Boris Zbarsky 8bdd1a64af Bug 659350 part 5. The guts of the change to move from storing inline event handlers on the JSObject to storing them in the event listener manager directly, so we can easily set/read them via IDL.
The changes here are as follows:
1) nsIJSEventListener now stores the handler.  This is guaranteed to be already bound properly, if needed, before being set in the nsIJSEventListener.
2) The old classinfo glue to deal with on* properties is gone.
3) IDL-based methods for on* properties have been added.
2011-08-24 15:49:25 -04:00

111 lines
4.9 KiB

/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
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* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is the Mozilla Foundation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2011
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Boris Zbarsky <>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
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#include "domstubs.idl"
%{ C++
#include "jspubtd.h"
[scriptable, uuid(c3cc4504-1eaf-42e9-8b1b-a3020f6d3a28)]
interface nsIInlineEventHandlers : nsISupports
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onabort;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onblur;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval oncanplay;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval oncanplaythrough;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onchange;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onclick;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval oncontextmenu;
// Not supported yet
// [implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval oncuechange;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval ondblclick;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval ondrag;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval ondragend;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval ondragenter;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval ondragleave;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval ondragover;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval ondragstart;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval ondrop;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval ondurationchange;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onemptied;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onended;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onerror;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onfocus;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval oninput;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval oninvalid;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onkeydown;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onkeypress;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onkeyup;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onload;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onloadeddata;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onloadedmetadata;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onloadstart;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onmousedown;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onmousemove;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onmouseout;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onmouseover;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onmouseup;
// Not supported yet
// [implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onmousewheel;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onpause;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onplay;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onplaying;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onprogress;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onratechange;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onreadystatechange;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onreset;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onscroll;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onseeked;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onseeking;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onselect;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onshow;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onstalled;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onsubmit;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onsuspend;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval ontimeupdate;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onvolumechange;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onwaiting;
* Non-HTML5 event attributes
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval oncopy;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval oncut;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onpaste;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onbeforescriptexecute;
[implicit_jscontext] attribute jsval onafterscriptexecute;