Roy Frostig 956ee4b869 Simplification of sidebar snap.
Cleanup of global functions in browser.js (debug functions are still global), plus added documentation on said functions.
2009-07-28 16:14:57 -07:00

1303 lines
42 KiB

// -*- Mode: js2; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js2-basic-offset: 2; js2-skip-preprocessor-directives: t; js2-strict-trailing-comma-warning: nil -*-
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is Mozilla Mobile Browser.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Mozilla Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008, 2009
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Stuart Parmenter <>
* Brad Lassey <>
* Mark Finkle <>
* Gavin Sharp <>
* Ben Combee <>
* Roy Frostig <>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
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* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
* InputHandler
* The input handler is an arbiter between the Fennec chrome window inputs and any
* registered input modules. It keeps an array of input module objects. Incoming
* input events are wrapped in an EventInfo object and passed down to the input modules
* in the order of the modules array. Every registed module thus gets called with
* an EventInfo for each event that the InputHandler is registered to listen for.
* Currently, the InputHandler listens for the following events by default.
* On the Fennec global chrome window:
* URLChanged
* TabSelect
* mouseout
* mousedown
* mouseup
* mousemove
* click
* On the browserViewContainer:
* keydown
* keyup
* DOMMouseScroll
* When one of the handlers decides it wants to handle the event, it should call
* grab() on its owner which will cause it to receive all of the events until it
* calls ungrab(). Calling grab will notify the other handlers via a
* cancelPending() notification. This tells them to stop what they're doing and
* give up hope for being the one to process the events.
* Input modules must provide the following interface:
* handleEvent(evInfo)
* Entry point by which InputHandler passes wrapped Fennec chrome window events
* to the module.
* cancelPending()
* Called by the InputHandler as a hint to the module that it may wish to reset
* whatever state it might have entered by processing events thus far. For
* instance, a module may have grabbed (cf grab()) focus, in which case the
* InputHandler will call cancelPending() on all remaining modules.
* How grabbing works:
* An input module may wish to grab event focus of the InputHandler, which means that it
* wants to process all incoming events for a while. When the InputHandler is grabbed
* by one of its modules, only that module will receive incoming events until it ungrabs
* the InputHandler. No other modules' handleEvent() function will be called while the
* InputHandler is grabbed. Grabs and ungrabs of the InputHandler require an object reference
* corresponding to the grabbing object. That is, a module must call inputHandler.grab(this)
* and .ungrab(this) in order for the calls to succeed. The object given as the argument
* will be that which is given event focus. grab/ungrab may be nested (that is, a module can
* grab as many times as it wants to) provided that they are one-to-one. That is, if a
* module grabs four times, it should be sure to ungrab that many times as well. Lastly,
* an input module may, in ungrabbing, provide an array of queued EventInfo objects, each of
* which will be passed by the InputHandler to each of the subsequent modules ("subsequent"
* as in "next in the ordering within the modules array") via handleEvent(). This can be
* thought of as the module's way of saying "sorry for grabbing focus, here's everything I
* kept you from processing this whole time" to the modules of lower priority. To prevent
* infinite loops, this event queue is only passed to lower-priority modules.
function InputHandler(browserViewContainer) {
/* the list of modules that will handle input */
this._modules = [];
/* which module, if any, has all events directed to it */
this._grabber = null;
this._grabDepth = 0;
/* when true, don't process any events */
this._ignoreEvents = false;
/* when set to true, next click won't be dispatched */
this._suppressNextClick = true;
/* used to cancel actions with browser window changes */
this.listenFor(window, "URLChanged");
this.listenFor(window, "TabSelect");
/* used to stop everything if mouse leaves window on desktop */
this.listenFor(window, "mouseout");
/* these handle dragging of both chrome elements and content */
this.listenFor(window, "mousedown");
this.listenFor(window, "mouseup");
this.listenFor(window, "mousemove");
this.listenFor(window, "click");
/* these handle key strokes in the browser view (where page content appears) */
this.listenFor(browserViewContainer, "keydown");
this.listenFor(browserViewContainer, "keyup");
this.listenFor(browserViewContainer, "DOMMouseScroll");
//let useEarlyMouseMoves = gPrefService.getBoolPref("browser.ui.panning.fixup.mousemove");
this.addModule(new MouseModule(this));
this.addModule(new ScrollwheelModule(this, Browser._browserView, browserViewContainer));
//this.addModule(new ContentPanningModule(this, browserViewContainer, useEarlyMouseMoves));
//this.addModule(new ContentClickingModule(this));
InputHandler.prototype = {
* Tell the InputHandler to begin handling events from target of type
* eventType.
listenFor: function listenFor(target, eventType) {
target.addEventListener(eventType, this, true);
* Add a module. Module priority is first come, first served, so modules
* added later have lower priority.
addModule: function addModule(m) {
* Have the InputHandler begin/resume listening for events.
startListening: function startListening() {
this._ignoreEvents = false;
* Stop/pause the InputHandler from listening for events.
stopListening: function stopListening() {
this._ignoreEvents = true;
* A module calls grab(this) to grab event focus from the input handler.
* In grabbed state, the input handler forwards all events directly to
* the grabber module, and not to any other modules. The this reference
* passed is essentially a ceritificate to the input handler --- collateral
* for the grab. A grabber module may make nested calls to grab() but
* should symmetrically ungrab(). Other modules cannot grab a grabbed input
* handler, and only the grabber module can ungrab the input handler.
* Returns true if the grab succeeded, false otherwise.
// XXX grab(null) is supported because the old grab() supported it,
// but I'm not sure why. The comment on that was "grab(null) is allowed
// because of mouseout handling". Feel free to remove if that is no longer
// relevant, or remove this comment if it still is.
grab: function grab(grabber) {
if (grabber == null) {
this._grabber = null;
this._grabDepth = -1; // incremented to 0 below
if (!this._grabber || this._grabber == grabber) {
if (!this._grabber) {
// call cancel on all modules
let mods = this._modules;
for (let i = 0, len = mods.length; i < len; ++i)
if (mods[i] != grabber)
this._grabber = grabber;
return true;
return false;
* A grabber module should ungrab the input handler by calling ungrab(this).
* Of course, a module other than the original grabber may spoof the ungrab
* if it has our reference to that module.
* An optional second parameter gives a list of events to pass to the
* handlers of all other modules. This is useful if the grabber module
* absorbed many events but wants to pass a possibly modified subset of
* them onward to the input handling modules that didn't get to see the
* events all along.
* @param grabber The grabber's object reference, as grabber proof.
* @param restoreEventInfos An array of EventInfo objects to pass to
* the handler of every module of lower priority than grabber.
// XXX ungrab(null) is supported here too because the old ungrab()
// happened to support it (not sure if intentionally; there was no
// comment it), so cf the corresponding comment on grab().
ungrab: function ungrab(grabber, restoreEventInfos) {
if (this._grabber == null && grabber == null) {
this._grabber = null;
this._grabDepth = 1; // decremented to 0 below
if (this._grabber == grabber) { // only grabber can ungrab
if (this._grabDepth == 0) { // all nested grabs gone
this._grabber = null;
if (restoreEventInfos) {
let mods = this._modules;
let grabberIndex = 0;
for (let i = 0, len = mods.length; i < len; ++i) {
if (mods[i] == grabber) {
grabberIndex = i; // found the grabber's priority
for (i = 0, len = restoreEventInfos.length; i < len; ++i)
this._passToModules(restoreEventInfos[i], grabberIndex + 1);
* Sometimes a module will swallow a mousedown and mouseup, which (when found
* in sequence) should be followed by a click. Ideally, this module would
* listen for the click as well, and ignore it, but this is a convenience method
* for the module to do so via the InputHandler. Hopefully the module is doing
* this under grab (that is, hopefully the module was grabbing while the mousedown
* and mouseup events came in, *not* just grabbing for making this call).
suppressNextClick: function suppressNextClick() {
this._suppressNextClick = true;
* Undoes any suppression caused by calling suppressNextClick(), unless the click
* already happened.
allowClicks: function allowClicks() {
this._suppressNextClick = false;
* InputHandler's DOM event handler.
handleEvent: function handleEvent(aEvent) {
if (this._ignoreEvents)
/* changing URL or selected a new tab will immediately stop active input handlers */
if (aEvent.type == "URLChanged" || aEvent.type == "TabSelect") {
if (this._suppressNextClick && aEvent.type == "click") {
this._suppressNextClick = false;
this._passToModules(new InputHandler.EventInfo(aEvent));
* Utility method for passing an EventInfo to the handlers of all modules beginning
* with the module at index skipToIndex and increasing (==> decreasing in priority).
_passToModules: function _passToModules(evInfo, skipToIndex) {
if (this._grabber) {
} else {
let mods = this._modules;
let i = skipToIndex || 0;
for (let len = mods.length; i < len; ++i) {
mods[i].handleEvent(evInfo); // event focus could get grabbed in this invocation
if (this._grabbed) // so don't pass the event to the rest of modules
* Helper class to InputHandler. Wraps a DOM event with some additional data.
InputHandler.EventInfo = function EventInfo(aEvent, timestamp) {
this.event = aEvent;
this.time = timestamp ||;
* MouseModule
* Input handler module that handles all mouse-related input such as dragging and
* clicking.
* The Fennec chrome DOM tree has elements that are augmented dynamically with
* custom JS properties that tell the MouseModule they have custom support for
* either dragging or clicking. These JS properties are JS objects that expose
* an interface supporting dragging or clicking (though currently we only look
* to drag scrollable elements).
* The MouseModule grabs event focus of the input handler on mousedown, at which
* point it will attempt to find such custom draggers/clickers by walking up the
* DOM tree from the event target. It ungrabs event focus on mouseup. It
* redispatches the swallowed mousedown, mouseup events back to chrome, so that
* chrome elements still get their events.
* A custom dragger is a JS property that lives on a scrollable DOM element,
* accessible as myElement.customDragger. The customDragger must support the
* following interface: (The `scroller' argument is given for convenience, and
* is the object reference to the element's scrollbox object).
* dragStart(scroller)
* Signals the beginning of a drag.
* dragStop(dx, dy, scroller)
* Signals the end of a drag. The dx, dy parameters may be non-zero to
* indicate one last drag movement.
* dragMove(dx, dy, scroller)
* Signals an input attempt to drag by dx, dy.
* Between mousedown and mouseup, MouseModule incrementally drags and updates
* the dragger accordingly, and also determines whether a [double-]click occured
* (based on whether the input moves have moved outside of a certain drag disk
* centered at the mousedown position). If a [double-]click happened, any
* customClicker will be notified. The customClicker must support the following
* interface:
* singleClick(cx, cy)
* Signals a single (as opposed to double) click occured at client
* coordinates cx, cy
* doubleClick(cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2)
* Signals a doubleclick occured, with the first click at client coordinates
* cx1, cy1, and second click at client coordinates cx2, cy2.
* There is a default dragger in case a scrollable element is dragged --- see
* the defaultDragger prototype property. There is no default clicker.
function MouseModule(owner) {
this._owner = owner;
this._dragData = new DragData(this, 50, 200);
this._dragger = null;
this._clicker = null;
this._downUpEvents = [];
this._downUpDispatchedIndex = 0;
this._targetScrollInterface = null;
this._dragging = false;
this._fastPath = false;
var self = this;
this._kinetic = new KineticController(
function _dragByBound(dx, dy) { return self._dragBy(dx, dy); },
function _dragStopBound() { return self._doDragStop(0, 0, true); }
MouseModule.prototype = {
handleEvent: function handleEvent(evInfo) {
switch (evInfo.event.type) {
case "mousedown":
case "mousemove":
case "mouseup":
* This gets invoked by the input handler if another module grabs. We should
* reset our state or something here. This is probably doing the wrong thing
* in its current form.
cancelPending: function cancelPending() {
if (this._kinetic.isActive())
this._targetScrollInterface = null;
* Handle a mousedown by stopping any lingering kinetic drag, walking DOM tree
* in search of a scrollable element (and its custom dragger if available) and
* a clicker, and initiating a drag if we have said scrollable element. The
* mousedown event is entirely swallowed but is saved for later redispatching,
* once we know right and proper what the input is trying to do to us.
* We grab() in here.
_onMouseDown: function _onMouseDown(evInfo) {
if (this._kinetic.isActive())
// walk up the DOM tree in search of nearest scrollable ancestor. nulls are
// returned if none found.
let [targetScrollbox, targetScrollInterface]
= this.getScrollboxFromElement(;
let targetClicker = this.getClickerFromElement(;
this._targetScrollInterface = targetScrollInterface;
this._dragger = (targetScrollInterface) ? (targetScrollbox.customDragger || this._defaultDragger)
: null;
this._clicker = (targetClicker) ? targetClicker.customClicker : null;
if (targetScrollInterface) {
this._doDragStart(evInfo.event.screenX, evInfo.event.screenY);
* Handle a mouseup by swallowing the event (just as we did the mousedown) as
* well as the possible DOM click event that follows, making one last drag
* (which, do note, might just be the beginning of a kinetic drag that will
* linger long after we are gone), and recording the mousedown for later
* redispatching.
* We ungrab() in here.
_onMouseUp: function _onMouseUp(evInfo) {
let dragData = this._dragData;
// we are swallowing mousedown and mouseup, so we should swallow their
// potential corresponding click, too
let [sX, sY] = [evInfo.event.screenX, evInfo.event.screenY];
let movedOutOfRadius = dragData.isPointOutsideRadius(sX, sY);
if (dragData.dragging)
this._doDragStop(sX, sY);
* If we're in a drag, do what we have to do to drag on.
_onMouseMove: function _onMouseMove(evInfo) {
let dragData = this._dragData;
if (dragData.dragging) {
this._doDragMove(evInfo.event.screenX, evInfo.event.screenY);
* Record a mousedown/mouseup event for later redispatch via
* _redispatchDownUpEvents()
_recordEvent: function _recordEvent(evInfo) {
* Redispatch all pending (un-redispatched) recorded events to the Fennec
* global chrome window.
_redispatchDownUpEvents: function _redispatchDownUpEvents() {
let evQueue = this._downUpEvents;
let len = evQueue.length;
for (let i = this._downUpDispatchedIndex; i < len; ++i)
this._downUpDispatchedIndex = len;
* Helper function to _redispatchDownUpEvents() that sends a single DOM mouse
* event to the Fennec global chrome window.
_redispatchChromeMouseEvent: function _redispatchChromeMouseEvent(aEvent) {
if (!(aEvent instanceof MouseEvent)) {
Cu.reportError("_redispatchChromeMouseEvent called with a non-mouse event");
// we ignore the root scroll frame in this redispatch
Browser.windowUtils.sendMouseEvent(aEvent.type, aEvent.clientX, aEvent.clientY,
aEvent.button, aEvent.detail, 0, true);
* Clear all recorded events. This will *not* automagically redispatch any
* pending un-redispatched events. If you desire to redispatch everything
* in the recorded events buffer, you should call _redispatchDownUpEvents()
* before calling _clearDownUpEvents().
_clearDownUpEvents: function _clearDownUpEvents() {
this._downUpDispatchedIndex = 0;
* Inform our dragger of a dragStart and update kinetic with new data.
_doDragStart: function _doDragStart(sX, sY) {
let dragData = this._dragData;
dragData.setDragStart(sX, sY);
this._kinetic.addData(sX, sY);
* Finish a drag. The third parameter is a secret one used to distinguish
* between the supposed end of drag caused by a mouseup and the real end
* of drag which happens when KineticController::end() is called.
_doDragStop: function _doDragStop(sX, sY, kineticStop) {
if (!kineticStop) { // we're not really done, since now it is
// kinetic's turn to scroll about
let dragData = this._dragData;
let dx = dragData.sX - sX;
let dy = dragData.sY - sY;
this._kinetic.addData(sX, sY);
} else { // now we're done, says our secret 3rd argument
this._dragger.dragStop(0, 0, this._targetScrollInterface);
* Update kinetic with new data and drag.
_doDragMove: function _doDragMove(sX, sY) {
let dragData = this._dragData;
let dX = dragData.sX - sX;
let dY = dragData.sY - sY;
this._kinetic.addData(sX, sY);
return this._dragBy(dX, dY);
* Used by _doDragMove() above and by KineticController's timer to do the
* actual dragMove signalling to the dragger. We'd put this in _doDragMove()
* but then KineticController would be adding to its own data as it signals
* the dragger of dragMove()s.
_dragBy: function _dragBy(dX, dY) {
let dragData = this._dragData;
let sX = dragData.sX - dX;
let sY = dragData.sY - dY;
dragData.setDragPosition(sX, sY);
return this._dragger.dragMove(dX, dY, this._targetScrollInterface);
* Helper function to mouseup, called at the point where a DOM click should
* occur. If movedOutOfRadius is true, then we don't call it an internal
* clicker-notifiable click. In either case, we redispatch all pending
* recorded mousedown/mouseup events.
_doClick: function _doClick(movedOutOfRadius) {
let commitToClicker = this._clicker && !movedOutOfRadius;
if (commitToClicker) {
this._commitAnotherClick(); // commit this click to the doubleclick timewait buffer
if (!commitToClicker) {
this._cleanClickBuffer(); // clean the click buffer ourselves, since there was no clicker
// to commit to. when there is one, the path taken through
} // _commitAndClick takes care of this.
* Commit another click event to our click buffer. The `click buffer' is a
* timeout initiated by the first click. If the timeout is still alive when
* another click is committed, then the click buffer forms a double click, and
* the timeout is cancelled. Otherwise, the timeout issues a single click to
* the clicker.
_commitAnotherClick: function _commitAnotherClick() {
const doubleClickInterval = 400;
if (this._clickTimeout) { // we're waiting for a second click for double
} else {
this._clickTimeout = window.setTimeout(function _clickTimeout(self) { self._doSingleClick(); },
doubleClickInterval, this);
* Endpoint of _commitAnotherClick(). Finalize a single click and tell the clicker.
_doSingleClick: function _doSingleClick() {
dump('doing single click with ' + this._downUpEvents.length + '\n');
for (let i = 0; i < this._downUpEvents.length; ++i)
dump(' ' + this._downUpEvents[i].event.type
+ " :: " + this._downUpEvents[i].event.button
+ " :: " + this._downUpEvents[i].event.detail + '\n');/**/
let ev = this._downUpEvents[1].event;
this._clicker.singleClick(ev.clientX, ev.clientY);
* Endpoint of _commitAnotherClick(). Finalize a double click and tell the clicker.
_doDoubleClick: function _doDoubleClick() {
dump('doing double click with ' + this._downUpEvents.length + '\n');
for (let i = 0; i < this._downUpEvents.length; ++i)
dump(' ' + this._downUpEvents[i].event.type
+ " :: " + this._downUpEvents[i].event.button
+ " :: " + this._downUpEvents[i].event.detail + '\n');/**/
let mouseUp1 = this._downUpEvents[1].event;
let mouseUp2 = this._downUpEvents[3].event;
this._clicker.doubleClick(mouseUp1.clientX, mouseUp1.clientY,
mouseUp2.clientX, mouseUp2.clientY);
* Clean out the click buffer. Should be called after a single, double, or
* non-click has been processed and all relevant (re)dispatches of events in
* the recorded down/up event queue have been issued out.
_cleanClickBuffer: function _cleanClickBuffer() {
delete this._clickTimeout;
* The default dragger object used by MouseModule when dragging a scrollable
* element that provides no customDragger. Simply performs the expected
* regular scrollBy calls on the scroller.
_defaultDragger: {
dragStart: function dragStart(scroller) {},
dragStop : function dragStop(dx, dy, scroller)
{ return this.dragMove(dx, dy, scroller); },
dragMove : function dragMove(dx, dy, scroller) {
if (scroller.getPosition) {
let oldX = {}, oldY = {};
scroller.getPosition(oldX, oldY);
scroller.scrollBy(dx, dy);
let newX = {}, newY = {};
scroller.getPosition(newX, newY);
return (newX.value != oldX.value) || (newY.value != oldY.value);
} else {
scroller.scrollBy(dx, dy);
/* never say we scrolled if we can't get the position, as this will
* cause kinetic to never stop */
return false;
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// -- Utility functions
* Walk up (parentward) the DOM tree from elem in search of a scrollable element.
* Return the element and its scroll interface if one is found, two nulls otherwise.
* This function will cache the pointer to the scroll interface on the element itself,
* so it is safe to call it many times without incurring the same XPConnect overhead
* as in the initial call.
getScrollboxFromElement: function getScrollboxFromElement(elem) {
let scrollbox = null;
let qinterface = null;
while (elem.parentNode) {
try {
if (elem.scrollBoxObject) {
scrollbox = elem;
qinterface = elem.scrollBoxObject;
} else if (elem.boxObject) {
let qi = (elem._cachedSBO) ? elem._cachedSBO
: elem.boxObject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIScrollBoxObject);
if (qi) {
scrollbox = elem;
elem._cachedSBO = qinterface = qi;
} catch (e) { /* we aren't here to deal with your exceptions, we'll just keep
traversing until we find something more well-behaved, as we
prefer default behaviour to whiny scrollers. */ }
elem = elem.parentNode;
return [scrollbox, qinterface];
* Walk up (parentward) the DOM tree from elem in search of an element with
* a customClicker. Return the element if found, null elsewise.
getClickerFromElement: function getClickerFromElement(elem) {
for (; elem; elem = elem.parentNode)
if (elem.customClicker)
return (elem) ? elem : null;
* Drag Data is used by both chrome and content input modules
function DragData(owner, dragRadius, dragStartTimeoutLength) {
this._owner = owner;
this._dragRadius = dragRadius;
DragData.prototype = {
reset: function reset() {
this.dragging = false;
this.sX = null;
this.sY = null;
this.alreadyLocked = false;
this.lockedX = null;
this.lockedY = null;
this._originX = null;
this._originY = null;
setDragPosition: function setDragPosition(screenX, screenY) {
this.sX = screenX;
this.sY = screenY;
setDragStart: function setDragStart(screenX, screenY) {
this.setDragPosition(screenX, screenY);
this._originX = screenX;
this._originY = screenY;
this.dragging = true;
lockMouseMove: function lockMouseMove(sX, sY) {
if (this.lockedX !== null)
sX = this.lockedX;
else if (this.lockedY !== null)
sY = this.lockedY;
return [sX, sY];
lockAxis: function lockAxis(sX, sY) {
if (this.alreadyLocked)
return this.lockMouseMove(sX, sY);
// look at difference from stored coord to lock movement, but only
// do it if initial movement is sufficient to detect intent
let absX = Math.abs(this.sX - sX);
let absY = Math.abs(this.sY - sY);
// lock panning if we move more than half of the drag radius and that direction
// contributed more than 2/3rd to the radial movement
if ((absX > (this._dragRadius / 2)) && ((absX * absX) > (2 * absY * absY))) {
this.lockedY = this.sY;
sY = this.sY;
else if ((absY > (this._dragRadius / 2)) && ((absY * absY) > (2 * absX * absX))) {
this.lockedX = this.sX;
sX = this.sX;
this.alreadyLocked = true;
return [sX, sY];
isPointOutsideRadius: function isPointOutsideRadius(sX, sY) {
if (this._originX == undefined)
return false;
return (Math.pow(sX - this._originX, 2) + Math.pow(sY - this._originY, 2)) >
(2 * Math.pow(this._dragRadius, 2));
* KineticController - a class to take drag position data and use it
* to do kinetic panning of a scrollable object.
* aPanBy is a function that will be called with the dx and dy
* generated by the kinetic algorithm. It should return true if the
* object was panned, false if there was no movement.
function KineticController(aPanBy, aEndCallback) {
this._panBy = aPanBy;
this._timer = null;
this._beforeEnd = aEndCallback;
try {
this._updateInterval = gPrefService.getIntPref("browser.ui.kinetic.updateInterval");
// In preferences this value is an int. We divide so that it can be between 0 and 1;
this._emaAlpha = gPrefService.getIntPref("browser.ui.kinetic.ema.alphaValue") / 10;
// In preferences this value is an int. We divide so that it can be a percent.
this._decelerationRate = gPrefService.getIntPref("browser.ui.kinetic.decelerationRate") / 100;
catch (e) {
this._updateInterval = 33;
this._emaAlpha = .8;
this._decelerationRate = .15;
KineticController.prototype = {
_reset: function _reset() {
if (this._timer != null) {
this._timer = null;
this.momentumBuffer = [];
this._speedX = 0;
this._speedY = 0;
isActive: function isActive() {
return (this._timer != null);
_startTimer: function _startTimer() {
let callback = {
_self: this,
notify: function kineticTimerCallback(timer) {
let self = this._self;
//dump(" speeds: " + self._speedX + " " + self._speedY + "\n");
if (self._speedX == 0 && self._speedY == 0) {
let dx = Math.round(self._speedX * self._updateInterval);
let dy = Math.round(self._speedY * self._updateInterval);
//dump("dx, dy: " + dx + " " + dy + "\n");
let panned = self._panBy(-dx, -dy);
if (!panned) {
if (self._speedX < 0) {
self._speedX = Math.min(self._speedX + self._decelerationRate, 0);
} else if (self._speedX > 0) {
self._speedX = Math.max(self._speedX - self._decelerationRate, 0);
if (self._speedY < 0) {
self._speedY = Math.min(self._speedY + self._decelerationRate, 0);
} else if (self._speedY > 0) {
self._speedY = Math.max(self._speedY - self._decelerationRate, 0);
if (self._speedX == 0 && self._speedY == 0)
this._timer = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
//initialize our timer with updateInterval
start: function start() {
let mb = this.momentumBuffer;
let mblen = this.momentumBuffer.length;
// If we don't have at least 2 events do not do kinetic panning
if (mblen < 2) {
return false;
function ema(currentSpeed, lastSpeed, alpha) {
return alpha * currentSpeed + (1 - alpha) * lastSpeed;
// build arrays of each movement's speed in pixels/ms
let prev = mb[0];
for (let i = 1; i < mblen; i++) {
let me = mb[i];
let timeDiff = me.t - prev.t;
this._speedX = ema( (( - / timeDiff), this._speedX, this._emaAlpha);
this._speedY = ema( (( - / timeDiff), this._speedY, this._emaAlpha);
prev = me;
// fire off our kinetic timer which will do all the work
return true;
end: function end() {
addData: function addData(sx, sy) {
// if we're active, end that move before adding data
if (this.isActive())
let mbLength = this.momentumBuffer.length;
// avoid adding duplicates which would otherwise slow down the speed
let now =;
if (mbLength > 0) {
let mbLast = this.momentumBuffer[mbLength - 1];
if (( == sx && == sy) || mbLast.t == now)
this.momentumBuffer.push({'t': now, 'sx' : sx, 'sy' : sy});
function ContentPanningModule(owner, browserCanvas, useEarlyMouseMoves) {
this._owner = owner;
this._browserCanvas = browserCanvas;
this._dragData = new DragData(this, 50, 200);
this._useEarlyMouseMoves = useEarlyMouseMoves;
var self = this;
this._kinetic = new KineticController( function (dx, dy) { return self._dragBy(dx, dy); } );
ContentPanningModule.prototype = {
handleEvent: function handleEvent(aEvent) {
// exit early for events outside displayed content area
if ( !== this._browserCanvas)
switch (aEvent.type) {
case "mousedown":
case "mousemove":
case "mouseout":
case "mouseup":
/* If someone else grabs events ahead of us, cancel any pending
* timeouts we may have.
cancelPending: function cancelPending() {
_dragStart: function _dragStart(sX, sY) {
let dragData = this._dragData;
dragData.setDragStart(sX, sY);
[sX, sY] = dragData.lockAxis(sX, sY);
//ws.dragStart(sX, sY);
_dragStop: function _dragStop(sX, sY) {
let dragData = this._dragData;
[sX, sY] = dragData.lockMouseMove(sX, sY);
// start kinetic scrolling here for canvas only
this._kinetic.start(sX, sY);
_dragBy: function _dragBy(dx, dy) {
/* XXX
let panned = ws.dragBy(dx, dy);
return panned;
return false;
_dragMove: function _dragMove(sX, sY) {
let dragData = this._dragData;
[sX, sY] = dragData.lockMouseMove(sX, sY);
//XXX let panned = ws.dragMove(sX, sY);
let panned = false;
dragData.setDragPosition(sX, sY);
return panned;
_onMouseDown: function _onMouseDown(aEvent) {
let dragData = this._dragData;
// if we're in the process of kineticly scrolling, stop and start over
if (this._kinetic.isActive()) {
this._dragStart(aEvent.screenX, aEvent.screenY);
this._onMouseMove(aEvent); // treat this as a mouse move too
_onMouseUp: function _onMouseUp(aEvent) {
let dragData = this._dragData;
if (dragData.dragging) {
this._onMouseMove(aEvent); // treat this as a mouse move, incase our x/y are different
this._dragStop(aEvent.screenX, aEvent.screenY);
dragData.reset(); // be sure to reset the timer
_onMouseMove: function _onMouseMove(aEvent) {
// don't do anything if we're in the process of kineticly scrolling
if (this._kinetic.isActive())
let dragData = this._dragData;
// if we move enough, start a grab to prevent click from getting events
if (dragData.isPointOutsideRadius(aEvent.screenX, aEvent.screenY))
// if we never received a mouseDown, we need to go ahead and set this data
if (!dragData.sX)
dragData.setDragPosition(aEvent.screenX, aEvent.screenY);
let [sX, sY] = dragData.lockMouseMove(aEvent.screenX, aEvent.screenY);
// even if we haven't started dragging yet, we should queue up the
// mousemoves in case we do start
if (this._useEarlyMouseMoves || dragData.dragging)
this._kinetic.addData(sX, sY);
if (dragData.dragging)
this._dragMove(sX, sY);
* Mouse click handlers
function ContentClickingModule(owner) {
this._owner = owner;
this._clickTimeout = -1;
this._events = [];
this._zoomedTo = null;
ContentClickingModule.prototype = {
handleEvent: function handleEvent(aEvent) {
switch (aEvent.type) {
// UI panning events
case "mousedown":
this._events.push({event: aEvent, time:});
case "mouseup":
// keep an eye out for mouseups that didn't start with a mousedown
if (!(this._events.length % 2)) {
this._events.push({event: aEvent, time:});
if (this._clickTimeout == -1) {
this._clickTimeout = window.setTimeout(function _clickTimeout(self) { self._sendSingleClick(); }, 400, this);
} else {
this._clickTimeout = -1;
/* If someone else grabs events ahead of us, cancel any pending
* timeouts we may have.
cancelPending: function cancelPending() {
_reset: function _reset() {
if (this._clickTimeout != -1)
this._clickTimeout = -1;
this._events = [];
_sendSingleClick: function _sendSingleClick() {
_sendDoubleClick: function _sendDoubleClick() {
function optimalElementForPoint(cX, cY) {
var element = Browser.canvasBrowser.elementFromPoint(cX, cY);
return element;
let firstEvent = this._events[0].event;
let zoomElement = optimalElementForPoint(firstEvent.clientX, firstEvent.clientY);
if (zoomElement) {
if (zoomElement != this._zoomedTo) {
this._zoomedTo = zoomElement;
} else {
this._zoomedTo = null;
_dispatchContentMouseEvent: function _dispatchContentMouseEvent(aEvent, aType) {
if (!(aEvent instanceof MouseEvent)) {
Cu.reportError("_dispatchContentMouseEvent called with a non-mouse event");
let cb = Browser.canvasBrowser;
var [x, y] = cb._clientToContentCoords(aEvent.clientX, aEvent.clientY);
var cwu = cb.contentDOMWindowUtils;
// Redispatch the mouse event, ignoring the root scroll frame
cwu.sendMouseEvent(aType || aEvent.type,
x, y,
aEvent.button || 0,
aEvent.detail || 1,
0, true);
* Input module for basic scrollwheel input. Currently just zooms the browser
* view accordingly.
function ScrollwheelModule(owner, browserView, browserViewContainer) {
this._owner = owner;
this._browserView = browserView;
this._browserViewContainer = browserViewContainer;
ScrollwheelModule.prototype = {
handleEvent: function handleEvent(evInfo) {
//if ( === this._browserViewContainer) {
if (evInfo.event.type == "DOMMouseScroll") {
dump('got scrollwheel event on target ' + + '\n');
/* We don't have much state to reset if we lose event focus */
cancelPending: function cancelPending() {}