
100 lines
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/* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
"use strict";
* Test that Security details tab contains the expected data.
add_task(function* () {
let [tab, debuggee, monitor] = yield initNetMonitor(CUSTOM_GET_URL);
let { $, EVENTS, NetMonitorView } = monitor.panelWin;
let { RequestsMenu, NetworkDetails } = NetMonitorView;
RequestsMenu.lazyUpdate = false;
info("Performing a secure request.");
debuggee.performRequests(1, "" + CORS_SJS_PATH);
yield waitForNetworkEvents(monitor, 1);
info("Selecting the request.");
RequestsMenu.selectedIndex = 0;
info("Waiting for details pane to be updated.");
yield monitor.panelWin.once(EVENTS.TAB_UPDATED);
info("Selecting security tab.");
NetworkDetails.widget.selectedIndex = 5;
info("Waiting for security tab to be updated.");
yield monitor.panelWin.once(EVENTS.TAB_UPDATED);
let errorbox = $("#security-error");
let infobox = $("#security-information");
is(errorbox.hidden, true, "Error box is hidden.");
is(infobox.hidden, false, "Information box visible.");
// Connection
// The protocol will be TLS but the exact version depends on which protocol
// the test server supports.
let protocol = $("#security-protocol-version-value").value;
ok(protocol.startsWith("TLS"), "The protocol " + protocol + " seems valid.");
// The cipher suite used by the test server might change at any
// moment but all of them should start with "TLS_".
let suite = $("#security-ciphersuite-value").value;
ok(suite.startsWith("TLS_"), "The suite " + suite + " seems valid.");
// Host
checkLabel("#security-info-host-header", "Host");
checkLabel("#security-http-strict-transport-security-value", "Disabled");
checkLabel("#security-public-key-pinning-value", "Disabled");
// Cert
checkLabel("#security-cert-subject-cn", "");
checkLabel("#security-cert-subject-o", "<Not Available>");
checkLabel("#security-cert-subject-ou", "<Not Available>");
checkLabel("#security-cert-issuer-cn", "Temporary Certificate Authority");
checkLabel("#security-cert-issuer-o", "Mozilla Testing");
checkLabel("#security-cert-issuer-ou", "<Not Available>");
// Locale sensitive and varies between timezones. Cant't compare equality or
// the test fails depending on which part of the world the test is executed.
yield teardown(monitor);
* A helper that compares value attribute of a label with given selector to the
* expected value.
function checkLabel(selector, expected) {
info("Checking label " + selector);
let element = $(selector);
ok(element, "Selector matched an element.");
is(element.value, expected, "Label has the expected value.");
* A helper that checks the label with given selector is not an empty string.
function checkLabelNotEmpty(selector) {
info("Checking that label " + selector + " is non-empty.");
let element = $(selector);
ok(element, "Selector matched an element.");
isnot(element.value, "", "Label was not empty.");