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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "nsISupports.idl"
interface nsIDOMBlob;
interface nsIDOMEventListener;
[scriptable, uuid(2e567730-f164-49d7-b975-862caa4425a5)]
interface nsICameraTestHardware : nsISupports
/* The following methods are intended to be used by the test cases
written in JavaScript to define the behaviour of the hardware: */
/* Attach a delegate handler object such that the test hardware
will call the given handlers for the given operations to decide
what to do. This allows a test case to define specific behaviours
on a fine grained basis.
The following handlers may be supplied as properties of the
given delagate handler object:
Implementation notes for handlers:
- If the handler throws an error, we will the return code
of the driver operation.
- If the handler returns true, we will perform the default
action (if any) for the operation. */
void attach(in jsval mock);
/* Detach a delegate handler object such that the test hardware
will revert to default behaviour when a function is called. */
void detach();
/* Reset the state of the test hardware back to the initial state.
This is useful when one test case has been completed and we need
a clean slate for the next. */
void reset(in jsval window);
/* Trigger an OnAutoFocusMoving callback at the Gonk layer.
state is a boolean indicating where or not the camera focus
is moving. */
void fireAutoFocusComplete(in boolean state);
/* Trigger an OnAutoFocusComplete callback at the Gonk layer.
state is a boolean indicating where or not the camera is focused. */
void fireAutoFocusMoving(in boolean moving);
/* Trigger an OnTakePictureComplete callback at the Gonk layer.
blob should be a Blob object. The actual content of the blob
is unimportant since nothing processes it as an image internally. */
void fireTakePictureComplete(in nsIDOMBlob picture);
/* Trigger an OnTakePictureError callback at the Gonk layer. */
void fireTakePictureError();
/* Trigger an OnSystemError callback at the Gonk layer. */
void fireSystemError();
/* Trigger an OnShutter callback at the Gonk layer. */
void fireShutter();
/* Trigger an OnFacesDetected callback at the Gonk layer.
faces is an array of CameraDetectedFaceInit dictionaries although
hasLeftEye, hasRightEye and hasMouth may be omitted and will be
implied by the presence/absence of leftEye, rightEye and mouth. */
void fireFacesDetected(in jsval faces);
/* Object which stores the camera parameters read/written by the
camera control layer from the hardware. The test case may set
its own values to control the behaviour of the camera middleware.
E.g. params['preview-sizes'] = '320x240,640x480'; */
attribute jsval params;
/* The following methods are intended to be used by the Gonk layer
in order to call back into JavaScript to get test case defined
behaviour: */
/* Set a handler to capture asynchronous events triggered by the
test case via the fireXXX methods. E.g.:
nsCOMPtr<nsICameraHardware> wrapper =
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMEventListener> listener = new HwListener();
class HwListener : public nsIDOMEventListener {
NS_IMETHODIMP HandleEvent(nsIDOMEvent *aEvent) {
nsString type;
if (aEvent.EqualsLiteral("focus")) {
} else {
The following event types may be generated:
focus: CameraStateChangeEvent where newState should map
to the OnAutoFocusComplete and OnAutoFocusMoving callbacks:
-- focused: OnAutoFocusComplete(false)
-- unfocused: OnAutoFocusComplete(true)
-- focusing: OnAutoFocusMoving(true)
-- not_focusing: OnAutoFocusMoving(false)
picture: BlobEvent which contains the picture type and
data corresponding to the OnTakePictureComplete callback.
error: ErrorEvent corresponding to the various error callbacks,
where the message is:
-- picture: OnTakePictureError()
-- system: OnSystemError(100, 0)
facesdetected: CameraFacesDetectedEvent which contains the
faces data corresponding to OnFacesDetected callback.
shutter: Event which corresponds to the OnShutter callback. */
void setHandler(in nsIDOMEventListener handler);
/* Execute an intercepted Init() driver call. */
void initCamera();
/* Execute an intercepted AutoFocus() driver call. Default behaviour is
to trigger OnAutoFocusComplete where the camera is focused. */
void autoFocus();
/* Execute an intercepted CancelAutoFocus() driver call. */
void cancelAutoFocus();
/* Execute an intercepted StartFaceDetection() driver call. */
void startFaceDetection();
/* Execute an intercepted StopFaceDetection() driver call. */
void stopFaceDetection();
/* Execute an intercepted TakePicture() driver call. Default behaviour is
to trigger OnTakePictureComplete with a fake jpeg blob. */
void takePicture();
/* Execute an intercepted CancelTakePicture() driver call. */
void cancelTakePicture();
/* Execute an intercepted StartPreview() driver call. */
void startPreview();
/* Execute an intercepted StopPreview() driver call. */
void stopPreview();
/* Execute an intercepted StartRecording() driver call. */
void startRecording();
/* Execute an intercepted StopRecording() driver call. */
void stopRecording();
/* Execute an intercepted PushParameters() driver call. If the delegate
handler throws an error, it will restore the old parameters.
When the delegate is called, the new proposed parameters are
placed in this.params. */
void pushParameters(in DOMString params);
/* Execute an intercepted PullParameters() driver call. Unless the delegate
handler throws an error, it will return an assembled parameter
list derived from the this.params hash table. */
DOMString pullParameters();