2007-07-25 20:11:43 -07:00

395 lines
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This is a port of all the existing EnchashDecrypter unittests to the
mochitest framework.
<title>Test for enchash-decrypter.js</title>
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var Cc = Components.classes;
var Ci = Components.interfaces;
var table = Cc[";1?type=url"].createInstance();
var componentScope = table.wrappedJSObject.__parent__;
ok(!!componentScope, "unable to get wrapped js object");
////// Test PROT_EnchashDecrypter methods //////
var PROT_EnchashDecrypter = componentScope.PROT_EnchashDecrypter;
var l = new PROT_EnchashDecrypter();
// Test our regular expressions. Make sure they are handled the same as on
// the server that handles remote look ups.
// Yes this defies our naming convention, but we copy verbatim from
// the C++ unittest, so lets just keep things clear.
var no_dots = "abcd123;[]";
var one_dot = "abc.123";
var two_dots = "two..dots";
var lots_o_dots = "I have a lovely .... bunch of dots";
var multi_dots = "dots ... and ... more .... dots";
var leading_dot = ".leading";
var trailing_dot = "trailing.";
var trailing_dots = "I love trailing dots....";
var end_dots = ".dots.";
var decimal = "1234567890";
var hex = "0x123452FAf";
var bad_hex = "0xFF0xGG";
var octal = "012034056";
var bad_octal = "012034089";
var garbage = "lk,.:asdfa-=";
var mixed = "1230x78034";
var spaces = "123 0xFA 045";
var r = PROT_EnchashDecrypter.REs;
// Test regular expressions matches
function testRE(re, inputValPairs) {
for (var i = 0; i < inputValPairs.length; i += 2)
ok(re.test(inputValPairs[i]) == inputValPairs[i + 1],
"RegExp broken: " + re + " (input: " + inputValPairs[i] + ")");
// Test regular expression replacement
function testReplaceRE(re, replaceStr, inputValPairs) {
for (var i = 0; i < inputValPairs.length; i += 2) {
var inStr = inputValPairs[i];
var outStr = inputValPairs[i + 1];
ok(inStr.replace(re, replaceStr) == outStr,
uneval(inStr) + ".replace(" + uneval(re) + "," + uneval(replaceStr) + ") == " + uneval(outStr) + ")");
var tests = [
"", "",
"normal chars;!@#$%^&*&(", "normal chars;!@#$%^&*&(",
"MORE NORMAL ,./<>?;':{}", "MORE NORMAL ,./<>?;':{}",
"Slightly less\2 normal", "Slightly less normal",
"\245 stuff \4\5foo", " stuff foo",
testReplaceRE(PROT_EnchashDecrypter.REs.FIND_DODGY_CHARS_GLOBAL, "", tests);
tests = [
"", "",
no_dots, no_dots,
one_dot, one_dot,
two_dots, two_dots,
trailing_dot, "trailing",
trailing_dots, "I love trailing dots",
leading_dot, "leading",
"..leading", "leading",
end_dots, "dots",
".both.", "both",
".both..", "both",
"..both.", "both",
"..both..", "both",
"..a.b.c.d..", "a.b.c.d",
"..", "",
testReplaceRE(PROT_EnchashDecrypter.REs.FIND_END_DOTS_GLOBAL, "", tests);
tests = [
"", "",
no_dots, no_dots,
one_dot, one_dot,
two_dots, "two.dots",
lots_o_dots, "I have a lovely . bunch of dots",
multi_dots, "dots . and . more . dots",
"", "",
".", ".",
"127..0.0.1", "",
"127.0..0.1", "",
"127..0..0..1", "",
testReplaceRE(PROT_EnchashDecrypter.REs.FIND_MULTIPLE_DOTS_GLOBAL, ".", tests);
tests = [
no_dots, false,
one_dot, false,
two_dots, true,
lots_o_dots, true,
multi_dots, true
tests = [
"random junk", false,
"123.45.6-7.89", false,
"012.12.123", true,
"0x12.0xff.123", true,
"", true
testRE(r.POSSIBLE_IP, tests);
tests = [
decimal, false,
hex, false,
octal, false,
bad_octal, true
testRE(r.FIND_BAD_OCTAL, tests);
tests = [
decimal, false,
hex, false,
bad_octal, false,
garbage, false,
mixed, false,
spaces, false,
octal, true
testRE(r.IS_OCTAL, tests);
tests = [
hex, false,
garbage, false,
mixed, false,
spaces, false,
octal, true,
bad_octal, true,
decimal, true
testRE(r.IS_DECIMAL, tests);
tests = [
decimal, false,
octal, false,
bad_octal, false,
garbage, false,
mixed, false,
spaces, false,
bad_hex, false,
hex, true
testRE(r.IS_HEX, tests);
// Test find last N
var longstr = "";
for(var k = 0; k < 100; k++) {
longstr += "a";
var shortstr = "short";
var val = l.lastNChars_(longstr, 8);
ok(val.length == 8, "find last eight broken on long str");
val = l.lastNChars_(shortstr, 8);
ok(val.length == 5, "find last eight broken on short str");
// Test canonical num
var tests = [
"", "", 1, true,
"", "10", 0, true,
"", "0x45", -1, true,
"45", "45", 1, true,
"16", "0x10", 1, true,
"1.111", "367", 2, true,
"0.20.229", "012345", 3, true,
"123", "0173", 1, true,
"9", "09", 1, false,
"", "0x120x34", 2, true,
"18.252", "0x12fc", 2, true,
"", "3279880203", 4, true,
"89", "0x0000059", 1, true,
"89", "0x00000059", 1, true,
"103", "0x0000067", 1, true
for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i+= 4) {
ok(tests[i] === l.canonicalNum_(tests[i + 1], tests[i + 2], tests[i + 3]),
"canonicalNum broken on: " + tests[i + 1]);
// Test parseIPAddress (these are all verifiable using ping)
var testing = {
"fake ip": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"12.0x12.01234": "",
"276.2.3": "",
"": "",
"0x12.0x43.0x44.0x01": "",
"167838211": "",
"3279880203": "",
"0x12434401": "",
"413960661": "",
"03053104725": "",
"030.0254.0x89d5": "",
"": "",
"": "",
" xy": "",
" xyz": "",
"": "",
"": ""
for (var key in testing) {
ok(l.parseIPAddress_(key) === testing[key],
"parseIPAddress broken on " + key + "(got: " + l.parseIPAddress_(key));
// Test escapeHostname (bug 368998)
testing = {
"asdf!@#$a": "asdf%21%40%23%24a",
"AB CD 12354": "AB%20CD%2012354",
"\1\2\3\4\112\177": "%01%02%03%04J%7F",
"<>.AS/-+": "%3C%3E.AS%2F-%2B"
var urlUtils = Cc[";1"]
for (var key in testing) {
var out = urlUtils.escapeHostname(key);
ok(out === testing[key],
"escapeString broken on " + key + " (got: " + out + ")");
// Test a really long url (~130k). getCanonicalHost takes about 55ms
// on my 2.8ghz machine.
var long_string = "x";
for (var i = 0; i < 17; ++i) {
long_string += long_string;
var long_hostname_url = "http://" + long_string + "/foo";
var startTime =;
var out = l.getCanonicalHost(long_hostname_url);
var endTime =;
ok(out == long_string, "getCanonicalHost on long string (" +
(endTime - startTime) + "ms)");
// Verify that each character is escaped properly.
for (var i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
var chr = String.fromCharCode(i);
if ( (chr.toLowerCase() >= 'a' && chr.toLowerCase() <= 'z') ||
(chr >= '0' && chr <= '9') ||
'.' == chr || '-' == chr) {
ok(urlUtils.escapeHostname(chr).length == 1, 'failed on ' + i);
} else {
ok(urlUtils.escapeHostname(chr).length == 3, 'failed on ' + i);
// Test getCanonicalHost
testing = {
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"ftp://wierd..chars...%0f,%fa": "wierd.chars.%2c",
"http://0x18ac89d5/": "",
"http://413960661/": "",
"http://03053104725/": "",
"": "",
"http://,": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"http://moZilla.Org/": ""
for (var key in testing) {
var out = l.getCanonicalHost(key, PROT_EnchashDecrypter.MAX_DOTS);
ok(out == testing[key],
"getCanonicalHost broken on: " + key + "(got: " + out + ")");
// Test getCanonicalUrl
testing = {
// For bug 356355.
// For bug 366645
"http://030.0254.0x89d5./": "",
"http://030.0254.0x89d5.../": "",
"http://...030.0254.0x89d5.../": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"http://a.b.c.d.e.f.g/path": "http://a.b.c.d.e.f.g/path",
"http://a.b.c.d.e.f.g...../path": "http://a.b.c.d.e.f.g/path",
"http://a.b.c.d.e.f.g./path": "http://a.b.c.d.e.f.g/path"
for (var key in testing) {
ok(l.getCanonicalUrl(key) == testing[key],
"getCanonicalUrl broken on: " + key + "(got: " + l.getCanonicalUrl(key) + ")");
// Test for a really long url. This 130k url takes about 80ms
// on my 2.8ghz machine.
startTime =;
out = l.getCanonicalUrl(long_hostname_url);
endTime =;
ok(out == long_hostname_url, "getCanonicalUrl on long string (" +
(endTime - startTime) + "ms)");
// Test getlookupkey
var testing = {};
testing[""] = "AF5638A09FDDDAFF5B7A6013B1BE69A9";
testing[""] = "01844755C8143C4579BB28DD59C23747";
testing[""] = "B775DDC22DEBF8BEBFEAC24CE40A1FBF";
for (var key in testing)
ok(l.getLookupKey(key) === testing[key],
"getlookupkey broken on " + key + " (got: " +
l.getLookupKey(key) + ", expected: " +
testing[key] + ")");
// Test decryptdata
var tests =
[ "bGtEQWJuMl/z2ZxSBB2hsuWI8geMAwfSh3YBfYPejQ1O+wyRAJeJ1UW3V56zm" +
"EpUvnaEiECN1pndxW5rEMNzE+gppPeel7PvH+OuabL3NXlspcP0xnpK8rzNgB1" +
"^(?i)http\\:\\/\\/80\\.53\\.164\\.26(?:\\:80)?\\/\\.PayPal" +
"ZTMzZjVnb3WW1Yc2ABorgQGAwYfcaCb/BG3sMFLTMDvOQxH8LkdGGWqp2tI5SK" +
"uNrXIHNf2cyzcVocTqUIUkt1Ud1GKieINcp4tWcU53I0VZ0ZZHCjGObDCbv9Wb" +
"^(?i)http\\:\\/\\/80\\.53\\.164\\.26(?:\\:80)?\\/\\.PayPal\\.com" +
"ZTMzZjVnb3WVb6VqoJ44hVo4V77XjDRcXTxOc2Zpn4yIHcpS0AQ0nn1TVlX4MY" +
"^(?i)http\\:\\/\\/poseidon\\.marinet\\.gr(?:\\:80)?\\/\\~eleni" +
"bGtEQWJuMl9FA3Kl5RiXMpgFU8nDJl9J0hXjUck9+mMUQwAN6llf0gJeY5DIPP" +
"^(?i)http\\:\\/\\/poseidon\\.marinet\\.gr(?:\\:80)?\\/\\~eleni" +
for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i += 3) {
var dec = l.decryptData(tests[i], tests[i + 1]);
ok(dec === tests[i + 2],
"decryptdata broken on " + tests[i] + " (got: " + dec + ", expected: "
+ tests[i + 2] + ")");