writes empty json to file
* @return a promise resolved upon file i/o completion
_clearFrequencyCap: function DirectoryLinksProvider_clearFrequencyCap() {
this._frequencyCaps = {};
return this._writeFrequencyCapFile();
* updates frequency cap configuration for a link
_updateFrequencyCapSettings: function DirectoryLinksProvider_updateFrequencyCapSettings(link) {
let capsObject = this._frequencyCaps[link.url];
if (!capsObject) {
// create an object with empty counts
capsObject = {
dailyViews: 0,
totalViews: 0,
lastShownDate: 0,
this._frequencyCaps[link.url] = capsObject;
// set last updated timestamp
capsObject.lastUpdated =;
// check for link configuration
if (link.frequency_caps) {
capsObject.dailyCap = link.frequency_caps.daily || DEFAULT_DAILY_FREQUENCY_CAP;
capsObject.totalCap = || DEFAULT_TOTAL_FREQUENCY_CAP;
else {
// fallback to defaults
* Prunes frequency cap objects for outdated links
* @param timeDetla milliseconds
* all cap objects with lastUpdated less than (now() - timeDelta)
* will be removed. This is done to remove frequency cap objects
* for unused tile urls
_pruneFrequencyCapUrls: function DirectoryLinksProvider_pruneFrequencyCapUrls(timeDelta = DEFAULT_PRUNE_TIME_DELTA) {
let timeThreshold = - timeDelta;
Object.keys(this._frequencyCaps).forEach(url => {
if (this._frequencyCaps[url].lastUpdated <= timeThreshold) {
delete this._frequencyCaps[url];
* Checks if supplied timestamp happened today
* @param timestamp in milliseconds
* @return true if the timestamp was made today, false otherwise
_wasToday: function DirectoryLinksProvider_wasToday(timestamp) {
let showOn = new Date(timestamp);
let today = new Date();
// call timestamps identical if both day and month are same
return showOn.getDate() == today.getDate() &&
showOn.getMonth() == today.getMonth() &&
showOn.getYear() == today.getYear();
* adds some number of views for a url
* @param url String url of the suggested link
_addFrequencyCapView: function DirectoryLinksProvider_addFrequencyCapView(url) {
let capObject = this._frequencyCaps[url];
// sanity check
if (!capObject) {
// if the day is new: reset the daily counter and lastShownDate
if (!this._wasToday(capObject.lastShownDate)) {
capObject.dailyViews = 0;
// update lastShownDate
capObject.lastShownDate =;
// bump both dialy and total counters
// if any of the caps is reached - update suggested tiles
if (capObject.totalViews >= capObject.totalCap ||
capObject.dailyViews >= capObject.dailyCap) {
* Sets clicked flag for link url
* @param url String url of the suggested link
_setFrequencyCapClick: function DirectoryLinksProvider_reportFrequencyCapClick(url) {
let capObject = this._frequencyCaps[url];
// sanity check
if (!capObject) {
capObject.clicked = true;
// and update suggested tiles, since current tile became invalid
* Tests frequency cap limits for link url
* @param url String url of the suggested link
* @return true if link is viewable, false otherwise
_testFrequencyCapLimits: function DirectoryLinksProvider_testFrequencyCapLimits(url) {
let capObject = this._frequencyCaps[url];
// sanity check: if url is missing - do not show this tile
if (!capObject) {
return false;
// check for clicked set or total views reached
if (capObject.clicked || capObject.totalViews >= capObject.totalCap) {
return false;
// otherwise check if link is over daily views limit
if (this._wasToday(capObject.lastShownDate) &&
capObject.dailyViews >= capObject.dailyCap) {
return false;
// we passed all cap tests: return true
return true;
* Removes clicked flag from frequency cap entry for tile landing url
* @param url String url of the suggested link
* @return promise resolved upon disk write completion
_removeTileClick: function DirectoryLinksProvider_removeTileClick(url = "") {
// remove trailing slash, to accomodate Places sending site urls ending with '/'
let noTrailingSlashUrl = url.replace(/\/$/,"");
let capObject = this._frequencyCaps[url] || this._frequencyCaps[noTrailingSlashUrl];
// return resolved promise if capObject is not found
if (!capObject) {
return Promise.resolve();
// otherwise remove clicked flag
delete capObject.clicked;
return this._writeFrequencyCapFile();
* Removes all clicked flags from frequency cap object
* @return promise resolved upon disk write completion
_removeAllTileClicks: function DirectoryLinksProvider_removeAllTileClicks() {
Object.keys(this._frequencyCaps).forEach(url => {
delete this._frequencyCaps[url].clicked;
return this._writeFrequencyCapFile();
* Return the object to its pre-init state
reset: function DirectoryLinksProvider_reset() {
delete this.__linksURL;
addObserver: function DirectoryLinksProvider_addObserver(aObserver) {
removeObserver: function DirectoryLinksProvider_removeObserver(aObserver) {
_callObservers(methodName, ...args) {
for (let obs of this._observers) {
if (typeof(obs[methodName]) == "function") {
try {
obs[methodName](this, ...args);
} catch (err) {
_removeObservers: function() {