
137 lines
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
add_task(function customizeToolbarAndKeepIt() {
ok(gNavToolbox.toolbarset, "There should be a toolbarset");
let toolbarID = "testAustralisCustomToolbar";
gNavToolbox.appendCustomToolbar(toolbarID, "");
let toolbarDOMID = getToolboxCustomToolbarId(toolbarID);
let toolbarElement = document.getElementById(toolbarDOMID);
ok(toolbarElement, "There should be a toolbar");
if (!toolbarElement) {
ok(false, "No toolbar created, bailing out of the test.");
is(toolbarElement.nextSibling, gNavToolbox.toolbarset,
"Toolbar should have been inserted in toolbox, before toolbarset element");
let cuiAreaType = CustomizableUI.getAreaType(toolbarDOMID);
is(cuiAreaType, CustomizableUI.TYPE_TOOLBAR,
"CustomizableUI should know the area and think it's a toolbar");
if (cuiAreaType != CustomizableUI.TYPE_TOOLBAR) {
ok(false, "Toolbar not registered successfully, bailing out of the test.");
ok(!CustomizableUI.getWidgetIdsInArea(toolbarDOMID).length, "There should be no widgets in the area yet.");
CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("open-file-button", toolbarDOMID, 0);
ok(toolbarElement.hasChildNodes(), "Toolbar should now have a button.");
assertAreaPlacements(toolbarDOMID, ["open-file-button"]);
gNavToolbox.toolbarset.setAttribute("toolbar1", toolbarID + ":open-file-button");
document.persist(, "toolbar1");
yield startCustomizing();
// First, exit customize mode without doing anything, and verify the toolbar doesn't get removed.
yield endCustomizing();
ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Shouldn't be in default state, the toolbar should still be there.");
cuiAreaType = CustomizableUI.getAreaType(toolbarDOMID);
is(cuiAreaType, CustomizableUI.TYPE_TOOLBAR,
"CustomizableUI should still know the area and think it's a toolbar");
ok(toolbarElement.parentNode, "Toolbar should still be in the DOM.");
ok(toolbarElement.hasChildNodes(), "Toolbar should still have items in it.");
assertAreaPlacements(toolbarDOMID, ["open-file-button"]);
let newWindow = yield openAndLoadWindow({}, true);
"Attribute should be the same in new window");
yield promiseWindowClosed(newWindow);
// Then customize again, and this time empty out the toolbar and verify it *does* get removed.
yield startCustomizing();
let openFileButton = document.getElementById("open-file-button");
let palette = document.getElementById("customization-palette");
simulateItemDrag(openFileButton, palette);
ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Shouldn't be in default state because there's still a non-collapsed toolbar.");
ok(!toolbarElement.hasChildNodes(), "Toolbar should have no more child nodes.");
toolbarElement.collapsed = true;
ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in default state because there's now just a collapsed toolbar.");
toolbarElement.collapsed = false;
ok(!CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Shouldn't be in default state because there's a non-collapsed toolbar again.");
yield endCustomizing();
ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in default state because the toolbar should have been removed.");
newWindow = yield openAndLoadWindow({}, true);
"Attribute should be gone in new window");
yield promiseWindowClosed(newWindow);
ok(!toolbarElement.parentNode, "Toolbar should no longer be in the DOM.");
cuiAreaType = CustomizableUI.getAreaType(toolbarDOMID);
is(cuiAreaType, null, "CustomizableUI should have forgotten all about the area");
add_task(function resetShouldDealWithCustomToolbars() {
ok(gNavToolbox.toolbarset, "There should be a toolbarset");
let toolbarID = "testAustralisCustomToolbar";
gNavToolbox.appendCustomToolbar(toolbarID, "");
let toolbarDOMID = getToolboxCustomToolbarId(toolbarID);
let toolbarElement = document.getElementById(toolbarDOMID);
ok(toolbarElement, "There should be a toolbar");
if (!toolbarElement) {
ok(false, "No toolbar created, bailing out of the test.");
is(toolbarElement.nextSibling, gNavToolbox.toolbarset,
"Toolbar should have been inserted in toolbox, before toolbarset element");
let cuiAreaType = CustomizableUI.getAreaType(toolbarDOMID);
is(cuiAreaType, CustomizableUI.TYPE_TOOLBAR,
"CustomizableUI should know the area and think it's a toolbar");
if (cuiAreaType != CustomizableUI.TYPE_TOOLBAR) {
ok(false, "Toolbar not registered successfully, bailing out of the test.");
ok(!CustomizableUI.getWidgetIdsInArea(toolbarDOMID).length, "There should be no widgets in the area yet.");
CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea("sync-button", toolbarDOMID, 0);
ok(toolbarElement.hasChildNodes(), "Toolbar should now have a button.");
assertAreaPlacements(toolbarDOMID, ["sync-button"]);
gNavToolbox.toolbarset.setAttribute("toolbar2", toolbarID + ":sync-button");
document.persist(, "toolbar2");
let newWindow = yield openAndLoadWindow({}, true);
"Attribute should be the same in new window");
yield promiseWindowClosed(newWindow);
newWindow = yield openAndLoadWindow({}, true);
"Attribute should be gone in new window");
yield promiseWindowClosed(newWindow);
ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should be in default state after reset.");
let syncButton = document.getElementById("sync-button");
ok(!syncButton, "Sync button shouldn't be in the document anymore.");
ok(gNavToolbox.palette.querySelector("#sync-button"), "Sync button should be in the palette");
ok(!toolbarElement.hasChildNodes(), "Toolbar should have no more child nodes.");
ok(!toolbarElement.parentNode, "Toolbar should no longer be in the DOM.");
cuiAreaType = CustomizableUI.getAreaType(toolbarDOMID);
is(cuiAreaType, null, "CustomizableUI should have forgotten all about the area");
add_task(function() {
let newWin = yield openAndLoadWindow({}, true);
ok(!newWin.gNavToolbox.toolbarset.hasAttribute("toolbar1"), "New window shouldn't have attribute toolbar1");
ok(!newWin.gNavToolbox.toolbarset.hasAttribute("toolbar2"), "New window shouldn't have attribute toolbar2");
yield promiseWindowClosed(newWin);