
612 lines
20 KiB

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
// Tests that searching for add-ons works correctly
const SEARCH_URL = TESTROOT + "browser_searching.xml";
const NO_MATCH_URL = TESTROOT + "browser_searching_empty.xml";
const QUERY = "SEARCH";
const REMOTE_TO_INSTALL = "remote1";
const REMOTE_INSTALL_URL = TESTROOT + "addons/browser_searching.xpi";
var gManagerWindow;
var gCategoryUtilities;
var gProvider;
var gServer;
var gAddonInstalled = false;
function test() {
// Turn on searching for this test
Services.prefs.setIntPref(PREF_SEARCH_MAXRESULTS, 15);
gProvider = new MockProvider();
id: "",
name: "PASS - f",
description: "Test description - SEARCH",
size: 3,
version: "1.0",
updateDate: new Date(2010, 4, 2, 0, 0, 1)
}, {
id: "",
name: "FAIL",
description: "Does not match query"
}, {
id: "",
name: "PASS - c",
description: "Test description - reSEARCHing SEARCH SEARCH",
size: 6,
version: "2.0",
updateDate: new Date(2010, 4, 2, 0, 0, 0)
var installs = gProvider.createInstalls([{
name: "PASS - a - SEARCHing",
sourceURI: ""
}, {
name: "PASS - g - reSEARCHing SEARCH",
sourceURI: ""
}, {
// Does not match query
name: "FAIL",
sourceURI: ""
installs.forEach(function(aInstall) { aInstall.install(); });
open_manager(null, function(aWindow) {
gManagerWindow = aWindow;
gCategoryUtilities = new CategoryUtilities(gManagerWindow);
function end_test() {
close_manager(gManagerWindow, function() {
var installedAddon = get_addon_item(REMOTE_TO_INSTALL).mAddon;
AddonManager.getAllInstalls(function(aInstallsList) {
for (var i = 0; i < aInstallsList.length; i++) {
var install = aInstallsList[i];
var sourceURI = install.sourceURI.spec;
if (sourceURI == REMOTE_INSTALL_URL ||
sourceURI.match(/^http:\/\/example\.com\/(.+)\.xpi$/) != null)
function getAnonymousElementByAttribute(aElement, aName, aValue) {
return gManagerWindow.document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(aElement,
* Checks whether or not the Add-ons Manager is currently searching
* @param aExpectedSearching
* The expected isSearching state
function check_is_searching(aExpectedSearching) {
is(gManagerWindow.gHeader.isSearching, aExpectedSearching,
"Should get expected isSearching state");
var throbber = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("header-searching");
var style = gManagerWindow.document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(throbber, "");
is(style.visibility, aExpectedSearching ? "visible" : "hidden",
"Search throbber should be showing iff currently searching");
* Completes a search
* @param aQuery
* The query to search for
* @param aFinishImmediately
* Boolean representing whether or not the search is expected to
* finish immediately
* @param aCallback
* The callback to call when the search is done
* @param aCategoryType
* The expected selected category after the search is done.
* Optional and defaults to "search"
function search(aQuery, aFinishImmediately, aCallback, aCategoryType) {
// Point search to the correct xml test file
var url = (aQuery == NO_MATCH_QUERY) ? NO_MATCH_URL : SEARCH_URL;
Services.prefs.setCharPref(PREF_GETADDONS_GETSEARCHRESULTS, url);
aCategoryType = aCategoryType ? aCategoryType : "search";
var searchBox = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("header-search");
searchBox.value = aQuery;
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(searchBox, 2, 2, { }, gManagerWindow);
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", { }, gManagerWindow);
var finishImmediately = true;
wait_for_view_load(gManagerWindow, function() {
is(gCategoryUtilities.selectedCategory, aCategoryType, "Expected category view should be selected");
is(gCategoryUtilities.isTypeVisible("search"), aCategoryType == "search",
"Search category should only be visible if it is the current view");
is(finishImmediately, aFinishImmediately, "Search should finish immediately only if expected");
finishImmediately = false
if (!aFinishImmediately)
* Return results of a search
* @return Array of objects, each containing the name and item of a specific
* result
function get_actual_results() {
var list = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("search-list");
var rows = list.getElementsByTagName("richlistitem");
var results = [];
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
var item = rows[i];
// Only consider items that are currently showing
var style = gManagerWindow.document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(item, "");
if (style.display == "none" || style.visibility != "visible")
if (item.mInstall) {
var sourceURI = item.mInstall.sourceURI.spec;
if (sourceURI == REMOTE_INSTALL_URL) {
results.push({name: REMOTE_TO_INSTALL, item: item});
var result = sourceURI.match(/^http:\/\/example\.com\/(.+)\.xpi$/);
if (result != null) {
is("PASS"), 0, "Install name should start with PASS");
results.push({name: result[1], item: item});
if (item.mAddon) {
var result =^(.+)@tests\.mozilla\.org$/);
if (result != null) {
is("PASS"), 0, "Addon name should start with PASS");
results.push({name: result[1], item: item});
return results;
* Returns expected results when searching for QUERY with default ordering
* @param aSortBy
* How the results are sorted (e.g. "name")
* @param aLocalExpected
* Boolean representing if local results are expected
* @param aRemoteExpected
* Boolean representing if remote results are expected
* @return A pair: [array of results with an expected order,
* array of results with unknown order]
function get_expected_results(aSortBy, aLocalExpected, aRemoteExpected) {
var expectedOrder = null, unknownOrder = null;
switch (aSortBy) {
case "relevancescore":
expectedOrder = [ "remote4" , "addon2", "remote1" , "remote2",
"install2", "addon1", "install1", "remote3" ];
unknownOrder = [];
case "name":
// Defaults to ascending order
expectedOrder = [ "install1", "remote1", "addon2" , "remote2",
"remote3" , "addon1" , "install2", "remote4" ];
unknownOrder = [];
case "size":
expectedOrder = [ "addon2" , "remote2", "remote4", "addon1",
"remote1", "remote3" ];
// Size data not available for installs
unknownOrder = [ "install1", "install2" ];
case "dateUpdated":
expectedOrder = [ "addon1", "addon2" ];
// Updated date not available for installs and remote add-ons
unknownOrder = [ "install1", "install2", "remote1",
"remote2" , "remote3" , "remote4" ];
ok(false, "Should recognize sortBy when checking the order of items");
// Only keep expected results
function filterResults(aId) {
// Include REMOTE_TO_INSTALL as a local add-on if it has been installed
if (gAddonInstalled && aId == REMOTE_TO_INSTALL)
return aLocalExpected;
if (aId.indexOf("addon") == 0 || aId.indexOf("install") == 0)
return aLocalExpected;
if (aId.indexOf("remote") == 0)
return aRemoteExpected;
return false;
return [expectedOrder.filter(filterResults),
* Check that the actual and expected results are the same
* @param aQuery
* The search query used
* @param aSortBy
* How the results are sorted (e.g. "name")
* @param aReverseOrder
* Boolean representing if the results are in reverse default order
* @param aFilterLocal
* Boolean representing if local results should be filtered out or not
* @param aFilterRemote
* Boolean representing if remote results should be filtered out or not
function check_results(aQuery, aSortBy, aReverseOrder, aFilterLocal, aFilterRemote) {
var localFilterChecked = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("search-filter-local").checked;
var remoteFilterChecked = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("search-filter-remote").checked;
is(localFilterChecked, !aFilterLocal, "Local filter should be checked if showing local items");
is(remoteFilterChecked, !aFilterRemote, "Remote filter should be checked if showing remote items");
// Get expected order assuming default order
var expectedOrder = [], unknownOrder = [];
if (aQuery == QUERY)
[expectedOrder, unknownOrder] = get_expected_results(aSortBy, !aFilterLocal, !aFilterRemote);
// Get actual order of results
var actualResults = get_actual_results();
var actualOrder = [ for each(result in actualResults)];
// Reverse array of actual results if supposed to be in reverse order.
// Reverse actualOrder instead of expectedOrder so can always check
// expectedOrder before unknownOrder
if (aReverseOrder)
// Check actual vs. expected list of results
var totalExpectedResults = expectedOrder.length + unknownOrder.length;
is(actualOrder.length, totalExpectedResults, "Should get correct number of results");
var i = 0;
for (; i < expectedOrder.length; i++)
is(actualOrder[i], expectedOrder[i], "Should have seen expected item");
// Items with data that is unknown can appear in any order among themselves,
// so just check that these items exist
for (; i < actualOrder.length; i++) {
var unknownOrderIndex = unknownOrder.indexOf(actualOrder[i]);
ok(unknownOrderIndex >= 0, "Should expect to see item with data that is unknown");
unknownOrder[unknownOrderIndex] = null;
// Check status of empty notice
var emptyNotice = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("search-list-empty");
is(emptyNotice.hidden, totalExpectedResults > 0,
"Empty notice should be hidden only if expecting shown items");
* Check results of a search with different filterings
* @param aQuery
* The search query used
* @param aSortBy
* How the results are sorted (e.g. "name")
* @param aReverseOrder
* Boolean representing if the results are in reverse default order
function check_filtered_results(aQuery, aSortBy, aReverseOrder) {
var localFilter = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("search-filter-local");
var remoteFilter = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("search-filter-remote");
var list = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("search-list");
// Check with no filtering
check_results(aQuery, aSortBy, aReverseOrder, false, false);
// Check with filtering out local add-ons
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(localFilter, 2, 2, { }, gManagerWindow);
check_results(aQuery, aSortBy, aReverseOrder, true, false);
// Check with filtering out both local and remote add-ons
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(remoteFilter, 2, 2, { }, gManagerWindow);
check_results(aQuery, aSortBy, aReverseOrder, true, true);
// Check with filtering out remote add-ons
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(localFilter, 2, 2, { }, gManagerWindow);
check_results(aQuery, aSortBy, aReverseOrder, false, true);
// Set back to no filtering
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(remoteFilter, 2, 2, { }, gManagerWindow);
* Get item for a specific add-on by name
* @param aName
* The name of the add-on to search for
* @return Row of add-on if found, null otherwise
function get_addon_item(aName) {
var id = aName + "";
var list = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("search-list");
var rows = list.getElementsByTagName("richlistitem");
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
var row = rows[i];
if (row.mAddon && == id)
return row;
return null;
* Get item for a specific install by name
* @param aName
* The name of the install to search for
* @return Row of install if found, null otherwise
function get_install_item(aName) {
var sourceURI = "" + aName + ".xpi";
var list = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("search-list");
var rows = list.getElementsByTagName("richlistitem");
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
var row = rows[i];
if (row.mInstall && row.mInstall.sourceURI.spec == sourceURI)
return row;
return null;
* Gets the install button for a specific item
* @param aItem
* The item to get the install button for
* @return The install button for aItem
function get_install_button(aItem) {
isnot(aItem, null, "Item should not be null when checking state of install button");
var installStatus = getAnonymousElementByAttribute(aItem, "anonid", "install-status");
return getAnonymousElementByAttribute(installStatus, "anonid", "install-remote");
// Tests that searching for the empty string does nothing when not in the search view
add_test(function() {
is(gCategoryUtilities.isTypeVisible("search"), false, "Search category should initially be hidden");
var selectedCategory = gCategoryUtilities.selectedCategory;
isnot(selectedCategory, "search", "Selected type should not initially be the search view");
search("", true, run_next_test, selectedCategory);
// Tests that the results from a query are sorted by relevancescore in descending order.
// Also test that double clicking non-install items goes to the detail view, and that
// only remote items have install buttons showing
add_test(function() {
search(QUERY, false, function() {
check_results(QUERY, "relevancescore", false);
var list = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("search-list");
var results = get_actual_results();
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
var result = results[i];
var installBtn = get_install_button(result.item);
is(installBtn.hidden,"remote") != 0,
"Install button should only be showing for remote items");
var currentIndex = -1;
function run_next_double_click_test() {
if (currentIndex >= results.length) {
var result = results[currentIndex];
if ("install") == 0) {
var item = result.item;
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(item, 2, 2, { clickCount: 2 }, gManagerWindow);
wait_for_view_load(gManagerWindow, function() {
var name = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("detail-name").value;
is(name,, "Name in detail view should be correct");
var version = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("detail-version").value;
is(version, item.mAddon.version, "Version in detail view should be correct");
var headerLink = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("header-link");
is(headerLink.hidden, false, "Header link should be showing in detail view");
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(headerLink, 2, 2, { }, gManagerWindow);
wait_for_view_load(gManagerWindow, run_next_double_click_test);
// Tests that the sorters and filters correctly manipulate the results
add_test(function() {
var sorters = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("search-sorters");
var originalHandler = sorters.handler;
var sorterNames = ["name", "size", "dateUpdated"];
var buttonIds = ["btn-name", "btn-size", "btn-date"];
var currentIndex = 0;
var currentReversed = false;
function run_sort_test() {
if (currentIndex >= sorterNames.length) {
sorters.handler = originalHandler;
// Simulate clicking on a specific sorter
var buttonId = buttonIds[currentIndex];
var sorter = getAnonymousElementByAttribute(sorters, "anonid", buttonId);
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(sorter, 2, 2, { }, gManagerWindow);
sorters.handler = {
onSortChanged: function(aSortBy, aAscending) {
if (originalHandler && "onSortChanged" in originalHandler)
originalHandler.onSortChanged(aSortBy, aAscending);
check_filtered_results(QUERY, sorterNames[currentIndex], currentReversed);
if (currentReversed)
currentReversed = !currentReversed;
check_filtered_results(QUERY, "relevancescore", false);
// Tests that searching for the empty string does nothing when in search view
add_test(function() {
search("", true, function() {
check_results(QUERY, "dateUpdated", true);
// Tests that clicking a different category hides the search query
add_test(function() {
gCategoryUtilities.openType("extension", function() {
is(gCategoryUtilities.isTypeVisible("search"), false, "Search category should be hidden");
is(gCategoryUtilities.selectedCategory, "extension", "View should have changed to extension");
// Tests that re-searching for query doesn't actually complete a new search,
// and the last sort is still used
add_test(function() {
search(QUERY, true, function() {
check_results(QUERY, "dateUpdated", true);
// Tests that getting zero results works correctly
add_test(function() {
search(NO_MATCH_QUERY, false, function() {
check_filtered_results(NO_MATCH_QUERY, "relevancescore", false);
// Tests that installing a remote add-on works
add_test(function() {
var installBtn = null;
var listener = {
onInstallEnded: function(aInstall, aAddon) {
// Don't immediately consider the installed add-on as local because
// if the user was filtering out local add-ons, the installed add-on
// would vanish. Only consider add-on as local on new searches.
is(installBtn.hidden, true, "Install button should be hidden after install ended");
check_filtered_results(QUERY, "relevancescore", false);
search(QUERY, false, function() {
var list = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("search-list");
var remoteItem = get_addon_item(REMOTE_TO_INSTALL);
installBtn = get_install_button(remoteItem);
is(installBtn.hidden, false, "Install button should be showing before install");
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(installBtn, 2, 2, { }, gManagerWindow);
// Tests that re-searching for query results in correct results
add_test(function() {
// Select a different category
gCategoryUtilities.openType("extension", function() {
is(gCategoryUtilities.isTypeVisible("search"), false, "Search category should be hidden");
is(gCategoryUtilities.selectedCategory, "extension", "View should have changed to extension");
var installBtn = get_install_button(get_addon_item(REMOTE_TO_INSTALL));
is(installBtn.hidden, true, "Install button should be hidden for installed item");
search(QUERY, true, function() {
check_filtered_results(QUERY, "relevancescore", false);
// Tests that restarting the manager doesn't change search results
add_test(function() {
restart_manager(gManagerWindow, null, function(aWindow) {
gManagerWindow = aWindow;
gCategoryUtilities = new CategoryUtilities(gManagerWindow);
// Installed add-on is considered local on new search
gAddonInstalled = true;
search(QUERY, false, function() {
check_filtered_results(QUERY, "relevancescore", false);
var installBtn = get_install_button(get_addon_item(REMOTE_TO_INSTALL));
is(installBtn.hidden, true, "Install button should be hidden for installed item");