
312 lines
9.6 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Cr = Components.results;
const Cu = Components.utils;
// Import common head.
let (commonFile = do_get_file("../head_common.js", false)) {
let uri =;
Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(uri.spec, this);
// Put any other stuff relative to this test folder below.
* Header file for autocomplete testcases that create a set of pages with uris,
* titles, tags and tests that a given search term matches certain pages.
let current_test = 0;
function AutoCompleteInput(aSearches) {
this.searches = aSearches;
AutoCompleteInput.prototype = {
timeout: 10,
textValue: "",
searches: null,
searchParam: "",
popupOpen: false,
minResultsForPopup: 0,
invalidate: function() {},
disableAutoComplete: false,
completeDefaultIndex: false,
get popup() { return this; },
onSearchBegin: function() {},
onSearchComplete: function() {},
setSelectedIndex: function() {},
get searchCount() { return this.searches.length; },
getSearchAt: function(aIndex) this.searches[aIndex],
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([
function toURI(aSpec) {
return uri(aSpec);
let appendTags = true;
// Helper to turn off tag matching in results
function ignoreTags()
print("Ignoring tags from results");
appendTags = false;
function ensure_results(aSearch, aExpected)
let controller = Cc[";1"].
// Make an AutoCompleteInput that uses our searches
// and confirms results on search complete
let input = new AutoCompleteInput(["history"]);
controller.input = input;
if (typeof kSearchParam == "string")
input.searchParam = kSearchParam;
let numSearchesStarted = 0;
input.onSearchBegin = function() {
do_check_eq(numSearchesStarted, 1);
input.onSearchComplete = function() {
do_check_eq(numSearchesStarted, 1);
aExpected = aExpected.slice();
// Check to see the expected uris and titles match up (in any order)
for (let i = 0; i < controller.matchCount; i++) {
let value = controller.getValueAt(i);
let comment = controller.getCommentAt(i);
print("Looking for '" + value + "', '" + comment + "' in expected results...");
let j;
for (j = 0; j < aExpected.length; j++) {
// Skip processed expected results
if (aExpected[j] == undefined)
let [uri, title, tags] = gPages[aExpected[j]];
// Load the real uri and titles and tags if necessary
uri = toURI(kURIs[uri]).spec;
title = kTitles[title];
if (tags && appendTags)
title += " \u2013 " + kTitles[aTag]);
print("Checking against expected '" + uri + "', '" + title + "'...");
// Got a match on both uri and title?
if (uri == value && title == comment) {
print("Got it at index " + j + "!!");
// Make it undefined so we don't process it again
aExpected[j] = undefined;
// We didn't hit the break, so we must have not found it
if (j == aExpected.length)
do_throw("Didn't find the current result ('" + value + "', '" + comment + "') in expected: " + aExpected);
// Make sure we have the right number of results
print("Expecting " + aExpected.length + " results; got " +
controller.matchCount + " results");
do_check_eq(controller.matchCount, aExpected.length);
// If we expect results, make sure we got matches
do_check_eq(controller.searchStatus, aExpected.length ?
Ci.nsIAutoCompleteController.STATUS_COMPLETE_MATCH :
// Fetch the next test if we have more
if (++current_test < gTests.length)
print("Searching for.. '" + aSearch + "'");
// Get history services
var histsvc = Cc[";1"].
var bhist = histsvc.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIBrowserHistory);
var bmsvc = Cc[";1"].
var tagsvc = Cc[";1"].
var iosvc = Cc[";1"].
var prefs = Cc[";1"].
// Some date not too long ago
let gDate = new Date( - 1000 * 60 * 60) * 1000;
// Store the page info for each uri
let gPages = [];
// Initialization tasks to be run before the next test
let gNextTestSetupTasks = [];
* Adds a page, and creates various properties for it depending on the
* parameters passed in. This function will also add one visit, unless
* aNoVisit is true.
* @param aURI
* An index into kURIs that holds the string for the URI we are to add a
* page for.
* @param aTitle
* An index into kTitles that holds the string for the title we are to
* associate with the specified URI.
* @param aBook [optional]
* An index into kTitles that holds the string for the title we are to
* associate with the bookmark. If this is undefined, no bookmark is
* created.
* @param aTags [optional]
* An array of indexes into kTitles that hold the strings for the tags we
* are to associate with the URI. If this is undefined (or aBook is), no
* tags are added.
* @param aKey [optional]
* A string to associate as the keyword for this bookmark. aBook must be
* a valid index into kTitles for this to be checked and used.
* @param aTransitionType [optional]
* The transition type to use when adding the visit. The default is
* nsINavHistoryService::TRANSITION_LINK.
* @param aNoVisit [optional]
* If true, no visit is added for the URI. If false or undefined, a
* visit is added.
function addPageBook(aURI, aTitle, aBook, aTags, aKey, aTransitionType, aNoVisit)
gNextTestSetupTasks.push([task_addPageBook, arguments]);
function task_addPageBook(aURI, aTitle, aBook, aTags, aKey, aTransitionType, aNoVisit)
// Add a page entry for the current uri
gPages[aURI] = [aURI, aBook != undefined ? aBook : aTitle, aTags];
let uri = toURI(kURIs[aURI]);
let title = kTitles[aTitle];
let out = [aURI, aTitle, aBook, aTags, aKey];
out.push("\nuri=" + kURIs[aURI]);
out.push("\ntitle=" + title);
// Add the page and a visit if we need to
if (!aNoVisit) {
yield promiseAddVisits({
uri: uri,
transition: aTransitionType || TRANSITION_LINK,
visitDate: gDate,
title: title
out.push("\nwith visit");
// Add a bookmark if we need to
if (aBook != undefined) {
let book = kTitles[aBook];
let bmid = bmsvc.insertBookmark(bmsvc.unfiledBookmarksFolder, uri,
bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, book);
out.push("\nbook=" + book);
// Add a keyword to the bookmark if we need to
if (aKey != undefined)
bmsvc.setKeywordForBookmark(bmid, aKey);
// Add tags if we need to
if (aTags != undefined && aTags.length > 0) {
// Convert each tag index into the title
let tags = kTitles[aTag]);
tagsvc.tagURI(uri, tags);
out.push("\ntags=" + tags);
print("\nAdding page/book/tag: " + out.join(", "));
function run_test() {
// always search in history + bookmarks, no matter what the default is
prefs.setIntPref("", 3);
prefs.setIntPref("browser.urlbar.default.behavior", 0);
// Search is asynchronous, so don't let the test finish immediately
// Load the test and print a description then run the test
let [description, search, expected, func] = gTests[current_test];
// By default assume we want to match tags
appendTags = true;
// Do an extra function if necessary
if (func)
Task.spawn(function () {
// Iterate over all tasks and execute them
for (let [, [fn, args]] in Iterator(gNextTestSetupTasks)) {
yield fn.apply(this, args);
// Clean up to allow tests to register more functions.
gNextTestSetupTasks = [];
// At this point frecency could still be updating due to latest pages
// updates. This is not a problem in real life, but autocomplete tests
// should return reliable resultsets, thus we have to wait.
yield promiseAsyncUpdates();
}).then(function () ensure_results(search, expected),
// Utility function to remove history pages
function removePages(aURIs)
gNextTestSetupTasks.push([do_removePages, arguments]);
function do_removePages(aURIs)
for each (let uri in aURIs)
// Utility function to mark pages as typed
function markTyped(aURIs, aTitle)
gNextTestSetupTasks.push([task_markTyped, arguments]);
function task_markTyped(aURIs, aTitle)
for (let uri of aURIs) {
yield promiseAddVisits({
uri: toURI(kURIs[uri]),
title: kTitles[aTitle]