
894 lines
25 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const {Cc, Ci, Cu, Cr} = require("chrome");
const events = require("sdk/event/core");
const protocol = require("devtools/server/protocol");
const {serializeStack, parseStack} = require("toolkit/loader");
const {on, once, off, emit} = events;
const {method, Arg, Option, RetVal} = protocol;
* Type describing a single function call in a stack trace.
protocol.types.addDictType("call-stack-item", {
name: "string",
file: "string",
line: "number"
* Type describing an overview of a function call.
protocol.types.addDictType("call-details", {
type: "number",
name: "string",
stack: "array:call-stack-item"
* This actor contains information about a function call, like the function
* type, name, stack, arguments, returned value etc.
var FunctionCallActor = protocol.ActorClass({
typeName: "function-call",
* Creates the function call actor.
* @param DebuggerServerConnection conn
* The server connection.
* @param DOMWindow window
* The content window.
* @param string global
* The name of the global object owning this function, like
* "CanvasRenderingContext2D" or "WebGLRenderingContext".
* @param object caller
* The object owning the function when it was called.
* For example, in ``, the caller is `foo`.
* @param number type
* @param string name
* The called function's name.
* @param array stack
* The called function's stack, as a list of { name, file, line } objects.
* @param number timestamp
* The timestamp when the function was called.
* @param array args
* The called function's arguments.
* @param any result
* The value returned by the function call.
* @param boolean holdWeak
* Determines whether or not FunctionCallActor stores a weak reference
* to the underlying objects.
initialize: function(conn, [window, global, caller, type, name, stack, timestamp, args, result], holdWeak) {, conn);
this.details = {
global: global,
type: type,
name: name,
stack: stack,
timestamp: timestamp
// Store a weak reference to all objects so we don't
// prevent natural GC if `holdWeak` was passed into
// setup as truthy.
if (holdWeak) {
let weakRefs = {
window: Cu.getWeakReference(window),
caller: Cu.getWeakReference(caller),
args: Cu.getWeakReference(args),
result: Cu.getWeakReference(result),
Object.defineProperties(this.details, {
window: { get: () => weakRefs.window.get() },
caller: { get: () => weakRefs.caller.get() },
args: { get: () => weakRefs.args.get() },
result: { get: () => weakRefs.result.get() },
// Otherwise, hold strong references to the objects.
else {
this.details.window = window;
this.details.caller = caller;
this.details.args = args;
this.details.result = result;
// The caller, args and results are string names for now. It would
// certainly be nicer if they were Object actors. Make this smarter, so
// that the frontend can inspect each argument, be it object or primitive.
// Bug 978960.
this.details.previews = {
caller: this._generateStringPreview(caller),
args: this._generateArgsPreview(args),
result: this._generateStringPreview(result)
* Customize the marshalling of this actor to provide some generic information
* directly on the Front instance.
form: function() {
return {
actor: this.actorID,
type: this.details.type,
file: this.details.stack[0].file,
line: this.details.stack[0].line,
timestamp: this.details.timestamp,
callerPreview: this.details.previews.caller,
argsPreview: this.details.previews.args,
resultPreview: this.details.previews.result
* Gets more information about this function call, which is not necessarily
* available on the Front instance.
getDetails: method(function() {
let { type, name, stack, timestamp } = this.details;
// Since not all calls on the stack have corresponding owner files (e.g.
// callbacks of a requestAnimationFrame etc.), there's no benefit in
// returning them, as the user can't jump to the Debugger from them.
for (let i = stack.length - 1;;) {
if (stack[i].file) {
// XXX: Use grips for objects and serialize them properly, in order
// to add the function's caller, arguments and return value. Bug 978957.
return {
type: type,
name: name,
stack: stack,
timestamp: timestamp
}, {
response: { info: RetVal("call-details") }
* Serializes the arguments so that they can be easily be transferred
* as a string, but still be useful when displayed in a potential UI.
* @param array args
* The source arguments.
* @return string
* The arguments as a string.
_generateArgsPreview: function(args) {
let { global, name, caller } = this.details;
// Get method signature to determine if there are any enums
// used in this method.
let methodSignatureEnums;
let knownGlobal = CallWatcherFront.KNOWN_METHODS[global];
if (knownGlobal) {
let knownMethod = knownGlobal[name];
if (knownMethod) {
let isOverloaded = typeof knownMethod.enums === "function";
if (isOverloaded) {
methodSignatureEnums = methodSignatureEnums(args);
} else {
methodSignatureEnums = knownMethod.enums;
let serializeArgs = () =>, i) => {
// XXX: Bug 978960.
if (arg === undefined) {
return "undefined";
if (arg === null) {
return "null";
if (typeof arg == "function") {
return "Function";
if (typeof arg == "object") {
return "Object";
// If this argument matches the method's signature
// and is an enum, change it to its constant name.
if (methodSignatureEnums && methodSignatureEnums.has(i)) {
return getBitToEnumValue(global, caller, arg);
return arg + "";
return serializeArgs().join(", ");
* Serializes the data so that it can be easily be transferred
* as a string, but still be useful when displayed in a potential UI.
* @param object data
* The source data.
* @return string
* The arguments as a string.
_generateStringPreview: function(data) {
// XXX: Bug 978960.
if (data === undefined) {
return "undefined";
if (data === null) {
return "null";
if (typeof data == "function") {
return "Function";
if (typeof data == "object") {
return "Object";
return data + "";
* The corresponding Front object for the FunctionCallActor.
var FunctionCallFront = protocol.FrontClass(FunctionCallActor, {
initialize: function(client, form) {, client, form);
* Adds some generic information directly to this instance,
* to avoid extra roundtrips.
form: function(form) {
this.actorID =;
this.type = form.type; =;
this.file = form.file;
this.line = form.line;
this.timestamp = form.timestamp;
this.callerPreview = form.callerPreview;
this.argsPreview = form.argsPreview;
this.resultPreview = form.resultPreview;
* This actor observes function calls on certain objects or globals.
var CallWatcherActor = exports.CallWatcherActor = protocol.ActorClass({
typeName: "call-watcher",
initialize: function(conn, tabActor) {, conn);
this.tabActor = tabActor;
this._onGlobalCreated = this._onGlobalCreated.bind(this);
this._onGlobalDestroyed = this._onGlobalDestroyed.bind(this);
this._onContentFunctionCall = this._onContentFunctionCall.bind(this);
destroy: function(conn) {, conn);
events: {
* Events emitted when the `onCall` function isn't provided.
"call": {
type: "call",
function: Arg(0, "function-call")
* Lightweight listener invoked whenever an instrumented function is called
* while recording. We're doing this to avoid the event emitter overhead,
* since this is expected to be a very hot function.
onCall: null,
* Starts waiting for the current tab actor's document global to be
* created, in order to instrument the specified objects and become
* aware of everything the content does with them.
setup: method(function({ tracedGlobals, tracedFunctions, startRecording, performReload, holdWeak, storeCalls }) {
if (this._initialized) {
this._initialized = true;
this._timestampEpoch = 0;
this._functionCalls = [];
this._tracedGlobals = tracedGlobals || [];
this._tracedFunctions = tracedFunctions || [];
this._holdWeak = !!holdWeak;
this._storeCalls = !!storeCalls;
on(this.tabActor, "window-ready", this._onGlobalCreated);
on(this.tabActor, "window-destroyed", this._onGlobalDestroyed);
if (startRecording) {
if (performReload) {
}, {
request: {
tracedGlobals: Option(0, "nullable:array:string"),
tracedFunctions: Option(0, "nullable:array:string"),
startRecording: Option(0, "boolean"),
performReload: Option(0, "boolean"),
holdWeak: Option(0, "boolean"),
storeCalls: Option(0, "boolean")
oneway: true
* Stops listening for document global changes and puts this actor
* to hibernation. This method is called automatically just before the
* actor is destroyed.
finalize: method(function() {
if (!this._initialized) {
this._initialized = false;
this._finalized = true;
off(this.tabActor, "window-ready", this._onGlobalCreated);
off(this.tabActor, "window-destroyed", this._onGlobalDestroyed);
this._tracedGlobals = null;
this._tracedFunctions = null;
}, {
oneway: true
* Returns whether the instrumented function calls are currently recorded.
isRecording: method(function() {
return this._recording;
}, {
response: RetVal("boolean")
* Initialize the timestamp epoch used to offset function call timestamps.
initTimestampEpoch: method(function() {
this._timestampEpoch =;
* Starts recording function calls.
resumeRecording: method(function() {
this._recording = true;
* Stops recording function calls.
pauseRecording: method(function() {
this._recording = false;
return this._functionCalls;
}, {
response: { calls: RetVal("array:function-call") }
* Erases all the recorded function calls.
* Calling `resumeRecording` or `pauseRecording` does not erase history.
eraseRecording: method(function() {
this._functionCalls = [];
* Invoked whenever the current tab actor's document global is created.
_onGlobalCreated: function({window, id, isTopLevel}) {
// TODO: bug 981748, support more than just the top-level documents.
if (!isTopLevel) {
let self = this;
this._tracedWindowId = id;
let unwrappedWindow = XPCNativeWrapper.unwrap(window);
let callback = this._onContentFunctionCall;
for (let global of this._tracedGlobals) {
let prototype = unwrappedWindow[global].prototype;
let properties = Object.keys(prototype);
properties.forEach(name => overrideSymbol(global, prototype, name, callback));
for (let name of this._tracedFunctions) {
overrideSymbol("window", unwrappedWindow, name, callback);
* Instruments a method, getter or setter on the specified target object to
* invoke a callback whenever it is called.
function overrideSymbol(global, target, name, callback) {
let propertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, name);
if (propertyDescriptor.get || propertyDescriptor.set) {
overrideAccessor(global, target, name, propertyDescriptor, callback);
if (propertyDescriptor.writable && typeof propertyDescriptor.value == "function") {
overrideFunction(global, target, name, propertyDescriptor, callback);
* Instruments a function on the specified target object.
function overrideFunction(global, target, name, descriptor, callback) {
// Invoking .apply on an unxrayed content function doesn't work, because
// the arguments array is inaccessible to it. Get Xrays back.
let originalFunc = Cu.unwaiveXrays(target[name]);
Cu.exportFunction(function(...args) {
let result;
try {
result = Cu.waiveXrays(originalFunc.apply(this, args));
} catch (e) {
throw createContentError(e, unwrappedWindow);
if (self._recording) {
let type = CallWatcherFront.METHOD_FUNCTION;
let stack = getStack(name);
let timestamp = - self._timestampEpoch;
callback(unwrappedWindow, global, this, type, name, stack, timestamp, args, result);
return result;
}, target, { defineAs: name });
Object.defineProperty(target, name, {
configurable: descriptor.configurable,
enumerable: descriptor.enumerable,
writable: true
* Instruments a getter or setter on the specified target object.
function overrideAccessor(global, target, name, descriptor, callback) {
// Invoking .apply on an unxrayed content function doesn't work, because
// the arguments array is inaccessible to it. Get Xrays back.
let originalGetter = Cu.unwaiveXrays(target.__lookupGetter__(name));
let originalSetter = Cu.unwaiveXrays(target.__lookupSetter__(name));
Object.defineProperty(target, name, {
get: function(...args) {
if (!originalGetter) return undefined;
let result = Cu.waiveXrays(originalGetter.apply(this, args));
if (self._recording) {
let type = CallWatcherFront.GETTER_FUNCTION;
let stack = getStack(name);
let timestamp = - self._timestampEpoch;
callback(unwrappedWindow, global, this, type, name, stack, timestamp, args, result);
return result;
set: function(...args) {
if (!originalSetter) return;
originalSetter.apply(this, args);
if (self._recording) {
let type = CallWatcherFront.SETTER_FUNCTION;
let stack = getStack(name);
let timestamp = - self._timestampEpoch;
callback(unwrappedWindow, global, this, type, name, stack, timestamp, args, undefined);
configurable: descriptor.configurable,
enumerable: descriptor.enumerable
* Stores the relevant information about calls on the stack when
* a function is called.
function getStack(caller) {
try {
// Using Components.stack wouldn't be a better idea, since it's
// much slower because it attempts to retrieve the C++ stack as well.
throw new Error();
} catch (e) {
var stack = e.stack;
// Of course, using a simple regex like /(.*?)@(.*):(\d*):\d*/ would be
// much prettier, but this is a very hot function, so let's sqeeze
// every drop of performance out of it.
let calls = [];
let callIndex = 0;
let currNewLinePivot = stack.indexOf("\n") + 1;
let nextNewLinePivot = stack.indexOf("\n", currNewLinePivot);
while (nextNewLinePivot > 0) {
let nameDelimiterIndex = stack.indexOf("@", currNewLinePivot);
let columnDelimiterIndex = stack.lastIndexOf(":", nextNewLinePivot - 1);
let lineDelimiterIndex = stack.lastIndexOf(":", columnDelimiterIndex - 1);
if (!calls[callIndex]) {
calls[callIndex] = { name: "", file: "", line: 0 };
if (!calls[callIndex + 1]) {
calls[callIndex + 1] = { name: "", file: "", line: 0 };
if (callIndex > 0) {
let file = stack.substring(nameDelimiterIndex + 1, lineDelimiterIndex);
let line = stack.substring(lineDelimiterIndex + 1, columnDelimiterIndex);
let name = stack.substring(currNewLinePivot, nameDelimiterIndex);
calls[callIndex].name = name;
calls[callIndex - 1].file = file;
calls[callIndex - 1].line = line;
} else {
// Since the topmost stack frame is actually our overwritten function,
// it will not have the expected name.
calls[0].name = caller;
currNewLinePivot = nextNewLinePivot + 1;
nextNewLinePivot = stack.indexOf("\n", currNewLinePivot);
return calls;
* Invoked whenever the current tab actor's inner window is destroyed.
_onGlobalDestroyed: function({window, id, isTopLevel}) {
if (this._tracedWindowId == id) {
this._timestampEpoch = 0;
* Invoked whenever an instrumented function is called.
_onContentFunctionCall: function(...details) {
// If the consuming tool has finalized call-watcher, ignore the
// still-instrumented calls.
if (this._finalized) {
let functionCall = new FunctionCallActor(this.conn, details, this._holdWeak);
if (this._storeCalls) {
if (this.onCall) {
} else {
emit(this, "call", functionCall);
* The corresponding Front object for the CallWatcherActor.
var CallWatcherFront = exports.CallWatcherFront = protocol.FrontClass(CallWatcherActor, {
initialize: function(client, { callWatcherActor }) {, client, { actor: callWatcherActor });
* Constants.
CallWatcherFront.METHOD_FUNCTION = 0;
CallWatcherFront.GETTER_FUNCTION = 1;
CallWatcherFront.SETTER_FUNCTION = 2;
CallWatcherFront.KNOWN_METHODS = {};
CallWatcherFront.KNOWN_METHODS["CanvasRenderingContext2D"] = {
asyncDrawXULElement: {
enums: new Set([6]),
drawWindow: {
enums: new Set([6])
CallWatcherFront.KNOWN_METHODS["WebGLRenderingContext"] = {
activeTexture: {
enums: new Set([0]),
bindBuffer: {
enums: new Set([0]),
bindFramebuffer: {
enums: new Set([0]),
bindRenderbuffer: {
enums: new Set([0]),
bindTexture: {
enums: new Set([0]),
blendEquation: {
enums: new Set([0]),
blendEquationSeparate: {
enums: new Set([0, 1]),
blendFunc: {
enums: new Set([0, 1]),
blendFuncSeparate: {
enums: new Set([0, 1, 2, 3]),
bufferData: {
enums: new Set([0, 1, 2]),
bufferSubData: {
enums: new Set([0, 1]),
checkFramebufferStatus: {
enums: new Set([0]),
clear: {
enums: new Set([0]),
compressedTexImage2D: {
enums: new Set([0, 2]),
compressedTexSubImage2D: {
enums: new Set([0, 6]),
copyTexImage2D: {
enums: new Set([0, 2]),
copyTexSubImage2D: {
enums: new Set([0]),
createShader: {
enums: new Set([0]),
cullFace: {
enums: new Set([0]),
depthFunc: {
enums: new Set([0]),
disable: {
enums: new Set([0]),
drawArrays: {
enums: new Set([0]),
drawElements: {
enums: new Set([0, 2]),
enable: {
enums: new Set([0]),
framebufferRenderbuffer: {
enums: new Set([0, 1, 2]),
framebufferTexture2D: {
enums: new Set([0, 1, 2]),
frontFace: {
enums: new Set([0]),
generateMipmap: {
enums: new Set([0]),
getBufferParameter: {
enums: new Set([0, 1]),
getParameter: {
enums: new Set([0]),
getFramebufferAttachmentParameter: {
enums: new Set([0, 1, 2]),
getProgramParameter: {
enums: new Set([1]),
getRenderbufferParameter: {
enums: new Set([0, 1]),
getShaderParameter: {
enums: new Set([1]),
getShaderPrecisionFormat: {
enums: new Set([0, 1]),
getTexParameter: {
enums: new Set([0, 1]),
getVertexAttrib: {
enums: new Set([1]),
getVertexAttribOffset: {
enums: new Set([1]),
hint: {
enums: new Set([0, 1]),
isEnabled: {
enums: new Set([0]),
pixelStorei: {
enums: new Set([0]),
readPixels: {
enums: new Set([4, 5]),
renderbufferStorage: {
enums: new Set([0, 1]),
stencilFunc: {
enums: new Set([0]),
stencilFuncSeparate: {
enums: new Set([0, 1]),
stencilMaskSeparate: {
enums: new Set([0]),
stencilOp: {
enums: new Set([0, 1, 2]),
stencilOpSeparate: {
enums: new Set([0, 1, 2, 3]),
texImage2D: {
enums: args => args.length > 6 ? new Set([0, 2, 6, 7]) : new Set([0, 2, 3, 4]),
texParameterf: {
enums: new Set([0, 1]),
texParameteri: {
enums: new Set([0, 1, 2]),
texSubImage2D: {
enums: args => args.length === 9 ? new Set([0, 6, 7]) : new Set([0, 4, 5]),
vertexAttribPointer: {
enums: new Set([2])
* A lookup table for cross-referencing flags or properties with their name
* assuming they look LIKE_THIS most of the time.
* For example, when gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) is called, the actual passed
* argument's value is 16384, which we want identified as "COLOR_BUFFER_BIT".
var gEnumRegex = /^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+$/;
var gEnumsLookupTable = {};
// These values are returned from errors, or empty values,
// and need to be ignored when checking arguments due to the bitwise math.
function getBitToEnumValue(type, object, arg) {
let table = gEnumsLookupTable[type];
// If mapping not yet created, do it on the first run.
if (!table) {
table = gEnumsLookupTable[type] = {};
for (let key in object) {
if (key.match(gEnumRegex)) {
// Maps `16384` to `"COLOR_BUFFER_BIT"`, etc.
table[object[key]] = key;
// If a single bit value, just return it.
if (table[arg]) {
return table[arg];
// Otherwise, attempt to reduce it to the original bit flags:
let flags = [];
for (let flag in table) {
if (INVALID_ENUMS.indexOf(table[flag]) !== -1) {
// Cast to integer as all values are stored as strings
// in `table`
flag = flag | 0;
if (flag && (arg & flag) === flag) {
// Cache the combined bitmask value
return table[arg] = flags.join(" | ") || arg;
* Creates a new error from an error that originated from content but was called
* from a wrapped overridden method. This is so we can make our own error
* that does not look like it originated from the call watcher.
* We use toolkit/loader's parseStack and serializeStack rather than the
* parsing done in the local `getStack` function, because it does not expose
* column number, would have to change the protocol models `call-stack-items` and `call-details`
* which hurts backwards compatibility, and the local `getStack` is an optimized, hot function.
function createContentError (e, win) {
let { message, name, stack } = e;
let parsedStack = parseStack(stack);
let { fileName, lineNumber, columnNumber } = parsedStack[parsedStack.length - 1];
let error;
let isDOMException = e instanceof Ci.nsIDOMDOMException;
let constructor = isDOMException ? win.DOMException : (win[] || win.Error);
if (isDOMException) {
error = new constructor(message, name);
Object.defineProperties(error, {
code: { value: e.code },
columnNumber: { value: 0 }, // columnNumber is always 0 for DOMExceptions?
filename: { value: fileName }, // note the lowercase `filename`
lineNumber: { value: lineNumber },
result: { value: e.result },
stack: { value: serializeStack(parsedStack) }
else {
// Constructing an error here retains all the stack information,
// and we can add message, fileName and lineNumber via constructor, though
// need to manually add columnNumber.
error = new constructor(message, fileName, lineNumber);
Object.defineProperty(error, "columnNumber", {
value: columnNumber
return error;