
514 lines
18 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Checks that restoring the last browser window in session is actually
* working:
* 1.1) Open a new browser window
* 1.2) Add some tabs
* 1.3) Close that window
* 1.4) Opening another window
* --> State is restored
* 2.1) Open a new browser window
* 2.2) Add some tabs
* 2.3) Enter private browsing mode
* 2.4) Close the window while still in private browsing mode
* 2.5) Opening a new window
* --> State is not restored, because private browsing mode is still active
* 2.6) Leaving private browsing mode
* 2.7) Open another window
* --> State (that was before entering PBM) is restored
* 3.1) Open a new browser window
* 3.2) Add some tabs
* 3.4) Open some popups
* 3.5) Add another tab to one popup (so that it gets stored) and close it again
* 3.5) Close the browser window
* 3.6) Open another browser window
* --> State of the closed browser window, but not of the popup, is restored
* 4.1) Open a popup
* 4.2) Add another tab to the popup (so that it gets stored) and close it again
* 4.3) Open a window
* --> Nothing at all should be restored
* 5.1) Open two browser windows and close them again
* 5.2) undoCloseWindow() one
* 5.3) Open another browser window
* --> Nothing at all should be restored
* Checks the new notifications are correctly posted and processed, that is
* for each successful -requested a -granted is received, but omitted if
* -requested was cnceled
* Said notifications are:
* - browser-lastwindow-close-requested
* - browser-lastwindow-close-granted
* Tests are:
* 6) Cancel closing when first observe a -requested
* --> Window is kept open
* 7) Count the number of notifications
* --> count(-requested) == count(-granted) + 1
* --> (The first -requested was canceled, so off-by-one)
* 8) (Mac only) Mac version of Test 5 additionally preparing Test 6
* @see
* @note It is implicitly tested that restoring the last window works when
* non-browser windows are around. The "Run Tests" window as well as the main
* browser window (wherein the test code gets executed) won't be considered
* browser windows. To achiveve this said main browser window has it's windowtype
* attribute modified so that it's not considered a browser window any longer.
* This is crucial, because otherwise there would be two browser windows around,
* said main test window and the one opened by the tests, and hence the new
* logic wouldn't be executed at all.
* @note Mac only tests the new notifications, as restoring the last window is
* not enabled on that platform (platform shim; the application is kept running
* although there are no windows left)
* @note There is a difference when closing a browser window with
* BrowserTryToCloseWindow() as opposed to close(). The former will make
* nsSessionStore restore a window next time it gets a chance and will post
* notifications. The latter won't.
function browserWindowsCount(expected, msg) {
if (typeof expected == "number")
expected = [expected, expected];
let count = 0;
let e = Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
if (!e.getNext().closed)
is(count, expected[0], msg + " (nsIWindowMediator)");
let state = ss.getBrowserState();
is(JSON.parse(state).windows.length, expected[1], msg + " (getBrowserState)");
function test() {
browserWindowsCount(1, "Only one browser window should be open initially");
// This test takes some time to run, and it could timeout randomly.
// So we require a longer timeout. See bug 528219.
// Some urls that might be opened in tabs and/or popups
// Do not use about:blank:
// That one is reserved for special purposes in the tests
const TEST_URLS = ["about:mozilla", "about:buildconfig"];
// Number of -request notifications to except
// remember to adjust when adding new tests
// Window features of popup windows
const POPUP_FEATURES = "toolbar=no,resizable=no,status=no";
// Window features of browser windows
const CHROME_FEATURES = "chrome,all,dialog=no";
// Store the old window type for cleanup
let oldWinType = "";
// Store the old tabs.warnOnClose pref so that we may reset it during
// cleanup
let oldWarnTabsOnClose = gPrefService.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.warnOnClose");
// Observe these, and also use to count the number of hits
let observing = {
"browser-lastwindow-close-requested": 0,
"browser-lastwindow-close-granted": 0
* Helper: Will observe and handle the notifications for us
let hitCount = 0;
function observer(aCancel, aTopic, aData) {
// count so that we later may compare
// handle some tests
if (++hitCount == 1) {
// Test 6
aCancel.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsPRBool).data = true;
* Helper: Sets prefs as the testsuite requires
* @note Will be reset in cleanTestSuite just before finishing the tests
function setPrefs() {
gPrefService.setIntPref("", 3);
gPrefService.setBoolPref("browser.tabs.warnOnClose", false);
* Helper: Sets up this testsuite
function setupTestsuite(testFn) {
// Register our observers
for (let o in observing)
Services.obs.addObserver(observer, o, false);
// Make the main test window not count as a browser window any longer
oldWinType = document.documentElement.getAttribute("windowtype");
document.documentElement.setAttribute("windowtype", "navigator:testrunner");
* Helper: Cleans up behind the testsuite
function cleanupTestsuite(callback) {
// Finally remove observers again
for (let o in observing)
Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, o);
// Reset the prefs we touched
].forEach(function (pref) {
if (gPrefService.prefHasUserValue(pref))
gPrefService.setBoolPref("browser.tabs.warnOnClose", oldWarnTabsOnClose);
// Reset the window type
document.documentElement.setAttribute("windowtype", oldWinType);
* Helper: sets the prefs and a new window with our test tabs
function setupTestAndRun(aIsPrivateWindow, testFn) {
// Prepare the prefs
// Prepare a window; open it and add more tabs
let options = {};
if (aIsPrivateWindow) {
options = {private: true};
let newWin = OpenBrowserWindow(options);
newWin.addEventListener("load", function(aEvent) {
newWin.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, false);
newWin.gBrowser.addEventListener("load", function(aEvent) {
newWin.gBrowser.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, true);
TEST_URLS.forEach(function (url) {
executeSoon(function() testFn(newWin));
}, true);
}, false);
* Test 1: Normal in-session restore
* @note: Non-Mac only
function testOpenCloseNormal(nextFn) {
setupTestAndRun(false, function(newWin) {
// Close the window
// window.close doesn't push any close events,
// so use BrowserTryToCloseWindow
// The first request to close is denied by our observer (Test 6)
ok(!newWin.closed, "First close request was denied");
if (!newWin.closed) {
ok(newWin.closed, "Second close request was granted");
// Open a new window
// The previously closed window should be restored
newWin = OpenBrowserWindow({});
newWin.addEventListener("load", function() {
this.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, true);
executeSoon(function() {
is(newWin.gBrowser.browsers.length, TEST_URLS.length + 1,
"Restored window in-session with otherpopup windows around");
// Cleanup
// Next please
}, true);
* Test 2: PrivateBrowsing in-session restore
* @note: Non-Mac only
function testOpenClosePrivateBrowsing(nextFn) {
setupTestAndRun(false, function(newWin) {
// Close the window
// Enter private browsing mode
// Open a new window.
// The previously closed window should NOT be restored
newWin = OpenBrowserWindow({private: true});
newWin.addEventListener("load", function() {
this.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, true);
executeSoon(function() {
is(newWin.gBrowser.browsers.length, 1,
"Did not restore in private browing mode");
// Cleanup
// Exit private browsing mode again
newWin = OpenBrowserWindow({});
newWin.addEventListener("load", function() {
this.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, true);
executeSoon(function() {
is(newWin.gBrowser.browsers.length, TEST_URLS.length + 1,
"Restored after leaving private browsing again");
// Next please
}, true);
}, true);
* Test 3: Open some popup windows to check those aren't restored, but
* the browser window is
* @note: Non-Mac only
function testOpenCloseWindowAndPopup(nextFn) {
setupTestAndRun(false, function(newWin) {
// open some popups
let popup = openDialog(location, "popup", POPUP_FEATURES, TEST_URLS[0]);
let popup2 = openDialog(location, "popup2", POPUP_FEATURES, TEST_URLS[1]);
popup2.addEventListener("load", function() {
popup2.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, false);
popup2.gBrowser.addEventListener("load", function() {
popup2.gBrowser.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, true);
// close the window
// Close the popup window
// The test is successful when not this popup window is restored
// but instead newWin
// open a new window the previously closed window should be restored to
newWin = OpenBrowserWindow({});
newWin.addEventListener("load", function() {
this.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, true);
executeSoon(function() {
is(newWin.gBrowser.browsers.length, TEST_URLS.length + 1,
"Restored window and associated tabs in session");
// Cleanup
// Next please
}, true);
}, true);
}, false);
* Test 4: Open some popup window to check it isn't restored.
* Instead nothing at all should be restored
* @note: Non-Mac only
function testOpenCloseOnlyPopup(nextFn) {
// prepare the prefs
// This will cause nsSessionStore to restore a window the next time it
// gets a chance.
let popup = openDialog(location, "popup", POPUP_FEATURES, TEST_URLS[1]);
popup.addEventListener("load", function() {
this.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, true);
is(popup.gBrowser.browsers.length, 1,
"Did not restore the popup window (1)");
// Real tests
popup = openDialog(location, "popup", POPUP_FEATURES, TEST_URLS[1]);
popup.addEventListener("load", function() {
popup.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, false);
popup.gBrowser.addEventListener("load", function() {
popup.gBrowser.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, true);
is(popup.gBrowser.browsers.length, 2,
"Did not restore to the popup window (2)");
// Close the popup window
// The test is successful when not this popup window is restored
// but instead a new window is opened without restoring anything
let newWin = OpenBrowserWindow({});
newWin.addEventListener("load", function() {
newWin.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, true);
executeSoon(function() {
isnot(newWin.gBrowser.browsers.length, 2,
"Did not restore the popup window");
is(TEST_URLS.indexOf(newWin.gBrowser.browsers[0].currentURI.spec), -1,
"Did not restore the popup window (2)");
// Cleanup
// Next please
}, true);
}, true);
}, false);
}, true);
* Test 5: Open some windows and do undoCloseWindow. This should prevent any
* restoring later in the test
* @note: Non-Mac only
function testOpenCloseRestoreFromPopup(nextFn) {
setupTestAndRun(false, function(newWin) {
setupTestAndRun(false, function(newWin2) {
browserWindowsCount([0, 1], "browser windows while running testOpenCloseRestoreFromPopup");
newWin = undoCloseWindow(0);
newWin2 = OpenBrowserWindow({});
newWin2.addEventListener("load", function() {
newWin2.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, true);
executeSoon(function() {
is(newWin2.gBrowser.browsers.length, 1,
"Did not restore, as undoCloseWindow() was last called");
is(TEST_URLS.indexOf(newWin2.gBrowser.browsers[0].currentURI.spec), -1,
"Did not restore, as undoCloseWindow() was last called (2)");
browserWindowsCount([2, 3], "browser windows while running testOpenCloseRestoreFromPopup");
// Cleanup
browserWindowsCount([0, 1], "browser windows while running testOpenCloseRestoreFromPopup");
// Next please
}, true);
* Test 7: Check whether the right number of notifications was received during
* the tests
function testNotificationCount(nextFn) {
is(observing["browser-lastwindow-close-requested"], NOTIFICATIONS_EXPECTED,
"browser-lastwindow-close-requested notifications observed");
// -request must be one more as we cancel the first one we hit,
// and hence won't produce a corresponding -grant
// @see observer.observe
observing["browser-lastwindow-close-granted"] + 1,
"Notification count for -request and -grant matches");
* Test 8: Test if closing can be denied on Mac
* Futhermore prepares the testNotificationCount test (Test 7)
* @note: Mac only
function testMacNotifications(nextFn, iteration) {
iteration = iteration || 1;
setupTestAndRun(false, function(newWin) {
// close the window
// window.close doesn't push any close events,
// so use BrowserTryToCloseWindow
if (iteration == 1) {
ok(!newWin.closed, "First close attempt denied");
if (!newWin.closed) {
ok(newWin.closed, "Second close attempt granted");
if (iteration < NOTIFICATIONS_EXPECTED - 1) {
executeSoon(function() testMacNotifications(nextFn, ++iteration));
else {
// Execution starts here
if (navigator.platform.match(/Mac/)) {
// Mac tests
testMacNotifications(function () {
testNotificationCount(function () {
browserWindowsCount(1, "Only one browser window should be open eventually");
else {
// Non-Mac Tests
testOpenCloseNormal(function () {
browserWindowsCount([0, 1], "browser windows after testOpenCloseNormal");
testOpenClosePrivateBrowsing(function () {
browserWindowsCount([0, 1], "browser windows after testOpenClosePrivateBrowsing");
testOpenCloseWindowAndPopup(function () {
browserWindowsCount([0, 1], "browser windows after testOpenCloseWindowAndPopup");
testOpenCloseOnlyPopup(function () {
browserWindowsCount([0, 1], "browser windows after testOpenCloseOnlyPopup");
testOpenCloseRestoreFromPopup(function () {
browserWindowsCount([0, 1], "browser windows after testOpenCloseRestoreFromPopup");
testNotificationCount(function () {
browserWindowsCount(1, "browser windows after testNotificationCount");